
A Season at the Grand de Wilson Johnson, Sherri

de Wilson Johnson, Sherri - Género: English
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Wilson Johnson, Sherri Publisher: Wild Heart Books, Year: 2023

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When photographer Amelia Harris arrived at the Grand Hotel in Point Clear, Alabama, she had no idea of just how much her life would change in a few short months. The picturesque resort filled with natural beauty and wildlife was home to much action and drama as Amelia and hotel general manager Titus Overton began a tenuous friendship. While the story takes place over a short time in the summer of 1905, the author did a great job with the pacing of the book, making both the plot and romance feel very believable and not rushed. While Amelia and Titus each had personal self-doubts, it was sweet to see how they complemented one another when together. I found it uplifting to read how Titus progressed from his bitterness at God to becoming a man of faith. The beautiful descriptions of the birds, other animals and plants and even the hot summer temperatures made me feel I was at the scene wanting to sip an iced cold lemonade. I would highly recommend this to readers of inspirational historical romance. Great series!

I received an advanced reader copy from the publisher and BookFunnel via Celebrate Lit Bloggers and Reviewers. A positive review was not required and all opinions expressed here are my own.
2 s Connie Hill1,699 42

A Season At The Grand is written by Sherri Wilson Johnson. This is part of the Romance at the Gilded Age Resorts series. The series is written by multiple authors and is tied together with the Gilded age setting. This story brings us to Point Clear, Alabama in 1905. I live in Alabama so I was excited to see a story set here.

The author did a great job on bringing history to life. I went and looked up the Grand Hotel and saw their history on it. With this story we see Amelia who is there to take photographs for The Photographic Times. She needed to escape home because her aunts are worried she will become a spinster. She has a comical meeting with the General Manager Titus Overton and they get off to a rocky start.

Titus feels he has been missing out on something. He’s angry at God since the death of his fiancé. He doesn’t want to manage the resort. He would rather be bird watching. When he meets Amelia there are some walls that crumble. That includes his anger toward God.

There are some patrons that only want to cause trouble and Titus finds himself teeing to eliminate the threat. Amelia is in their sites and Titus wants to keep her safe.

I loved getting to know these characters. While this is a quick read the author packs in a wonderful story that draws you in immediately.

Thank you to the author, publisher and Celebrate Lit for allowing me to read a copy of this book. All thoughts are my own.
2 s Allyson Anthony609 32

I enjoyed reading this historical romance by Sherri Wilson Johnson. Amelia Harris is a photographer and goes to Mobile Bay to take photos during the summer for The Photographic Times. Her one goal in Mobile Bay is to take photographs, not fall in love. When she encounters Titus Overton, the general manager of the hotel she's staying in, her plans change.
Titus struggles to believe and trust God after the death of his fiancée. He is more of a see-it person--that is, he needs to see the proof before believing. I enjoyed Titus' spiritual journey and Titus and Amelia navigating their relationship and plans for the future.
The characters were well-developed; the plot line was engaging, and tension, danger, and romance are involved in this historical romance. This is a fantastic clean historical romance need by an amazing author.2 s Susan626 66

This is the first book by Sherri Wilson Johnson that I have read. I thoroughly enjoyed it. It checked off all the boxes for me with a sweet romance, a mystery involving some rather unsavory characters, a little bit of danger and an absolutely stunning setting. I really am enjoying these fictional trips to some of these historic hotels of the gilded age in this series.

I would be interested in reading a full-length novel by Ms. Johnson. While I thought there was excellent character development and plot pacing, I felt as if the storyline was rushed at the end due to the shorter parameters of a novella. However, this did not take away from the enjoyment of the story. Would love to have spent a summer with Amelia and Titus. While their romance was predictable, I loved reading how it unfolded into the expected happily ever after.

I received a complimentary copy from the author/publisher through CelebrateLit. I was not required to write a review. All opinions expressed are my own.
1 Lucy1,011 83

Although this is book three in the Romance at the Gilded Age Resorts each reads as a stand-alone with the common theme of a different resort in that era. I found it interesting to read of Point Clear in Alabama as I actually knew nothing about it. This is a quick read but contains a big story in less words that is very well done. I enjoyed Amelia and her feisty attitude and it was real to watch Titus struggle with his job and his faith as he begins to fall in love and opens himself up. There is enough action involved to keep you turning pages for the outcome. Well done by a new author to me. I hope to read the previous books in this series as I love learning about places and times.
I received a complimentary copy from CelebrateLit. The honest review and opinions are my own and were not required.1 Debbie2,263 4

This book ends in a surprising way. It is a love story, so that part isn’t a surprise but what happens is. This is a short read but it does keep the reader turning the pages. There is a little boy that really needs some attention to help him turn out the right way. I am anxiously awaiting the next book in this series as all the books have been entertaining this far. The Gospel message is shared in this book as well.
I received a complimentary copy from the author and Celebrate Lit and these opinions are my own.1 Deana Dick2,741 108

This has been a very enjoyable book to read with a bit of intrigue, romance and faith blended to make a story that will keep you glued to the story. I really d getting to know Amelia and her ambition to be a photographer which was almost unheard of during this time period. The mindset for some were that women should be at home and not out working a job meant for men. Her determination to succeed is guided by her strong faith. She is kind but also will stand up for what is right. Her journey takes her to a beautiful resort where adventure awaits her.

Titus is the general manger of the resort and attends to his guests needs with grace and careful attention. He is not completely happy with his job because he really wants to be out there in nature where he feels peace. He has struggled with his faith for awhile and also isn’t sure he could ever commit to a woman again. Tragedy has taken his joy and he is bitter at times with God.

I d how he and Amelia don’t hit it off right away because it leads to some moments where trust will come into play. The author slowly develops a relationship between the two which for me was just the right amount of time span so it wasn’t focused all on them getting together.

I didn’t expect the danger in the story at all but the author does a great job of exposing how racism still existed during this time period. One man is against anything that takes away from his wealth and he will stop at nothing to get his agenda approved by others. It is a reminder that greed and pride follow each other as threats start coming at not only Amelia but other guests as well.

The ending was not without tragedy as a man’s need for revenge is taken out on people at the resort. We witness a true hero as Titus steps up to protect Amelia and others at the resort. But for me the best part of the entire story is when Titus has a talk with God. I could feel his joy return and the bitterness he has lived with so long disappear. When Amelia explains certain scriptures to him, I loved how the author shows that it is never too late to ask for forgiveness.

I received a copy of this book from Celebrate Lit. The review is my own opinion.1 Kendra Neal1,263 27

I truly enjoy Christian Historical Romance Books and I also reading books that are part of a series. A Season at the Grand by Sherri Wilson Johnson is Book 3 in the Romance at the Gilded Age Resorts series. The series is written by Various Authors and I have read the first 2 books in this series.

The setting is Point Clear, Alabama in 1905. Amelia Harris is a Photographer and is excited when she is offered a Summer Position at Mobile Bay taking pictures of the Visitors and more on behalf of The Photographic Times. She is happy that she will be able to spend the Summer away from her "Matchmaking" Aunt. She realizes this is a tough job, but she is ready to defend herself and make a name for herself. Titus Overton is the General Manager of Point Clear Resort, the resort where Amelia is staying for the Summer. Titus is a fan of the Audubon and would rather be traveling, but he inherited the General Manager position when his cousin passed away. He is at first annoyed by Amelia and how she is all over the place taking pictures. He has a change of heart when he discovers how much she loves Birds, as he is a Bird lover also. Titus has to really step it up when Amelia and other guests at the Resort begin receiving threats. He is ready to protect everyone and Amelia tells him they need to trust God in this situation. He wonders if he can trust God, as God took away his fiance a few years ago. Will Titus keep the Resort Guests safe? Will Titus be able to open his heart to God? Will his heart be opened to LOVE again, as he begins to have feelings for Amelia?

WOW, I am truly loving this series. The Era of the book, the early 1900s is a favorite of mine. Amelia is an independent woman who has a wonderful Photography career. I LOVE her excitement and work ethic as she arrives for her Summer Job. Titus is a strong person but also is struggling with grief from losing his first love. I really LOVE how he is able to face that grief and open his heart to so much. The book is filled with Faith, Mystery, and Romance. I believe the author has done a GREAT job of connecting the characters and the book flows smoothly. WONDERFUL BOOK! Jeannine BennettAuthor 6 books102

As an avid reader of Sherry Wilson Johnson's work, it thrilled me to read her latest book, A Season at the Grand. I can confidently say that the author never disappoints. Her writing style is engaging, her characters are relatable, and her stories keep you hanging on to every word.

A Season at the Grand is no exception. From the first page, it drew me into the world of Amelia Harris, a professional photographer, and Titus Overton, the manager of the Grand. With every chapter, I was eager to see how their story would unfold. The setting of Mobile Bay in the early 1900s was beautifully described and through the beautiful writing, I felt I was there with Amelia as captured the beauty of the area through her camera lens.

What I loved most about this book was how the author tackled themes of faith and trust in God's plan. As Titus and Amelia face challenges and danger, they must learn to lean on their faith and trust that God will guide them through. Their struggles and triumphs were relatable and inspiring, and I rooted for them every step of the way.

Overall, A Season at the Grand is a wonderful and uplifting read that I highly recommend to anyone who loves Christian Historical Romance novels. Sherry Wilson Johnson is a fantastic storyteller. If you haven't read any of her books before, I urge you to check them out! I give A Season at the Grand 5 out of 5 stars.

Note: I was fortunate to receive a complimentary copy of this book from Celebrate Lit in exchange for an honest review. Rest assured, my thoughts were not influenced by this arrangement! I was under no obligation to write a positive review or receive any compensation. I am simply being transparent and complying with FTC regulations. Amy1,788

Going on vacation should never be as exciting or potentially dangerous as Amelia Harris's was when she escapes to Mobile Bay. Just wanting to get away from her aunts' and their constant matchmaking, Amelia just wants to photograph and establish herself as an important photographer. Even though many men will still look down upon her.

Titus Overton is the manager at the resort Amelia has chosen. He is a good manager, but his heart is not in that work. He is a bird man and would much rather be with the Audubon Society but due to familial obligations he must work at the resort. When Titus meets Amelia, he cannot get her out of his mind. And that is a problem as he has decided to close up his heart since his fiancé died. But his heart and soul sings for joy whenever she is around.

Titus and Amelia have a little bit of a bumpy ride on their way to happily ever after. There is unexpected mystery and danger that will throw these two in an adventure they never saw coming. This was a nice read about a vacation resort back in the day.

I was provided a copy of this novel from the publisher. I was not required to post a positive review and all views and opinions are my own.

http://pausefortales.blogspot.com/202... Patti Whitson Stephenson She Lives to Read1,113 17

Set in the year 1905, this book takes us back to the time when wealthy patrons stayed at opulent resorts for a season. I loved the way this author took the time to set the scenes of the activities happening with the resort and also of the natural beauty of the landscape and the wildlife surrounding Mobile Bay.

But it’s not just the beautiful setting that drew me into the book. There’s a budding sweet romance between the two main characters, Amelia Harris and Titus Overton. Just as that romance seems to blossom, the storyline takes an unexpected turn to conflict and danger. I also d how the author worked Titus’s search for meaning in life that flowed naturally into the storyline and that Amelia was able to help him find the way to faith in God. Several times in this book, I found that I wanted to read “just a few more pages” to discover how a situation would turn out.

At 157 pages, this book isn’t as lengthy as some novels, but I never felt any part of the book was rushed and the story felt complete. I’d don’t remember reading any of this author’s books before, but I’ll be watching for more from her.

I voluntarily received a copy of this book from the publisher. All opinions are my own. Psusan820 4

A Season at the Grand (Romance at the Gilded Age Resorts Book 3) by Sherri Wilson Johnson is part of a series written by various authors. This has been a great way to get to know new to me authors which tied to a common theme. This time it is photographer Amelia Harris who arrives at the Point Clear Resort, Alabama. The year is 1905 so while Amelia has been commissioned it is an uphill battle for a woman tackling a career considered part of a man’s world. There she meets Point Clear Resort General Manager Titus Overton who has struggles of his own.

The scenery with the resort and surrounding wildlife is exquisitely described. The characters well developed as well as their relationship that progresses naturally. There is growth faith and grace, danger, conflict, and romance in this well-crafted story. A Season at the Grand is the reader has taken a time travel vacation to the coast. Well done.

The publisher Wild Hearts Books provided a digital ARC. I have voluntarily decided to read and review, giving my personal opinions and thoughts.
Patti Pierce1,572

A Season at the Grand by Sherri Wilson Johnson is a Christian Historical Romance. The author weaves a story that caught my attention and kept my interest. Amelia Harris, a photographer, comes to spend the season on Mobile Bay, taking portraits of the wealthy and nature photographs for penny postcards.I love the development of her character through her interactions with the children in the story.

Titus Overton, general manager of the Point Clear Resort, wants to travel for the Audubon Society. He finds himself forced to interact with Amelia. I loved the pace and the way Sherri Wilson Johnson builds their relationship.

Filled with beautiful descriptions of the scenery and threats against others, the author masterfully builds suspense throughout the story. This book was one I could not put down.

So if you enjoy Christian Historical Romances, check out A Season at the Grand by Sherri Wilson Johnson for yourself.

I received a complimentary copy of this book, but this in no way influenced my review. All opinions are my own. Erin1,794 12

I love a good historical romance novel. This is one of those. You’re going to love the sweet bayside setting. And I would love to see the resort in person. It sounds somewhere I’d love to spend a few days.

The story takes place in 1905. This is not a time period that I’ve read a lot about as it’s not one that has intrigued me before. But now I’m definitely intrigued. A female photographer trying to make money with postcards of nature. And a man who’d rather be bird-watching who is now running a resort.

I enjoyed this novel and was pleased to know that it is part of a series. However, this is one of those series that you don’t have to read in order. It is written by different authors and they do not carry the same characters or plot.

I have voluntarily reviewed a complimentary copy of this book which I received from Celebrate Lit. All views expressed are only my honest opinion. I was not required to write a positive review nor was I compensated in any other way. All opinions expressed are my own. I am disclosing this in accordance with the FTC regulations. celebrate-lit Robin Willson591 17

Alabama 1905. Over the summer, Amelia is commissioned as a photographer to take photos for use on penny postcards and additional pictures of the resort and guests. She has no idea what she's in for. She feels she can be totally independent but finds that when Titus helps out it's not awful. He is trying to maintain a professional distance as the manager. He has his own personal struggles and would rather study the birds. Add in some intrigue and danger with political undertones of the day and it makes quite the interesting story as well as very likable characters. Great summer read.

I received this book free from the author, publisher and CelebrateLit book review bloggers program. I was not required to write a positive review. The opinions I have expressed are my own.

#ASeasonAtTheGrand #SherriWilsonJohnson #BooksYouCanFeelGoodAbout #ChristianHistoricalFiction #FiveStarNovel #CelebrateLit Amy5,800

A Season at the Grand is the third installment from the multi author Romance at the Gilded Age Resorts series. I have loved this series and Sherri Wilson Johnson’s addition is no different. I loved getting to know Anelia and Titus. The story was full of intrigue, danger, suspense and romance. I d the important lessons learned of forgiveness, hope and faith. I loved reading it so much, I had it finished in one sitting.

I give A Season at the Grand five stars. I highly recommend it for readers who enjoy reading clean historical romance. I look forward to the next installment from the Romance at the Gilded Age Resorts, A Summer at Thousand Island House by Susan G Mathis.

I received a paperback copy of A Season at the Grand from the publisher but was not required to write a positive review. This review is one hundred percent my own honest opinion.
1 Valri Western1,443 19

This was a beautiful, sweet romance with some mystery thrown in! I thoroughly enjoyed it! I am enjoying this multi-author series about various hotels/resorts for the wealthy during the Gilded Age. Titus was the manager of the resort and he wanted to be doing something else - traveling with the Audubon Society enjoying nature. Amelia is a photographer and she's commissioned to spend her summer taking portraits of the elite and taking pictures of nature. Danger soon begins as treats against Amelia and other guests appear. Titus, as manager, must step up but can he trust in a God that he hasn't believed in for a long time? This is such a beautiful story and I loved the character development! Sheila Samuelson 1,096 17

Rating: 5 Stars!!
Thank you to Celebrate Lit Book Tours for picking me to participate in this week's Book Tour for this Book in The Romance at The Gilded Age Resorts!! This was my first time reading a book by Sherri Wilson Johnson so i wasnt sure what to expect but i have to say i really enjoyed this one.

The Characters were so fun and enjoyable to read about. It was so hard to pick just one as my favorite since i seemed to all of them.

The Setting was beautifully described which made me feel i was actually in the book while reading, especially when the scenery was described.

Overall A Phenomenal Book 3 in this Historical Christian Fiction Series!! Can't wait to read more in this series and by Sherri in the future!!adult-books christian history ...more Holly Bleggi956 32

I enjoyed this book. I d how independent Amelia was and that she was doing what she loved. I also d how her and Titus’ relationship developed. I d how neither one was looking to fall in love and wanted to be left alone but they kept being drawn to each other. I d seeing Titus gain faith in God and how that influenced how he handled certain situations differently then he would have in the past. I thought the story was well written and was entertaining.

I received a complimentary book from publishers, publicists, and or authors.  A review was not required and all opinions and ideas expressed are my own.
Debbie356 8

A strictly romance novel is not my usual genre, but the beautiful cover drew me in. It’s a sweet romance, with some humor, and some unexpected drama. I enjoyed it and someone who does love romance will surely love this book. The author did a great job with the characters and the story.

This is a series set in different resorts written by different authors. I’m not sure I’ve read a “Gilded Age” novel before. But I did enjoy it.

This is a Christian novella and there’s no bad language or inappropriate behavior between sexes. There is a sweet Christian faith thread that weaves beautifully in the story.
Becky Dempsey756 14

I have found this series on Gilded Age Resorts to be interesting. When I saw the title, I thought that this book took place on Mackinac Island at the Grand Hotel there, so I was a little confused when it was not set there. The book was a quick read and had a nice biblical thread and clear gospel message. The mystery wasn't very deep but was immediately solved. I d Amelia's spunk. I look forward to reading the next book in this series.

I got a free copy of this book. All thoughts and opinions are my own and given voluntarily. No compensation was received for my review. Cheryl Holland1 review

This was my very first experience reading a Sherri Wilson Johnson novel and I can say without reservation that I am completely hooked! As I read how Amelia’s & Titus’s love story unfolded my ‘hopeless romantic’ heart was just a-flutterin’. In addition, it has something for everyone… romance, adventure, conflict, a dastardly villain, inspiration recreation and faith.

Well done, my friend… very well done! Jeanette485

This isn’t the first book Ms. Johnson’s I’ve read and it won’t be the last. This was a wonderful story with truly intriguing characters. I loved the character development. The story had so much that I loved, such as suspense, intrigue, some danger and romance. It also had some very important lessons as well about faith, hope and forgiveness. Plus it was written in one my favorite times - the gilded age. I really couldn’t have asked for a better read. I definitely recommend this book. Debbie1,303 6

Amelia and Titus’s story is truly fascinating. When Amelia went to Mobile Bay to photograph the Grand her life will change forever. Titus is struggling with carrying on at the Grand until he sees Amelia. Reading about the adventures they face will have you on the edge of your seat waiting to see what happens next. I had the honor to review this book for the author for a honest review. Nichi Perez166


Short and cute book with good faith content.christian-fiction Cover Lover Book Review1,095 75

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