
Handbags and Poobags: Tales of a Soho Boxer Dog de Wright, Alice

de Wright, Alice - Género: English
libro gratis Handbags and Poobags: Tales of a Soho Boxer Dog


“Handbags and Poobags.... and bags of laughs too! A love story with a twist in its very waggy tail. I think Alice Wright is really Bridget Bones! Forget Hugh Grant or Colin Firth though, her dog is a much better love interest (and he’s a proper Boxer!) If you’re contemplating settling down with a good dog, read this first and if it doesn’t put you off then you’ll be fine. Already had your heart stolen by a dog? You’ll definitely recognise the dogification of your wardrobe, the permanent damage to your flooring and especially the gritty bed linen! What a page-turner. I Loved it.” Beverley Cuddy, Editor DOGS TODAY MAGAZINE "Incredibly honest, genuine and captivating... a real life take on modern day doggie living. It is brutally honest yet heart-warmingly brilliant. A must for all animal fans." Jessica Brown, PETS MAGAZINE What happens when you drop a big, bouncing Boxer dog into the life of a glamorous girl about town? Alice Wright reveals all in her dog-memoir with a difference... Alice's busy life consists of 'parties, premieres and private members clubs' and she loves it! She certainly doesn't want the responsiblity of a partner or a pooch but seems to end up with more than she bargained for in this very funny but incredibly personal memoir about modern dog ownership. Set in the streets of Soho and the parks of North London HANDBAGS AND POOBAGS reveals why you should never wear a long cashmere scarf when poop scooping and how to hide a dog under a barstool and in the back of a taxi-cab. A bit different from the traditional pet-memoir this warm, touching real life tale is full of embarrassing anecdotes and surprising discoveries as Alice realises that owning a dog changes not only her lifestyle but her life.

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This book is good fun and I have completely fallen in love with the Boxer Puppy (I won't give away his name). It tells the story of how a city girl who loves to party has her life completely transformed when buying a Boxer dog puppy.

Alice lives in Soho and her life consists of focusing on her career and attending glamorous premieres and parties. Her life is completely transformed when her and her partner decide to buy a puppy.

This book has some hilarious anecdotes, tips on how to clear up doggy poo (don't wear a long scarf), and builds a realistic picture of the responsibility of owning a dog. If you were planning on buying a puppy for the first time I would definitely recommend reading this book beforehand. The author states on numerous occasions that it is not a training manual, however, it is a good way of preparing you for the damage puppy can do to furniture, also how much time and commitment is required to become a responsible dog owner.

For the puppy's first birthday Alice holds a birthday party at her office for him, this was one of my favourite parts of the book. The food ordered, the balloons, gifts and also the reactions of the other members of the office.

There are many other funny moments in the book which I do not want to spoil. The story is also a love story and there are some really touching moments in the book.

I am also a dog owner and can relate to a lot of the tales in the book, I can also relate to the fact that the good times outweigh the bad and your dog will end up being a part of your family (and most probably will end up sleeping in your bed!)

A lovely story, 4 stars from me.

Becky Sherriff (The Kindle Book Review). 4 s Cathy257

I was afraid at first, that this would be another one of those terrible books about a dumb person buying a dog and then doing everything wrong, writing about it and becoming famous. They aren't to my liking and if I hear about them before I've read them, they go on my 'do not read' list.

Since this one wasn't wildly popular and I'd never heard of the author and because it featured my favorite, loveable breed (also it was recommended by another owner) I read it and was very happy that the author did all the right things :) It's truly a shame that it's not more popular, it gives a good lesson about how to raise a puppy.

It was so wonderful, I couldn't put it down and could have easily read on if the book was twice the length.

I don't identify with the owner one bit, I'd much rather be puttering in the flower garden than going to parties or shows, but I'm very impressed that this couple seemed to know how to raise a puppy.

As far as the boxer puppy part of the book, I've lived every one, I found my head nodding in agreement at many of the scenes. I've owned 7 boxers thus far and had only one that took to swimming, she loved it, splashing around she's nuts while another wilted and whined if any of the water splashed on him!

This breed of dog has a short, wide, thick tongue with loose lips that often get caught up in their teeth. But they can delicately push certain vegetables to the side, after they've removed all the gravy. How do they do that?!?

There's only one thing I could recommend the author to do differently and that is to have 2 of these wonderful, funny dogs at the same time!

boxer2 s Tracey415 8

As soon as i started this book i loved it.. It's a true story ( nothing Marley and me) Of Alice and her life with a dog and how he changes her life etc. The things both Alice and her husband do, say, sing!! I really could associate with her, especially "keeping your hands warm on a fresh turd on a cold day"
It really is a funny uplifting book.
If you have a dog ( or 2) you must read this book, i swear you'll be laughing all the way.2 s Leigh Mitchell210 1 follower

Loved this fairly short kindle freebie so much, dog owners and lovers will smile in recognition at some of Basil's antics. 2 s Stacey Bennett173 5

Very good read, reminded me of when I first got my gorgeous dog Snoop. All dog lovers will adore this book :)2 s Janice17 2

Loved this, especially as it started off with saying "The dog does not die at the end"2 s J. A. Lewis430 3

I almost deleted this one. The first few chapters about drunken nights, hangovers, and vomiting in ones handbag and hat were not appealing to me. In fact, I'd call it a complete turnoff. I went back to Amazon and read some of the before continuing. If you can get past those chapters, it does get better. Alice Wright and her partner (eventually husband) decide to get a dog and choose a Boxer puppy. Her descriptions of becoming a dog owner and the responsibilities that descend upon her are comical, often laugh out loud funny. The chapter about the dog sleeping in their bed was my favorite. As a pet owner, I certainly could relate to much of what Mrs. Wright discusses. Overall, a decent read, but if I could read it again without the references to drunken nights, all the better. A few editing errors.1 Ruth Dresher-Brown116 5

I really enjoyed Ms Wright’s memoir about her life with Basil, (and Patrick and Stanley). She offered a very forthright narrative of her life and times pre-dog, new dog, and enduringly loved dog. What a radical change in lifestyle and thought processes! He scared her at first, at losing her freedom to do whatever struck her to do. But it wasn’t a bad realization that she began to care for her others more than just for herself. That’s growth. The several - well many life changes that bring the book to fruition are quite charming and also painful. You know what’s coming. Her various lists sprinkled throughout are a riot to read. Her writing fairly sparkles with her energy. Great read.
1 Kerrie12 4

Now, this is not the sort of book I would normally go for - in fact I'm not sure how it got onto Kimberly in the first place but it was randomly picked for me to read so I gave it a go and I absolutely loved it :)
It had me 'lol'ing in places, especially where a thumb ends up where no thumb should.........
As I've said, this wasn't my normal read - I usually at least one good killing and I'm glad to say that there was not one death in this book!
I think this is more of a book for the ladies but I'm sure there's more than a chap or two out there that would disagree with me :D!!!!1 Misfits farm1,871 82

An entertaining book of a hapless, new-time dog owner. I read this as we have a boxer and yes it's all true what they do. Some parts did made me cringe "should I have left the door open?" "he ate chocolate and grapes"......
As the author reiterates this is on no way a dog owners manual but how one woman and her family learn the joys of keeping a 4 legged friend.
An easy read with a smile.1 Jo OramAuthor 13 books1 follower

Really funny and the dog doesn't die at the end!1 DawnAuthor 3 books14

A heartwarming love story - The memoir tells the story of dog ownership from an unusual angle: that of high-flying wealthy young business people who are unaware of what dog ownership entails, yet they become totally besotted with their Boxer dog. The pup certainly disrupts their lives - their social life takes a nose dive and they discover the earthier side of dog ownership (the clue is in the title!). What struck me about this delightful account of dog ownership is the effect dogs have on their owners, and the author records every little detail about her life with Basil, no stone of dog ownership is left unturned - and having owned a dog myself, many of the themes and issues resonated with me - even down to the silly names given to the dog (I really enjoyed these in the book and glad to learn I'm not the only to give a dog amusing names!). Basil ( who must have been one of the most pampered pooches in Camden) is a delightful character and I almost found myself egging him on chewing Alice's expensive designer shoes, carpet and sofa. Alice and Patrick form a strong bond despite the challenges Basil presents to them, and I was also very interested to read about their lifestyle (both could have been straight out of The Apprentice with their standard of living and high city life) as it is completely different to my own. Towards the end of the memoir I was very interested to read of Alice's pregnancy, birth and parenthood experience and how this affected her - she was very honest and I commend her for revealing her vulnerability, and for sharing her story of self-discovery. I was glad to have the version which includes an Epilogue and will follow the Facebook Page with interest!1 Gemma65 19

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