
Ye Wizards' Guide to Sacred Virgins de Ward, J Foster

de Ward, J Foster - Género: English
libro gratis Ye Wizards' Guide to Sacred Virgins


Ward, J Foster Series: Wizard's Harem 01 Publisher: Evil Genius Society, Year: 2020

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Worst story I have read to date in my long years

This guy has been going g to school for over 3 years and can hardly do any spells as a wizard. Brief or all practical purposes a dreamer and a loser will g to fuck anything on two legs and probably 4. His brain is in the head of his dick. Why he got married is the big question but for sure the Author wrote this character up with much more than his normal share of DUMASS. This story was boring after the first paragraph and after I skipped every other chapter it never got interesting . The young wizard was either getting into trouble ,fucking some woman who wasn't his wife and a good many times became so drunk he couldn't remember what had happened.if HD stayed at hone and paid his wife attention. He might have got fucked more than he had. Or He could have had balls big enough to let his wife go and live the drunken ,loser type life you wrote him up to be . I guess the divorce rate in America and the amount of losers getting those divorced is really something to aspire to. I don't need to read about this story as it happens in my neighborhood ,there just aren't any apprentice wizards doing the screwing around Just write the wizard up as being unmarried and falling into a situation of becoming a wizard harem master and the story just might become interesting. The male species doesn't gain much after you show this guy up as a uncontrollable pussy hound with a big dick and way too Manu inactive brain cells Steve1,379 36

Discovered this looking through the author's "back catalogue" (a whole two years, but hey) after catching up on the Last Real Man series. Some definite stylistic similarities, and overall pretty fun, but some choppy bits in the writing keep it from reaching a 5.

The magic system is interesting, and the MC is both cursed and extremely lucky, as he is anything but OP. In the final analysis it's good enough for me to read the next one, so that's what I shall do. fantasy Micah88

Ugh not again.

Why are all the MCs from this author such absolute losers.....? No seriously.? I don't get it I tried multiple books from this author and never got past 25% before the loser MC made me sick.... if you are a loser on this level some random apocalyptic event or getting super powers or whatever isn't gonna just change that... Its just sad. Mp250 6

story is not bad. world building is good and well written but the mc is just a dumb fuck. i tolerated his stupidity just for 30% when he didn't have the balls to kill the people who ambushed him again, i had to give up. Kent Herring496 2

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