
Drop Dead Beauty de Wendy Roberts

de Wendy Roberts - Género: English
libro gratis Drop Dead Beauty


Crime scene cleaner and amateur medium Sadie Novak's ability to talk to the dead is a sure-fire way to solve crimes, but sometimes Sadie thinks she'd prefer a channel into the minds of the living instead...

While attempting to renew her relationship with on-again-off-again boyfriend Zack, Sadie discovers something that throws her romantic plans for a loop. With her love life in shambles, Sadie needs a distraction from all the drama. But sometimes, getting what you wish for isn't all it's cracked up to be.

For the first time, the noble detective who's repeatedly saved Sadie's backside finds himself on the wrong end of a homicide investigation. Sadie is determined to prove that Dean Petrovich was framed for his ex-wife's murder. But when her investigative trip to the crime scene - a luxurious day spa - puts the killer hot on her trail, Sadie will have to put all of her problems aside to keep from dropping dead...

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Ugh, why does it always have to be babies? Can't adults have serious relationships without it *always* resulting in children?!cozies forensics-anthropology ghosts-spirits-ghouls4 s Tracy788 11

Well once again Wendy Roberts has wriitten an entertaining, captivating, and mystery ridden story.

Poor Saddie can't ever seem to catch a break. She is constantly getting caught up in drama an other people problems. Her life is one big complicated mess personally an professionally.

I'm always amazed at the ease of which Wendy Roberts writes and flawlessly draws you into her story. One minute your curled upon your couch an firing up the kindle getting ready to read then in the next minute you are being transported into Saddie's world and life. You blink an a few hours have passed because you were so fixated on Saddie and her sleuthing an ghosts.

Can't wait for the next book. I just love this series!favorites follow-up-4additional-books ghosts ...more2 s Tressa28

I've stopped reading after 1/3 of a book. I previous books for Sadie's encounters with ghosts and her work - and because this books are fun, even with all not quite pleasant details. And this book was all about personal tragedies, wrecked relationships and unwanted pregnancy. Oh - and some manure.
Other say it'll end well, but I just can't force myself to continue readingmysteries1 Kristin Whitehouse1,423 46

This is book 5 in the series. I read it in a few hours. I usually have to skip some of the crime scene cleanup descriptions because I have weak stomach. This one actually got me until the very end. It also made me happy and sad at the same time.contemporary cozy mystery ...more1 Cindi1,324 4

I'm torn. all the pregnancy stuff was over the top and highly annoying. but the rest of the story - clean up, mystery, sending ghosts on was enjoyable. this series should end here though.1 T. StrangeAuthor 30 books257

Ok. I read every book in this series, but there were multiple times I nearly walked away. Sadie is just genuinely a terrible person (in this book, for example, she drops her phone in a McDonald’s toilet and just…flushes it. Who raised you?!) She’s also really judgmental and nasty even to her “friends.” She’s extremely unprofessional with her clients (both living and dead). But whatever. It’s kind of entertaining to just follow a horrible person around, and the plots are interesting.

This whole series was really poorly edited, with many glaring typos and missing words.

During this last book, my brain just kept chanting “Get an abortion! Get an abortion!” Seriously. It would solve so many of her problems. Do not hurl a baby into this dumpster fire!

(Also good god the ending is dumb.) Barbara Hackel2,257 36

Crime scene cleaner who helps ghosts move on is an unusual career. Now with added complications of pregnancy and those pesky hormones, Sadie's life is a bit of a mess. But as serious as it all is, it is pretty funny as well. Great characters Rudie and Maeva, who support Sadie's paranormal side, add to the humor, sometimes unintentionally. So many side issues, twists, and turns to follow, and the author does a great job of tying up every detail into a satisfying and surprising conclusion.
I wish the series would continue! Mona38 1 follower

Keeper Uppers

I just finished this last book and couldn't put it down. The characters are alive and even dead are so vivid. I the mystery ending on the last page. Wonderful author. Can't wait for more. Mnms1,407 5

A bit calmer than the others, but still kind of messy. I think it kind of works for the story though. Hollie167 4

2.5 stars. Not nearly as good as the rest of the series!read-in-2020 Chendu Amrutha1 review

Good Jessica (a GREAT read)1,722 105

Drop Dead Beauty is the latest in Wendy Roberts' Ghost Dusters Mystery series and it was a thrilling read with a nice twisted ending!

Sadie hasn't been feeling well lately and the answer to that problem comes sooner than you think. I can't help but wonder if I was reading hints at it in the last book or if that was the result of something else happening to Sadie. But the something is big, as the description hints at.

This time around Sadie's murder mystery is more personal. Her good friend, detective Dean Petrovich is being framed for his ex-wife's murder. But he didn't do it and Sadie believes him and so she is off to try her hand at investigating a swanky spa where Jane, Dean's ex, was murdered.

But Sadie's having other issues too. Lots of them this time. There's the ordeal regarding her love life and all it's messy tangles and then she's even having issues with her paranormal abilities. A new developmental that was not needed at all and becomes a hindrance to her jobs--both the cleaning up part and the helping the spirits move on part. There were quite a few of these "cases" that pop up making Sadie's days very busy indeed.

I have to say that I am very glad this series is back and running self-publishing style! I loooove a good paranormal mystery, but sadly have no ability to write my own, so I have to enjoy them as I see them! Wendy Roberts definitely fits the bill in this category because the murder mystery element is always strong! The paranormal elements are always strong too because there's always a ghost hanging around Sadie during one of her cleanups.

With this mystery, yet again I didn't see the murderer coming and I'm not complaining. There are always too many suspects I think. Too many options with just enough suspicion surrounding each one, so when the murderer is revealed I was definitely surprised. But even more shocked by another development that popped up at the end too. That one was more of a shocker and omg...did Wendy really just do that? And yes, she did!

As for the romance levels it was all pretty tame. Sadie and Zack are trying to work things out between them, but then this "issue" pops up and it's really pretty obvious when you think about it, but I still won't say it. So that ends up driving yet another wedge between Sadie and Zack again, just when they were trying to start over and all.

Wendy never ceases to amaze me with all the surprises she's throwing our way in these latest developments in the series. I truly hope she will be writing more of the Ghost Dusters Mystery series because the series is truly an enjoyment! What's not to love about a murder mystery with killers and ghosts that need help moving on to the light?! A highly recommend series for all paranormal mystery fans! Or for those who need a good mystery fix as well!

Overall Rating 5/5 stars Cathy Cole2,103 60

First Line: Sadie bolted upright in bed and squinted into the dark.

With business finally picking up, Sadie needs to build a nest egg while she can. Not only will she be saving for the future, the work will take her mind off her relationship (or lack thereof) with Zack. That entire segment of her life has blown up in her face, and Sadie knows what she must do; she just wishes she didn't have to.

While she's busy lining up clients, Detective Petrovich needs her help. Usually he's the one who saves Sadie's backside, but this time the detective has found himself on the wrong side of a homicide investigation. Someone is framing Petrovich for the murder of his ex-wife, and Sadie's going to check out the luxurious day spa where the crime occurred. In doing so, she makes herself the target of a killer.

You never know quite what to expect from this series, and that's something I've loved about it from book one, The Remains of the Dead. Sadie Novak is one of my favorite characters in crime fiction. Her empathy for the loved ones left behind after a death and her dedication to helping spirits pass on make her the type of person I'd love to have as a friend. She's also hard-working, smart, sassy, and honest in her dealings with clients and friends a. That honesty is something else I admire about her, and when she finds herself in a sticky romantic situation with two men in her life, she never thinks of lying.

Actually, make that three men in her life because Detective Petrovich is hiding out at her place while giving her advice on how to find out who's trying to pin his ex-wife's murder on him. With all the demanding men in her life and crime scenes to clean up, it's a wonder that Sadie doesn't snap and run screaming out into the night.

One of the things I think is good in a series-- unpredictability-- shows up more than once in Wendy Roberts' Ghost Duster books, and it happens in Drop Dead Beauty. Bad things happen to good people, including the death of characters some readers have grown to love. What some see as an act of betrayal, I see as realistic, and as a chance for the series to evolve. If you're the type of reader who s learning about how to clean up after the CSI folks are through with a crime scene, and if you stories with a touch of unpredictability, a ghost or two, a wonderful main character, humor, and a dash of realism, come join me. You're going to love Sadie Novak. (But I suggest you start at the beginning of the series.)
Nancy1,265 50

If anyone saw that ending coming, I commend you. That one hit me out of nowhere and I thought I was good at picking up clues.

Sadie Novak is a crime scene cleaner, which mean when an unattended death occurs and biohazard material is left after the body is removed, Sadie is the person that you call for a clean up. A very messy job, but yet one that has to be done. Since the suicide of her brother, Sadie has found this work cathartic in a way. It is her way of helping family members deal with trauma.

An unexpected side to this work is her ability to see the spirits of the dead. That is those that died at the hands of others and not suicides. For some reason, those souls do not appear to her.

In the past, Sadie has helped Detective Dean Petrovich solve homicides in the Seattle area, but this time there is a change. Dean has been accused of killing his ex-wife and needs Sadie’s help in finding the real killer. This is proving to be a problem since a situation has arisen in Sadie’s life that is preventing her from communicating with the dead without feeling the full extent of how the murder took place.

Wanting to help, but without putting her own life in peril, Sadie and her best friend head out to find a potion of sorts that will take the deadly effects away and yet still allow Sadie to communicate. If only there was a similar potion that could help Sadie in her personal life.

Poor Sadie, with her life in a muddled mess, she must deal with spirits that want to communicate, an annoying detective that needs his own answers, spa owners that want her dead, a potion bag that smell excrement and two men that need to find out where they now fit in Sadie’s life.

As I said, the ending surprised me. I loved how Wendy Roberts included just enough without foretelling the ending, making me want to go back and reread the book wondering what I had missed. Much the movie The Sixth Sense showed what you had missed, I wished that there were a final chapter that showed me the errors in my thinking.
Latisha Bramlett362 41

This series is good. I'm still not a fan of Zach's. I hated how he treated Sadie throughout his relapse. I get he needed to take time in order to concentrate on getting better, but he was stringing Sadie along. Instead of saying he needed a break, some time to make things better, he just seemed to push her away. When he found out about the baby, he was a bit cruel. Again, I could understand him needing some time to absorb that little development but he acted she was a slut.

I'm not sure if this is the last book or not. I hope not. There was some loose ends left hanging. First, in the previous book Sadie's dad's ghost said something about her having a purpose. That she was special and would meet others her. What was so special about her and where are the others. She did meet someone else who could kinda see spirits, but nothing really came of it. And she never really resolved things with her mom about what she does. Also, John is mad at her and warned her away from her sister Dawn. What became of that?This entire review has been hidden because of spoilers.Show full revieweb-books-owned Darcy13.1k 507

I this series, but it almost seems this could be the last book. If it is I am happy with where Sadie is in her life, although I wasn't sure there would be any sort of HEA while I was reading it.

I found some of the surprises that Sadie encountered to be funny, especially the big one. It made her reevaluate everything in her life and threw so much up in the air. I found how her secret to be revealed to be funny so many of the times. Most of the people's reactions that learned it were about what I expected. I didn't think that Zack had any reason to complain as he is the cause of why it happened.

I was stunned by the last secret, I didn't see that one coming at all. It made me sad.2013 e-book ghosts ...more Adrienne1,214 9

Sadie Novak is up to her eyes with trouble, her cop friend Dean Petrovich's ex wife is killed in a spa with his gun. Her one night stand with Owen becomes more than a one night problem.. And. her relationship with Zack is still unknown. Sadie not only sees and hear ghost, she now can experience how they died. She is being followed and several attempts have been made on her life, yet Sadie can't figure out who killed Petrovich's ex wife and why. While Sadie searches for the answers regarding Petrovich ex wife, she now has to face life without Zack. There is twists and turns until the end and it forces Sadie to deal with her issues and her life. A quick read. Cal26

Wendy Roberts has done it again. This book is a fast and great read with a shocking ending. I was kind of disappointed too with Sandie's choice of man though. I guess what they say about Love is true, it’s blind and tough to maintain. And if he makes Sandie happy, then we as a reader will be too, Haha.

Anyway, 4.5 stars for Ms Roberts. I would have given 5 if the man wasn't him though.
books-that-will-be-read-again cozy-mystery great-reads Maya488 3

Overall the book was a good read. I really love this series but was very saddened and disappointed with the end of this book.

Detective Dean's wife was shot dead in a spa and he is the primary suspect. He seeks Sadie's help to clear his name. Sadie and Zack's relationship was just starting to take off again when Sadie's discoverers that she is pregnant with Owen's baby. That is when I thought their relationship was over, but noooooooo ....... Let's just say that I wanted to kick her.

A very beloved character dies :(chick-lit ghost mystery ...more Ericka413 5

I cried. I suspected what was wrong, but I still cried. All Hell breaks loose in this book and not everyone comes out sqeaky clean. Still Sadie learns a few lessons and figures out that her true calling really does bring out everything the way it needs to be in the end. If you think I'm dancing around in my statesments, I am. I'm trying to tell you how darn good this book really is without revealling anything. It's too good to give anything away and I would have read it in one sitting if I hadn't fallen asleep at 3am trying to finish it. Elizabeth 301 28

I keep forgetting how much I enjoy this author. It's too bad so much time goes between books. Her twists are good and I kick myself for not picking up on some things because I'm too distracted by other aspects of her storyline. :) Defnitely worth the time!

04/26/2020 I cried so much the first time I read this. This time I was so preoccupied by the one thing I remembered that I totally missed other things! I wish this wasn't the end of this series. Mary739

After being disappointed by Ms. Roberts' previous book I had to think twice about tackling Drop Dead Beauty. In the end I am glad I gave this book a chance as I thoroughly enjoyed it. It was light on the ghost conversations for a lot of the book and there were times when I thought Sadie dwelt on her situation a bit too much but then I put myself in her position and realized how well Ms. Roberts handled things. I can't wait for the next book in the series as Ms. Roberts is BACK! Phyl121 17

This was best so far in the series that i am really enjoying ... i gave ita 4.5/5

I would have given it a 5/5 but annoyed that i had to read it electronically on my laptop (no i don't own/use a reader) because no book came out - only digital... took away from the joy of reading ... couldn't cozy up with my laptop as i can a real book.

Kathy84 9

I hope that there will be another book!!

I found myself being irritated by the way Sadies' life was going. Once again she is helping solve a murder, cleaning up after dead bodies, and helping spirits. I was pretty surprised by the ending. It was another great book. I sure Wendy Roberts is busy on book six!! Terralyn301

This was the last of this series... or at least it appears that way. This book was a bit of a departure from the norm of the others. Still, it was a great story that wrapped up a lot of loose ends. I know a lot of people are routing for another book and I would read it, but this ends on the perfect note. Christine 415 2

hmm as always I loved this book of the series. But..yes there's a but.. I didn't the way it ended. I'd say more but I have no idea how to avoid spoilers. lets just say I thought it was stupid. lol Trisha296 6

2013-08-30. I enjoyed this for the most part. Her relationship issues rather overwhelmed the regular storyline but I loved how her gift ended up bing littered and the storyline around getting that normalized. The very end was a shock! Made sense though. Thompson615413 5

Sadie's back! I've read all of The Ghost Duster books & I really enjoyed them.
As usual, Sadie's got clean jobs & without giving a spoiler, let's just say that things get really complicated! Now I can't wait for the next one!! Anne Fletcher-jones177 2

A most enjoyable story

I really d this book. The plot moved along quickly and had plenty of twists and turns, and the characters were interesting. I plan to read any other books in this series. Keri2,065 107

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