
The Space Merchants of Arachne de Wendie Nordgren

de Wendie Nordgren - Género: English
libro gratis The Space Merchants of Arachne


Wendie Nordgren Year: 2016

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Ok, the writing is still a bit on the choppy side and the grammar still needs a copy editor. The MC is still a wet noodle and pregnancies turn these women into big bags of dependency.

That's the bad.

In spite of that the worlds are interesting, the day-to-day, slice-of-life narrative is still soothing, the issues with the writing are not significant enough to pull me out of the story, and the characters are quite likable overall.

I can't say I'm not enjoying it, not when I just jump right into the third one in a row.adult romance scifi6 s1 comment Jess746 308

I think I d this one a little better than book 1. That said, I'm not entirely sure why I'm so compelled to continue the series. The plot is super slow and the writing isn't stellar...yet for some reason I need to know what happens next. I guess the premise just continues to keep me entertained? I don't know, but on to book 3 I go!2017-reads kindle-unlimited meh6 s N122

Please be aware that I dnf'd at 52%.

So my first issue was with Eliot and Auria. Teagan points out that Auria looks at Eliot with adoration and love. Eliot has never noticed this poor girl before but once it's pointed out he is besotted with her to the point that he immediately buys her flowers and expensive jewellery.

This is a girl who works in a bakery her parents run.

Within days they're married.

It made me incredibly uncomfortable. Eliot says that he is interested because she cares for him rather than his money.

We get no development, no scenes of them getting to know each other. I'm usually fine with insta-love situations but this made me so incredibly uncomfortable. Nothing made me feel Eliot actually loved Auria.

This is made significantly more frustrating because the author's writing style is all about details. We read about every outfit Teagan wears, what she buys, what she eats. Surely the word count could have gone towards watching their relationship develop and learning about Auria instead.

The thing that finally stopped me from continuing was the revelation Teagan has about the requirement that she have multiple husbands. Her father, the emperor, has plenty of opportunities to explain the custom and what is expected of her as his daughter.

But what do we get instead? A suitor declaring his intentions to a shocked Teagan - who is 5 months pregnant at this point. The custom is explained and she shows severe distress over it. Her cousin, upon seeing her distress, responds with "Wow, you're such a prude!" Her father doesn't show any sympathy or understanding towards her distress in this major cultural miscommunication.

I can't continue. I'm not interested in reading about people who act belittling and condescending to people in distress. I'm not interested in miscommunication drama.This entire review has been hidden because of spoilers.Show full review1 Stacey97

So boring...99% pretty dresses and shopping with 1% plot

I dresses and shopping, but a whole book full of them is boring.

Teagan could have been an interesting character. I enjoyed the survivor Teagan with a plan from the beginning of the first book. But the boring Teagan from the end of the first book is pretty much all you get through this book. Every once in a while there was a flash of a person with a personality and a backbone that would give me hope and then back to endless descriptions of dresses and houses and the day to day minutia of taking care of a baby. Speaking of babies, why does no one suggest she go on birth control after her first child is born? Most people after a surprise pregnancy take pains to control the timing of the second one. Especially since pregnancies so close together are problematic for the health of both mother and baby

There's also some romance, but it's never enough of a focus for the plot for me to care about it. Not to mention they mostly treat Teagan a brainless doll.

There's lots of cool things that could be explored. What does Teagan want to do with her life? How intelligent are the spiders and should they be treated better? The galactic politics could be interesting, but Teagan mostly doesn't care about them so we only see them from the side. How does being linked that closely emotionally to people affect your relationships? Cool world that mostly is just a backdrop for boring stuff.1 Pickyreader340

Loved it

This is such a great story! The characters are all relatable and lovable. I can wait to read the next and find out what happens.favorites romance sci-fi1 Tommy J Broussard62

I love this book

The characters are very strong very riveting it makes me cry with emotions it touches my heart and I hope it’s an on going story Isabela Rojas29

I have so many mixed feelings about this I don’t really know what to say

First of all do not let it fool you it is not yet reverse harem, I thought she was getting lucky but then they end up being family and boom it’s over, no more love for her

If you’re wondering whether to read this book or not and you are expecting a really good develop novel I don’t think I would recommend this book for you, the redaction could use a lot of work, There is a lot of sort of sentences and not enough connectors in between and there’s a lot of description unnecessary in every little activity: literally it will tell you when something gets put away or every time she takes something

And also it has a lot of contradictions when you grow up in an abuse household you do not have to the privilege to be naïve but there’s some times where for example she says that because someone has lipstick in his face that means that he got a lot of tea or something that?

Or trusting them from the very beginning to go with them on spaceship ALONE Even though they haven’t talked for more than one hour or less? Sometimes she’s really naïve and other times tries to play this bad ass character? Which is confusing to say the least?

I think it would have had the potential of been great but just stay good or normal because at least in this book there’s not so much of character development or cohesion BUT I don’t know if it’s because of the promise of having more husbands and I will read about them or just because I really love thunder drop and I’m not that mad about it???? Buttt let’s see OneDayI'll1,445 32

So much in each book

The writer packs so much into each book that there is no way to write a quick review. It would take an entire book report to cover it all lol. It was a good sequel to the 1st. Teagan may spend a lot of time shopping but she also spends time learning, which I love. She has learned how to drive, fly and now has added history to her studies to better learn about the other part of her heritage. Taking on new family members adds stress for a girl who grew up knowing only 1 family member and that he equated with pain. As she has had barely a moment to center and recover from her traumatic childhood I try to forgive all the tears. Otherwise they could quickly become annoying. But considering she never has a moment to settle and grow before something else pops up or a hormonal shift occurs it's no wonder the constant waterworks. All in all, though, it is an interesting series and I'm curious to see where the next book takes me.

I give three stars instead of 4 for the very simplistic writing and grammatical errors since some of them are bad enough to jar you from the story. A better job editing and I would bump it up to 4. Shannon246 29

In this installment of the Space Merchants series, Teagan finds out that she is literally a space princess. Not much else actually happens, although she does acquire a second husband, and we learn that in the culture of her birth family, having dozens of husbands is par for the course.

As with the first book, the simplistic writing drove me nuts, even as I couldn't stop reading. Teagan doesn't actually do very much, although we are treated to descriptions of every pretty dress and shiny bauble she acquires.

Her new husband turns out to be a cipher of masculine virility without a whole lot of depth. By the end of the book, she's acquired another suitor who at least shows a glimmer of a personality.

In the end, I still wish the author had a better editor who could help her with making the pacing better. And yet I'll still be around to see how many times she will disappoint me by not having Teagan end up with the men I, personally, find the most interesting.
Beth337 1 follower

Another great book

I don't know if I d this book more than the first or just as equally. Simon is still my favourite and even though he's her cousin, I really want him to be part of the harem. The only thing that bothers me is how quickly everything happens. People meet and then thirty seconds later they're in love and married. It all feels a little rushed. Then those intense connections between Teegan and then get a little forgotten which is sad. Still great storyline though. Cass44 1 follower

Such In-depth Storytelling!

This Author spins long twisting stories that just suck you in. Teagan is a character that suffered through almost a lifetime of pain and emotional abuse. These ongoing stories show her character and while some might see her as weak, I see a person who is coping the best ways she knows how. Each leg of her journey shows growth and then the angst of pitfalls thrown her way that set her back.

I recommend this book and all the books in this series. Quite simply they just fulfill something in the writing that I'm looking for every time I read these stories. Megan’s Endless Reads368 27

I'm going to be honest... I wasn't sure that if this series could get better and expand on the already complicated plot. But guess what?!? It DOES! Yah you heard me... this series continues to get better with every added novel, character, and situation. This is a book you don't want to miss out on so grab a copy ASAP and send me a thank-you for time well spent on this amazing journey through space. ;)rh Jacquelyn428 2

Amazing. Just amazing

For a series to be so incredibly written that it becomes the go-to work when you need a reading reset takes incredible skill and without a doubt, Wendie Nordgren has that in spades. I love Teagan's storyline. Love the characters, her growth, her men. I have read this series so many times and yet keep rereading. If you haven't read this series yet, you're missing out. Tonya59 4

Wow such an amazing book full of adventure

Teagan loves so deeply she is so loyal, and though sometimes she might seem weak, she has this incredible inner strength that I see developing. This book is full of intrigue adventure and more discovery about Reagan you don't want to miss it. Ally brandon17


I absolutely love this series. I cry and laugh every time I read it, which has been more than once. You will fall in love with the characters, their stories, and the worlds! This series is so in depth and captivating you feel as though you are living it yourself. I highly recommend it! Irene Lopez6

Enjoyable read

Teagan's story, book 2, gives more insight into Teagan's personality and the people around her. What I about Teagan is her combination of strength and vulnerability and that she is so down to earth as well. She is the reason I keep rereading her story and look forward to what is going to happen next. Angela Armstrong421 5

Better than the first book

There are still instances where you change from one pov to another without any indication, which is confusing. Again there is a lot of unnecessary description which is confusing and slows down the momentum, but again the story pulls you in.
Having said that, I'm buying the third book. Helle GadeAuthor 22 books114

As usual this author makes me happy and relaxed. I keep rereading the series and never tire of it. I just for get to write that tell everyone how much I love this book. I don't know how the author does it, but the books keep getting better and better.

I highly recommend this book/series. You won't be disappointed. revers-harem sci-fi-romance Rae62 2

I am addicted to this series and CAN NOT GET ENOUGH! Thank goodness this a series because I don't want this to ever end. Love the space travel and watching the main female character grow and find herself. Paula1,117 5

Bored DNF at 50% I didn't feel a connection to the characters or between them, no romance. Just couldn't connect to this one, also the rh is ridiculously slow build they only introduce the concept in Book 2. So disappointed was really looking forward to this one.
Julie Sherman1,447 17


This is a great continuing storey line. I loved story, characters, in depth relationship and more in this book. You find out how important Tegan's relationship is to her husband's are and how important family is to all. Looking forward to the next book in this series. LeiT378 5

Love with all my heart

Rereading the series and saw that I didn’t review this one. I love this series soo sooo much. Every time I need a pick me up I go back to this series.

Recommend to everyone ! SJ1,840 16

Absolutely loving this series. Teagan is pregnant and scared of so many things but she is a plethora of people who love her and keep her grounded. Packed full of drama and romance I cannot wait to dive k to book threereverse-harem wendie-nordgren cherco19

Awesome series! Nikki203 1 follower

Another great read

I love reading this series because the books itself are so long and there is a lot of action happening. I keep reading and now I'm off to read the 3rd book! Christian Jeffress462 1 follower


A great addition to a great series that I thoroughly enjoyed with an amazing set of characters. Currently rereading the series. Marrianne7 2

Wonderful start to this series. Enjoyed it a lot. Addicted2Books112


Are you looking for a REALLY REALLY REALLY GREAT series? If so, this is it. The series is beautifully written with a slow build that is well worth the journey. LadyBugJaz155 2

super whinny, weak, annoying heroine, who is always crying and feeling bad about herself and kinda stupid. Brenda113

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