
Edge of Deceit de Zane Menzy

de Zane Menzy - Género: English
libro gratis Edge of Deceit


 Sometimes you must abandon your fate to achieve your destiny

Mild-mannered accountant Dane Dravitski has always viewed his best mate Anton as a bright spark in his life, but unexpectedly that bright spark has ignited into a burning desire. Unfortunately, Anton is strictly a ladies' man, and Dane is forced to hide his heart's true feelings. However, a tantalising opportunity presents itself on a boy's night out, and Dane's burning desire begins to shed light on some very dark shadows.

Despite laidback appearances, Anton Matthews is a control freak who has known since a young age he was destined for success. A success that would help heal the scars of his troubled youth. Now at twenty-nine, and the danger of bankruptcy looming, he is growing impatient for some good fortune. To Anton's amazement a shocking revelation from Dane offers him a chance to rectify his situation, but submitting to it means sacrificing his only protection; control.

As the raw love and painful history of their friendship is slowly revealed in a house haunted by its past and ghostly secrets, both men are forced to confront their demons while walking the... Edge of Deceit.

PLEASE NOTE: This emotionally-charged romance touches on some dark themes. It contains descriptions of violence, suicide, and sexually aggressive behaviour. You also have to contend with the author's wayward attempts at Kiwi humour.


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3.5 Stars

Told in multiple POV, 3rd person, it can be read as a standalone. This is my first read by this author and I can’t tell if it was a total winner but it wasn’t that bad. The story was too long and I think it could have been more enjoyable if it was a bit shorter. After what Dane & Anton went through, they forgave each other quickly. I was taken aback by some of their decisions. It’s angsty and alternates between past and present. All in all, it was an OK read, and I hope you enjoy it more than me!2017 m-m24 s Ariana (mostly offline)1,472 64 Read

No rating.

DNF @ 17%

Skimmed through to 17% and nothing here grabs me. I am probably stopping too early. But the writing is not for me. I couldn't care less for either MC and am apparently not in the mood for this.
lgbtq not-for-me11 s David AveryAuthor 1 book79

Suspenseful. Gritty. Beautiful.

Edge of Deceit is a gay romance/drama set in New Zealand and has some very clever twists and turns not often found in this genre. It follows several story lines (past and present) in a mesmerizing fashion and had me intrigued to see how they would all come together.

There certainly are some very erotic and gritty scenes, but I didn’t find them to be gratuitous at all, they just add to the vulnerability of the characters and highlights the sometimes-darker side of love and obsession. You definitely get to experience the despair they feel but the reward is that you also get to revel in their potential which far outweighs the bad.

I particularly enjoyed the storytelling in the way it slowly peeled back the characters' pasts so that you got a real understanding of these men and why they behave the way they do. To me it made sense.

This is more than a story of passion, this is a suspenseful love story between two men that takes an unflinching look at the darker side of love and obsession. In a genre that is dominated by voices pretending to be gay male, this is the rare one that is written by a man, and obviously so. Life can be so complicated sometimes, and intentions and desires misunderstood by those who have never lived them. Zane Menzy knows what he's writing about, and as a male reader, I know he's the real deal and I get what he is saying.

5 stars. Highly recommended!5 s Becky896

Not for the faint hearted

I loathe stories with deeply flawed characters who make terrible decisions that hurt everyone involved; this is why I have still never watched more than two episodes of Breaking Bad.
So, I really struggled with this novel and I had to skip over some of the really rough bits. That said, I had to keep reading - I was so frustrated and upset by the decisions some of the characters make but I just couldn't put the thing down.
To me, the mark of good writer isn't always their eloquence (there were some minor editing issues and sometimes the prose wasn't perfect): it's their ability to draw you completely into their world.
The fact that I was dragged kicking and screaming into the world that Zane Menzy has created in Edge of Deceit is testament to his ability as a creator of memorable characters who demand you experience their feelings.
I also enjoyed recognising places in the book, as my Mum grew up near Hamilton and I've been to the Mount and Raglan.
4 s C74

This was an interesting book and my second experience with this author and it did not disappoint.

This is not your usual M/M romance and at some points you can’t quite figure out, how can two people who love each other so much and hurt each on that level. But that’s life right? However I can understand why some parts of this book can make some people uncomfortable.

I’m not a usual fan fan of paranormal reads , but I did how it’s tackled in this book , so it really didn’t bother if felt more of a casa of magical realism , more than an actual ghost story.

My favorite about this book, was how each character life was woven in each other’s. How each characters life was interconnected, even the secondary characters this was masterfully done. This I did not see coming and it was just wonderful to read.

But sole complain of this book , was it’s length and how long it took to get to actual book. This is over 500 and I didn’t think the story got going until probably 40% and that’s a lot. I think I almost gave up, but the premise of what it was to come kept me going.

Overall a very good read and I think I’ll continue with this authors work2 s Rinkyx198 9

2.5 stars.

I read this during BTS’s comeback as they just dropped their new single “ Fake Love “ off their new album called - Love Yourself: Tear — go check out their MV on youtube! They are amazing and their lyrics are beautiful. Make sure to have closed captions on when you watch the MV. Ok now that Im done promoting my men, onto my short review.

For real - This was an exhausting read. I almost DNF’d but pushed through because I was still interested in knowing how everything turned out. The ending was ok, but overall this book was frustrating to read. Honestly, dumb ass decisions were made by the MC’s and so much dumb decisions led to bad consequences. They got their HEA but so much shit could have been avoidable. So many times I wanted to beat the shit outta Anton and Dane. Anton especially. He was a parasite. Although you find out why he may make dumb ass decisions, some actions are still not excusable, especially his actions and everything he did to Dane when they met the first year and to Craig. I didn’t him. And Dane afterwards with his fcuked up arrangement with Larry. No matter how down in the dumps you are, to allow that be done to you. I can’t understand why. And nothing about it was really resolved for me afterwards as well. I wanted Larry to get fcuked as well and have shit bite him the ass cuz he clearly states he is a predator. Way to save his next victim. I wanted them To destroy his life but nothing was done. Fuck that shit. That pissed me off the most. 2 s Rachel755 120 Want to read

4/23/18 Currently on sale (regular 3.99) for $1.99 via Amazon US: https://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B07...kindle-unlimited m-m-contemporary-romance1 Fallingleave126 4

This book gets so very dark I needed to skip some of it. Despite of that I couldn't get enough of the characters. There is a lot of development with the characters and all their back stories are revealed in time.

I also love the fact that there are different timelines and different point of views. Most of the time I find this confusing but the writer made it very clear and logical which made it so much fun to read. My favorite male character is Dillon, he is so funny in his own way and even though he blackmails Dane in the beginning he is loyal and keeps his promise. All in all he is a good guy.
My favorite female is Nicki. I love how outgoing she is and of course her dirty mouth is so funny.

Conclusion, I really loved this book.
1 SaBine472 5

Oookay now, there is some really ugly stuff in this book. Some might this, but I realised it's just not my thing.
The characters have so many sides, sometimes it's it's a different person from one chapter to the other.

Many times I struggled to keep reading. But I just wanted to know how this gigantic puzzle would be solved and I assure you, it's not predictable.

And while there are some very explicit s*x scenes, there are as well so, so many cheesy discriptions. One sentence had me laugh out loud:" Dane's own cock erupted with thick streams of cum that he worried would break the rubber"

I counted: 42 times there is mentioned "The cheeky blond star"! Uuuugh....kindle-unlimited1 Bob Jackson368

Absolutely brilliant!

I read a lot of books and I must say this is one of the best novels I have read in quite some time. It’s the story of four young adults living in a house which has some very unusual and possibly paranormal qualities. Anton and Dane are the most prominent protagonists and their relationship evolves significantly throughout the book.

Mr. Menzy has written an amazing story of friendship, betrayal, fear, hope, and unconditional love. Not only is the story well written and edge-of-your-seat fascinating, it is told in a carefully crafted and somewhat unique manner.

One of the most kickass things about this book is how the present time and historical events are carefully woven together. The present time story could be told without the backstories and it would be a satisfying read. However, when you weave the backstory events into and throughout the present, the combination together creates this jaw dropping story that plays on every emotion plus some hair raising events.

This book is at the top of my list for must reads. Zane Menzy is meant to be a writer and I for one am grateful he shares his gift with us. Jamie Webb2

More twists & turns than a Rubik cube

One thing I about this author's books, the 2 I've read so far including this one is the characters are wonderfully complex - much real life. a layer cake. Each character evolves & has twists & turns in their individual journeys. And much a layer cake, every sinful bite is delicious. Pick up this book if you don't mind a m/m romance that doesn't mind being a bit gritty, with just a dash of supernatural that somehow complements this tale well. And a bit of rough sex.
Don't stop at chapter 1 I almost did- it's all worth it! Diane5

A Surprisingly Emotional Read

This is the first book by this another I have read but it won't be the last.

This books explores some dark themes but the author deals with the emotion and events in a very insightful and heart felt way. If you struggle with any of authors listed triggers don't read the book, while well written there are times the descriptions are more than you want to know.

There are times you think you can predict where the stories going. I can guarantee you are wrong. I highly recommend this book. I read it in one day, it's that good!

Fallon227 2

The blurb does not do this book justice. It sounded any other sex in exchange for money or Pretty Girl-esque story. This was very dark and the characters are even darker. Some events were extreme and damaging. However, this was about deciding the life you want for yourself and owing your truths.abuse acceptance comfort-healing ...more David GoldonAuthor 4 books4

Now this book was really something else! I started reading this author recently and I can't stop.
It had all the usual twists and turns but for me this time it was a real emotional journey. I can say that never before has a book given me goosebumps, made me nauseous and triggered a tear (or two). Just wow, I was really blown away. love-love-love Breanna39 2

The blurb for this book does not do it justice. When I started this book I had no idea what kind of an emotional ride I was embarking on. It was absolutely amazing, thrilling, agonizing, heartbreaking and heart warming....I could keep going. I could not put it down. I just discovered this author and have d all that I read but after reading this one he will be an automatic buy for me! Sebastian51 3

Overall a good story. I d the bubbles character but that turning him from a ghost back to a living character was a mistake. I also cannot believe that you can put a character through that much sexual degradation and they end up forgiving you and they live happily ever after has a couple. I am glad Dane and Anton got together but it was not very realistic. This entire review has been hidden because of spoilers.Show full review Delevingne399

This was ludicrous and sadistic. Very dark and hideous at points. So much so that I had to skip a few chapters, but I was so intrigued with the Monster House vibe, I needed to see this through. Those bits from the house were haunting and really the best part of this read. heebee-geebees Jerick Enclan LeBlanc1 review

Started out a little cliche and then it got better and it made me cry. PaperMoon1,627 68

Ummmm ... there was some crazy stupid s&%@#t that went down here. I was taken aback a couple of times with the MC's actions/decisions. The ghostly drama was OK with a surprising twist at the end. Jenni75

Totally loved this book. Especially the flashbacks to the past. Loved Nikki, Dane and Craig best. again maya musser79

Really good read. Zane has become one of my favorite author. Can’t get enough of his books. Kat7

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