
Standing When Others Fall (The Last Brigade Book 7) de William Alan Webb

de William Alan Webb - Género: English
libro gratis Standing When Others Fall (The Last Brigade Book 7)


William Alan Webb Publisher: Last Brigade Books, Year: 2024

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Worth the wait

Standing When Others Fall was worth the wait. Excellent story from start to finish with the different storylines. Nick is the great leader and family man that we all enjoy reading about. Looking forward to books 8 and 9. Highly recommended 1 Chance846 12

Curse you A.I. job thief’s

Lay I know you several reasons from have to use speech to text software and moving away from publishing companies, there where several grammar/text issues that I found need to be fixed. I’ll just show a few do you can do a once over if the book later to fix them and others’.

1. Page 32 you prepared this sentence twice “As the voice from Beijing continued, it revealed that a new communist government had arisen after decades of civil war. The voice requested a status report on the Chinese forces in Hawaii and expressed the intent to send supply ships within the next few weeks.”.

2. Page 87 new profit -> New Prophet. Do I also realized that might have been intentional for the person speaking said he wasn’t sure he said the name right.

Most of the other things where minor gamer issues using me instead of I. Do getting off the grammar the story was another masterpiece now I just gotta wait to I can listen to the audiobook when ever it come out.
1 comment Louis N. Webber21 1 follower

While I have enjoyed all the books of the main series(not so much the spin off) waiting until May of 2025 for the next installment may cause me to pass on it. While I fully realize and respect it takes time for the Author to produce a quality work( this book). Maybe they should concentrate on doing that instead of producing mediocre “side books”about what happened prior to it white key characters. I won’t hold my breath or wait patiently for the next book of this series. I may or may not pay attention when it comes out. More than ly the latter. John T Mills160

Fun read

I have enjoyed this series. This was an excellent installment. It is a good story that's well written. The only ding I can give it. Is the editing not as good as in the past. There were several grammatical and spelling errors. It did not take fron the story, but it was noticeable. James Rando1 review2

Great series. Book seems rushed

Found several chapters where the paragraph ends in the middle of a action or speech. Also a later chapter seemed out of order. Overall still enjoyable and look forward to next chapter of the series and the expanded universe. Mark S. McKain2

Great read and even greater series…

Webb has caught my attention as a gifted writer and story teller. I’ve read the entire Last Brigade series to date and look forward to the next book with much anticipation. edward stdenis12


There was something about the Hawaii story ,I did not follow
I got lost several times reading the book all others books I gave a well.
Deserved 5 stars
Laura Love Parris20 3

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