
THE WIFE INSIDE: A gripping psychological thriller with an absolutely jaw-dropping twist de Winter K. Willis

de Winter K. Willis - Género: English
libro gratis THE WIFE INSIDE: A gripping psychological thriller with an absolutely jaw-dropping twist


Winter K. Willis Publisher: Celestial Bear Publishing, Year: 2023

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This is a domestic thriller that had me at the edge of my seat. I figured out early on that something wasn’t right with Lynda but I just couldn’t out what exactly. Anna was really there to help Lynda and was building a friendship with her. I did not see the twist coming. I was shocked. I wish we would have got a POV from the husband. And I would have loved an epilogue given us insight to Anna & Lynda’s relationship.5 s1 comment Chrys Minter816 5

Very good book

I came across this book in my Facebook feed. Very intense thriller. Oh man... If you read this hold on to your seats. Very good Winter K. Willis.1 Elizabeth Gutierrez15

"The Wife Inside" by Winter K. Willis is a psychological thriller that grabs hold of readers from the very first page, immersing them in a tale rife with tension, suspicion, and intrigue. From the outset, Willis sets the stage for an unsettling journey, leaving readers with a sense of unease as they are drawn deeper into the story's enigmatic web.

One of the book's most compelling aspects is its ability to keep readers guessing. From the outset, there's a pervasive sense that something is amiss, but Willis cleverly obscures the truth, leaving readers to sift through a maze of clues and red herrings. This uncertainty serves to heighten the suspense, compelling readers to eagerly turn the pages in search of answers.

As the story unfolds, Willis skillfully introduces twists and turns that keep readers on their toes. Some revelations may seem plausible, prompting speculation from astute readers, while others come completely out of left field, leaving readers stunned by their unpredictability. This balance between the expected and the unexpected adds depth to the narrative, ensuring that readers are kept guessing until the very end.

Ultimately, "The Wife Inside" is a gripping read that delivers on its promise of suspense and mystery. Willis's adept storytelling and keen sense of pacing make for a compelling narrative that is sure to captivate readers from start to finish. Whether you're a fan of psychological thrillers or simply enjoy a good mystery, "The Wife Inside" is a book that is well worth picking up.1 Jane286

Lynda Adam is a business woman that’s beloved in the fashion industry. She seems to have it all: a successful salon business inherited from her father, a handsome husband and a mansion on the edge of Lake Washington. Lynda had become a recluse, not even going to work, and has gained weight. She decides to reach out to Anna, a trainer. Lynda wants Anna to move into her house to be her personal trainer. After finding her fiancé in bed with another woman, Anna agrees to take the job. Anna puts Lynda through hard workouts and a diet to eat healthier. Anna and Lynda become friends, even defending Lynda to snobby women. Anna sees Lynda’s husband Ryan with another woman. Ryan has been cheating constantly on Lynda who knows about it. Apparently a written agreement was made that after 8 years of marriage Ryan would be entitled to half of Lynda’s business. One day while Lynda is away on business for the day, Ryan who’s supposed to be away on business too, hits on Anna who rejects him. Drunk Ryan grabs her wrist and Anna hits him in the nose. Anna leaves and calls Lynda lying to her that her aunt is sick and won’t be back. Lynda senses something especially after coming back and noticing Ryan’s black eye and is lying. Lynda asks Anna to come back to the house and promises Ryan won’t be there, that he’s away on business for months. Anna agrees. During the stay, Anna senses something off with Lynda. One night when Lynda is passed out drunk she looks through her office but finds nothing then goes into the next room where she finds baby clothes. She also looks through Lynda’s phone where she finds a message sent to Anna’s current boyfriend, Dimitri. Anna confronts Lynda.

The twists
Dimitri was hired by Lynda to follow Anna to make sure she’s a good person. Why? Because Anna is Lynda’s biological daughter and wants to leave everything to her. Dimitri is a hit man. In a hidden room in the basement Ryan is tied and gagged in a chair. Dimitri ends up suffocating Ryan with a zip tie with Lynda present. In the end, after Anna leaves shocked and upset, Anna eventually goes back to the house to get to know Lynda better. As for Dimitri , she’s refused to answer his texts and needs more time.

I enjoyed this book especially the twists. I was happy to see Lynda find her strength, get back on top and find her confidence. I look forward to reading more by this author. This entire review has been hidden because of spoilers.Show full review Monica Mil-Homens353 14

Opinião: Um Thriller levezinho mas cheio de segredos e mistérios. Não conhecia os autores, e fiquei bastante impressionada com a qualidade de escrita e com a estória que encontrei. Lynda é uma mulher bem sucedida no Mundo da Moda, com uma família abastada e bem relacionada que criou marca e renome. Sempre rodeada de controvérsia, Lynda vive reclusa em sua casa e sem grande vida social, devido também à falta de autoestima. Ryan, marido de Lynda, aparenta ser o marido perfeito mas conforme o vamos conhecendo percebemos que não é bem assim e o que parece não é. Anna é uma treinadora pessoal, sensação nas redes sociais e vai entrar na vinda de Lynda de forma a ajudar a perder peso após uma lesão. Ao logo da narrativa assistimos à relação crescente entre Lynda e Anna, com altos e baixos, mas um segredo do passado vai pôr em causa o relacionamento delas e quiçá mudar a vida de ambas para sempre. É um livro de leitura rápida, compulsiva e interessante até à última página. Obrigado pela oportunidade de leitura antecipada (ARC) através do booksirens.com.

Eng Review: A light Thriller but full of secrets and mysteries. I didn't know the authors, and I was quite impressed with the quality of writing and the story i found. Lynda is a successful woman in the Fashion World, with a wealthy and well-connected family that has created a brand and renown. Always surrounded by controversy, Lynda lives recluse in her home and without much of a social life, also due to a lack of self-esteem. Ryan, Lynda's husband, appears to be the perfect husband but as we get to know him we realize that he isn't quite that and what he seems isn't. Anna is a personal trainer, social media sensation and will be joining Lynda in order to help her lose weight after an injury. Throughout the narrative we witness the growing relationship between Lynda and Anna, with ups and downs, but a secret from the past will put their relationship into question and perhaps change their lives forever. It's a quick, compulsive and interesting read until the last page. Thank you for the advance reading (ARC) opportunity.

@bibliotecamil_insta/bibliotecamil.wordpress.com1 Eva Edge617 20

The Wife Inside by Winter K. Willis is a domestic thriller with so much happening! And I mean - a lot of happening. I would say that the first 50% of the book doesn't feel a thriller but I d the setup and the purpose of it. Some parts there felt unnecessarily long but it could be just for me as I am not a massive fan of page-long descriptions.
The second part of the book was more a suspense thriller with unexpected twists and turns. I don't know how but I managed to guess one of the big twists, but literally one page before. Just a thought popped into my mind and I was surprised that the next thing I was reading was exactly what I thought!
I d that the characters weren't naive or stupid and there was a logic behind all the things.
If the first part would not be so slow it would be a solid 5 stars but it was too slow for me until things started to happen.

Anna is a fitness influencer who has been invited to take a personal trainer live-in position to help Lynda with weight loss. Lynda is the successful CEO of a multi-million fashion/beauty company who lost all her confidence because of her current looks. What was supposed to be a simple task for Anna turns into massive chaos and nothing is was before. Day by day Anna discovers new imperfections but too late to step back.

I am not sure I understood why this book is called The Wife Inside!

Thank you Booksirens for this copy, in general, I really enjoyed this book and I loved how many unexpected twists were at the end of the book. Definitely recommend!4-stars e-books-23 Tiffany140 3

I received a copy for free, and I am leaving this review voluntarily. 

The Wife Inside is about a rich, yet reclusive, woman named Lynda who hires Anna as a personal trainer. Anna is going through quite a shake-up in her own life, so she hopes that this new job offer will benefit both women; however, Lynda has an ulterior motive.

Unfortunately, the vast majority of the story surrounds Lynda's "journey" while throwing in all predictable tropes in an attempt to make this story a thriller. There's absolutely nothing believeable about any of the scenarios, which was kind of a letdown. I almost didn't finish the book a couple of times, but I did want to give the storyline a fair chance at a redemption (that never came). 

While this book was sadly not meant for me, it may be for other readers.  Amanda Koogler28 2

This book is the third book I have read by this author and it did not disappoint. When Lynda "discovers" Anna online and decides she wants to hire her to help her become a fit and healthier person, Anna can't believe her luck. As an online influencer the impact of a well known client Lynda will certainly help build her following and hopefully get her an inside track to working with high end celebrities. However, Anna just can't shake the feeling that something is off (not necessarily with Lynda… at first) but she doesn't know what and can't pass up the opportunity. Full of twists and turns all the way to the last page this was truly a great read and one I couldn't put down.

I received an advance copy for free, and I am leaving this review voluntarily. Jenny M189 4

Lynda runs a multi-million dollar hair business. She lives in a gorgeous mansion with her husband Ryan, who works for her business. Lynda has some self-esteem issues due to some weight game over the past couple of years. She hires Anna, a personal trainer. Lynda is worried about staying on track, so asks Anna to move in.

Anna quickly realizes that Lynda and Ryan's lives are not perfect. As time goes on, Anna becomes wrapped up in their secrets and lies.

This is an average read. It's super predictable (except for one twist I didn't guess). Some parts felt a little too drawn out for me. The fitness influencer part kind of bogged things down as well. I also don't really see how the title works for this one. Anyways, not a terrible read. I will still give this author another try.

Thank you Celestial Bear Publishing and NetGalley for the copy in exchange for an honest review. Lyn Vivienne NealAuthor 14 books22

An Absorbing Thriller with a Spiraling Ending

What a nail-biting, heart-pounding, and subtly written narrative, where looks can be misleading. The plot is imaginative with its complex and wary characters, expressive settings, and great conversations. Protagonist Anna is a successful social media fitness influencer but will realize that everything is not what it appears to be when Lynda Adams, a successful mogul, makes an odd request, exposing secrets and lies, manipulation, disloyalty, deception, pretense, bitterness, and murder. It’s a page-turner that will keep you guessing from start to finish. Dimitri and Ryan Adams will have you speculating their true intentions, leading up to an unexpected twist of an ending, reminding us to never judge a book by its cover.
Dawn Byers601 16

I was given this book by NetGalley for an honest review-
Lynda asks Anna to move in with her and be her personal trainer. She has worked at home and let herself go.
Lynda has a beautiful home and a handsome husband sharing the load of running her business but— looks are deceiving. Her husband is unfaithful and wants her out, Anna moves in and begins training her and managing her eating but the longer she is there the more things begin to worry her! Is she paranoid or does she have cause to worry? Should she continue to stay there or leave? And then— Lynda shares with her a shocking secret? Can it be true? Marion Jones434 9

You cannot judge a book by its cover. Lynda, who is a rich, reclusive woman, hires Anna as her personal trainer. However, Anna must move in with Lynda and her husband if she wants this job. Right now, Anna’s life is not following the path that she would so she decides to take the job. This is when things start to take a turn. There’s Lynda, her husband and some other unknowns in anna’s life that keep you on your toes throughout the book. Follow along the path of intrigue and watch out for what happens next. Definitely adding the author to my list. Thank you to BookSirens and the author for the opportunity to review this ARC. Antoinette Lori74 8

This was a slow read and Left me with questions. Anna just was completely in the dark
Linda I want to know more of her background she hinted that her family went into the beauty
business basically as a way to clean up their money. Ryan didn't marry for love but as a come up. He
Openly cheafed on Linda with no care in the world. Who was the stalking Anna? This book left me with
a lot of unanswered questions. I wish I could have also gotten Ryan's POV. How did he know
who Anna was? The highlight of the story happend within the last 30 pages. I understand the need to build up a story but there were so many loose ends. Pheadra805 44

I received an advance copy of this book in return for a voluntary review. Despite still requiring a thorough edit, I did not allow the obvious grammatical errors to affect my rating. I had worked out long in advance what the twist in this story was, but this in no way diminished my enjoyment of this book. Lynda, a highly successful businesswoman, is married to a serial cheating opportunist, Ryan. She approaches Anna, a young, successful lifestyle influencer to help her get back into shape. Anna, meanwhile, having walked in on her fiance Greg with another woman, is ready for a change and decides to accept Lynda's offer, which necessitates moving in with Lynda. At the same time, Anna fears she is being stalked. 4 stars2023 Amanda Wallace122 1 follower

A very interesting thriller. Lynda is a very successful business woman with a cheating husband, Ryan who just wants her gone. Anna is hired to move in with Lynda and Ryan as her personal trainer to help her get back in shape. It doesn’t take Anna long to realize that something weird is going on in this house. There are so many twists in this book. It’s for sure a page turner. I was Not expecting the ending at all.arc-reads Deb475 26

Thank you Celestial Bear Publishing and NetGalley for an early copy of The Wife Inside. The title could be better, didn’t really pertain to the story. I knew Dimitri was no good from the beginning. I stayed with the book because I wanted to see how the weight loss journey turned out and that part was good but the other plots in the book didn’t really go with the main story. It wasn’t one of the best books I’ve read but I’m still glad I did read it. Star46 3

Thanks NetGalley for this ARC
Great domestic thriller. Anna is an influencer who is asked to move in with Lynda and Ryan as her personal trainer to help her get back in shape. Lynda is a successful woman with a cheating husband, Ryan who just wants her gone. It doesn’t take long for Anna to realize things are terribly wrong.
There are so many twists in this book. You will not see the end coming. Bev3,100 90

I actually felt sorry for Lynda in this story. I wasn't overly impressed with her husband Ryan either. Anna left me guessing as to why she would leave the job she loved so much just for one person. I get that it would 'boost' her ratings on social media, but what if it didn't work out? I was not expecting the big twist that Lynda put out there and that Ryan already knew about. I received an advance review copy for free, and I am leaving this review voluntarily.have-read Eileen144 3

This book was okay. I was excited about the premise but man oh man did the last 1/4 or the book just really fall apart for me. I did not connect with either of the main characters Anna and Lynda so was not invested enough to want resolution for them. It was written well but the content was just not for me. For me this is a 2.5 rounded up to a 3. Teddi Hernandez5

The Wife Inside is an easy read and an interesting mystery. I enjoyed the main character and thought she was developed well. I was very surprised at the ending. Not at all what I expected! #netgalley @netgalley Janaya Kabamba636 8

Now this is everything you want in a domestic noir! So many twists and turns, well written characters and an ending that had my jaw on the floor. I also loved that it felt such a fresh and original plot and I was absolutely Hooked Jourdan29

This book had me guessing the entire time and I could not figure out where the plot was going. In the end, there was a twist but it wasn’t what I was expecting at all. I personally thought the twist could have been a lot better, but it was still a good suspenseful read. Krystal Stewart141 1 follower

This book was great! It held my interest the entire time, and it had some great twists. I would definitely recommend this book, and I look forward to reading more from this author. Sarina13

Just okay

Where shall I start? The overall story was well written but the storyline kept dragging. I was hoping for more drama and controversy and turmoil but got nothing. Babs B31 1 follower

Slow burn

This is my first book by this author. I enjoyed it. The story unfolds about the last 60 pages. I will be reading another book by this author. Melody Robinson565

Really this new author Yulia Seo26

“The Wife Inside” kept me intrigued all the time.
There are not that many creepy or mysterious things that usually appear in domestic thrillers. And the suspense it’s what keeps you reading. But here I had no idea where the plot led and couldn’t turn off my Kindle and go to sleep.

Anna's life doesn’t go the way she wants - she breaks up with her fiancee. At the same time, there is a feeling she is being followed by a suspicious van. And suddenly Anna gets a live-in job offer as a personal trainer.

Nothing to lose, so she moves to her employer’s fancy huge house. Everything is good, except Anna’s room is at the end of the hallway with no lights, and while she was told other rooms are empty, there is some weird sound behind one of the doors…

Also, there is Lynda, Anna's employer, POV chapters. And since the beginning we realize she has her secrets and things are not good in the marriage.

I know what you think! A rich family acting weird, marriage problems, unexplainable sounds, etc… Oh, the twist going to be so predictable!

But believe me, it’s not. There was SO FAR from what I expected. And I mean it in a good way only
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