
Monkeys Wearing Pants de Waldrep, Jon

de Waldrep, Jon - Género: English
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Funny rants, riffs and meaningless musings by a guy you don't know. How funny are the observations in this book? Good question. They range from just funny enough to induce a Mona Lisa smile (she was smiling, right?) to funny enough to force you to chuckle out loud (if you are alone in your bathroom with your tablet or eReader).

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3.5 stars

I met Jon in a professional capacity, and discovered he had also written a book. Curiosity and a buck did the rest.

He did warn me that if I read it I might learn more about him than I wanted to know. A fair warning, but I read the whole thing anyway. And it's quite amusing, although soooooo many dad jokes. Worked well as something to read intermittently on a 14 hour flight.

Could use a bit of editing (jokes told more than once, word substitutions, etc.), but nothing too major.

The stories at the end were my favorite parts.5 s Laurie193 9

This book is a collection of anecdotes and witticisms and is currently a free Kindle ebook on Amazon. Great light reading for the weekend or on any day that might need to be brightened a bit. Even though I have a pretty decent sense of humor it takes something incredibly funny to make me chuckle out loud, but this book did quite a few times, in fact. Sometimes the humor is a bit quirky but Waldrep takes every day situations that can be frustrating normally and put a spin on it to make them seem comical.

One of the things I love about collections is that I can read a bit here and a bit there when I don't have a huge chunk of time to devote to sitting down and reading. This can easily be read while waiting for dinner to simmer, during commercial breaks, or while hiding in the bathroom for a few brief minutes of blissful peace and solitude from the overwhelming demands of family. Oops, did I just admit to doing that? Luckily none of my family reads my . Great read that I highly recommend. 1 Sara L.34 1 follower

I laughed, I cried, I thought I was going to need oxygen brought in.

Disclaimer #1: The author gave me a copy of this book to read in exchange for a brutally honest review.

Disclaimer #2: I am easily amused.

This book had me laughing out loud from the very first sentence. I normally get kind of irritated with self-deprecating humor by overweight/obese people. Maybe it's the difference between stand up and print, but this made me laugh so hard, tears were streaming down my face.

It just got better from there. Jon (I use his first name now because I feel we're old friends) covers all kinds of topics we all encounter in every day life: the battle of the bulge, travel, work, getting older...

My husband and I both work from home. He heard me cracking up from across the hall with the door closed and came to see what all the commotion was about. I could barely keep from laughing just telling him what I was reading! Finally, I just had to point to the screen so he could see it for himself.laughable The Glassed And The Furious1,001 27

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