
How the Affair Ends de Winter K. Willis

de Winter K. Willis - Género: English
libro gratis How the Affair Ends


In this gripping psychological thriller, Marissa's seemingly perfect life takes a dark turn as night descends on her world. Living the American dream, she's married to a successful surgeon, finding joy in teaching high school English. But beneath the surface, her husband remains distant, leaving her feeling lonely and trapped. Everything changes when she crosses paths with Adam. Their fateful encounter at work sparks a love that refuses to be ignored, leading Marissa down a dangerous path filled with thrilling twists. Caught between the addictive allure of a forbidden romance and the duty to keep her family intact, Marissa's life takes a precarious turn. As secrets unravel and emotions collide, Marissa discovers Adam's enigmatic and sinister side. The night becomes a battleground for her heart and soul as she fights to keep her desires in check and protect her family. In this gripping tale of love, deceit, and suspense, Marissa is faced with life-altering choices that will challenge her to the core. Can she navigate the treacherous maze of passion and loyalty while keeping her perfect facade intact, or will her actions lead to a thrilling and unforeseen climax? Only time will tell as Marissa's journey takes her on a suspenseful ride where danger and desire meet...M.F

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Marissa is a lost soul, searching for a love that has been lost. On the surface, it seems she has it all. A fulfilling career, wonderful children, and a loving husband. What more could she want? It's quickly revealed that all is not as it seems. Questionable decisions lead Marissa down a dark path where each turn may lead to the end of all that she holds dear. This psychological thriller was twisty and intense with a constant sense of foreboding. It's fast-paced and had me hooked immediately. Thank you, BookSirens for my copy.booksirens18 s Monica Mil-Homens348 14

Um Thriller psicológico bem leve e interessante. Não me motivou tanto como os outros dois livros dos autores mas cumpriu o seu propósito. Marissa é uma esposa e professora dedicada, mas que se sente muito sozinha tendo em conta que o marido cirurgião está sempre ou quase sempre ausente e os filhos já são crescidos o suficiente para estarem a fazer-lhe companhia. Quando conhece Adam, um jovem encantador, também professor, nada faria prever que o mesmo não era de todo quem ela pensava. Quando Adam se revela, Marissa já está demasiado envolvida emocionalmente (e não só) e a vida como ela a conhece (e da sua família toda) nunca mais vai ser a mesma. Gostei muito da narrativa, da forma como toda a estória é conduzida, dos diferentes POV, e quando acabarem o livro, leiam o capítulo extra no website dos autores que vale a pena após o final enigmático e diria merecido. É uma verdadeira espiral de voltas e reviravoltas que fazem com que se leia muito rapidamente e sem qualquer aborrecimento. Recomendo!

ENG: A very light and interesting psychological thriller. It didn't motivate me as much as the authors' other two books but it fulfilled its purpose. Marissa is a dedicated wife and teacher, but she feels very lonely considering that her surgeon husband is always or almost always away and her children are old enough to keep her company. When she met Adam, a charming young man, also a teacher, nothing would have predicted that he was not at all who she thought he was. When Adam reveals himself, Marissa is already too emotionally involved (and more) and life as she knows it (and that of her entire family) will never be the same. I really d the narrative, the way the whole story is conducted, the different POV, and when you finish the book, read the extra chapter on the authors' website which is worth it after the enigmatic ending and I would say deserved. It's a real spiral of twists and turns that make it read very quickly and without any hassle. I recommend!
I received an advance review copy for free, and I am leaving this review voluntarily.

@bibliotecamil_insta /bibliotecamil.wordpress.com Jessica234 1 follower

This book is a masterclass in how to ruin one’s own life.

Marissa is a teacher in a stagnant marriage, with two nearly grown children. She isn’t especially happy, but isn’t unhappy… until she meets Adam. Adam is student teaching in her department and an unfortunate series of events lands them in a classroom together. And then at a party together. And then in his apartment together. And then… you get the picture. By the time Marissa realizes her giant mistake, Adam is hooked on her and won’t take no for an answer.

First, I feel it is important to note there were So. Many. Grammatical. Errors.

Lots of comma splices and run- ons. It didn’t interfere with understanding, but it was distracting.

Overall, this book was enjoyable, but not much of a thriller. There was a great deal of drama. Marissa deliberates over her decisions, lies to everyone she knows, and ultimately implodes. Meanwhile, Adam knows Marissa just barely from the past and dedicates his life to upending hers. Weird? Yes. Thriller? Not so much. I wasn’t bored, exactly, but anyone can see where the book is going. The only thrilling part is a small twist at the end, but even that felt lacking.

I received an advance review copy for free, and I am leaving this review voluntarily. Jordan Leikel10

Rating: 2.75/5.

**No spoilers in this review**

I have to note first off, that the numerous grammatical errors in this were extremely distracting from the story line, especially when they include naming incorrect characters multiple times... The title of this book basically says it all and leaves very little room for mystery. There was drama of course but nothing that kept me on the edge of my seat with the burning desire to keep reading so I'm not sure I would consider it a "thriller". It all felt fairly predictable even the "twist" at the end. This book is a clear example on how to ruin your own life. The main character blows up her life and then comes off as if she is looking for sympathy when she has to deal with the consequences of her own actions. Reading this book felt watching a movie where the whole time you're yelling at the characters "DON'T DO IT" and they do it anyways, it's so obvious to the readers AND to the main character how poor her choices are. It's a fairly short book though so it was easy to finish in one sitting and I d the short chapters format.

I received an advance review copy for free and I am leaving this review voluntarily. Amanda Koogler24 2

This was a great quick read with enough suspense, twists, and plot to keep the pages turning. When Melissa realizes her marriage has become boring and lacking in love (despite her numerous attempts to rekindle the romance), she finds the affection and passion of her student teacher to be just what she was longing for….or is it? This is the second book I have read by this writing team and I have enjoyed both books.

I received an advance review copy for free, and I am leaving this review voluntarily. Lori Fabian4

The book was great except that whoever wrote this E-book, made a mistake throughout the whole book!! Every time I get to the next chapter they started with an I and goes with the next word Ithank, throughout the whole book? What is up with that? Maybe I should write an E-book, at least, I use proper grammar and would never start with an I and no space in between?? I should get paid for this mistake. Hopefully it won't happen with the next e-book I read. Thanks again Goodreads
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