
Skadi (Prose Edda Book 1) de Williams, Steven Grier

de Williams, Steven Grier - Género: English
libro gratis Skadi (Prose Edda Book 1)


Children in the town of Fensalir are dying at the hands of a centuries-old jötunn, but a witch named Frija has a plan. She recruits Skadi, a skilled warrior, to venture into Midgard to obtain the power of the World Tree. But Skadi, and Skadi’s young son must confront violent Norse mythological creatures in order to return home and save the children.

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Skadi is an amazing adventure set in the world of Norse Mythology and simply a fantastic debut novel by Steven Grier Williams. I am a fan of stories that involve ancient myths and legends. I am an even bigger fan of stories that involve a strong lead with depth. Skadi provides both in a way that is not forced, but rather, captivating. I was invested from the beginning and despite the fantastic nature of the journey and the action, felt connected to every aspect of the main character's experience. She is fierce, clever, loyal, yet reluctant hero who will stop at nothing to protect her son. I look forward to seeing more from this author! 1 Sonia K1 review

If you want a fast-paced, action thrilled, well-versed-in-lore read - then look no further than Steven Williams’ debut novel, Skadi. The journey a mother and son take, both in the physical realms as well as unpacking their complex relationship, draws us into a world of magic, vengeance and the desire for a better life. With clear allegories to the city councils we all know and resent, we get both adventure and political critique at a time when our institutions are failing us. So this leads to the question - what roots do we need to eat to create structures that work for the people and not for the rich and their comfort? 1 Justin579 15

I won't lie - I was a bit skeptical at first. The extent of my Norse mythology knowledge comes from those Chris Hemsworth documentaries about the Australian surfer guy with the magic hammer and lightning. However, this one teaches you about mythology in a natural way that ties into the story.

Beyond the education, the book is jam packed with all sorts of goodness. Think Indiana Jones meets Supernatural. It's filled with adventure, action, well written characters, a compelling plot, and drama. The bulk of the book is dialogue, which is great since there aren't a lot of long exposition dump sections. What's even more incredible is that this novel is from a debut author.

I had the opportunity to read an ARC of this and I was astounded. Honestly, the worst part of this book is keeping track of the obscure character names and locations, but that's a minor criticism. In fact, it probably has more to do with the fact that I couldn't slow down enough to remember the differences between the names. The book is just that fast paced.

And that ending... Wow. I need the sequel ... Today.2021-reads1 Danny Wilson1 review

Skadi tells of an amazing journey across Midgard and back in hopes of saving a town from a horrible fate and in hopes of finding a son's love through tremendous acts of selflessness. The title character is a wonderfully written and powerful female character that anyone can see some of themselves in. Her adolescent son Bjorn, grieving over the loss of his father, fails to see so much of her love and the reasons for her choices for them. He acts out against her often. Throughout the monstrous events of the story, Skadi finds herself, Bjorn finds his love for his mother, and the horrors are Midgard come to life. The tale is immediately captivating and it's difficult to put down once you've begun. This is an excellent rainy day, or better yet, snowy day read. Sincerely hoping for a sequel! Christopher40 4

I wanted to this book because I fantasy and I wanted to support a first time author that lives in my area. Unfortunately, it wasn't for me. You might it if you are into descriptions of anime style fights, video game plots (to save the town Skadi must go on three fetch quests for roots that the book tells you "power up" the protagonists so they are strong enough for the final boss fight), or just love anything to do with Norse mythology.

Another obstacle to your enjoyment may be the "tell, don't show" writing style characterized by sentences this description of one of the fights: "The clash was of an epic scale." This style does keep the story moving and I would say it would be suitable for teen readers who have been raised on Marvel movies and just want something fast paced with lots of violence. Oliver SenecaAuthor 5 books16

Skadi is an entertaining, adventure-filled journey. Going into it, I did not know much about Norse mythology, but Steve does such a good job laying out the aesthetic and imagery that you get sucked right into the ambiance and the characters. I got some strong Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim vibes from this book, which has certainly opened my mind to diving into more fantastical reads. I’d recommend checking out Skadi. Not only for the mise-en-scene of the world that Steve has created but for the important underlying themes as well. I will certainly be reading the sequel! Hannahwitwer1 review3

The tale of Skadi Hervor is intense, exciting, unexpected, and full of love between family and people fighting towards a common goal. Not only is the title character, Skadi, a strong female lead, there is so much representation throughout of women fighting bravely, going above and beyond their comfort zone, and making true differences. This story is unique and exciting, can’t wait for novel #2 (and 3 and 4 and 5, etc)! Leslie8

A captivating read! I finished it in less than 48 hrs! My knowledge of Norse mythology is limited to Thor/the Marvel Universe, but it didn’t matter. The dialogue & character driven story telling takes you on an amazing fantasy adventure! And there is an essence of GOT, Lord of the Rings, and Mists of Avalon. Nothing a strong, fearless warrior mother to carry a story! Can’t wait for the movie version and next book! James DubbsAuthor 4 books2

Fast moving, well-constructed Norse fantasy tale with all of the elements one would expect: mysterious heroine on a selfless mission, Trolls, Vikings, Valkyies, magic, swords, and a plethora of side characters. Author does a good job with the world-building and setting up the next installment of the story. Brett Comeau229

Skadi is a wonderful adventure set in the world of Morse mythology. The characters have heart and it is easy to connect with the story. I highly recommend this book. If you enjoy stories connected to mythology. give this one a try. Miriam706 3

Story is greatfantasy Kerstin2

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