
Cat on a Hot Tin Roof de Williams, Tennessee

de Williams, Tennessee - Género: English
libro gratis Cat on a Hot Tin Roof


The definitive text of this American classic—reissued with an introduction by Edward Albee (Who’s Afraid of Virginia Woolf? and A Delicate Balance) and Williams’ essay "Person-to-Person."

Cat on a Hot Tin Roof first heated up Broadway in 1955 with its gothic American story of brothers vying for their dying father’s inheritance amid a whirlwind of sexuality, untethered in the person of Maggie the Cat. The play also daringly showcased the burden of sexuality repressed in the agony of her husband, Brick Pollitt. In spite of the public controversy Cat stirred up, it was awarded the Pulitzer Prize and the Drama Critics Circle Award for that year. Williams, as he so often did with his plays, rewrote Cat on a Hot Tin Roof for many years—the present version was originally produced at the American Shakespeare Festival in 1974 with all the changes that made Williams finally declare the text to be definitive, and was most recently produced...

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BOTH sides of The Force are strong in this novel!

This is a novel part of the “New Canon” novels published by Disney after its purchase of Lucasfilms and all its properties. The first novel in this new canon set during the Clone Wars, and using scripts planned to be filmed on the CGI TV series but at the end, it wasn’t developed.


What’s worse... to have unhappy stories, or to have no story at all?

Dark Disciple was originally planned to be a multi-episode saga at the final season of the CGI TV Series “Clone Wars”. However, it wasn’t developed and therefore we were deprived of this great tale... until now.

The Clone Wars have taken longer than Jedi Council expected and its end isn’t seen at sight. Count Dooku, former Jedi Master and now a Dark Lord of the Sith, is the leader of the Separatist Army with a vast supply of droids to battle for him. Even with the existence of a Separatist group of leaders from each race part of it, it’s clear that without Count Dooku, the Separatist movement would be left without its strategic mastermind.

You should know by now that in a war, there is no such thing as an innocent.

So, the Jedi Council came to a shocking decision...

...Count Dooku must be assassinated!

But that the Jedi Council is sanctioning a murder isn’t the most shocking...

..the assassination must be made by a joint team of users of BOTH sides of The Force!!!

Sometimes it is a dark path we must tread so that long more for the light, we shall.

Quinlan Vos, Jedi Master, used to work in cover-up operations and with an unique skill from The Force, letting him to perceive images from anything he touches with his hands, is selected by the Jedi Council for this top secret mission.

Asajj Ventress, who has been many things in her life, slave child, Jedi Padawan, Sith Acolyte, Nightsister, Bounty Hunter, and now she is selected to be the representant of the Dark Side of The Force for the Jedi Council’s secret mission, even without her knowledge about it!


When one trusts another with his life, forged a bond is. In this position, neither Vos nor Ventress has been.

I am a huge fan of Asajj Ventress and definitely I was excited when I knew that finally she will be in a protagonist role in a Star Wars novel. She has been in other Star Wars novels (which now they are in a “Legends” status until Disney would say otherwise), but she was one of the characters, not one of the main characters, that here she is sharing credits with the character of Quinlan Vos. Definitely, both of them are the stars in this story.

We’re Jedi, not generals

The Clone Wars have been something bad for the Jedi, but not only because they got involved in the conflict leading the Clone armies in the field, but being in the middle of so much death, violence and destruction, it’s taking its toll in their souls, in their minds, in their connection with The Force.

Blood is already in the hands of the Jedi Council, and they think that the goal justifies the means, BUT maybe this time they put in motion such twisted unholy mission that it will smear their hands so deep that they won’t be able to clean them up totally.

...life had taught her that the universe was not kind to the soft.

If you think that you know Asajj Ventress...

...think again!

Since you never have been so deep in her mind, and you never have seen Ventress in this novel before.

Each man is a world. Each woman is an universe. And having in account that this woman is Asajj Ventress, well... you do the math of how complex her inner universe must be!

Her life has never been easy. Victim, student, warrior, witch, murderer. She has tasted both sides of The Force and beyond. She is feared and admired at the same time for her enemies. Anyone that she may have called friend is dead.

Therefore above all, she is mostly...

...ALONE... in a galaxy far, far away.

espionage media-tie-in military ...more133 s megs_bookrack1,758 11.9k

The only way to bring down the Sith's most powerful warrior
may be to join forces with the dark side.

Dark Disciple is an Adult novel within the Disney Star Wars Canon. To put it into timeline perspective, this book falls after the novel, Catalyst and just prior to the movie, Revenge of the Sith.

Interestingly, or at least for fans, this novel is based on a story arc scripted for The Clone Wars television series that went unproduced after the show was canceled.

My initial attraction to this book, besides the fact that I want to read all the Canon novels, was Asajj Ventress, the infamous former apprentice to Count Dooku.

This book developed her character in such a satisfying way. I love when a antihero gets their time to shine.

As the war rages on in the galaxy, Count Dooku's tactics become increasingly brutal. The Republic cannot stand by while hundreds more innocent lives are lost.

The Jedi Council surmises the best way to defeat Dooku, perhaps the only way, would be to join forces with someone who knows him best.

Asajj Ventress, Count Dooku's former disciple, becomes their focus for the mission.

Ventress, now making ends meet as a bounty hunter, is perfect for the assignment. After Dooku attempted to have her killed, she severed all ties with him and that hatred runs deep.

Quinlan Vos, the Jedi Knight assigned the mission, sets out to find Asajj with the goal of getting her to assist him in assassinating Dooku.

Once the two meet up, their budding relationship grows quickly. I loved the banter between them as they struggled to figure out a power balance.

Ventress ultimately teaches Vos many things, including how to harness the power of the dark side; a line that is most dangerous to cross.

As is to be expected, there was a ton of action in here. I loved the various battle scenes, but also loved the quieter moments between Vos and Ventress.

I certainly don't need romance in my Star Wars, but for me, it was more about watching Ventress being able to let her guard down and open up to someone.

She has such a tough facade and reputation, rarely letting it slip, even for a moment. Reading her in the more vulnerable moments, particularly when she told Vos the truth of what happened to her fellow Nightsisters, it gave me all the feels.

Additionally, the deep bond that forms between them was so well written. A forbidden romance if ever there was one.

Ultimately, this story did shred my heart in a hundred million pieces, but I'm willing to forgive Christie Golden because she wrote it with such care and grace.

Overall, I loved this story.

Highly recommend to Star Wars fans who enjoy to dabble in the power of the dark side. You know who you are!

star-wars-read110 s Mogsy2,117 2,679

4.5 of 5 stars at The BiblioSanctum http://bibliosanctum.com/2016/02/02/b...

Based off of an unproduced script for Star Wars: The Clone Wars, this epic tale of action-adventure and romance got its second chance in Star Wars: Dark Disciple, penned by one of my favorite media tie-in novelists Christie Golden. Hands down, this is the best book I’ve read written by her, and certainly this has also become one of my favorite Star Wars books ever. In fact, I can’t even express all that much regret over those episodes that were never made, because then we wouldn’t have gotten this awesome novel. I honestly don’t think the show could have conveyed the same sense of wonder or a similar level of emotional depth.

On the surface, Dark Disciple might sound just another one of the dozens of Star Wars books that have come before it, with a central theme of Light versus Dark, or more specifically, a story about a Jedi flirting with the Dark Side. But dig a bit deeper, and it’s clear it’s so much more than that. What made this book so great for me were the two main characters, beautifully and deftly written. I first got to know Quinlan Vos and Asajj Ventress from the Star Wars: Republic comics and the The Clone Wars animated series, respectively. I have to say, although both became fast favorites of mine, never in my wildest dreams would I have imagined them starring in a story together, let alone have so much chemistry between them. And yet, perhaps it is not so surprising, because the more you read, the more you begin to realize they are two sides of the same coin.

But let’s back up a little, because the story itself—the setting and its circumstances—also serves as powerful driving force behind the characters’ relationship. The book begins in the middle of a dark time for the Jedi. Despite all their efforts to curb the cruel and merciless Sith Lord Count Dooku, the Republic still finds itself losing ground to his vicious tactics. Perhaps this is what ultimately drives the Jedi Council to ponder striking back with vicious tactics of their own, even if it means going against everything their Order stands for. It is decided that for the good of the galaxy, Count Dooku must be eliminated once and for all, and thus in a secret conclave, an assassination plot is born.

However, the heavy responsibility of killing Count Dooku cannot be left to just anyone, or even to just one person. After much deliberation, the Council approaches Quinlan Vos, an experienced fighter who is also a bit of maverick and no stranger to the clandestine dealings of the Jedi. He is subsequently tasked to track down Asajj Ventress, the one-time apprentice of Dooku, with the reasoning that no one else in the galaxy knows the Sith Lord as well than his former pupil (and for a certainty, no one hates him as much as she does either). Cocksure and confident, Vos devises a plan to meet up with Ventress, posing as a bounty hunter so he can gain her trust and eventually co-opt her into his plan for taking down Dooku. But in a twist of fate, it is Ventress who actually manages to capture Vos under her spell, and both Jedi Master and former Sith acolyte end up finding something neither of them expected—love.

In retrospect, I shouldn’t have been surprised at my strong reaction to Dark Disciple. A glimpse at the highest rated books on my Star Wars shelf shows a clear pattern: most of them involve an element of romance. On the whole, I’ve always found Star Wars novels to be exposition-heavy, which frequently throws up a barrier between the reader and the characters. On the other hand, a love story immediately changes those dynamics, because if you want to create an effective and believable romance between two characters, being able to get into their heads and hearts is the only way to do it.

Here’s where the author’s talent shines. Taking full advantage of the novel format, Christie Golden takes what already we know of Vos and Ventress and fleshes them out so that they become very real, very engaging characters. Various depictions of Vos have always cultivated in him the image of the Jedi “bad boy”, a wise-cracking and risk-taking nonconformist to the Order’s ways, but in Dark Disciple we get to see a softer and more passionate side of him. And for The Clone Wars fans drawn to this novel because of Asajj Ventress, rest assured because Golden also does her character justice, ensuring that the Dathomirian’s tenacity and ass-kicking spirit is preserved while adding many layers to her personality underneath that tough exterior.

The two characters themselves are a good match for each other. Vos and Ventress both have interesting pasts, and even though you don’t have to be familiar with either of their histories to enjoy this novel, knowing some background will make the reading experience all the more satisfying. I initially expressed surprise at a story arc featuring the two of them working together, but now that I’ve seen them in action, I can’t imagine a more perfect pairing. I mentioned chemistry, but really, that is an understatement, considering the way these two interact. This story sees the two of them awakening something in each other that neither knew existed before. That spark is more a blazing bonfire, so sultry and intense, helped by the fact that we’re dealing with a couple of Star Wars characters with somewhat sexually charged personalities. Interestingly, until now that behavior in both of them has always been portrayed as rather cheeky and flippant, but here we see their true capacity for intimacy and powerful attachment, and I for one came out of this still amazed at Ventress’ talent for putting so much affection and sensuality into the word “idiot”.

Very few Star Wars novels have captivated me this, with a plot that kept me guessing at every turn. At the risk of spoiling the story, I’ll simply say Dark Disciple kicked my feelings in the butt real hard and I had to spend a good while recovering from that ordeal. This is a must-read for fans of The Clone Wars, but even if you only dabble in the expanded universe, you should really give this book a try. It is up there among what I feel are the most worthwhile novels in the new canon, and certainly one of the best in terms of character development and giving the reader an impactful emotional experience.

One final thought: if you can get your hands on an audio copy, do it. Publishers always go full out on the Star Wars audiobooks, with sound effects and voices. With narrator Marc Thompson at the helm, you really can’t go wrong. Plus, there’s the music. I’m not too fond of the prequel movies, but as always John Williams does an incredible job on the soundtracks. They use the love theme from Attack of the Clones to great effect in Dark Disciple, and by that I mean it practically turned me into a puddle of feelings on the floor. Loved it.audiobook favorites media-tie-in ...more67 s Sean Barrs 1,121 46.5k

"One man’s life must be weighed against those of potentially millions of innocents. Isn’t protecting the innocent the very definition of what it means to be a Jedi? We are failing the Republic and its citizens. We must stop this- now.”

How long can a Jedi truly remain a Jedi when the galaxy is at war? How far can the role of peacekeeper be taken? Can it extend to assassination?

If the target is none other than the infamous Count Dooku, then surely his demise will help restore order to the galaxy? These are all questions the Jedi council has to ask itself as they ponder how far they can use their powers in such a desperate time. Assassination, murder, is a path to the dark side, so the council send an experienced grey Jedi to do their dirty work.

His name is Vos, and he has been tasked with gaining the trust of the former sith apprentice Ventress. Together they may have a chance of killing Dooku. But what the council didn’t predict, and what Vos didn’t predict, is how compatible he and Ventress are. They work well together; they belong together. Ventress teaches Vos how to wield the dark side without losing himself to his emotions entirely; she shows him how he can dip in and out of it and wield it as a weapon rather than becoming the embodiment of it.

As any experienced jedi master would tell you, the force isn’t a simple as that. Vos has tasted the dark side, and he has also fallen in love. This is no longer a mission of duty but a deeply personal endeavour. His Jedi vows are forgotten, and he only has one goal in mind; thus, a story of hidden desire and dark vengeance begins. Both Vos and Ventress walk a fine line between the dark and the light, but when they are together the line becomes blurred and altered. They set each other off, and become dangerous and attached. Despite their feelings, the relationship that is developing only could ever become poison for both parties.

Such a situation could never end well. Such a situation could only end in blood. And, I must say, I found the ending to be quite powerful. As we’ve seen before in Star Wars, it is always possible to return from the darkness: redemption, no matter what you’ve done, is still possible. This is a really good Star Wars book, one that explores both sides of the force.4-star-reads sci-fi67 s Terence1,129 357

After Count Dooku mercilessly commits genocide on a planets fleeing inhabitants simply for siding with Republic, the Jedi Council decides something unthinkable for them...assassination. The plan as decided by the council is to assassinate Count Dooku thus ending the war and saving countless lives. Jedi Master Quinlan Vos is chosen for this surprising mission and the Council's orders get even stranger as Vos is ordered to team with former Sith Acolyte Asajj Ventress in order to end Dooku.

When I saw there was going to be a Star Wars book that focused on Asajj Ventress and Quinlan Vos, I jumped on the opportunity to read it. It was somewhat of a mixed bag for me as I vacillate at times between liking and disliking the story. Dark Disciple is based on unproduced episodes of Star Wars: The Clone Wars TV show. In many ways it shows as the stories plot is occasionally sidetracked by removing focus from Vos and Ventress in favor of main series protagonists Obi-Wan Kenobi and Anakin Skywalker. There are also a few random point of view chapters with some characters of little importance to the book and series.

Vos and Ventress set off on what becomes a surprising Star Wars love story. Their early interactions were what I expected based on what I know of each of them, but things changed as emotions formed and were expressed to each other. To see Vos in love wasn't so shocking, but seeing Ventress in love was watching the toughest man you've ever known cry over a TV commercial. It invariably leaves you with a what on Earth is happening here moment. The depth of love and conviction Ventress had for Vos was surprising, but mostly in a good way after getting over the moments of shock.

No Star Wars tale involving Jedi and Sith would be complete without some lightsaber fighting and philosophical debate between the light and dark side of the force. Both were handled in a manner consistent to the main series films, but I have to say the philosophical debate left me feeling it was too simplistic. This is no fault of the author since it's often been as simplistic as a Sith Lord putting doubts into a Jedi's head and using those doubts to pull that Jedi closer to the dark side. It's just crazy to think a chat with a guy trying to kill you with his laser sword could completely overwhelm a literal lifetime of training and experience against such things.

Overall Dark Disciple was a fun and quick read that centered around some interesting characters who normally don't get the spotlight.

3 out of 5 stars

I received this ARC from NetGalley in exchange for an honest review.arcs-and-galleys45 s Lyn1,909 16.8k

A really damn good Star Wars book.

Veteran SW writer Christie Golden has produced one of the better new Star Wars novels coming out of the Canon list of titles. Using some of the coolest and most interesting characters of the vast Star Wars universe, namely Asajj Ventris, Quinlan Vos, Count Dooku and Obi Wan Kenobi Golden has the Force with her to put together a great story.

One of the great plots in the Star Wars collection of films, animated work, comics, graphic novels, novels and shorter works is Anakin Skywalker’s “seduction by the Dark side”. That phrase has escaped from the movies and has become a part of our larger culture, so ubiquitous is it in various contexts. Mark Hamill looks at Alec Guiness and asks if he knew Luke’s father. Guiness, measuring his line and adding a pensive, cautious reply explains that Luke’s father was “seduced” by Vader. From that ominous, pregnant pause Star wars fans by the tens of millions have come to ponder on what that meant. The addition of the prequel trilogy only heightened our fascination with, in Miltonian irony, the dark side of the Force and its most visible tragic hero.

“Your anger has made you powerful.” Where have we heard that before? Golden uses a weathered and reliable line but this time coming from the complex, backstory rich Sith Lord Count Dooku to a prospective apprentice in Quinlan Vos, himself something of a variation on the Anakin blueprint – an amusing and charismatic mixture of Jedi and Sith, of good and bad, of earnest high morality and roguish humanity. Add in a prohibited love interest (again parallel with the Anakin / Vader myth) to the Vos’ story – except instead of the capable but lawfully good Padme, Golden has Vos join forces with the equally complicated Asajj Ventress. In doing so, Golden has produced a fertile ground for an exploration of one of the most vital attractions of the Star Wars legend, that of the distinction – often subtle – between the light and the dark, here with the Force as allegory.

Also, Golden wins with her mixture of Force mysticism and SF elements. With space ships that can bank and turn on a dime in vacuum and with sound effects and a host of other winks and nods to a fantasy story dressed up as science fiction, Star Wars is our modern day Tolkien-esque morality play. But it’s fun, and Golden does not forget this mercenary element as Dark Disciple is packed with action and is as entertaining as Jar Jar Binks doing standup. Golden’s use as a setting of Coruscant’s labyrinthine underworld was also noteworthy.

Dark Disciple also helps to make the distinction between Legends and Canon works. By boldly moving forward with Legends characters (but still from the Canonical Clone Wars era) she has paid tribute to Star Wars expanded universe elements while forging ahead with a new and exciting storyline.

Finally, this was just a great story. I tend to be hard on series contributions and deny them the originality vote when assigning a rating. Dark Disciple gave respective and appropriate nods to discernable character traits and established plot structures while pushing the envelope with character study and theme exploration. A three star rating for me has some formulaic and readily guessed story elements. I came to the end of this four star rating and really did not know how it would end and was held in rapt attention until the last few pages. That gentle readers is something to which all books should aspire.

37 s fatherofdragons113191 54

I loved this book, but I also have a few dissents about it, but generally I really enjoyed this book.

The writing was really done well, Golden did a much better job at depicting the Star Wars Universe than EK Johnson did with the Padme books in my opinion. Her writing seemed so flat, while Golden really did a great job at writing these characters, their drives and emotions, while also doing a great job at setting the scene.

I loved this book and how it's basically a book about the Dark Side. How is works, why people are suseptible to it, and what makes it so powerful. I loved the questions this book made you ask yourself and I really enjoyed how this book shows how far the Jedi Order had fallen. With an absence of the Dark Side for so long that it becomes almost a myth, it is almost the "light" of the Jedi was becoming corrupted by its own hubris. It made me think that the Empire and the Jedi Purge NEEDED to happen in order to bring the balance back to the Force.

Assajj Ventress is a queen. She's in my top five faves and I'm glad I got a conclusion to her Clone Wars arc. I think she made a beautiful revolution from padawan, to sith apprentice, and finally coming home to her Nightsisters. I love characters Asajj, who fall on the line between good and evil, Daenerys Targaryen or the Scarlet Witch.

My only complaint about this book is a complaint I have with Star Wars in general and it's the repetition. There's always a good guy tempted by the dark. A woman he loves and loses. It's we're getting different iterations of the same story over and over again. That doesn't necessarily make it bad, just somewhat predictable and I love stories that keep me guessing and surprise me.

That being said Dark Disciple seemed much more mature than other Star Wars content and I d the sexual nature of Assajj. It was a nice realistic look at some of the characters.

Overall I really d this book, much more than other Star Wars content I've read. Here's hoping it continues to get better! Perhaps I should take a break. I can feel myself reaching a burning out point with SW, but I also want to finish the Republic Era. We shall see!35 s C.T. PhippsAuthor 78 books623

Yeah, I don't know how to summarize my opinions on this book. I don't want to to insult Christie Golden as I absolutely adore her and still consider her novel, Arthas, one of my all-time favorite novels. Certainly, she can do romance since I found the Jaina Proudmoore/Arthas Menethil romance to be one of my favorite in the World of Warcraft universe. But this? Well, I just didn't it.

Before we begin, I should also mention this book isn't Star Wars: Bloodline or Lost Stars. It's not a book a causal Star Wars fan can just pop open and read. Instead, this book depends heavily on your knowledge of The Clone Wars television show. Much of the story focuses on popular villainess Ventress, Count Dooku's brief Sith apprentice, and is designed to wrap up her story arc that was cut short by the show being cancelled. I understand this book was supposed to be a few episodes on television and it's a shame they weren't filmed since I think they might have worked better on screen.

The premise of the book is Count Dooku orders the extermination of an entire planet of innocent aliens and the Jedi Knighthood decides this is the bridge too far. They must assassinate Count Dooku and rid the world of the Sith once and for all (oh, how little they know). Rather than send Anakin Skywalker, who is HILARIOUSLY just sitting in a corner waiting for them to call him, they decide to send Jedi Master Quinlan Vos to recruit Asajj Ventress in order to help him do this.

Okay, this stinks because I'm not even finished with the summary and there's already way too much wrong with this to properly parse. First of all, Count Dooku was intending to survive the Clone Wars. He was keeping his hands clean while General Grevious did all the dirty work and atrocities. You're telling me he ordered an Alderaan-scale massacre and pretty much no one noticed?

Next, the Jedi Knights sending Quinlan Vos after him is a hard enough pill to swallow. I'm not sure what the canon Quinlan brings to the table which would allow him to defeat the galaxy's greatest swordmsan after Mace, Yoda, Anakin, and Obi-Wan. What is Quinlan Vos' special ability that makes them think he can take Dooku? It's certainly isn't his gift for psychometry. That doesn't help fight a Form II lightsaber combat master.

After that, we go into the fact the Jedi Council wants Quinlan Vos to join up with Ventress, a failed SITH LORD. Shouldn't the Jedi Knights be trying to track her down and arrest her for all of the war crimes she committed? Yeah, I regret she's come to regret being a Sith but even if the Jedi are planning on offering her a pardon to help kill Dooku, this seems an insanely risky plan for almost no reward.

The story proceeds to go on with Quinlan hooking up with Asajj as a bounty hunter before they start a flirtacious relationship which, eventually, blossoms into love. After Quinlan reveals he's a Jedi, which she already knew, Asajj starts teaching him the Dark Side of the Force so he can have the power to defeat Dooku. Quinlan, a supposed Jedi Master, thinks this is a good idea and things go pear-shaped from there. Not the least because it turns out that Asajj has done bad things to Jedi Quinlan knows.

My God, I really don't know how to judge this book because there's just so much nonsensical stuff going on here which never gets sold to me as the reader before something equally weird happens. The stuff I listed above is just the beginning, really. I mean, I don't even know where to begin analyzing the stuff which didn't work for me because I can't just say everything.

Let's go with the fact the majority of the book is a romance, or an attempt to do a romance. The portrayal of the book is Ventress is a skilled seductress and femme fatale who Vos finds captivating. Well, I guess some people would find Ventress appealing. She's certainly a dominant female and Dark Side ladies have their appeal but mostly I've always found her a really nasty character with a smoker's voice.

Even so, there's a history of her and Obi-Wan Kenobi flirting, which gets mentioned. I could maybe, kinda, buy them having an attraction since he's the opposite to her in virtually every way. The Yin to the Yang and vice versa. Quinlan Vos generally acts a complete pushover who tosses aside decades of training to go along with her statement the Dark Side is more powerful. What does Ventress see in him? Especially, you know, when he goes from following her around a puppy to murderous rage?

There's also a bit where Count Dooku decides to team up with Quinlan Vos to try to take down Emperor Palpatine. This is actually the one part of the book I d. Unfortunately, it occupies only a small section of it and goes in some bizarre directions. Not the least of which being that Count Dooku only wanted to kill the Emperor because Palpatine ordered him to kill Ventress in the first place, eventually resulting in the destruction of the Nightsisters. Getting some of that complicated relationship deconstructed would have been great but do we? No. Also, Quinlan Vos while Drunk on the Dark SideTM is able to kick Dooku's butt from here to Mustafar.

Which, no, I'm sorry, I don't buy that.

No spoilers since Revenge of the Sith happened but Quinlan Vos doesn't kill Count Dooku in the end. The thing is, the Jedi Knighthood learns a "lesson" about the evils of assassination and vow never to do it again. Except, in Revenge of the Sith, Anakin is feted for killing Count Dooku and they intend to do the same thing with Palpatine. They also send Obi-Wan to (successfully) kill General Grevious. So they learned exactly nothing from the events of this book.

As a finale for Asajj Ventress' story arc, I have to say I was rather disappointed in it as well. Ventress, for all of her flaws, was one of the most formidable female characters in the Star Wars Expanded Universe(s). I never quite bought her redemption stories, though, because all of her personality was focused on being a ruthless murdering psychopath.

Here, she never really rejects the Dark Side and when she does, it's for the somewhat prosaic reason of romantic love. I can't help but think I would have preferred her story to have something less traditional wanting to take down Dooku for his crimes or facing Anakin Skywalker. Indeed, in the Republic comics, Ventress' best death (she had several) was when Anakin murdered her to protect the secret of his marriage. A pity that wasn't her canonical end.

I can't say I much cared for the book's interpretation of Quinlan Vos either. The character was popularized by John Ostrander in the Republic comics before being brought to mainstream canon by the The Clone Wars show. He had an extensive arc where he was corrupted by the Dark Side, tried to assassinate Count Dooku, and fell in love with a beautiful thief but this story lacks all of that story's oomph. We also don't have Aalya Secura as Quinlan Vos' padawan in this book, which seems just plain strange given her popularity.

In conclusion, I recommend reading the Wookieepedia summary of the book instead of actually reading it.

4/10fantasy space-opera star-wars32 s1 comment Rebecca RoanhorseAuthor 58 books8,744

I very much enjoyed this book. Loved Vos and Ventress and their complicated relationship. Loved the depiction of the Dark Side and the one scene where Vos truly crosses over was chilling. I that the Jedi struggle with moral issues and fail. This may be one of my top 3 Star Wars books for pure entertainment value. As others have mentioned, this was originally supposed to be 3(?) episodes in the Clone Wars. Would have loved to see it.27 s Bookwraiths698 1,088

Originally reviewed at Bookwraiths Reviews

A long time ago in a galaxy far,
far away . . . .

The Clone Wars rage across the galaxy.
Republic and Separatist forces continually clashing.
World after world destroyed in this brutal conflict.
Even the wisest of the Jedi seeing no end to the war.

On Coruscant, a desperate plan is formulated.
A plan that the Jedi Council hates,
but one they are desperate enough to try.
A plan to send a lone Jedi to assassinate Count Dooku.

Jedi Master Quinlan Vos is chosen for this task.
Before he faces the Count, he must seek out the aid
of an unusual ally who doesn’t have any love for Jedi.
For in this quest, Asajj Ventress’ help Master Vos must have!

This book is a welcomed return to the Clone Wars television show so many Star Wars fans adored. Based upon unproduced episodes, Dark Disciple is co-headlined by two show favorites, Quinlan Vos and Asajj Ventress, features many other Star Wars faces (both minor and major), and adds yet another layer to the ever expanding history of this Clone Wars era in Star Wars.

As the story gets started, the Jedi find themselves in a moral dilemma: should they attempt to end the war by assassinating Count Dooku? While it might seem a simple decision, it isn’t for the Council, who find themselves split on the question. For those against, assassination goes against everything the Jedi stand for, and it reeks of the dark side of the Force. For those in favor, their moral obligation to end the war quickly and prevent the death of millions of innocent creatures across the galaxy trumps their personal distaste for such a mission.

In the end, Master Yoda weighs in on the question, and eventually, the Council decides to roll the dice on an assassination of Dooku. The lucky Jedi tasked with this deed none other than Quinlan Vos.

Quickly, Vos is briefed about his mission by Obi-wan Kenobi. While the assassination itself doesn’t phase Vos as much as it did the Council, the order to seek out and befriend Asajj Ventress startles him, causing him to question why he needs to do such a thing. Inevitably though, Obi-wan talks him into it, and Vos does as he is instructed, assuming the role of a bounty hunter, and hunts down Ventress, attempting to befriend her before she discovers that he is a Jedi.

The story that follows is really all about Quinlan Vos and Asajj Ventress’ friendship. Sure, there are lots of fights (regular blaster battles, lightsaber duels, and space battles), more than one encounter with dear old Count Dooku, and a descent into the depths of the dark side of the Force, but at its heart, this is a tale of two people and the journey they travel together. Naturally, they learn many things from one another, and Ventress, in particular, finally fully emerges from her Sith shadow to fully reveal herself to the Star Wars world.

Is this the best Star Wars novel I’ve ever read?

No, I have others that are higher on my personal list.

Are there any glaring issues with it?

Nope. It is good Star Wars fun from cover to cover. Sure, I have personal diss about certain things that occur in the novel, but I always suspend my disbelief when reading Star Wars and try to enjoy the pure sugar-coated fun of it all.

What is the best part of the story?

As a self-confessed Ventress lover, she was the highlight of the story for me. From the tough-as-nails bounty hunter to the determined mentor to the loving woman, Asajj stole the show for me personally. And while there were times when her gentleness and caring for Quinlan Vos startled me, I’m also old enough to know that even the most cynical, most bitter person has someone who can reach their heart no matter how hard they try to stop them from doing so.

All in all, I thoroughly enjoyed my return to The Clone Wars and these characters. And while I’m not a Clone Wars fanboy (though I did spend A LOT of time watching the first few seasons over and over again with my now teenage son back when he was small), I have a feeling dedicated fans of the show will enjoy this one even more than I did. So give it a try, and may the Force be with you when you do!

LucasBooks and Netgalley provided this book to me for free in return for an honest review. The review above was not paid for or influenced in any way by any person, entity or organization, but is my own personal opinions.

e-books review-freebie scifi ...more26 s Kerry147 74

The novel is very much in the spirit of animated TV show The Clone Wars. Compiled from incomplete scripts, the writing is young adult level so it reads very fast but the plot is interesting enough for learned EU diehards and newbies.

The primary question for me as I read this compilation of scripts rolled into a novel: Is this Asajj Ventress' swan song?

The secondary question for old Extended Universe fans: Will popular Jedi Quinlan Vos bear any resemblance to how he was in previous publications, and is this Quinlan Vos' final act?

The Clone Wars produced a few solid female characters that I came to enjoy who still survived (therefore available for further development) when Disney ended production. Most notably, Anakin's Padawan Ahsoka Tano, a young Togruta female. She was always entertaining and is now part of animated TV show Rebels on Disney XD. Another one of my favorite Clone Wars female characters was Asajj Ventress.

A quick aside - the character of Asajj Ventress was named after evil/possessed Lady Asaji Washizu from Akira Kurosawa 1957 film Throne of Blood. Often equated to be a Japanese Lady MacBeth.

The Star Wars movies were really about the redemption of Anakin Skywalker. I really enjoyed Ventress because she is also working through a redemption story, just in a smaller, more recognizable way. Ventress was abandoned by friends and foes a (both intentionally and unintentionally) for her entire life. She was a Jedi, a Sith, a Nightsister and is now a Bounty Hunter. But she always had tragedy.

Un most other characters, Asajj has actively changed her life and has clearly turned from the dark side, even as the Jedi spiral helplessly down the Emperor's dark path. Obi-Wan ultimately supports Asajj while not completely trusting her (the female Bounty Hunter is no girl scout.) He feels she has escaped from the dark side and openly admires her hard earned accomplishment.

The problem: the Jedi are making a rather dark side assassination attempt on Count Dooku who famously died at the hands of Anakin Skywalker in Star Wars: Episode III - Revenge of the Sith. This mission is ill fated.

The Jedi wish to covertly co-opt Ventress into the assassination attempt, playing on her dark side need for revenge even as she has moved to embrace her light side. Is that dark, or what? The Jedi Council selects Quinlan Vos, a Jedi who might fool Ventress in no small part because he has some serious emotional conflicts of his own.

It is a foregone conclusion Ventress (love the duel red light-sabers) and Vos will join forces, luckily, Golden makes the interactions amusing and true to the animated series from which it sprang. Those who love clever banter will enjoy the meeting of Vos and Ventress.

IMO The most compelling reason to read the story. What will happen to Vos and Ventress in their attempt to kill Count Dooku? Romance with a Jedi? Sith treachery? A 'Thelma and Louise" moment? Or is somebody destined to die in somebody else's arms? when Anakin/Vader died in Luke's arms in Return of the Jedi. This raises my main care.

My concern... Star Wars: The Clone Wars had an ugly habit of making strong emotionally divided females the subject of tragedy. (Examples are from the TV series, skip if you don't want spoilers of the animated series) My cases in point...

In Episode 21, Season 3 it was Kalifa, a Jedi Youngling who was finally escaping her despair, apathy and fatalism when she is shot through the heart and died in Ahsoka'a arms.

In Episode 5, Season 5 it was charismatic rebel leader Steela Gerrera of Onderon. Aksoka just managed to save the headstrong Lux Bonteri. Meanwhile, at the moment of victory, Steela plunged to her death and died in her brother's arms. She did get a state funeral.

In Episode 13, Season 4 it was Queen Miraj Scintel of Zygerria. She had just had her come to the light side moment... and ... she is choked to death by Count Dooku. She died in Anakin's arms. State funeral, ly.

Most significantly, in Episode 16, Season 5 it was Duchess Satine Kryze of Mandalore. An excellent character with a clever love interest dynamic with Obi-Wan Kenobi. One of the best characters to come out of the entire series and a personal favorite. She died in Obi-Wan's arms. State funeral, ly.

While the deaths of Kalifa, Steela and Queen Miraj were more plot devices for short story cycles, Duchess Satine and Asajj Ventress made significant appearances throughout the entire 121 Clone Wars episodes. (Voice actress Nika Futterman - Asajj - has been attributed to 14 of them.) Cringed to think Asajj might go the way of the Duchess.
BEWARE Ughh. I knew it. Hated the ending. The story itself was fine. A nice addition to the Star Wars world. Accessible to those new to extended universe. Except the ending. Gads.

A great character Ventress dies in the arms of Vos, a fraternity boy with a dark side. OMG. A romance, too. Erghhhh. Duchess Satine, Asajj ends up dying for her man. Personally, I would never end a character with abandonment issues sacrificing themselves.

Never one to suffer fools, Asajj, for last quarter of book, is a love struck clueless tag along who blindly follows her dark side junky with promises of 'trust me, my love.' Blehh. It is so out of character for Asajj, Golden feels compelled to have Anakin declare explicitly, She's blinded by love. And later Ventress to Vos, You lied to yourself, that's...why I couldn't tell. Frankly, his private wild dark manipulating self deception and manic obsession would be obvious to someone as astute in the dark side as Ventress. In essence, Ventress escaped the dark side only to have light side throw her under the gundark.

Too bad Asajj was abandoned (yet again) to a schmaltzy and maudlin ending. A victim to the same force that wiped out her Nightsisters family in a genocide. Golden tries to make it she is going 'home' to her sisters. But it feels Dooku just finished what General Grievous started.

The Star Wars subtext. Women who love Jedi (Duchess Satine, Padme Amidala, Asajj Ventress) will die meaningless deaths at moments when they are most selfless, transcendent and beautiful. Martyrs to the Order that rejected Jedi love. Each a tool to be used by the Sith to tempt male Jedi into the dark side. In this case, in fairness to the integrity of Ventress' redemption story, it was the Jedi's turn to face the music.

Vos' love for Ventress helped him go from dark to light, Anakin's love for Padme from light to dark, and Obi-Wan's love for Satine to hold steady at light. Where does that leave love? Vos clearly lacked Obi-Wan's self-discipline, he was more ly to go all Anakin on everybody after seeing Ventress.

This would have been much more epic if they ultimately paired Ahsoka and Asajj in a confrontation with Darth Vader/Anakin. The dialogue options alone would have made it a classic. Or a Tatooine bound Obi-wan (protecting Luke) anonymously contracting with a Bounty Hunter Ventress to help him with problem that might expose his presence.

A similar star crossed female in love drama plays out, yet again, in new canon book Lords of the Sith...to my continued disappointment. Hah, even sweet Aunt Beru got shot and incinerated in original Star Wars. All I can say to feisty Ahsoka Tano: Watch...Your...Back!


I never knew much about Vos so this was an introduction to him for me. Nothing special. Star Wars embraces the handsome misunderstood bad boy who loves to banter/flirt but still has good side. Un Ventress, he has almost no backstory under the "New Canon."

Mace Windu (Samuel Jackson in movies) has clearly been caught in the Sith plan to drive the Jedi into dark designs and their defeat. Obi-Wan is troubled and divided about the entire scheme and desperately tries to preserve lives before events spin out of control.

If you watched animated TV show Star Wars: The Clone Wars, this is an essential read for a great story arc.

science-fiction star-wars-new-eu25 s1 comment Khurram1,839 6,664

I did have high hopes for this book as Quinlan Vos was my favourite Jedi of the Clone Wars era. I know he only made an appearance in one arc of the Clone Wars series, but he had a huge role in the Star Wars on-going series (Dark Horse, not the current Marvel/Disney series). In the comics, he took a number of journeys through the Dark side of the force on his way to finally becoming a Master with a seat on the council. In this story as he already holds the rank of master I am not sure if the DH cannon has simply be rewritten, but I really did not feel it lived up to it's potential or the stature he held in the comic universe.

After Count Dooku's latest atrocity, the Jedi Council, especially Mace Windu, have had enough they decide to send their best undercover and maverick Jedi Quinlan Vos to assassinate Dooku and end the war. To get as much intelligence as possible, Vos turns to Dooku's former apprentice, Asajj Ventress. However, the more Vos works with Ventress, the more his feeling grows for her. What does this mean for his mission, and what happens when feeling are just weapons for the Dark side.

I think I might have missed a stage in Asajj Ventress' development. In the last episode, I saw of Clone Wars ways she was working as a bounty h, nter but she was still bald and scary looking. In this book, she has gone back to her blond short blond hair look of when she was a young Jedi in training. I can see the reason for this as this is a love story more than an action adventure. Christie Golden s her Star Wars/Crossed lovers; she took a similar track with Ben Skywalker and Vestara Khai. This is an important book for any fan of Ventress.

The main reason I took off 2 stars (I would have d to give this book 3.5 stars). The emotions and flirtatious wring are given more , whereas fights and action scenes are very rushed to the point that you just gave to accept this is what happened. An example of this giving one line essentially saying a critically injured Count Dooku managed to walk away unseen from 3 Jedi Masters is just lazy writing. Unfortunately, things this happen a lot in this book. I am glad that they do mention things about the flirting between Obi Wan and Ventress as well. It does show that they did do their research. Important revelaions, but the book was just too rushed in places f. r me, I think there are at least 100 pages of details missing from this book.21 s Sud6662,068 167

Dark Disciple is written by the excellent Christie Golden and it essentially ends the story arc of the Clone Wars and Asajj Ventress and Qunilan Vos.

Quinlan Vos, Jedi Master and former Padawan to Jedi Master Tholme, has been very busy during the Clone Wars doing undercover work for the Council. master Tholme is now dead at the hands of Count Dooku and the Council recruits Vos. Yet this is not a normal Jedi mission, this is an assassination ordered by Mace Windu and Yoda on Dooku. Vos is asked to team up with Asajj Ventress, Dooku's former apprentice.

Now Asaj has gotten a makeover apparently and now sports blonde hair and keeps being described as "beautiful". Um I guess the bald, ivory hued, corpse- killer didn't just change her affiliation-she also got a new look.

The rest of the story is Asaj and Vos working together to find and hunt down Dooku. Asaj helps Vos learn some of the Dark Side techniques he's going to need to fight Dooku. Some parts of this story get bogged down into "I love you".."No..I love YOU" crap and that lessens the import of the story.

The arguments made by the Jedi Council about the morality of assassination as specious, at best. This shows, following Obi-Wan's arguments, that the Jedi have already begun to compromise their beliefs in order to expedite the victory over the Seperatists. This story does not give a very good look at the Jedi Council. Especially later on when they think Vos has become Sith and prepare to kil him as well.

This is a great bookend tale for anyone who was a fan of the Clone Wars cartoon series or the comics. The final tale of Vos and Asajj is a good one, if sometimes bogged down by overly mushy conversations and a whole lot of love flying around. But there is a good story underneath all the pap. The moral arguments used by the Jedi and Vos are sometimes twisted. This book does a good job of showing that there were no real innocents during the Clone Wars. Sidious' brilliance was in using the War to co-opt the Jedi into becoming generals versus peace Keeps. This caused many problems and fractures within the Order itself. The funny thing is they did this to themselves. Sidious put the events in motion and the hubris leaden Jedi followed in his wake.

Good story, great characters and an interesting moral tale. This one would have been higher, but for the sappy love story. The ending was surprising and that helped to save the tale for me. Overall, much the Clone Wars cartoons, this is a fun and satisfying time. It's not the best or the darkest story-there are some great ones out there, especially about this time of the Clone Wars, but it does entertain.fantasy18 s Chad8,581 960

I've never watched Clone Wars so this was my first entry into this era besides Episodes II and III. The book started off really strong with a Jedi and an ex-Sith teaming up as bounty hunters. About halfway through the book the story morphs into something completely else and takes a downturn. It feels about 3 books of material were crammed into the last half of this book. There are several places where the story gets swept along so that the author can move onto something else. Asajj Ventress gets turned from this strong, kickass woman to a shell of herself who meekly does whatever her man wants. Ugh!

There's also a prequel short story entitled "Kindred Spirits" featuring Asajj Ventress at the end of the ebook.16 s Serene25

Thank goodness the show got cancelled before it could sully Star Wars anymore than it already has with badly-planned stories this.

It's amazing how much damage Filoni and his pets can do: In one book, two of my favourite characters have been utterly ruined beyond all recognition, and it also unnecessarily destroys any continuity with the existing and the superior Star Wars Republic comics as well as the movies.

Let's also mention the utterly contrived and ridiculous romance between two characters who share no history or existing relationship, probably put in place for the preteen fans of the cartoon. It also manages to insult two of the most morally and emotionally complex characters in the Star Wars universe by degrading them into dewy-eyed lovers who cannot control their lovesick feewings.

Great job Disney, keep this up and you won't have a Star Wars fanbase beyond the mental age of five. Hoping this is the last Star Wars book we'll see from Golden.15 s Wendy, Lady Evelyn Quince357 175

Oh, Don Corleone, I know your pain. Look at how they massacred my girl!

I gave “Dark Disciple” a liberal 3-star rating only because I listened to it on Audible. Otherwise, I do not think I would have had the patience with what they did to my beloved Ventress.

Ventress is a bald-headed Dathomirian Nightsister who, as a Sith Assassin, wields two red lightsabers. Her people are so badass that the women enslave Dathomirian Zabrak males as their workers and mates. You know Darth Maul, the devil-looking monster with the dual-bladed crimson lightsaber who killed Qui-Gon Jinn? He and his brothers are the Nightsister’s playthings! The great Ventress, who was introduced in the micro-series “Clone Wars” and fought Anakin Skywalker in an epic death-match on Yavin IV. In Star Wars Legends, it was she who gave Anakin Skywalker his dashing face scar. After Darth Zannah, she’s my favorite female character in all of Star Wars (yes, I am prejudiced in favor of the Sith!), and one of my top 10 overall.

Or she was, until this book.

In DD, her character is ruined. I don’t know if the blame lies with George Lucas, Dave Filoni, or author Christie Golden, or all three of them, but why did they have to do that to Ventress? I know this was a lost 8-or-9-episode arc from the show, that, thankfully, never made it to the little screen, but unfortunately is set into canon with this book.

Last we met Ventress, she had been abandoned by her Master Darth Tyrannus (aka Count Dooku). Her life as a Sith acolyte over, she now resides in the lower levels of Coruscant, working as a bounty hunter. In a contradictory-mess of a plan, the Jedi have decided that the way to end the Clone Wars is through the assassination of Count Dooku, leader of the Confederacy of Independent Systems. Assassination goes against the Jedi code of self-defense, but whatever. Their plan is to use Jedi Master Quinlan Vos to con his way into Dooku’s life via his former apprentice, Ventress, and he will do the evil deed.

Along the way, Ventress and Vos get close, as close as two people can be.

Oh, but you thought the Jedi couldn’t have attachments? Well, apparently that huge plot point of the Star Wars Prequels gets thrown out the window here. Attachments are ok, so long as you are planning the cold-blooded murder of your political enemy.

You know, the more I think about it, the more I hate the plot of this book.

Ventress grows her hair out into a bleached-blonde cut and wears revealing miniskirts. She goes from this menacing creature:

To this brutal, yet sensual fighter:

To the unholy mother of all evil, Karen:

(Thank you Google for that one).

I never read the EU comics having to do with Vos. I don’t care how cool he was then. He’s a tool, now. Ventress constantly refers to him in her head as “that idiot.” You know that means she secretly loves him. Vos is a tattooed, dreadlocked, muscle-bound caveman of a Jedi and I cared not one whit for him.

The story here is a mess. Is Vos secretly working with Dooku? Is his partnership with Dooku part of the original plan or has the plan gone awry? When those questions are answered, more arise. How could Vos turn to the Darkside so quickly? And then turn back again? And back and forth, etc.?

The end is meant to be redemptive to Ventress, but she needed no redemption! In Season 5 of TCW, she helped Ahsoka out when Ahsoka sought out the killer who framed her. That was enough. There was no need to make Ventress fall in love with Vos and then save his life by taking on Dooku, thus losing her own life in the process. Vos brings Ventress’s body back to Dathomir to bury her with her fallen sisters. And that’s the end of Asajj. Look, I love romance novels, the good, the bad, and the extra-cheesy. Asajj Ventress could have had a love story, or many love stories, in her life. But to have it go that way was so underwhelming and out of character. They transformed Ventress from a deadly, savage killer and replaced her with a bland action heroine whose fate is that of a Nicholas Sparks protagonist.

Asajj Ventress deserved better!

2 stars for the book, 3 for the Audible.audiobook fantasy fiction ...more11 s Malum2,401 144

A fantastic Star Wars novel that has it all: action, romance, humor, mystery, and plenty of lightsabers and blasters. This story is also great because of how it treats the dark/light balance. It shows how easy it is to slip into the dark side and, by that same token, shows that not all dark sided people are foaming-at-the-mouth mass murderers. The only place that this book loses a few points from me is around the middle, when Ventress and Vos split up for a bit to do their own things. Their shared story was so compelling that the book lulled a bit when they weren't together.

Let me also add that I hesitated to read this because I have only seen a few episodes of The Clone Wars, and so I didn't know if I would be a bit lost. While knowing who some of these characters are before going in is certainly helpful (luckily, Vos was the only character that I had never heard of), I don't think being in the dark about the Clone Wars show is really a hinderance to enjoying this. And, if you are a big fan of the show, I can only imagine that you would love this even more.star-wars10 s Siona St Mark2,488 51

I’ve enjoyed this so much, both times I’ve read this book. I can’t believe I read it for the first time nearly five years ago (5!!!) but I have changed a lot since then. But this book is still really special to me. Asajj Ventress is my absolute most favorite Star Wars character and I really relate to her in this book. I really the theme of letting your anger go, something that was also a major theme in the Rise of Skywalker (which, although flawed, I did enjoy). This is the best Star Wars book I’ve read (EU or Canon), and one of the better books period I’ve ever read. I really wish this had made it to production as episodes for the Clone Wars tv show, but I suspect they were able to be a bit more “adult” with it being a book and not a cartoon marketed towards children. Still though, it would be cool to see it fully animated and voiced over.books-i-recommend fantasy science-fiction ...more10 s Donna4,099 104

I am by no means a Star Wars aficionado. I read Star Wars books for their ability to entertain me which is why the bulk of these, that I have read, seem to be a steady and solid four stars. The audios are wonderful. If you have never tried one, you should probably do at least one. I the original cast of characters the best. I cringe a little when its the newer cast with Anakin Skywalker. I will admit, I find Anakin completely annoying. He was in this one and I was glad he wasn't as annoying (he also didn't have a huge role). And even with Anakin, this was still four stars.sci-fi10 s GeekGirl Diva3 2

From beginning to end, I absolutely loved this book. Reading the teaser, I knew what I was hoping to read, but the book soared way past my expectations.

Christie Golden gives Asajj Ventress so much life and Vos is both a delight and heartbreaking. The story is sexy, funny, emotional, intense, and has plenty of action. Also, for the Clone Wars fans, there's some great throwbacks and plenty of Jedi intrigue.

Truly one of my favorite books in a long time. Can't recommend it enough.10 s ShamNoop314 15


5 Heart-wrenching, beautiful stars

This book… where do I even begin. I’m going to begin with this:
I’m aware that this is a Star Wars novel, and oh my gosh! It has a love story! That is preposterous the whole series is going to shit!.... if you’re one of these people please stop reading this review because Star Wars has romance in it you just don't want to admit it



Yes I'm aware Anakin is annoying as shit in this movie but that's beside the point

Now that we have that cleared up, yes this has a romance story within, and it is beautiful as hell. Although the romance is nowhere near the main focus of this novel, readers really connect with the two main characters and what they are feeling. As the action was unfolding, I found myself hating Vos one page and then loving him the next. I had no idea what was going to happen and I loved it. Around the last thirty pages I started to worry that there wouldn’t be time to fix the wrongs that had been committed, and I don’t want to say anymore for fear of spoiling but it broke my fucking heart.

If you want a sad book read this. You think the Fault in Our Stars was so good? (I swear I’m the only person on this planet who despised that book) This book will rip you heart into pieces and leave them scattered around you waiting to be picked up and sewn back together. After I finished this I literally walked around my house in a daze for 15 minutes straight I had no idea how to think, talk, or process my emotions, and I had a blank stare fixed upon my face for the rest of the night.

Aside from the sadness that came with this book, great joy came too:
The Banter
Watching Vos and Ventress go back and forth was hilarious. I would find myself laughing out loud as I was reading it. I knew I was headed for trouble because I was so connected to these characters.
The Other Characters
Reading about characters such as Obi Wan, Anakin, Mace Windu, and Yoda was such a difference experience for me and I adored it completely. Yoda is as cute and wise as ever. Mace is the one who strives for order. Anakin is wild and rambunctious as to be expected. And Obi Wan… Oh Obi Wan one of my favorite Star Wars characters ever. Seeing more of his younger and playful self was amazing

How can you not love this face?

On top of that just seeing the Star Wars world from this viewpoint was amazing. I loved every minute of it and to me it felt just another movie. It has become one of my favo
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