
A Bond of Truth de Wells, K.C.

de Wells, K.C. - Género: English
libro gratis A Bond of Truth


Sequel to A Bond of Three It is twenty years since the Bond of Three returned to Teruna. The kingdom of Kandor, once Teruna’s enemy, seeks help and sends its finest warrior, Dainon, on a diplomatic mission. A solitary man since his wife and child died, Dainon is unable to explain why an encounter with a young man on a beach rocks his world to its core. Prince Arrio of Teruna has always been attracted to men but has never acted on it—until he meets Dainon. Headstrong Arrio goes after what he wants, despite his fathers’ advice. But when Prince Kei arrives unexpectedly, Arrio finds himself drawn to both men. Is history repeating itself? Prince Kei has his first taste of freedom and is shocked when the visions that have plagued him since childhood become reality. The three men embark on a voyage of discovery. No one has foreseen the day, however, when the arrival of a stranger threatens to destroy their bond.

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A Bond of Truth, the second book in the Sensual Bonds series (rumor has it K.C. might have one more book planned, but you didn't hear it from me), is an absolute pleasure to read.

A Bond of Three, the story focuses on three men who are soulmates: DAINON, a 44-year-old widower and warrior who travels to Teruna on behalf of his king to seek aid for his ailing kingdom; Prince ARRIO, the baby from book 1 now all grown up, who falls for Dainon the moment he sees him; and Prince KEI, Sarron's (the third MC from book 1) younger brother, sheltered and protected, who's allowed to leave his kingdom for the first time.

Arrio and Kei are both 20, but the age gap matters naught when it comes to true love. Dainon has been grieving for more than a decade, finding no joy in life, but when he meets Arrio, and later Kei, he comes alive again.

Told in the third-person multiple POV, A Bond of Truth is a lower-angst, relationship-driven book.

Dainon has a moment of panic and isn't sure he can handle being in a relationship with not one but two men, particularly since he doesn't live in Teruna, but it doesn't take him long to come round.

I thought it was incredibly sweet how Arrio and Kei waited for Dainon, even though they were horny as hell virgins. Yes, I said the V word. *swoons*

This book is so damn sexy, it sizzles and EXPLODES. I loved the slow burn, but don't you worry, because once the men figure things out, they can't stop touching each other: touching, licking, kissing, and more, so MUCH more. The smexy scenes are at once tender and very, very dirty.

Just a little preview:

"My soul mates," [Dainon] cried out, grabbing Arrio's waist and bringing him down hard onto his shaft. Kei moaned around Arrio's length and reached up to cover Dainon's hand with his.

"Ours," Arrio said, his focus on Dainon.

There is a plot point around the 75 percent mark that adds tension to the story. I don't want to give anything away, but prepare for an unexpected visitor, a betrayal, a bear, a vision, and a daring rescue.

Then, finally, there's a wedding to plan!

If you loved A Bond of Three, this book is a must read. A Bond of Truth can be read as a standalone, but you'll get more out of the story if you read book 1 first. The king and his two consorts (Arrio's fathers) from book 1 get a bit of page time here, and they are as in love (and lust!) as ever.

Ménage à trois relationships aren't generally my cuppa, but K.C. makes it work no one else. Highly recommended for a sexy, romantic read!
age-gap best-hea extra-dirty ...more40 s ? Todd1,385 1,520

I absolutely loved the first book in this series, "A Bond of Three," and got much the same level of feel from this new book for a little over half of the story.

Up until around 60%, the fact that I was falling in love with all 3 of the new MC's, combined with a heavy presence from so many beloved characters from book 1, left me enjoying every page and thrilled to see what was going to happen next.

But once the inevitable ' big separation ' was over, in my mind, that's when I internally heard, " The End ." Except that it wasn't.

During the last third of the book, there was a plot twist introduced, which threatened to once again separate Dainon, Arrio and Kei, possibly permanently.

I wasn't the biggest fan of where the story line went at that point, as I felt that the entire situation could have (and should have) been easily avoidable with only a small bit of common sense and a minimal amount of effort. After all, it was the life of a Prince at stake.

Also, in case you care, the age difference in this story was pretty huge. Dainon was 44, but Arrio and Kei were barely in their 20's, which felt a bit much for me. And Dainon being almost the same age as Arrio's 3 fathers squicked me out a bit.

Lastly, once the trio began having sex, I don't know, it just felt sort of... 'porny' to me, un what I felt in the same situations in book 1, which I admittedly enjoyed more.

Overall, I'd have to say that the first two-thirds of the book were a 5 star read, but the last third was only 3 stars, so my overall rating would be just under 4 stars.


My ARC copy of the story was provided by the author in exchange for a fair, unbiased review.38 s Jewel1,844 270

3.5 Stars

?How delightful it was to find myself in Teruna, again! ??A Bond of Three? was in my top 10 for 2015 and getting to spend time in Teruna again was taking a long vacation in your favorite city. And though we get to spend time with King Tanish, Prince Feyar and Prince Sorran, and see the love they so obviously share with one another has not only survived, but thrived, this story is not theirs. Do read A Bond of Three, first, if you haven't already, though. I really think you'll get more out of this story if you have read the first book.

Keeping with the mythology that was laid out in ??A Bond of Three??, ??A Bond of Truth?? is about a predestined union of three men; two of whom are Seruani, and the third who is not. Dainon is a warrior from Kandor, sent to Teruna on a mission of mercy to seek information and aid. He is in his early 40's and is a widower. Princes Kei and Arrio are both 20 or 21 and though they know of each other, they have never met. Kei is heir to the throne of Vancor and is the much younger brother of Sorran, from ??A Bond of Three?? and Arrio is the adopted son of Sorran, Feyar and Tanish, who was found at the very end of ??A Bond of Three??, and the heir to the throne of Teruna.

Do keep in mind that though Kei and Arrio are 'uncle' and 'nephew', they are not blood related and they have never met before now. Their feelings toward each other are far from familial, from the very start. ??A Bond of Three?, our three MC's in A Bond of Truth know that there is something special about their attraction to one another. Dainon, however, does not understand it's significance, it's so foreign to his experience, and thus he does not trust it. He's felt this strong of an attraction only once before, and that was with his wife. Plus, he's never been with another man, much less two and of the three of them, Dainon is the most untrusting of those feelings. Arrio's fathers have cautioned him to take things more slowly, but of course, youth is not known for patience. So, there are many misunderstandings and Dainon, especially, doesn't know how to proceed. He's from a land where same sex unions are illegal and a union of three is even more outlandish.

Though ??A Bond of Truth? didn't resonate with me as much as the previous book, I still really enjoyed it. And up until the major plot twist, which mirrored ??A Bond of Three? a bit too much, I felt this was a solid 4 star read. However, that plot twist was not only very predictable, which I would easily forgive, but it was so obviously preventable that I was left shaking my head. No way would King Tanish and his consorts not insist upon using all the tools at their disposal to find the truth, and no way would Kei or Dainon have been so lackadaisical, either. So that whole part of the story did not ring true for me at all. The rest of the story, however, I loved. It was sexy and sweet and sometimes very hot.

I was happy to see that Kandor was no longer an enemy, but with their decimated population, un Teruna and Vancor, Kandor had laws against same sex unions. But with the aid proposals that Turuna gives them, they are faced with many changes. Of course, Kandor makes those changes seem way too easy, but at the same time, it was lovely to see a people adapt so quickly. It speaks of hope and love and I wholly approve of both.

I also loved how the resolution of the impending royal wedding played out. The ending was so wonderful, it made me want to stay in Teruna a while longer. No one does a high fantasy menage story KC Wells!

ARC of A Bond of Truth was generously provided, by the publisher, in exchange for an honest review. fantasy-urban-fantasy mmm polyamory ...more19 s Jordan379 43

4 beautiful stars for A Bond of Truth!

Every time I read a new book by K.C. Wells I’m reminded of her ability to pull the reader in and transport them to a completely different world. I read the first book in this series just a few weeks ago and didn’t realize how much I missed it until I picked up A Bond of Truth.

The three MC’s in this book were (in my opinion) much better than the three from the first book. It was so hard not to love them right from the beginning. They were extremely different from one another but their character traits worked together so well that the idea of soul mates didn’t seem so far off for them.

Dianon was a gentle man who just couldn’t seem to escape his tragic past. He was loyal and kind but also very guarded and a little uptight. He had that plagued-by-nightmares-but-I’m-still-badass vibe to him and he was so reluctant to give in and listen to his heart! It was watching a full bowl of water continue to fill until the water bulged at the top, only being kept from spilling over by the water tension. But oh, man when that dam broke all walls came tumbling down and there was a flash flood. Dianon was a fierce lover and he burned with passion for his two men. He certainly took his time getting there, but once he got there it was a no holds barred love fest.

And I was oh, so excited to see baby Arrio return! I remembered him from the first book but the man that he’d become in this book was completely new. Arrio was an act now, ask questions later kind of lover. He jumped in head first and loved with all of his heart. He was passionate and loyal and tender. His tendency to follow his heart without question made him a little impatient where Dianon was concerned, but he tried his hardest to be the man that Dianon needed at that time. He was an extremely attentive lover.

Kei was, to put it simply, a complete angel. The way that he so completely loved and respected every living being, regardless of whether it was Dianon or Arrio or a baby deer. He adored nature and animals. He was the epitome of an animal person. His kindness and patience made him the perfect glue to hold these three men together and keep the communication open and honest.

Getting these three alone together in an empty (or locked) room was setting off fireworks in a confined space and watching all of the beautiful colors explode in close proximity. Kei’s tenderness, Arrio’s enthusiasm, and Dianon’s fierce passion made their sexy times really heat up the sheets.

I absolutely adored this book. I would definitely recommend this book. K.C. Wells has written a really great book with well-developed, complex characters and a solid alternate world. You could read this as a standalone if you were really determined to, but the first book gives a lot of background and cultural information that this book didn’t focus as heavily on because it was just assumed that the reader had that background knowledge already. I would definitely recommend reading this series in order!

Reviewed by Jordan at Alpha Book Club.

Disclaimer: This book was provided by the author in exchange for an honest review. All thoughts and opinions expressed herein are my own and not influenced by the author or the publisher in any way.alphabookclub9 s Debra2,103 253

Release day review posted at Sinfully.

4.5 stars

This is another fantastic trip to the land of Teruna. Twenty years has passed since A Bond of Three and King Tanish and his consorts Feyar and Prince Sorran still rule the land, which has flourished since Tanish ascended to the throne. This time, there are three new men who are about to experience the power of three, and if you???ve read the first book you’ll be thrilled to discover just who will be finding their destiny this time around.

At 21, Prince Arrio spends his days exploring his homeland of Teruna, training with the guards and learning from his fathers for his eventual rise to take the throne as king. When he meets Dainon on the beach he feels as if he’s dreamt of the warrior before and is immediately drawn to him. Although he tries to practice restraint, it isn’t his strong point. Arrio is ready to jump into things with the reluctant Dainon even against the counsel of his father. He is down to earth and acts on emotion, but when dealing with Dainon, his forwardness could prove to be what pushes the reluctant warrior away.

Prince Kei, heir to the throne of Vancor, is innocent and sweet (though he might not me describing him that way). He has largely been confined to the palace for his 20 years and is only now making a journey on his own to visit his brother in Teruna. While naïve and innocent in many ways (much Sorran was in the first book) he senses his destiny is in Teruna and he is determined to see what lies there for him. What he didn’t expect was to find two men who allow him to find the peace he has longed for but never had due to his Seruan ability to hear others’ thoughts and see their auras.

Dainon is 44 and in his own words, is just a warrior. He does not possess any Seruan abilities and is not sure he believes in magic, yet he can still feel the jolt of power when he first touches both Prince Arrio and Prince Kei. He knows what it means to some extent as he felt it with his wife, the soul mate who passed away along with his son 16 years prior. Confusion, fear and desire are all present and Dainon is not really sure what to make of things. This is the catalyst for the slow build of the romance between the three men. Not only does Dainon need to sort out these new feelings, he needs to let go of the grief that has shrouded him.

The first part of the book is largely devoted to the men meeting and trying to figure out their bond, told with points of view from all three characters. Dainon is especially troubled. He first meets Arrio and is just starting to accept his feelings when Kei arrives. Dainon sees how Arrio and Kei are with one another and just can’t see himself with the younger men who so clearly belong together. Misunderstandings and miscommunications complicate things and Dainon really struggles, inadvertently hurting both Arrio and Kei. Just when things seem to be settling as the men accept their fate and give in to their mutual attractions, a stranger who claims to be part of Arrio’s past, shows up in Teruna and turns the tide of the men’s happiness.

K.C. Wells really ratchets up the tension in this one. First there’s the sexual tension between the men and the will they won’t they as Dainon tries to come to terms with his feelings and his supposed destiny. When the three finally come together, it’s hot and sweet and dirty with a passion that heats up the pages. Then, when you think things may just start to go smoothly, there is a whole new level of tension when a stranger arrives in Teruna. Lomar unsettles everyone with his claims and what he is seeking. In fact, K.C. Wells does something she’s never done before when one of her characters is forced to make a life or death decision and it had me cheering and heaving a sigh of relief.

All three main characters are very different and all captured my heart in different ways. They all are strong in their love and loyalty to the others and their willingness to sacrifice for the happiness of the other two, but I think the fan favorite here will be Kei. He may seem young and innocent, especially when he is communing with the animals he has a connection to, but he knows what he wants and when he finally lends voice to his desires, look out! Arrio is all heart and emotion, and sometimes acts before thinking things through, while Dainon is steady and mature, that is until Arrio and Kei get under his skin.

If you haven’t read A Bond of Three, you can jump in right here, although Tanish, Sorran and Feyar have a big part in this second book as well. As with the first book, even if you are not a big reader of fantasy (which I am not) you can easily enjoy this story. Full of romance, drama, adventure and a bit of magic and humor, I highly recommend it to fans of ménage stories. If you’ve d the books in the series so far, rumor has it there may be at least one more on the horizon and I for one am all for another journey back to Teruna.

age-gap arcs-and-for-review beta-read ...more6 s Pianka *call me PIU*390

4.5 Stars

“A Bond of Truth” by K.C Wells is the second installment in the sensual bonds series. The timeline of this story is after twenty years of the previous book and follows the life of the MCs of the first book, “A Bond of Three” so I would definitely recommend readers to read the first book before starting this one.

Keeping with the theme of the first book, this time around we are again treated with the unwavering and loving bond of three equally gorgeous and passionate men. Dainon is a 44 year old Kandoran warrior who has lost the love of his life many years ago. He is sent to Teruna on a mission by his king where he meets his two other soulmates, who changes his life forever. Arrio is Teruna’s beloved prince who until meeting Dainon has never felt a pull to any other man strong enough to want to bare his soul and fall in love. Then fate brings them Kei, Vancor’s prince, whose presence pumps both Dainon and Arrio’s hearts with renewed vigor.

The three men then struggle and stumble a little towards their fated union. There are a few misunderstandings and heartache along the way but when they accept their love for each other and become one, it was simply glorious. Their love just shined through the book.

Deviating from the first book, in this one we have Dainon who was straight before meeting his two princes. Dainon is shown to be confused and rattled by the force of his attraction to the two men and also the complete feel of rightness that came with being with them. He struggles with his feelings before finally giving in to them.

Dainon’s huge age difference with Arrio and Kei was the only thing that I found a little off in the whole book. I didn’t have any problem with it as such but whenever it got mentioned that Dainon is of the same age as Arrio’s fathers, I was EWW…..

There is a little plot twist at the end of the book which gives light to Arrio’s parentage while also featuring tension, action, rescue and a glorious reunion.

The overwhelming connection and love among the men is the main focus of the book. There are roadblocks on the way but they overcome them with the help of Arrio’s fathers (the MCs from the first book), Kei’s parents as well as Dainon’s king. I loved how Dainon’s country reforms and changes for their betterment while opening their hearts and being accepting.

I don’t usually opt for ménages but this series is too sensuous and full of love to pass over. Dainon, Arrio and Kei fitted together puzzle pieces. Their love and commitment to each other is written beautifully. During Dainon’s absence, Arrio and Kei’s restraint was something I really loved and appreciated. They waited for their bear before they could be truly united. And when they do get together their passion exploded!!! The chemistry among the men was HOT, HOT, HOT!!!

Overall, this book is a delicious romance of three men. I loved all the characters as well as the beautiful, soothing and absolutely passionate way in which the author has described the love. In addition to another three gorgeous lovers, we also get glimpses of the solid and still passionate as ever love among the MCs of the previous book. So fans of this series do not wait to read it and for those who have not started this series, please do so without any further delay!!!


*This review has been cross posted at GayBookReviews*alpha-males broken-souls fantasy ...more7 s Morgan Skye2,784 27

Yay! I loved book one so much and was really, really psyched to see a sequel! (Review here:

Though you could read this as a standalone, I think it’d be a much better experience if you read book one and book one was awesome so… why not?

In book one, the fathers of one of our MCs met and married and found him, Arrio, in his dying mother’s arms. Since his fathers are the King and his consorts, Arrio is destined to be a King himself. One of his fathers is a prince of another kingdom and his younger brother, Kei is destined to be a King of that kindgdom. The third MC, Dainon, is a warrior who goes to Teruna seeking advice and help from the King as to how he can help his own kingdom recover from a devastating plague.

There is a LOT of world building done in book one, and that alone is a good reason to read it, but I think the basics are summed up in this story. However, there are some important points to keep in mind. This is a ménage, with an age gap, a little bit of magic, fated mates, two virgins, a gay-sex virgin, a widower, and there’s a bit of time spent with the MCs from book one.

What I LOVED about this was the fact that it’s almost all about the relationship building between the MCs. There is some drama, to be sure, from an external source as well as lots of internal angst going on in the heads of our MCs but most of the stress revolves around the triad and how it’s going to work – if it’s going to work.

The smexy times are both hot and tender and totally appropriate for moving the relationship forward. I think the ménage sex in this is some of the hottest I’ve read and yet it was always really touching, too.

If you’re a fan of the author, book one, ménage or fated mate stories I think you’ll love this. If you just want a really well-written love story I think you’ll be pleased as well.

2017 good-reads menage ...more4 s Leaundra1,183 50

4.5 stars rounded up to 5...It was great to see their son from the first book grown and finding his loves. I really enjoyed the two books in the series. The world is interesting and I wouldn't mind visiting again.4 s BR11647 16

Loved this second book in this fantasy land K.C created for Bond of Three. This book is about 20 years after the first one and the MCs of book 1 are very much present.
Really d it. It has lots and lots of steam but there is a plot, which I appreciated.
Hopefully it won’t be KC’s last book on this series.
Recommend! age-gap cherry-popping dirty-talk ...more3 s Theresa3,150

Sexual attraction and tension was great at the beginning. Unfortunately, poor relationship development after the fated mates got together. Did not see them work and grow together as a unit. Stupid unnecessary twist at end. Crappy ending. No majestic royal wedding. No magical blessing of their union. No epilogue to showcase stability and happiness.3 s Caroline Brand1,746 70


I think this is one of the best books KC has written and it was certainly a superb follow up to A Bond of Three.

Once again we have three men who figure out early on that they are soulmates but it’s a bumpy ride before they get their HEA. Each man in this group is vastly different from the other but when put together they make the ultimate whole.

Dainon is the older man with more life experience than his lovers. He has loved and lost and almost 2 decades later it still hurts. He’s quite a humble man who takes his duty to his King seriously so when he is sent on a special mission to Teruna he is determined to return home with a positive solution. Arrio is a lot of fun, he is bold and brash and has been brought up well by his three fathers after a wobbly start in life – the Prince is loved by his people and has a good heart. Kei is much more difficult to work out – he is also a Prince but his Palace has been his captivity and when he finally escapes to Teruna to visit his brother he is comparable to a sponge sucking up all the experiences he can find. Don’t however be fooled by his innocence as he is quick to discover what he wants and even quicker to go after it.

This is a beautifully paced slow burn romance and it hits the mark perfectly -to have rushed it would have ruined it. Dainon has to come to terms with the new direction his life is taking and Arrio and Kei both have very little experience. Towards the end there is drama added to the story that puts everything the men have worked for at risk but they are stronger than that when they come together so all hope is not lost. It was also great to spend time with Tanish, Feyar and Sorran and to see that even after 20 years their love was as strong as ever.2016 5-star-read definite-re-read ...more3 s Ivana579 13

The most perfect follow up to book one *swoon*favourite-panty-droppers k-c-wells male-male-romance ...more3 s Barb ~rede-2-read~3,363 105

I definitely enjoyed this story of two young princes and a warrior. All three characters were well-developed and able. Though Kei was portrayed as more immature and being of smaller stature tended to get the lesser role between the three. Arrio was about the same age but he always seemed older and more mature to me. And then there's Daimon, the warrier--the 44 year old warrior who was straight until the gods brought him to this new land and he met the very young (20ish) Arrio and later the even younger, Kei.

I love daddy kink and I love age gap and I love men over 40 but I honestly think I would have enjoyed this more if he was only midthirties. It was just a bit too squicky to have him twice their age. The story would have still worked if he was a bit younger. He was a grieving widower who lost both his wife and young son and now took on the role of scout for his king who wanted to know if the rumors about Kandor were true--especially the rumor about the king and two princes who ruled there.

The story was entertaining and interesting and the slow burn was perfect. I wasn't too happy with the subplot at the end of the story but it was necessary for that 70% mark drama we all love so much (chuckling here) and I always enjoy this author's work so I'm happy I got to read this.
age-gap fantasy-or-paranormal favorites ...more2 s AussieMum1,371 47

I really enjoyed the first book in this series. The world-building, the fated mates, the romance, the sex, it was all really well written. So I'm disappointed to say that I thought this one was rather lacklustre in the romance department, as well as the overall story.

I'm aware that I'm in the minority here. But what I can say about this is that where the first book sucked me in with a sweet and sensual forbidden love and a prophesy for a "bond of three", this one lacked it's emotional depth. And while I d Dainon as the mature character, he seemed to be fated to two inexperienced twenty year olds who acted more teenagers than men. The first time they have sex they go from virgins to pornstars yelling "fuck me harder..." in the blink of an eye. I just didn't get their connection, even though it's mentioned repeatedly.

By 80% I'd lost interest and skimmed to the end. I really wished this had been about Tanish, Fayer and Sorren. The glimpses we had of them here reminded me how great they all were together. action-adventure age-difference lgbtq ...more3 s MorningstarAuthor 10 books169

Book & Author: A Bond of Truth by K.C. Wells
Rating: 4 stars

I’ve absolutely adored A Bond of Three so when I heard there was a book 2 planned I was over the moon. A Bond of Truth is one of those high fantasy stories that I love with all my heart. There is new worlds to discover, magic to be exposed, fates to be determined, and evil to be vanquished. With this story we are met with sweet romance, the slow build of a complicated love, and a mix of innocence and heat!

While there is nothing wrong with evil and danger lurking in every corner sometimes we need a reprieve from that to watch three men come together in a love story taking the front focus and danger a back seat. Watching Dainon discover new things about himself after such a great loss in his life was nearly heartbreaking as it was joyful. Kei finally spreading his wings out from under the watchful gaze of his overprotective mother, the Queen of Vancor, to find his place and men who saw him as their equal was awesome and inspiring. To see Arrio the adopted son of King Tanish, Prince Sorran, and Prince Feyar, find the men who can handle his blunt ways and forceful nature was funny and gave my heart a little jolt of joy.

The world that K.C. Wells created in A Bond of Three was kept up well in this book. The lands of Terruna, Vancor, and Kandor, buildings, and people were brought to life with such detail to was fantastic to see. The gifts that Arrio and Kei had were described in such a way that each seem to hold an emotion instead of just a physical feeling. I could feel Dainon’s awe in everything he discovered in Terruna from the gifts of some of the people, to the awe inspiring beauty of the lands, to the love between Tanish, Feyar, and Sorran when he never knew such things existed.

The evil that invaded the love of these three men was easily seen as such from the get go, as I am sure the author intended, was not one that was hard to get past but one that had some lasting repercussions once it was over. It was a realistic obstacle to me since the way these men lived their lives was as though nothing could touch them since they had all these gifts and no enemies. I think they’ve all learned that lesson!

I’ve always enjoyed K.C. Wells writing style and she did not disappoint with this one! Maybe we will see more from this world? I can only hope.

*I received a copy of this book through http://diversereader.blogspot.com/*diverse-reader-2 s Daniel MittonAuthor 3 books36

(Originally reviewed for Love Bytes Reviews. Rated 4.5 out of 5.0 Love Bytes)

I was happy when I saw this book show up to be reviewed, and I quickly grabbed it. I really enjoyed A Bond of Three when it came out nearly two years ago, and I knew I would probably enjoy this one. I was correct. I d it a lot.

A Bond of Truth brings us to the next generation in Teruna. Somewhere near the end of A Bond of Three (if I remember correctly), the M/C triad in that story found a dying woman with a baby in some ancient ruins.

That baby is now all grown up and has become Prince Arrio of Teruna. The King of Teruna and his two consort Princes are Arrio’s adopted fathers. When Arrio meets a big bearded warrior… who says he is a farmer…on the beach, things are off to a good start. He takes him back to Teruna with him, where the truth comes out. Dainon is indeed not a farmer.

Dainon has been sent by the King of Kandor to seek aid from the King of Teruna, their former enemy. The land of Kandor suffered a disastrous plague sixteen years previously which wiped out a huge number of its residents, and left another huge amount sterile. It is hoped that Dainon’s mission will be successful and that they might gain aid and help rebuilding their population.

Fortuitously, the King of Teruna just happens to be one of Arrio’s Fathers. Things look good for Dainon’s diplomatic mission. But why does it feel lightning hits him when he touches Arrio? And then when Prince Kei of Vancor shows up and Dainon feels the lighting from him as well, things get complicated. And did I mention, Dainon has never been attracted to a man? Well…except for that one time…but he didn’t act on that, so it doesn’t count, correct?

There is confusion, there is a long-lost father who shows up looking for his son, and there are some miscommunications. All together, they make for an enjoyable fast paced read.

I really d this one. Great follow-up to the original story.2 s BevS2,780 2

This was such a lovely, mostly angst-free fantasy read, and featured baby Arrio from A Bond of Three who is now all grown up and aware that he has some special talents in view of his Seruan backgound. When he meets Dainon, a warrior from Kandor seeking help from Teruna on behalf of his King and then Kei, the younger brother of Sorran [one of his trio of fathers], and experiences the same jolt of awareness from both of them, he realises that they are very special to him; indeed, they may be destined for him as his fathers were destined for each other. Widower Dainon is extremely confused by the jolt of awareness, and feels that he is too old for the two younger men. Prince Kei is gifted in many areas, and realises straight away that there is something significant about Arrio and Dainon, and the way they make him feel.

There was some great imagery in this read, but my favourite was Kei [who has a special affinity with all creatures, no matter their size] being full of the joys of spring and becoming a sort of magnet for a whole host of butterflies. Of course, Arrio walking naked from the sea was also special..;)

Many thanks KC for the ARC.ace-bi-demi-pan age-gap happy-ever-after ...more5 s Becca2,682 30

Wow. What a phenomenal sequel. I really loved this1 Ben Mcpeake656 3

I really d this book and the new characters were great as well as the old characters still being wonderful but there were a few things in this book that just drag it down for me. The first was the plot twist near the end that was SO forced and just plain dumb because it should just never have happened i the first place. The second was the fact that most of the overall story of this book was EXACTLY the same as the last book and that just seems lazy to me. The third was the fact that the ending just wasn't good enough for this book. I think that the author should have just take out the plot twist(which wasn't even a shock honestly) and focused more on the ending of the story. There were many things at the end that could and should have been explored more and it just feels this wasn't really finished. The last was the fact that for some reason even though i really d Dainon, Arrio and Kei i didn't connect and love them as much as Tanish, Feyar and Sorran but that is just a minor complaint and didn't really detract from the story. Overall i give this book a 7/10 and even with these flaws i still love the world and the characters that have been created in these books and i will read every book that K.C. Wells decides to write in it.2017 m-m-romance1 Carra1,717 31

After reading the first book of this series, A Bond of Three, I was wondering how the author would make another threesome work in the same world without it feeling unoriginal. I needn’t have worried, as A Bond of Truth was just as wonderfully spun a story as its predecessor. Dainon, Arrio and Kei belong together just as much as Feyar, Tanish and Sorran. It is how they get to that point that is different, and takes the reader on a unique journey to get there-with a bit of guidance from those that came before.

I the fact that Dainon is quite a bit older than Arrio and Kei, it introduces an element of tension-though mostly on Dainon’s part as he is the one who has difficulty reconciling the age disparity. And I love Kei’s ability to interact and communicate with animals-it made him all the more sweet and innocent to me to have this ability to connect. Arrio and Kei seem to be able to come together so easily, and they are determined to show Dainon that he belongs with them both. One other thing I loved about this book? Having Feyar, Tanish and Sorran there playing a significant part. They contributed quite a bit, and were a wonderful support for Arrio, Kei and Dainon every step of the way.

As with the first book of the series, this one also pulled me in with the development of the relationship between the three men. The drama that comes up much later in the story from the “stranger” mentioned in the synopsis does play its part, but for me that part was not as significant as the bulk of the story where the men work through their feelings, and Dainon has to come to terms with a relationship he would never have imagined for himself. It quickly becomes apparent that communication between the three is essential to making things work, and I truly enjoyed seeing them discover how to make their relationship work.

A Bond of Truth was another 4.5-star read for me, and again those gay fantasy romance readers who are fans of M/M/M will find that KC Wells has done an excellent job of bringing three men together in a grouping that may have bumps along the way-but eventually will work out to a very satisfying conclusion. This story is only for readers 18+ for adult language and explicit M/M/M sexual content. While I suppose this could be read on its own, I would strongly recommend reading the books of this series in order as the main characters in A Bond of Three do play a crucial part in this story. You will enjoy A Bond of Truth more if you read Feyar, Tanish and Sorran’s story first.1 L Cam685

I have to say I d this one better than the first. I reread it and this one was still a bit better. I d the cross-nation drama. Danion is probably my favorite character out of this. I always love silver foxes as MCs with twinks and/or younger characters. Age difference makes the issues more complex and it forces the characters to react differently than if they were closer to the same age.

I feel this one got drawn out more. It was slow, but in a good way. Danion was married to a woman previously, and then she died in a disease outbreak. The first story was more insta-love than this one. Granted, there was still some of that with Kei and Arrio, I the resistance with Danion because it makes their relationship that much more authentic.

The writing definitely got better and overall more enthralling for the readers. Very good read.mm-contemporary-romance-erotica1 Amy1,873 33

4.5 stars. While I really d this book, I absolutely loved the first and nothing will beat it. So I to know the ages of the people I'm reading about, so here's those. Kai 20, Arrio 21, Dainon 44. I was super excited when I started reading this and realized who Kai and Arrio were. Prince Kai of Vancor is the miracle baby that Sorran's mom was pregnant with in the end of the first book; Prince Arrio of Teruna is the baby that was found by Sorran, Feyar and Tanish; Dainon is a warrior of the once enemy, Kandor. All three of these men really grow throughout this book, becoming the best they can be with the help of each other and their families. There was a lot more details about the gifts the Seruans have in this book, that made the story that much more interesting. We got to see Sorran, Feyar, And Tanish, who are now 41, 48, and 44, well matured now. The story was great, and it was nice to meet some new characters plus see all our favorites from the first book. If there is a 3rd book down the road, I will definitely snatch it up.favorites own-them1 Kenike197 1 follower

KC wells is an author who never disappoints me. The book was easy to follow. The tone between the lovers was sensual. As usual, her work is well written. I loved how the three men interact with one another. Everyone read this book, you will be in for a treat. I'm not going to spoil it for anyone but I really really enjoyed this book!!1 Susan2,247 425

4.5 stars

Just as good as the first one. I don't think it would be wise to read this as a stand-alone. You would be missing out on everything that happened in the previous book. And the characters from that book play a role in this one too.

I absolutely loved this one. It had the exact same feels as the first book, while still being completely different. Of course it had some similarities, but I felt as if the 3 men in this story were their own character and not just a copy of the men from the first book (since I was a bit afraid of this happening).

Dainon is a 42 year old warrior from Kandor. He lost his wife and son 16 years ago and has given up on love. That is until he is sent to Teruna to ask the kings for help with their own kingdom, who is not doing so well after a plague.

When he enters the kingdom he encounters a young man. This young man is 21 year old Arrio, who immediately shows his hospitality to offer the exhausted traveler a place to stay. Of course Arrio failed to mention at first he is the prince of Teruna, the heir of the throne. But when Dainon sees the palace, he knows who Arrio is.

Arrio and Dainon have an immediate connection, one that Dainon cannot deny. Even though he has never before been attracted to men. The two grow very close in a short period of time, while Dainon is spending some time in Teruna to learn more about their customs.

Just when Dainon is convinced he and Arrio might actually be headed somewhere, a new visitor arrives. It is 20 year old Kei, Sorran’s younger brother. Since Arrio was adopted he has no blood relation with the brother of one of his fathers.

Dainon sees the immediate spark between Arrio and newcomer Kei, and he feels hurt. But when he accidentally touches Kei, he feels the same spark he feels with Arrio. Dainon is more confused than ever.

When Arrio has to travel to seek out new resources for the kingdom, Kei and Dainon accompany him on this trip.

It is clear to Kei what the two men mean to him. They are meant to be together. Arrio feels this too, so Kei and Arrio end up discussing this. But Dainon is not so ready to believe this so when he sees Arrio and Kei growing closer, he knows he has to leave, because he obviously does not fit in with these two younger men…

This was sweet and at times sappy. Just how I my books. There’s not a lot of relationship angst, although it’s not all smooth sailing either. Especially Dainon has to come to terms with his attraction to two men. But it all ends well and we get a wonderful HEA.

(Oh, and we get DP!! Yay!)

This book is very heavy on the relationship development, with some background political stuff going on. If you low angst MMM with three men falling in love with each other at the same time, this is the book for you.mm6 s FantasyLiving604 36

Written for Boy Meets Boy Reviews

3.5 Hearts

Second in the Sensual Bond series, this story is set twenty years after A Bond of Three, and centres around the heir of Teruna, Prince Arrio.

Danion is on a diplomatic mission from Kandor to find out how Teruna is thriving after a plague, because Kandors numbers a dwindling, with the bulk of childbearing women dying from it, including Danion’s wife, and son.

Danion’s instant attraction to Arrio is disconcerting, especially as he is still grieving for his wife and child, but after some initial denial, he decides to go along with it while he fulfills his mission. Arrio has no such reservations, and makes his attraction known.

Just as they are starting to communicate their need for one another, Prince Kei steps onto the scene, and Danion feels an old man next to the two younger men, deciding to step back and let them strengthen their relationship.

This was a bit angsty in some areas, with a thread of non-communication, which is annoying. I don’t misunderstandings that can be swiftly settled with communication. It’s a pet peeve. Just talk to each other and no one will be sad.

The broader story was enjoyable. I d the world building. I haven’t read the first book in this series, but I didn’t feel I missed anything. Everything was set out clearly, and I think this could be read as a standalone if the reader wanted.

Prince Kei was my favourite of this trio. He hasn’t been out in the world before, so he’s finding everything he encounters magical. His dreams were confusing him, but he’s taking his new freedom in stride and enjoying himself as much as he can.

The triad was a slow burn, and there was more relationship building between Kei and Arrio overall. I can see how Danion would feel left out, especially with the age gap between him and the other two, and the secretive behaviour. If it was told entirely from Danion’s point of view, that is the impression the reader would take away too.

The sexy stuff was pretty hot, and I’d say their sexual connection worked really well, even when their communication was lacking. In this one thing, they all seemed to be on the same page.

The plot drama worked well. It connected the story together, but it was a little anticlimactic. I was expecting something different, and less clean, but it still achieved its goal.

Recommended for readers who enjoy fantasy, menage relationships and relationships with an age gap. This was sweet, but not totally fluffy.
33-200-pages-or-more 88-arc content-menage-or-more-than-three ...more Jodi Ciorciari-marinich551 41

This is book 2 in the sensual bonds series and while I suggest you read book 1 to learn about this family , you do not have to. The story is set about 20 years after the end of book 1.
We meet Dainon a older man who has lost his wife and son many years ago due to illness and hasnt really lived since their deaths. He lives in a kingdom that was devastated when many of their people died. He is called upon by his king to go on a mission to Teruna to learn how they prosper.
When he gets to Teruna he meets a young man named Arrio and feels his life will never be the same. There is a spark between them that Dainon cant explain. He finds himself having feelings for this young man when he was never attracted to men before. For his part Arrio has the same feeling towards Dainon. Dainon learns that his companion is a Prince and his father is the king of Teruna. Dainon finds himself fascinated with the land and with Arrio. He thought his life was over at his age but wants to follow through with Arrio to see what can happen. Then Prince Kei shows up and Dainon is once again thrown for a loop. Arrio and Kei feel pulled towards each other immediately and Dainon feels his lost his chance. This story is told by the point of view of all 3 men and you can feel the love they have towards each other. Dainon tries to fight his feelings towards 2 young men. Arrio wants to run head first into a relationship with both men but he knows he must wait and Kei has had a vision that these men will be is forever but doesnt want to scare them away. Arrio and Kei both have gifts that we see them use and I think it adds to the story especially when they have to fight for each other. It takes Dainon the longest to be true to his feelings but when he does they all shine. The love scenes are great and definitely make you blush a little. Their chemistry is off the charts from the beginning and the flirting is really cute to read. It was great to see how happy they make each other and now that they were meant to be. I would recommend this series because who doesnt love a menage.
*ARC provided by Publisher in exchange for an honest review.
Reviewed by Jodi from Alpha Book Club
2 s Becky Condit2,377 67

Can you expect the sequel of an amazing story to be as good as or better than the first? Not always, but in the hands of KC Wells it’s a given. I enjoyed A Bond of Three very much but this sequel is perhaps one of Ms. Wells’ best books.
A lot of the political wrangling was worked out in the first book but things did not necessarily turn out even in all of the kingdoms. Dainon is a warrior in Kandor, one of the kingdoms that is still struggling, mostly due to an epidemic that wiped out a large part of their population, including Dainon’s wife and son. When he is asked to go on a mission to Teruna, a kingdom that has thrived, to find out if they will help the Kandorans he agrees, never expecting that he will find so much more.
There is magic in Teruna, and young Prince Arrio has powers that allow him to learn truths that others may be hiding from him. When he meets Dainon another power enables both of them to recognize they are destined lovers. But that’s not all.
In another kingdom, Vancor, Prince Kei has been coddled and sheltered to the point he has no worldly understanding and is completely unprepared to step up as king someday. Mostly it is his mother who wants to continue protecting him, so when he gains the support of his father to go outside the kingdom alone he is thrilled. When he meets Arrio and Dainon the three men realize that they are reliving the fate that Arrio’s three fathers have enjoyed for the past twenty years. They will be a bonding of three.
If that’s where the story ended it would have been a good romance, but as usual with Ms. Wells there is a deeper story. Arrio was adopted by his three fathers after being found with his dying mother. But what about his birth father? Nothing is known until a stranger comes to the kingdom claiming to have knowledge about Arrio’s family. At that point things go downhill quickly. I won’t reveal what happens next so I don’t spoil the story but believe me it’s an exciting tale that any reader will enjoy.
Ro Dubose254

Prince Arrio of Teruna, Prince Kei of Vancor and Dainon of Kandor are three strangers destined to be soul mates for a lifetime.

A Bond of Truth is the sequel to A Bond of Three. The sequel features the next generation of lovers set in the fantasy world. Some of the inhabitants of this world were blessed with special gifts to help mankind. These talents are featured throughout the story, bringing a whimsical premise to a budding romance.

Prince Arrio is the adopted son of King Tanish and his two consorts. Arrio is a caring young man who is loved by all in the kingdom.

Prince Kei has lead a sheltered life, mainly because of being the younger son of an overprotective mother. Kei loves adventure and was finally allowed his freedom when the King gave Kei permission to visit his brother Sorran, one of King Tanish’s consorts.

Since Kandor has been at peace for years, Dainon’s duties as a warrior are not needed, so at the request of King Rohar, Dainon travels to Teruna to seek aid. Dainon comes from a kingdom where same sex couples are outlawed.

The three men are well-matched in personality; all three are honorable along with having compassion. Arrio and Kei have magical gifts, while Dainon has the good instincts as well as the skills of a warrior. Arrio, Kei and Dainon also have the emotional fears of a new relationship.

A Bond of Truth is an enjoyably enchanting tale into sensual explorations. CB3,185 6

The 2nd book in the series and it probably could be read as a stand-alone because the MC's from the previous stories, while very present here, are not the main ones (they are the parents/in-laws) but the whole world, customs, etc. are better explained in the first book and I really enjoyed that one too so I highly recommend them both and in order. Plus, 2 books on 2 different sexy hot menages ~ what's not to love? Vinga157 7

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