
The Perfect Gift: An unputdownable psychological thriller full of twists de Winter K. Willis

de Winter K. Willis - Género: English
libro gratis The Perfect Gift: An unputdownable psychological thriller full of twists


Winter K. Willis Publisher: Celestial Bear Publishing, Year: 2023

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I can’t even begin to explain

This book made me so angry I DNFed at 93% They don’t even see her as a person worth noticing for almost HALF the book. I am not sure when the alphas even fell in love with her. They make it obvious until maybe the last 20% that she is only there because Dylan wants her. Then have the audacity to get upset when she states as much. I thought her relationship to Dylan was central to the story and then the way she lost her virginity… . Then almost the SAME damn miscommunication trope happens a second time and they just abandon her. Then SHE has to fix EVERYTHING.. the alphas begin and end as spoiled dummy heads. No groveling no personality arc. No real romance imo. Even Dylan pissed me off in end. But HE is the only one I forgive because Dylan is bae.

Honestly this probably wasn’t a bad book.. it WASNT for me. Saying the yelling and crying and almost throwing my iPad. I may pick up another book by her in the future but not anytime soon.11 s1 comment Natalie 2,873 30

March 2024
Kindle edition

I may need to go back and read the first book. Picked up this one for the Beta saving the day and I originally thought it was a standalone, so my initial thought was who the heck was Scarlet. The guys sucked at first. Dylan was sweet enough but came across traumatized. A lot of miscommunication and trust issues going on. The guys were alphaholes. Silver was worse. The forgiveness was shocking.

A lot of scheming before the guys realise what they need to do and that was only with the help of Nyx. Out of the guys I d Silas best, but the third act break up blew it. Even Dylan. It was a brutal yesterdays friend is todays enemy. They didn't bother listening, but Nyx kept silent as well, despite staying for days after. Her insecurities were heartbreaking, the moment she realized she'd gained so many friends was a tear jerker.

The forgiveness was almost saint . There was no revenge on the mother, no cutting ties with Silver, and not enough groveling from the guys. After all the character building and relationship progression, it was a bit of a slap in the face, but I'm glad Nyx got her happy end. It was touch and go there at the club. I'm curious about Hazel. This entire review has been hidden because of spoilers.Show full review6 s Lani67

I'm sorry I wasted a day reading this. Onyx is a beta who is struggling to support her horrible brat of an omega twin. She attracts the attention of a male Omega who has left his pack after some big misunderstanding and apparently chooses being homeless and starving rather than simply communicating with his pack.

The extremely rich, uptight, snobs of a pack decide they will bring Onyx into their little group so that Dylan, their Omega, will come back to them. It's a ridiculous scheme involving bringing Onyx to work at their fancy hotel (along with her scheming Omega twin). So Dylan follows her to the hotel along with her absolute bitch of a twin sister who blames Onyx for everything and whines about her not helping score the rich Alphas for her pack. Following so far? Yeah I don't blame you.

The writing is choppy and doesn't flow. One minute Onyx is about to have sex with one of the Alphas and Dylan in a garden, they get interrupted and the next chapter she is in a room about to have sex with two other members of the pack while the other two watch behind a two way mirror and and you are trying to figure out how she got from point A to B. A lot of the book is this where it jumps all over the place and makes so sense. Also there is no character development of the Alphas or Dylan, they were all completely interchangeable and I often was confused who was who.

And don't even get me started on when Onyx does have sex with these Alphas, she's a virgin but there is no pain, she can have sex multiple times in a row with no soreness and she just rolls with sleeping with everyone in multiple positions she is a pro at this. Stop writing virgin sex scenes this authors! One Alpha even yells something "You will have my heir!" and she says no we need to discuss that first, but there is no mention of her being on birth control or him using a condom so kinda late for that discussion no?

There is miscommunication galore, the sister pretends to be her so that she can destroy her sister's life and the Alphas immediately believe the lie (including Dylan who was oh so in love with her) and immediately kick her to the streets where she is homeless and has no money. Weeks go by until they finally figure out they screwed up and that the bitch Omega sister was the real liar. Do they immediately go get Onyx and grovel on their knees they should? Nope. They send one of the pack member's sisters who basically puts it all on Onyx to solve their problems. And Onyx whines and says alot of "I'm just a lowly Beta" blah blah blah. There is a ball followed by the bare minimum of grovel and she falls right into their arms. Doesn't make them work for it. Accepts a sorry with a bunch of gifts as an apology and we're at the end.

Oh yeah and she is ready to breed with these assholes. A baby would be a great idea to being into this home of bastards.

So basically skip this if you want a good omegaverse with MMCs you root for and an FMC with a backbone. If you are seeking Alphas that are arrogant and manipulative with an FMC that lays down a doormat, this ones for you.alpha-male omegaverse5 s Cindy ???1,183 964

I didn’t realize this was part of a series, but nevertheless I enjoyed it. I do wish there would’ve been a bit more groveling on the guys part but it is what it is. kindle-unlimited omegaverse4 s Emms649 31

I would never have forgiven them, especially the omega. They treat her horribly the entire book, as a pawn to get what they really want. The omega obsessed with her should’ve known better. Ugh.3 s Persephone 128 6

I've decided that, the older I get, I tend to care about female heroines more than their own authors. It's sad, really.

If you're looking for an MM romance that's narrated by a FMC, this is the book for you. Unfortunately, the romance for the heroine is nonexistent. And I wish I was lying. I thought it was building up to something great, but it definitely wasn't.

These men did not give two shits about her. They come up with a plan to court her so they can get their omega back and that plan never seems to actually change. And the courting? Well, that means banging her whenever they can. There are literally no "courting" moments where they try to get to know her, understand her, or spoil her. Oh, sure, they enjoy the bonus of having a new toy with different anatomy to play with, but they don't care about her in the slightest.

You know when you get a gift with purchase that you didn't ask for and didn't want? So you shove it into a dark space and forget about it until you ultimately get rid of it? That was Onyx.

So when the third act breakup happens and her omega even turns against her with little proof - all of them falling into the same trap that separated them in the first place, with the added bonus that they're even stupider now for falling for it a second time when they know she has a literal TWIN who has been stirring up trouble for weeks within the same building!!! Let's check out some of these gems after they kick her to the curb.

It doesn't matter. We have Dylan. -Silas

That sums up the entire book. Everything they do is for their precious Dylan. Absolutely nothing is for Onyx.

"It occurs to me that if I can be thrown aside so easily, then the feelings weren't genuine. Manipulation or otherwise, I needed to know that they really believed all this." -Onyx

Say it louder and more often until you believe it, sister. They couldn't give a tiny rat's ass about you before, during, or after the relationship, so long as you delivered their omega.

She barely turns, and Dylan is already backing away.

POV of one of the alphas watching as she literally saved their omega from another alpha and then said-omega walks away without a word. Even Dylan, who was supposed to be her safe space, doesn't give her the time of day after she rescues him. You'd think he'd learn after jumping to conclusions and having his life manipulated and imploded the first time around.

She leaves, just that. So easily. Walking away from us all over again. -Falcon

Uhhh, yeah. That's called a normal reaction! It's what people do after you break up with them and fire them through a third party, evict them, leave them homeless and jobless, and then go spend weeks alone, even though he and his pack knew the truth for weeks, themselves, at that point, and never even tried to call her or approach her. Fuck all of them.

Her walking away from me, walking out of my life, is only tolerated because he needs me. -Falcon

"He" being Dylan. Stay true to form, you douche. Watch the woman who loves you walk away after everything previously mentioned because your precious little omega got pushed into a wall and was rescued by the beta in question - the beta who was injured while saving that same omega! It's worth repeating: fuck all of them.

"The only excuse I have is that I was trying my best to do what was right by my pack." - Silas

Which clearly didn't include Onyx, even at this point (91%) of the story. Got it.

I thought that night would be the end of it, but the pack has been determined to right their wrongs. -Onyx

I'd to say they succeeded, but this was at 93% and I DNFed. I didn't care about their HEA anymore.

I am always pro-beta. I want them to overcome and be loved and wanted and needed and spoiled. Onyx was nothing but an accessory to Dylan; only brought back into the fold because he was having nightmares about missing her.

No, that's inaccurate. She was only brought back into the fold because she had to chase after them at every single turn. Even when they have actual evidence and confessions that they were 100% wrong of what they accused her of, they still don't care about her enough to go after her. They send some acquaintances with job offers her way and throw some money at her, but never actually go after her until she shows up right in front of them. Twice.

And who was she chasing after? An omega who barely ever speaks and does nothing but snarl, snort, and grab her wrist to drag her from location to location and three interchangeable alphas who have no layers and no character development.

I always had to stop and remind myself how to differentiate when POV would change. 'This one seems to be the alpha of the alphas; this one is blonde and always working out and I think he's the one with the sister; this one has the evil mommy.'

An evil mommy who did not get even a hint of what was coming to her. Same with Silver. Wildly disappointed that she didn't have a more horrific finale to her character.

Aside from all of that, the writing style was, frankly, horrid. I felt I was reading something between a fleshed out outline and a first draft. The sentence structures were always confusing and there was no narrative flow. They'd just jump from scene to scene and moment to moment, characters popping in and out within one sentence and the next. It was confusing and hard to read. One minute they're in the pool, the next in the elevator, then they're being watched by other alphas, I mean...what?? This happens in every chapter. Heck, this happens on every page - I was constantly backtracking to try and see if I missed anything. Slow it down and tell a story. Don't just jump from event to event.

The STORY had the potential to be good until breakup. Even that could've been sold with a more believable setup and a lot of groveling. The execution just was not there, but the story was compelling enough for me to stick with it for longer than I should have.

I'm so sad for this pathetic little beta and her hanger-on of a happily for now ending. Would've been nice if she'd ended up with a pack who fought for her and saw her worth, as more than just an appendage for their beloved omega. Even if it happened after I DNFed, it was way too little too late by then. She deserved to be happy.This entire review has been hidden because of spoilers.Show full reviewomegaverse2 s Angel903 14

Ok, I am of two minds with this book.
First, the grammar and Punctuation errors are a tad overwhelming and the fact that due to the fact it honestly didn't look there were paragraph breaks, the story itself was cool.

I wish, that after all they went through there.was a baby. They.deserved it...sorta.

But on the other hand, did the pack really deserve nyxie?

And they had her wearing a bracelet that tracked her whereabouts so, they could have checked if she was the traitor...

Oh whatever. It's over now.3 s Ashly226 10

Loved it, just a a couple of things need fixing…

I got hooked pretty quickly on this one.
I really enjoyed the story and the characters. I couldn’t stop reading, wanting to know what happened next. I don’t usually the final act breakup trope, misunderstandings, but dang if this book did it in a way that I did enjoy!
The spicy times were done well and weren’t over done.
With the parts that I didn’t really :
Honestly, I got a little lost, more than once. There were weird jumps from scene to scene that didn’t make sense and done without explanation.
A couple times I’d be lost as to who was speaking or what had just happened. I felt it needed another once over by an editor to help point out the gaps that needed filling. Despite that, I did have a good time, I kind of shrugged it off and just rolled with it.

Overall I really this book. I want to recommend it and just let you know that it’s not perfect.
Still fun though!
4?? 3
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