
Rise of the Rays: Wes Markin's most heart-pounding and dark thriller yet (A DCI Yorke Thriller Book 4) de Wes Markin

de Wes Markin - Género: English
libro gratis Rise of the Rays: Wes Markin's most heart-pounding and dark thriller yet (A DCI Yorke Thriller Book 4)


Wes Markin Year: 2020 ISBN: 9781658736138

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This is the the 4th book in this series that has showcased the Ray family .. an evil family that has passed down the murderous genes from generation to generation.

Paul Ray is the last remaining family member. He decides to burn down the family's malicious legacy before he, too falls under the dark spell of the Ray family.

But has Ray left it too late? His relations all seem to be able to communicated with him... starting with his grandfather on down. But are they actually communicating from the dead.. or is he hallucinating? Having visions? Is he going mad?

When Paul disappears, DCI Yorke is called back to work after being on medical leave. Besides Paul, another young man has disappeared. Is it the Ray curse at work?

This book features the topic of cannibalism with graphic, gruesome scenes. It's a really dark read, but I found myself riveted to the pages. The ending was surprising ...and unpredictable. It's very well written and a page turner from start to finish.

Many thanks to the author for the digital copy of this crime fiction. Read and reviewed voluntarily, opinions expressed here are unbiased and entirely my own.
read-in-2020 tbc-reviewer-request9 s Samantha383 36

Phew! This book should come with a warning: Do not read in the night! Rise of the Rays lives up to its hype and surpasses all limits of a thriller. Not for the faint-hearted, the book explores the topic of cannibalism and doesn't shy away from incredibly graphic & gory scenes. It's dark, extremely gory but compelling. What I d most about this book is that each of the characters is battling their own issues, so this is not just one case that the police need to solve.

Ever since Paul Ray was rescued by Mike Yorke few years back, the knowledge of his family's evil legacy and heritage leave him extremely distressed and mentally affected. So when he decides to burn down the Ray house and be done with his past once and for all, not all goes as planned. It seems that not all Rays are dead and gone. This time Paul finds himself face-to-face with the devil incarnate and nothing will stop him from making Paul accept his bloodline and know what a Ray truly is.
Shocked into the existence of yet another Ray, Yorke struggles to make sense of the case and catch the person responsible before its too late.

To say I loved this plot would be an understatement because it was just one of the best in the series until now. This book had left me shocked to the core in its portrayal of the vile antagonist. And although some scenes left me feeling slightly distressed, the compulsive need to get to the end was always present. I have loved all the books in the Michael Yorke series, and this one is no different. While there are multiple storylines, with each Yorke's team-mates fighting their own battles, the best one was Yorke's himself. Each one in the team leads very diverse and interesting lives so pages turned automatically despite the chilling events taking place. I eagerly look forward to the next book in the series.

Thank You, Wes Markin, for an arc!2020-reads author-arc6 s Peggy451 50

Strap yourselves in the Rays are back. The nightmare co tines and boy does it. After reading the first book One Prayer for the Rays which left me speechless and a well deserved five stars I really thought that this author could not get any better, I was so wrong!!!!
This is the fourth book to feature DCI Michael Yorke a detective who has been to hell and back mainly thanks to the evil personified in the Ray family. I was hooked from the first to the last page and spent most of this read glued to my seat. It gave me goosebumps on my goosebumps, full of heart in your mouth moments. Graphic, abhorrent and bloody terrifying. If I could award this book ten stars then I would it definitely deserves it and I can't wait to see what DCI Yorke and his team get upto next. Who would believe that this very talented author is a teacher!!!!!!!3 s Alyson Read977 46

It's another huge 5 stars for this completely gripping story as more of the deliciously gruesome Ray family make a return in the most horrific ways! Set in 2015 in and around Salisbury in Wiltshire, the story begins with sixteen year old Paul Ray (the supposed last of the line who was rescued by DCI Michael Yorke in book one) returning to the family's now deserted pig farm intending to burn it off the face of the earth. Interspersed with flashbacks to the awful events that took place in 1918 where soldiers who had served their king and country now returned to mete out justice in their community, we see Paul taken by someone he didn't think could exist any longer. That's not the only old face making an unwelcome return and Paul is not the only missing person either. Yorke is now happily married to Divisional Surgeon Patricia caring for adopted son Ewan and new baby Beatrice but sadly the normally very competent team are all struggling with their own demons. Yorke has been demoted to DI, Emma Gardner is now DCI in charge and still getting over her injuries, DS Jake Pettman has problems at home and DI Mark Topham is a complete mess after the ending of book three. Hearing of Paul's disappearance is enough to snap Yorke out of his misery and get him back on the job, but it's a tough case with very little clues that make any sense. When everything starts to point to a depraved family that take their strength from the most awful sources, the heat is really on Yorke and the team to start to believe the unthinkable if they are to break the chain. This book had me hooked right from the very first page, with characters that take the reader to the dark and wildest edges of their imagination. It's a testament to the skill of the writer that somehow the blood and gore never seems gratuitous, there simply to shock or horrify the reader, but instead are always a crucial part of the story. It's certainly not for the faint-hearted (I'm so glad I'm a vegetarian!!) and there are definitely some massively toe-curling moments, yet it just serves to make the book even more compulsive reading. The ending is explosive and shocking and will certainly take some coming back from! I am so glad to hear that another book in the series is due out later this year as they just get better and better! 5*3 s Dora (Swift Coffee Book Blog)130 23

Full review: http://swiftcoffee.blog/2020/03/05/bl...

There's no way to go around it: I LOVED it! Again.

I was a bit worried that I wouldn't be able to enjoy this book as much as I should've because I hadn't read the previous volume, but I shouldn't have, really. Everything was clear, and I was almost immediately sucked in. (I'm actually a bit sad that I didn't read that one, though... After reading the first two books I was hopeful to see a more private side of DSI Yorke in the upcoming volumes, and after reading this one I have the feeling that it happened in the third. Well, I must read it sometime!)

The story is exciting and gruesome and heart-wrenching and twisty, the psychological background is right on spot, the characters seem real, the wording is simple but not too vague. Actually, the author has the ability of drawing full and life characters with only a couple of words - without being too much, too cheesy, or compromising the story's fast-running dynamic. That's the essence of this genre, yet, sadly, too few authors can manage.

Also, I love Yorke, but may I note how awesome a villain Lacey Ray is?? Seriously, I'm a fan.3 s Kath MiddletonAuthor 23 books153

This is the fourth book in a series of which I’ve only previously read the first. I think this is necessary to appreciate the characters and their backstory. Although there are references to previous event I’ve not read about, I got enough to get to grips with this story. And what a story. Nature or nurture? Are tainted genes responsible for evil things people do? It’s an interesting thought and this book gives much more to ponder on. It’s fast and exciting too. A really good read.

2 s Monica Mac1,523 33

Wow, wow, wow!! This is quite a tale. The fourth book in the series, I would really recommend reading them in order as this book will make a lot more sense. It was definitely the most gruesome of the series thus far, if you are of a sensitive nature, you are warned!

Since his last case, DCI Yorke has settled into a happy life with his wife, baby and adopted son, Ewan. Unfortunately, those darn Rays just can't seem to leave him alone, in one way or another, and he is soon thrust into a nasty and baffling case involving yet more of them.

Whilst DCI Yorke is trying to solve the murders which are piling up by the day, it seems, his team are grappling with a variety of things in their lives as well, which makes things even more challenging for him.

This is one heck of a rollercoaster of a book. Very graphic in parts but also very well written.

4.5 stars from me.

1 Haley Renee The Caffeinated Reader770 64


I couldn’t stop reading this, everything just seems to just keep getting worse for Yorke’s team. After all the losses and tragedies they suffered in the last novel, you think they’d get some respite, hahaha, guess again! They’re dealing with so much emotional baggage and trauma and trying to hunt down a murderer who seems to be something straight out of the past. But that’s impossible…the original culprit has been dead for years, so who is committing these copy cat crimes now?

Poor Paul Ray is kidnapped again [he was kidnapped in the first book, and Markin gives you the backstory so if you haven’t read it, he fills in the gaps] and worse than that, he’s kidnapped by someone as stated above, has been dead for years. So how is this possible?

Learning the twisted tale of the Rays, and just how far their problems go was definitely intriguing and immersive. I could hardly put this book down, and though I felt so sad for Pal and Yorke’s team, I still couldn’t help but have a sliver of hope. Again, I NEED book 5! What happens next?!!

I totally recommend this if you enjoy thrillers or if you’ve read and enjoyed any other books in this series. Another four cups of coffee read from Wes Markin!

Thanks to Caroline and Markin for a copy of this book in exchange for my honest opinion as part of the blog tour.earcs1 Shell Baker633 17

https://bakersnotsosecret.blog/2020/0...reading-challenge1 Keith31 2

Well what can I say
This series just keeps getting better and better
I love all the characters.
The Rays are one hell of a messed up family
Riveting compelling you to read
Very dark. It's not for the faint of heart but excellent1 Jenny1,981 63

"Rise of the Rays" is book four in the DCI Michael Yorke Thriller by Wes Markin. Demoted after ending a previous case, Inspector Michael Yorke was contemplating his law enforcement career when he had a visit from Sarah Ray at his home. Due to who went missing, Inspector Michael Yorke decided to go back to work. However, for Inspector Michael York, what he unearths during the case would rock the Wiltshire law enforcement community. The readers of "Rise of the Rays" will go on a roller-coaster ride with Inspector Michael Yorke to discover the book's plot.

"Rise of the Rays" is another fantastic addition to this excellent series. I engaged with the plot of this book from the first page and continued to the end. I love Wes Markin's portrayal of his characters and how they interact with each other throughout this book. The Rise of the Rays is well written and researched by Wes Markin. I Wes Markin description of the settings of The Rise of the Rays that allows me to imagine being part of the book's plot.

The readers of "Rise of the Rays" will understand the consequences of bullying in schools. The readers of "Rise of the Rays" will learn about Locked-in syndrome and the issues that affect the suffers and the people around them.

I recommend this book.crime crime-thriller mystery-thriller Amanda2,026 51

I first discovered Wes' work towards the back end of last year. I was blown away by how fantastic the books were. I couldn't wait to get my hands on a copy of the latest book in the series called 'Rise Of The Rays'. Well ladies and gents, the wait is over because 'Rise Of The Rays' was released on 18th February 2020. It's another corker to add to an already fantastic series. I thoroughly enjoyed reading 'Rise Of The Rays' but more about that in a bit.
What can I say about Detective Chief Inspector Michael Yorke? Or Detective Inspector Michael Yorke as he is when this story begins, after he was demoted following the events of a recent case. Initially Yorke isn't even sure that he wants to return to work but his curiosity is roused by an incident involving the home of a problem family and he is soon back at work. Yorke's colleagues don't consider that he has been demoted and treat him as if he is still their DCI. To be fair to Yorke, he accepts the demotion and takes it in his stride. Yorke is a fantastic police officer. He is thorough, determined, tough, tenacious, keen, inquisitive and he is a dog with a bone when he investigates a case. If something doesn't seem right to him then he will not hesitate to investigate until each clue has been fully investigated and until he has satisfied his curiosity, solved the case and achieved justice for the victims of crime and their families. At the same time, Yorke is incredibly kind and compassionate.
It didn't take me long at all to get into this story. In fact by the time I got to the end of the synopsis, I was sold on this book and the story inside just sealed the deal as it were. To say that 'Rise Of The Rays' was addictive reading seems to be a massive understatement. I picked the book up only intending to read a couple of chapters and to fill in the odd half hour but I was still sat there reading over half a dozen chapters later. I became so wrapped up in the story that I neither noticed how quickly the pages were turning nor how quickly the time was passing. Before I knew what was happening, I reached the end of the story which I was disappointed about. I don't mean that in a negative sense but I was just meaning that I was enjoying the author's writing style, the characters and the storylines so much that I just wish that the book had been a lot longer.
'Rise Of The Rays' is brilliantly written, but then I find that to be true of all of Wes' books. Wes has one of those writing styles that is easy to get used to and easy to get along with. He grabs your attention from the start and then draws you into the story. Once he has your attention, he will not let you have it back until the moment you close the back cover as it were. The book is written using different timelines. The main part of the story focuses on the present day but there are occasional flashbacks to past events to allow the reader to learn about the history of the animosity towards one of the scariest families I think I have ever come across. Put it this way, the family made me shiver and gave me the heebee jeebies. Wes uses such vivid and realistic descriptions that I felt as though I was part of the story myself and another member of Yorke's investigative team.
In short, I thoroughly enjoyed reading 'Rise Of The Rays' and I would definitely recommend it to other readers. This was one of those rare books that had me totally gripped and had me on the edge of my seat throughout the whole story. I will definitely be reading more of Wes' work in the future. The score on the Ginger Book Geek board is a very well deserved 5* out of 5*. Nicola Mitchell261 8

Well, I really struggled with this. I have followed this series and have thoroughly enjoyed them all.
The writing for this instalment was as always, excellent and the reason why it was a struggle for me was probably because the writing was so good. The subject matter is not for those with a weak stomach and the images that Mr Markin drew for me were very unsettling.
Once I was over the gruesome start to the story, it was returning home to an old well worn pair of slippers. The usual characters and an update of their progress from where we left off in book 3. The warmth was not to last long, as the story dived once again into some pretty gruesome content. In its defence, it was needed, if only to reiterate the vileness of the Ray family. Vile they certainly are!
I will be reading the next one.
Kim J302 2

Intense is not even strong enough!

What is strong enough to make a man commit murder. What is strong enough to split a boys brain in two, not literally but figuratively? What is strong enough to make a woman commit so many murders, she may have lost count? What is strong enough to make a normally passive man beat another human being? What is strong enough to make a man, tired of all that he has seen, decide to go back to where he sees it all over and over again? What is strong enough to !aka a woman wonder if she shows her child enough love? Many would say love, and that may be partially right. But I believe the only thing strong enough for all the of the above is purely and simply EVIL! Don't believe me? Then I suggest you read this amazing book and then you will! Anthony Brooks135 4

Holy Smokes! The Story of the Ray's. Pray for them all!

So much going on in this story. The full story of all the evil, that is the bloodline of the Ray's. This story goes to the beginning, all the way to the last survivor, Lacey.

So Yorke gets demoted, but is still as powerful as ever. He is on the case of the present murders caused by someone claiming to be a Ray.

Topham, grieving from his husbands murder, turns out to not handle it well, and he to turns, Evil.

Jake lead by Lacey, turns out that he has to kill, to finally get her where she belongs, behind bars.

Not wanting to give to much away, I will leave with this, 5 Stars, Read this series! Mary Ryan930 20

Wow, time to take a deep breath and relax after reading this. This series is terrific and it's been a while since I read the last book. It quickly became obvious after I started this what I had been missing and how twisted the author's mind is.

If you gory and gruesome tales, then this series is for you. That Ray family is something else. I'm not going to rehash the blurb but this was an intense and horrifying read, and all the better for it.
It's a cracking read and I need another break now before I delve into the next one. Jenny Buzzard7


I'm really enjoying this series. For me is a great character, bright, knowledgeable and keen. He'll break the rules if he knows there is a need for him to do so. A copper with a heart, a really big caring heart. Although he's the main character there are other characters, surrounding him, that help make this series appealing to the point of addiction. The storyline holds my interest and actually makes me want to keep reading, just another chapter just one more... Keith312

Well that was a bit gruesome - don’t think I’ll be having mince for a while. Anyway, another 5 stars from me and who’d have thought it was going to turn out that for the key characters. Mike, Jake, Emma, Topham and Lucy all have there own stories developing further as well as the plot of the novel. Now I need to find the next in the series to find out everything. Ah well, another trip to the library won’t hurt. And,by the way, what a brilliant book. Monica Lavery32

Too dark

It's hard to believe the review I actually wrote for the previous book in this series. I gave it five stars...this book is probably one of the most depressive, darkest books I've ever read. Move over The Wasp Factory. I had to skip over most of it as the descriptions were making me sick to my stomach. No idea where the next book could possibly go? Not sure I want to find out. So disappointed. Caroline Heron23

I'm absolutely loving this series. Now I've finished book 4 I've preordered book 5, I can't wait to see what happens next!
Book 4 didn't disappoint. It had all the suspense & plot twists that I've loved from the previous books. I've loved the characters & how they're evolving. This is a brilliant series! Brian Murgatroyd161

A decent read.
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