
The Lion of Wales 1 de Woodbury, Sarah

de Woodbury, Sarah - Género: English
libro gratis The Lion of Wales 1


A tale of timeless love, heroic courage . . . and a race to change the course of destiny itself. I couldn't put it down. This is King Arthur as you've never seen him before. --Anna Elliott, author of the Twilight of Avalon trilogy.

By the autumn of 537 AD, all who are loyal to King Arthur have retreated to a small parcel of land in north Wales. They are surrounded on all sides, heavily outnumbered, and facing near certain defeat.

But Myrddin and Nell, two of the King's companions, have a secret that neither has ever been able to face: each has seen that on a cold and snowy day in December, Saxon soldiers sent by Modred will ambush and kill King Arthur.

And together, they must decide what they are willing to do, and to sacrifice, to avert that fate.

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El libro trata de unos personajes verdes que son muy divertidos y que tienen muchas aventuras. Cada capítulo es una historia distinta. El libro te enseña que la amistad siempre es primero. En el libro cada capítulo te deja una enseñanza distinta como compartir y ser valiente.
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Un poco porque ahora sé que me encanta leer cuando las historias son divertidas y emocionantes como este libro.

Carlos Amado23

Un dia peluso se lebanto con unas ganas de escalar una montana le fue y le dijo buu bamos a escalar la montana sol y fueron y llegaron ala montana rasca luna y dijieron esta no es la rasca sol se comieron la merienda y subieron despues la montana rasaca estrallas y dijo ono nos confundimos comieron y subieron y despues decia montana rasca sol y dijion uf llegamos subieron y abia nievo y se derritio y se calleron al dia siguiente estaba llobiendo como no sabias entonces buu entro asu casa y dijo peluso peluso peluso peluso peluso peluso peluso peluso peluso peluso peluso peluso peluso peluso peluso peluso *gritando* y despues salio peluso y dijo que quieres ben ami casa pero esta inundado peluso se subio asu barco y bajo y nabego asta la casa de buu se subio por el pelo postiso de buu hahahahaha y entonces isieron pijamada despues se fue peluso guzy estaba tan cansado que se durmio en un barril el fin.
Patricia272 5

https://www.instagram.com/p/CAqAY5RDB... Edith CampoAuthor 1 book1 follower

Libro infantil que narra las peripecias de unos curiosos seres y sus divertimentos Virginia1,181 14

If you King Arthur lore, this novella is for you. Sarah Woodbury delivers another fantasy tale for all of her admirers.fiction giveaways84 s3 comments Donna1,604 26

Cover/Title: Neither the cover nor the title drew me in. I am a huge fan of this author so I wanted to try out this series.

Characters: I don't know what happened here. I wasn't a huge fan of any of the characters.

Plot: This is where my problem is with this book. Myrddin and Nell both have seen an event that is coming up. They travel together with Arthur while he prepares for battle. The plot almost seems it wasn't well thought out or is stretched out over too many books.

Overall: I love Sarah Woodbury's books and I am very disappointed with this one. I was really looking forward to it. The book started with a bang and really pulled me in. Then it kind of died off and I had to push myself to finish it. Unfortunately, it feels incomplete. It is way too short and seems to end without any major plot completion. It has the potential to be a great story but just seems it is part of a bigger story that was cut in half. 2018challenge mar2018-tbr2 s Graham Kershaw17 11

King Arthur comes to life in this wonderfully authentic tale based entirely on Welsh mythology rather than the Anglo-French version made fashionable by the needs of writers who lived years later or by romance writers.
Arthur is under threat from a superior army of Saxons led by Mordred. The story builds around Myrddin, a knight, and Nell a nun, both dedicated to saving Arthur, and both able to foresee danger to him.
The story has a magical feel, but doesn’t dwell upon sentiment; its characters having life of their own. It conveys a true feeling for Wales in the fifth and sixth centuries through warring factions seeking the approval of the High Church.
An enjoyable read, with a thought provoking postscript.
2 s PR297 5

Will now read the rest!

Love King Arthur Stories? This is surely from a new perspective. As usual, the plotting is good, the characters compelling, the setting dramatic. I really am enjoying Ms. Woodbury 's books . Will now read the rest of this series. Want to visit Wales and feel the atmosphere for myself...Will need a new raincoat and umbrella though...2 s Celia Buell608 28

I probably would have gotten a lot more from this if I knew more about Arthurian legend in general. That said, I did enjoy this.

The story is the beginning of a light romance, and I'm not sure how much that story belongs on the battlefield. Neither are the main characters, and it's interesting to see how they come to accept or deny that, even in a book as short as this one. In the few pages here, there's a lot of character growth and potential for more to come.

Cold My Heart honestly felt more a prequel than a first book. I'm not sure if I want to continue with the series, but I didn't mind it, either. It was definitely the right speed for right now, and I think it serves well as a standalone for me at this time.ebook in-omnibus nbrc-wheel ...more1 DeborahAuthor 8 books60

One of my favorite books as a child was The Crystal Cave : Book One of the Arthurian Saga (The Arthurian Saga, Book 1), and I still fondly remember young Myrddin Emrys. I smiled when I saw that was the name of one of the main characters.

The other thing that made me smile was that this is a story for adults with adult heroes. Nell is- gasp!- all of 30 and Myrddin is 36. Of course that's not old at all, but refreshing in a market where so many stories are targeted to young adults, even Arthurian stories.

While sex- and rape- are referenced here, it is not depicted; this has no graphic or explicit sexual content. However, violence and death do come up several times in a realistic way. It is not gory, but it is unsentimental. Again, an adult story for adults.

"The sight" plays a big role in this story, and I would be disappointed if it didn't. Throughout the book, the characters- and the readers- constantly grapple with how much of the future can be changed. I think the reader will be satisfied with what the characters find.

I devoured this story and grew attached to the characters. I sincerely hope the author writes a sequel- I'd to find out what else happens to Nell and Myrddin.1 Elle ChardouAuthor 33 books142

Mostly everyone is familiar with the tale of King Arthur but Ms. Woodbury has a way with words and ancient Welsh culture that it was a joy to read this novel. I must say that this isn't my usual reading pleasure and I mostly prefer mystery and thriller books but this is such an adventure and Ms. Woodbury is such a skilled storyteller that it drew me in from the first page.

This is a genuine page turner and although you know what will happen in the end if you are familiar with the legend of King Arthur, the story itself is told in such a unique perspective that the reader is drawn in and you won't finish until the very last page. The great part about this book is you won't regret finishing this story either.

Well done, Ms. Woodbury. I will be devouring all the books which I have by you on my Kindle. Thank you for re-introducing me to this fantastic story and such a turbulent but very important and fascinating time in British history.1 Claudia1,031 7

2.5 stars
I was interested in this book because I historical fiction and this is a time period and subject that I don't usually read about. I am very interested in Welsh history and have been studying the language for a few years.
For me the story never got going and then it just abruptly ended. It seems the author of chopped this story up into installments that do not stand alone. There wasn't even a cliffhanger to make me want to pick up the next book in the series. I'm not sure if I will read the next book in the series. This one just didn't live up to my expectations.1 Beth Grove93 3


I historical fiction. I love King Arthur stories; but this one took until 75% through to start to pick up. Save your money and go buy Rosalind Miles books instead. 1 Hafiza627 16

Good Medieval Historical.
My favorite aspect is the heroine is 30 and hero 36.
Nice not to have teenage beauty queen type heroine.1 Carolyn2,168

Read as part of Medieval Romantic Legends Box Setwoodbury-sarah1 Jennifer BohnhoffAuthor 21 books86

Cold My Heart is called a novella, but it's clearly just the first chunk of a series that originated as a full sized novel. It feels truncated and incomplete.

The story is the Arthurian legend, set in the autumn of 537 AD, after Gwynevere's death, when King Arthur is battling Modred for control of Wales. Two of the king's loyal companions, Myrddin and Nell, have foreseen Arthur's death and now must decide what they could and should do before that cold and snowy day in December to avert the tragedy. I've read Arthurian legends based on Roman, Saxon, English, and other traditions, and this version is solidly Welsh. I'm looking forward to reading the rest of this series.

read-in-2024 Neill Smith1,138 40

As the Mordred’s men invaded Wales to attack a monastery of nuns, Nell, an infirmarer leads some to safety through a secret passage to a nearby barn. When she goes back to the monastery to check for survivors the invaders find the hidden barn and rape and slaughter the nuns. As Nell tries to escape she is caught but rescued by Myrddin, a companion of Arthur, and he takes her to safety with Arthur’s leading to a new intrigue for both of them. This s an interesting but short start to the series.
Taylor Bartlett64

A very enjoyable and interesting read.

I had heard of Sarah Woodbery's books before but this was the first one I read. I really enjoyed this book. The author's writing style is very good and contains enough visual detail that the reader can easily imagine the setting that the characters are in. The book is also meticulously researched even down to the names of places and historical events. The research combined with the writing style and engaging characters make this a very fun look at the King Arthur legend.
I'm definitely going to read the rest of the books in the series. Jenni3 1 follower

This book is short — or it feels short — because so many recommendations say that this book is Outlander. This book is historical fiction and it’s good but it’s not Outlander.

I enjoyed reading Cold My Heart. It is a trip into the history of Wales with a stop at Arthurian Legend. I have always love the story of King Arthur. This tells a story about one of his knights who has the gift of prophecy. He can see the future and he knows that Arthur will die. Cold My Heart is the story of how one knight and one nun work together to save a king. LeanbhAuthor 53 books22

I enjoyed the premise of this novella and the fascinating historical aspect. The focus on Mydrrin was really unique and the Welsh history during the Dark Ages/early medieval period.
There could have been a lot more background to the setting and events which could have helped place the story within context. The beginning felt rushed into action without allowing historical context to serve as foundation. But still a fresh perspective and read on Arthurian legends with a good historical context that developed more as the story continued. alternate-history historical-fiction novellas Grace Stamper231

The biggest problem with this book is it was billed as the next thing to read after Outlander. There is no comparison! This seemed just the beginning of a story and I'm not sure what that story is going to be other than a war between Arthur and Modred. If you think the two people who are dreaming the same dream are suppose to compare to Claire and Jamie you aren't thinking clearly. Expectations were set way too high. I'm not continuing the series. Susana118 20

A gripping story. The way Sarah Woodbury presents the characters has a way of catching attention immediately. The only criticism I would make is that each book is so short, I lengthy books when they're gripping and exciting this one. I didn't know much of Arthur ap Uther other than the legend Excalibur, so this was a refreshing book. Sarah Hamilton619 2

A Fresh Take on Arthur

I've read/watched/studied a bit on the Arthurian legend and this is a refreshing take on a popular tale. I that it more historical and less magical (although a little magic is always fun). Am a little curious to see how the story evolves and ends, but more d than loved this book and will possibly read the remaining books at a later date. Vicki297

Luckily I pulled this book as a free item: once I got into the old Welsh words and names from the 500's, and the story rolled, book 1 ended! It felt the book was written and then chopped into 2 or 3 pieces to publish - so abrupt and I felt cheated. It the other parts come up free I would read them...... Hance Tinkle3

Different twist

Years after The Battle of Badon it gives a new feel to the legend.
I the new role of Myrddin as more of a contemporary rather than an advisor. A new role for Nell (Nimue)? I the direction the story seems to be taking. Can't wait to start the next book. Melinda Etzold18 2

I turned a page and there was a note from the author saying that was the end of that story. An abrupt and poorly executed end. A story can be linked together to other books in a series but it still can have some type of conclusion. In a middle of a thought, this one ends! It leaves you hanging. Ann PratleyAuthor 32 books34

Although this book is quite short in length, I have to say that I did really enjoy this author's style of writing, and the story being told. It's a brief tale centred around King Arthur and those close to him, but the highlight is the use of language to tell the tale. Very brief, but enjoyable enough that I would read more from this writer. Becca Owen467 2

I love Sarah Woodbury's books and I am a massive King Arthur fan so of course I had to read it.
I really enjoyed it and it was a very quick read. The two main characters are interesting and well developed and they connect well.
The story flowed well and I look forward to reading more in the series. Mary Elizabeth572 1 follower

Arthurian Interlude

This story centers King Arthur in his later years, and centers on his war with Modred. We are introduced to other knights and in particular Myrrdin. We meet Nell under dire circumstances and watch as she fits in Arthur's court, as well as her relationship with Myrrdin. Very well written and captures the Arthurian spirit with which we are familiar. Gareth Humphreys26


Myself Gareth III Humphreys II descent Uncle was King Arthur of the Britons and to read about him in the way he would of been is brilliant with King Arthur’s Nephew being as if my descent cousin Gareth I knight of the round table of his Uncle King Arthur is fascinating to know about as well by a excellent author Sarah Woodbury. Nola Arganbright1,591 27

The fight for Wales

A look into the times of battle for the Independence of Wales. King Author and his men are fighting the Saxons. A look into the past and the cruelties of war and the making of great heros. Silly Sadly70

the book isn't nearly done. Where it stops is not to be confused with a cliff-hanger, it's only halfway written. Nothing in it is resolved except for the death of a hated clansman from the other side. It's a decent story idea, just not written through. Julia1,052 34

I was enjoying reading this, but then it just stopped. No conclusion to the story. (Yes, it's part of a series, but this is more a serial than a complete work with follow ups.) I haven't decided whether to buy the next one.arthurian britain first-read-in-2020 ...more Jocelyn13

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