
LÂ’home a la recerca de sentit de Viktor Frankl

de Viktor Frankl - Género: Memorias
libro gratis LÂ’home a la recerca de sentit


El doctor Frankl, psiquiatra i escriptor, acostuma a preguntar als seus malalts: «¿I vostè, per què no se suïcida?»; sovint de les seves respostes extreu l’orientació per a la teràpia a què els sotmetrà: a un, el que li dóna vida és el fill; a l’altre, un talent, una habilitat sense explotar; al de més enllà, només uns records que val la pena rescatar de l’oblit. Recompondre els mil-i-un fragments d’aquestes vides esquinçades en una xarxa ferma, coherent, significativa i responsable és l’objectiu de la logoteràpia. A L’home a la recerca de sentit, Viktor Frankl explica l’experiència que el va portar a descobrir la logoteràpia. Presoner durant molt de temps en els camps de concentració nazi, va patir en carn pròpia el que significava una existència nua. ¿Com va poder sobreviure? ¿Com va poder acceptar que valia la pena viure la vida després de patir la brutalitat, la humiliació i l’extermini dels camps?

Inclou la peça teatral Sincronització a Birkenwald, un diàleg metafísic.

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I read this book for the first time during my senior year in high school. The year prior, I had gone to Germany for spring break with some fellow classmates. During the trip, we spent a day visiting a former WWII concentration camp in Dachau. As one might expect, this visit had a profound effect on me. I had of course read and knew about the atrocities that occurred under the Nazi regime, but to actually see a camp in person is a deeply haunting and disturbing experience. Perhaps for this reason, Frankl's book affected me even more deeply than it otherwise might have.

The book is divided into two parts. The first section recounts in vivid detail Frankl's horrifying experiences as a prisoner in a Nazi concentration camp. Frankl, a former psychiatrist, also describes his observations of other prisoners and what he felt to be the main way in which people tried to cope with the insurmountable obstacles they faced. He found that those who could find meaning or purpose in their suffering were the ones who also seemed better able to find the strength to go on. As I recall, Frankl personally found his purpose in the hope of someday being able to see his wife again - a hope that was strong enough to get him through the daily horrors he faced.

The second half of this book is devoted to the therapy he developed based on the search for meaning, which he calls logotherapy. The basic premise is that those who can find meaning in their suffering are better able to cope with what would otherwise be a struggle too hard to bear. As one who majored in psychology, I found this section as fascinating as the first.

I have read this book at least three times now, and it is one of the few books I can say truly changed my life. I am ever grateful that I have the wisdom of this book to fall back upon when needed.

Several years ago, at a very young age (in my 20s), I became ill with a disease that left me bedridden and barely able to speak above a whisper. Now 36, I am still bedridden and fighting the same battle. It is Frankl's reminder to find meaning and purpose in suffering (which I found in the love of my fiancé and my hope of recovery) that has helped me to get through each difficult day. As Frankl tells us, "Everything can be taken from a man but one thing: the last of the human freedoms - to choose one's attitude in any given set of circumstances, to choose one's own way."

I highly recommend this book!!classics favorites history ...more2,609 s7 comments Frank339 87

After I read this book, which I finished many, many years ago, I had become self-critical of any future endeavours which would take up a lot of my time. I would ask myself "is this or will this be meaningful to me?", and if the answer was "no", I wouldn't do it. It was this book that influenced me to consciously live as meaningful a life as possible, to place a great value on the journey and not just the destination, while knowing that "meaningful" doesn't always mean "enjoyable". "Meaningful" should be equated with "fulfilling".

So I studied Physics instead of Engineering. I went to York U instead of U of T. I went to Europe instead of immediately entering the workforce after graduation.

I want to recommend this book to all of my grade 12 students. favorites meaning-and-happiness1,565 s Petra on hiatus but getting better.Happy New 2024!2,457 34.8k

How is it possible to write dispassionately of life in a concentration camp in such a way as to engender great feeling in the reader? This is how Frankl dealt with his experience of those terrible years. The dispassionate writing makes the horrors of the camp extremely distressing, more so than writing that is more emotionally involved. It is almost reportage. The first half of the book is equal in its telling to The Diary of a Young Girl in furthering our understanding of those dreadful times.

There are occasional glimmers of humanity from the Germans. These are so small that rather than illuminate any basic goodness, they cast further into the shadows the terror of living in a place and time where death might be a beating or a shot to the head at any moment. There are also stories of the depths that some of the Jewish victims would sink to in what they would do to stay alive themselves. It made me think that rather than condemn these people for becoming tools of the Nazis, what would I do faced with death or the chance to stay alive a little longer and maybe save family or friends.

7 stars, golden stars for this half of the book.

The second half is about Frankl's psychotherapeutic methods and lost me in boredom. I did read this in its entirety but it wouldn't have spoiled the book, or my appreciation of the genius retelling and brilliant writing of the first half, if I hadn't.2013- history philosophy-religion ...more536 s1 comment Riku Sayuj658 7,302

For most of the book, I felt as dumbfounded as I would have been if I were browsing through a psychiatric journal. Filled with references and technical terms and statistics, it was mostly a book-long affirmation of the then innovative technique called 'logo-therapy'. I do not understand how this book is still relevant and found in most popular book stores. It might have been that the book was popular in the sixties and seventies as it offered a powerful and logical argument against the reductionist approach that leads inevitably to existential nihilism, but is that still relevant today? It also attempts to free psychiatry from the belief that 'eros' was the cause of all neurosis and turns the flashlight on repressed 'logos' - which forms the premise of the book and the title.

But, while the basic premises are powerful and moving, the breadth and scale of repetition of the same ideas and the technical jargon and the constant Freud-bashing ensured that I did not enjoy the book as much as I had hoped. Furthermore, the whole chapter dedicated to the theory that ultimately our basic necessity of 'search for logos' can also be explained as a 'repressed religious drive' and his exhortation to religious people to not look down on irreligious ones (read atheists and agnostics) just because they have achieved a stage that the atheists/agnostics are still aspiring (unconsciously of course) towards rang patently false and too much in line with his argument of psychiatry being a sister to theology.

I wish Frankl had stuck to his original title of 'The Unconscious God' - it would have been more representative of the book as his 'logos' argument directly derives from his postulation of a transcendent unconscious super-ego that trumps Freud's 'Super Ego' and a spiritual cum instinctual subconscious that trumps Freud's 'id'.

Unless you are looking for a historical perspective on the technical aspects of psychiatry and about the origins of 'logo-therapy', I would not recommend this book, especially for general reading. If you pick up this book, I did, in the hope that it is about Frankl's personal quest for meaning amidst the horrors of Auschwitz with a strong scientific perspective, you will be disappointed to find that you have picked up a medical journal that is pedantic and repetitive, with hardly any reference to Frankl's personal journey or about how he evolved his theory and practices (that did transform many lives) based on his experiences.pop-phil r-r-rs472 s1 comment chai ?342 163k

There’s a joy at once fierce and quiet in feeling profoundly rearranged by your encounter with a book. In understanding, with certainty, in the deep core of your heart, that the you who first entered this book exists at a distance of several hundred pages: you’re not the same person, you’ve changed—been changed—in ways you cannot explain but which you will always carry with you. I might have finished this book but I feel it’s only just begun me.

Man’s Search for Meaning weaves together compelling personal narrative and profound scientific inquiry into a short volume that is luminous, insightful, and deeply empowering. Frankl provides us with an extraordinary investigation into his doctrine of Logotherapy, a branch of therapy that believes that “the primary motivational force” of a human being is the striving to find a meaning in his life.

From the outset, Frankl makes it clear that he does not bring to this inquiry solely the tools of a scientist, but even more importantly, the weight of first-hand lived experience. The first part of this book recounts, intimately and horribly, FranklÂ’s experiences as a Jewish detainee in several Nazi concentration camps, illuminating in the process the key concepts of FranklÂ’s theory of Logotherapy.

It is impossible to hide one’s wince reading this section. Frankl’s account is unsparing, giving an unflinching testimonial of humanity’s violence against itself, of “the hard fight for existence which raged among the prisoners,” of what it means to survive through unimaginable horror in places where one’s definition of suffering is deranged, every second, into entirely new meanings. (In a particularly haunting instance, Frankl remembers how he abruptly stopped himself from shaking a fellow inmate out of a fearful nightmare he was having because “no dream, no matter how horrible, could be as bad as the reality of the camp which surrounded us, and to which I was about to recall him.”) To cushion himself against the shock and constant oppression of terror, Frankl remembers his wife’s face and the stolen manuscript containing his life’s work and feels empowered to survive long enough to fulfill his twin needs of seeing his wife and re-writing his manuscript. Frankl’s beloved and unwritten manuscript become, in other words, the marginal references for the survival of his self.

Frankl survives to speak the full agenda and unequivocal goal of his therapeutic doctrine— Logotherapy—which is explained and explored in the second part of this book. Frankl’s theory of Logotherapy, when reduced to its simplest form, is clear, precise, and easy to both grasp and appreciate: that “life holds meaning under any condition,” therefore the purpose of Logotherapy is for one to be “confronted with, reoriented towards the meaning of his life.” From this deceptive simplicity, however, arises a practice of meaning-making that is complex, challenging, unresolved, and ongoing.

Throughout the book, Frankl insists upon the plural, specific, and shifting nature of the meaning of one’s life—as opposed to a unified, abstract, and generalized understanding of meaning-making. In other words, it is not so much a man’s search for a meaning, but for a multitude of meanings: a constantly changing constellation of potentialities, as opposed to a fixed quantity of traits. In this book, Frankl invites us to work out the vocabularies of our unwieldy selves, to make our own meaning(s) and walk through them. For him, this exercise is fraught with tension—the tension “between what one has already achieved and what one should become”—because tension is not only inevitable in the process of meaning-making—it is also “normal and healthy.” Frankl refuses to see this contradiction as conflicting: in his rendering, it is precisely this tension that prevents us from being embedded in misery and a freezing boredom. It is an amulet that protects us against the void that threatens to devour our selves, what Frankl calls the “existential vacuum.”

Frankl identifies this void as a primary aspect of the atrophy of the imagination that precludes us from finding meaning in life and stresses how important it is to resist this void and to struggle openly and fiercely against it. To this end, Frankl delineates three broad avenues through which one might find meaning(s) “at any given moment”. The first is through personal achievement or a good deed. The second is through the embrace of beauty, culture, and nature and/or personal encounters with one another, in which we grapple for each other’s depths and love each other. The last one is through personal suffering.

Let me immediately admit that I was very resistant, for several pages, to this last point: to the idea that suffering enobles us, that our life and the meaning of it is enlivened by it somehow. But Frankl, as it turns out, has anticipated this objection and hastens to explain that he isn’t making a case for suffering as something indispensable for or dissociable from the practice of meaning-making—that suffering is, to put it differently, a requisite for leading a meaningful life—but that meaning can come, not from suffering, but despite the abundance of it. It is difficult not to feel persuaded, and even liberated by this: the idea that not only can we survive through our suffering, but that we can live thoroughly within it. That even in the worst types of circumstances, through a rigorous and indefatigable striving for meaning, one can be transformed.

Here, Frankl brings us directly and inevitably against the question of how. How does one give meaning to one’s suffering when one’s subject, in their everyday life, to larger systemic forces that feel impossible to overcome? Frankl’s theory of Logotherapy does not deny that there are circumstances beyond our control, but it insists that there is one thing that we are able to control, which is “the way(s) in which we respond to (them).” What is available in the search for meaning, in other words, is the deepest kind of freedom. “It is not freedom from conditions,” to borrow Frankl’s words, “but it is freedom to take a stand toward the conditions.” The freedom one is born with, which is as inextricable from one’s self as a strand of DNA. The freedom to imagine an elsewhere and an otherwise, or as Frankl puts it, to imagine a present that is both past and future: “Live as if you were living already for the second time and as if you had acted the first time as wrongly as you are about to act now!” The principle of responsibleness is therefore integral to Frankl’s vision of freedom: the pursuit of meaning has the immense power to heal the fissures that suffering makes on the imagination—but only if we can first extend our imagination to articulate what we are responsible for.

In its most radical moments, Man’ Search for Meaning speaks deeply to the human desire to mediate rupture and powerlessness and create ourselves through annihilation. It’s a testament to how humans have always evolved creative responses to rupture, crisis, and fissure, and how we manage to endure at the center of even the most unendurable atrocities. This is not a book one comes to for answers—Logotherapy is, in Frankl’s own words, “neither preaching nor teaching”—but rather, a book that one can approach as a way of being and thinking, as a way of conceiving of one’s self and the world, as something to hold consciously at the center of one’s practice. Ultimately, what Man’s Search for Meaning does best is posit a set of questions that become a ferocious call to action: to always strive for meaning—and to hunt for it when it’s necessary—even in a world that seems to perpetually corrode our freedom.adult favorites nonfiction ...more443 s2 comments ????? ??????Author 23 books27.4k

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The original part one was the strongest I think because the rest started to go into the typical psychobabble inherent to books trying to contribute to the academic side of psychology or psychiatry but the first part really grounded the idea of giving meaning to one existence into personal experience and I found it very poignant about the mental state of people in very stressful and hopeless situations. It's a very empowering and important idea that no matter the situation a person can control their behavior and influence their own feelings of the situation. This idea of a person having so much control over their own selves and survival is one I whole heartedly agree with. Anyone having trouble figuring out life or what the point is could benefit from reading this I think.

318 s Dr. Appu Sasidharan (Dasfill)1,358 3,275

If someone asks me to recommend the best three books related to the Second World War and the horrors of the holocaust, this book will be one among them. Viktor Emil Frankl was an Austrian Neurologist and Psychiatrist. He was also a Holocaust survivor. This book describes his experiences in concentration camps in the first section and the logotherapy he developed for finding meaning in all forms of existence during the suffering in the second section.

My favorite three lines from this book.
“Those who have a 'why' to live, can bear with almost any 'how'.”

"But there was no need to be ashamed of tears, for tears bore witness that a man had the greatest of courage, the courage to suffer."

“I do not forget any good deed done to me & I do not carry a grudge for a bad one.”

The way the author recalls all the events is simply brilliant. The hardships he faced in the concentration camp will indubitably shock you. I always wondered how he was able to survive three years in four concentration camps when I can't even think about living there for a single day.

This is one of the most challenging books I read in my life so far. But I reread this book once in a while to remind me of the importance of hope and how it can help a human being to overcome one of the most harrowing experiences that humankind has ever witnessed on this planet. This is one of those books that everyone in this world should read at least once in their lifetime.favorites medicine259 s Mohammed Ali475 1,265

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- Peggy.
- have you actualized fully ?
- What ?!
-Have you actualized fully ?
- I don't know ! . I mean, I'm trying.
- Do you feel cold sometimes, even when it's hot ?
- Sometimes.
- Do you understand the difference between thinking and being ?
- What do you mean ?
- Do you understand the difference between thinking and being ?
- I...
- To be is simply to exist . Try it .. try simply bieng .
- I'm soory ! .. but how is sitting here gonna help me be the best person I can be ?!
- Ah ! .. you want an explanation .
- Well, Kinda .
- The humain mind, aroused by an insistence for meaning, seeks and finds nothing but contradiction and nonsense. Think or be .

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Merci .
Thank you .

:D244 s Ahmad Sharabiani9,564 148

Trotzdem Ja zum Leben sagen: Ein Psychologe erlebt das Konzentrationslager = Man's Search for Meaning; an introduction to logotherapy, Viktor E. Frankl

Man's Search for Meaning is a 1946 book by Viktor Frankl chronicling his experiences as an Auschwitz concentration camp inmate during World War II, and describing his psychotherapeutic method, which involved identifying a purpose in life to feel positively about, and then immersively imagining that outcome.

According to Frankl, the way a prisoner imagined the future affected his longevity. The book intends to answer the question "How was everyday life in a concentration camp reflected in the mind of the average prisoner?" Part One constitutes Frankl's analysis of his experiences in the concentration camps, while Part Two introduces his ideas of meaning and his theory called logotherapy.

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I have to separate the emotional impact of the first half of the book from my overall impression on how effective the book was as a whole. It's really difficult not to find stories of the holocaust incredibly gripping, and the way in which Frankl speaks of his experience is inspiring and yet still maintains that gravity you'd expect from such a narrative.
However, the latter half of the book delves much more into a psychological, and less personal, examination of 'logotherapy' (that is, the author's personal psychological theory). Once it became more of a text book with small sections reflecting on specific terms and theories, it was difficult to stay engaged. I also felt it lacked the cohesiveness that the first part of the book had with a more linear narrative structure.
Nonetheless, the nuggets of wisdom I gleaned from this book were worth the reading. And I can only commend Frankl on his 'tragic optimism' in such a horrific environment as a Nazi concentration camp.audiobook non-fiction owned216 s1 comment Tadiana ?Night Owl?1,880 23k

This is a short but extremely intense book, first published in 1946. It begins with the author's experiences in four (!!) different German concentration camps in WWII, including Auschwitz, and how he coped with those experiences -- and saw others cope with them, or not. He continues in the second half of this book with a discussion of his approach to psychiatry, called logotherapy, based on the belief that each person needs to find something in his or her life, something particular and personal to them, to give their life meaning. We need to look outside ourselves. There is nothing in the world, I venture to say, that would so effectively help one to survive even the worst conditions as the knowledge that there is meaning in one's life. There is much wisdom in the words of Nietzsche: "He who has a why to live for can bear almost any how."The first half of the book is completely absorbing, fascinating reading. When I tried to read the second, more academic part of it years ago, I floundered (I don't think I ever got through to the end). But I stuck with it this time and found it truly rewarding.

The second part did sometimes challenge my brain cells with concepts this:I never tire of saying that the only really transitory aspects of life are the potentialities; but as soon as they are actualized, they are rendered realities at that very moment; they are saved and delivered into the past, wherein they are rescued and preserved from transitoriness. For, in the past, nothing is irretrievably lost but everything is irrevocably stored.I had to read that one two or three times before I felt I really grasped what Frankl was saying. And this one:Live as if you were living already for the second time and as if you had acted the first time as wrongly as you are about to act now!I assume it's to help give us motivation to avoid making a wrong choice, by thinking through the ly consequences of what we are about to do. But there are so many nuggets of wisdom in this short volume. A few things that really impacted me:We had to learn ourselves and, furthermore, we had to teach the despairing men, that it did not matter what we expected from life, but rather what life expected from us.

One should not search for an abstract meaning of life. Everyone has his own specific vocation or mission in life to carry out a concrete assignment which demands fulfillment. Therein he cannot be replaced, nor can his life be repeated.

It is one of the basic tenets of logotherapy that man's main concern is not to gain pleasure or to avoid pain but rather to see a meaning in his life. ... In accepting this challenge to suffer bravely, life has a meaning up to the last moment, and it retains this meaning literally to the end.

Man does not simply exist but always decides what his existence will be, what he will become in the next moment. By the same token, every human being has the freedom to change at any instant.Inspiring words; inspiring life.

Bonus material: Here is an interview with Viktor Frankl when he was 90 years old. He died just a couple of years later.bingo-2016 biography-autobiography classics ...more207 s FranciscoAuthor 21 books55.6k

This book stands out as one of the most helpful tools I've found in my life-long search for the way to live and be useful to others despite depression. As opposed to Freud, who believed that the primary drive in man, the most urgent motivation, was pleasure, Frankl believes that it is meaning. Now meaning for Frankl is not something abstract and airy and noble but rather something very concrete and specific to your life - what is the task that life asks of you that only you can do? Look at the circumstances of your life, look at your talents and the people that surround you. Where is the need that is calling for you to respond? For Frankl, the hope that kept him trudging on day by day in the concentration camps was the need to re-write the manuscript (taken away when first imprisoned) where he could present to the world his theory of Logotherapy. Why I found this book so helpful in my struggles with depression is because one of the rock-bottom places where depression can take you is despair. Despair is the absence of hope. The search for meaning, for a response to something life is asking of you, is the place where hope is born. Frankl states that hope, genuine laughter or faith or love is not something that we can will into being. We cannot make hope appear willy nilly in our lives because hope is more than a nice thought, it is, true love something that involves your whole being. I find this to be true but there are things that we can do to prepare the way for hope's arrival and hope will come, it will always come. We can search for meaning because searching and looking and asking and expecting are acts and attitudes that we can will. Meaning, according to Frankl is found in three different forms. Meaning is found in creating or doing. Meaning is found in experiencing something greater than ourselves and in encountering another being through love. And finally, meaning can be found in the attitude we take toward unavoidable suffering. The important thing here is that in all of these instances the value of the thing that gives meaning is subjective. There is no scale out there that says that writing a novel gives more meaning than helping your spouse with the dishes. When it comes to meaning, the small, the hidden, the unsaid is as important as the great acts of genius and you alone are the judge. Orienting yourself to responding in some way to what life is asking of you may not be the sole cure to depression but it is for me a necessary part of any healing process, of learning to live and be useful, despite the illness.205 s Liong190 237

I enjoyed reading Part One and I felt a bit bored when I read Part Two.

Overall, this is one of the best books to tell the living experience in the WWII concentration camp in Auschwitz where there are horrible places such as gas chambers, crematoriums, and massacres.

They can take away everything you possess except one thing, your freedom to choose how you will respond to the situation.

You cannot control what happens to you in life, but you can always control what you will feel and do about what happens to you.

I would also to recommend "The Happiest Man on Earth by Eddie Jaku." if you this book.biography education history ...more179 s Reading_ Tamishly4,935 3,042

I never thought the book would actually deal with psychiatry, neuroses and some basic mental health issues.

The book just ended.

Did it just end? end?!

I was so enjoying the concepts and the writing.

Loved the later half of the book more. Actually O should not compare as it is almost the author is trying to present those days at concentration camps in the first part and in the second part, how his concept of logotherapy/various mental disorders/physiological health issues should be dealt with.

This book is so informative and insightful from a very practical point of view, historically relevant and quite helpful from a medical point of view.

It helps that the author is from the said field and he just wrote everything important in such a concise manner that you just cannot afford to skip a word.

I have less information about concentration camps or the history behind it. But yes, this book is 80 percent more than that.

This is not a story of survival or a description of how the author suffered during those days. Of course, suffering was there. And oh, how the author described suffering in a new light attached to the meaning of life!

I really loved the writing.

This book is going to help me in both my personal as well as my profession.

This book will remain next to me.

If I were to annotate this book, I would have to just highlight each and every sentence of part two of the book.

I will definitely reread this book. Because life's meaning isn't constant. And yes, I need that motivation and life's understanding as discussed in this short book.


*There's so much more to this book regarding the camp inmates; discussion on the psychology of prisoners; it not only handles about life issues on just all the issues mentioned before but also about life in general - family and various human needs and emotions.

*Love the parts where he talked about his wife. Loved it so much!

Thanks to my Instagram buddies who recommended this book at one of my recent posts.

Definitely loving taking recommendations ??174 s Tharindu Dissanayake298 727

"no one has the right to do wrong, not even if wrong has been done to them."

"Life is not primarily a quest for pleasure, as Freud believed, or a quest for power, as Alfred Adler taught, but a quest for meaning."

Man's Search for Meaning provides an unbiased narration of the experiences faced by a prisoner in a concentration camp, and the effects of it on one's most inner self. This is not a book on the specifics of torture, or other such inhumane things, but a prisoner's psychological impacts caused from numerous hardships.

"No man should judge unless he asks himself in absolute honesty whether in a similar situation he might not have done the same."

Dr. Frankl incorporates his own experiences while trying to find common ground among the prisoners and how one must survive when all else is lost. The first autobiographical section is followed by an evaluation of the adapted methodology, in which the author clearly describes the fundamentals of the basics and specifics on this school of thought. This is a very unique interpretation as to how a man should live, while allowing reader to relate his own experiences and to see life in a different perspective.

"at any time each of the moments of which life consists is dying, and that moment will never recur. And yet is not this transitoriness a reminder that challenges us to make the best possible use of each moment of our lives?"147 s Mohammed476 648

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Fire?te, Viktor Emil Frankl (1905 - 1997) nu ?i-a propus s? ofere (înc?) o relatare a anilor petrecu?i în lag?r de un inocent, ci o medita?ie asupra individului captiv ?i a transform?rilor suferite de psihicul s?u. Po?i s? fii de acord (sau nu) cu ideile sale, dar ele provin dintr-o experien??-limit?, asupra c?reia autorul a meditat îndelung.

Chiar dac? a dictat în nou? zile prima parte a c?r?ii, Viktor Frankl a urmat, cu siguran??, o serie de note ?i „sistematiz?ri”. Autorul încearc? s? întemeieze o concluzie - via?a are sens - ?i din aceast? pricin? nu urmeaz? cronologia ?i nici nu descrie am?nun?it toate suferin?ele prin care a trecut: nu d? nume, ofer? o perspectiv? de sus, auster?. Observ? c?, de obicei, psihicul captiv trece prin trei stadii. Uluirea ini?ial?, revolta pot duce la o stare de apatie („Nu mai are nici un rost s? tr?iesc, moartea e preferabil?”) sau, în cazuri izolate, la intuirea sensului ascuns pîn? ?i în suferin?a cea mai atroce. Fire?te, sensul nu e ceva valabil pentru to?i, ceva ce ?i se impune de sus, sensul vie?ii ?ine de o decizie strict personal?: „Tovar??ii mei de lag?r se temeau s? ia decizii sau s? aib? orice fel de ini?iativ?... Prizonierul prefera s? lase soarta s? aleag? în locul s?u” (pp.70-71).

Pentru a-?i p?stra echilibrul mintal, prizonierul poate încerca o serie de „exerci?ii spirituale”, în tradi?ia celor prescrise cîndva de Ignatiu de Loyola. Cel mai important dintre ele este neîndoielnic vizualizarea minu?ioas? a persoanei iubite (în cazul lui Frankl a fost Mathilde / Tilly Grosser, prima lui so?ie). O variant? a acestui exerci?iu e vizualizarea unui eveniment fericit din viitor:
„M? scîrbisem de starea aceea de lucruri care m? constrîngea, zi de zi ?i ceas de ceas, s? m? gîndesc doar la astfel de lucruri m?runte. Mi-am silit gîndurile s? treac? la un alt subiect. Brusc, m-am v?zut stînd în picioare într-o sal? de conferin?e bine luminat?, cald? ?i pl?cut?. În fa?a mea, un public atent ?edea pe ni?te scaune tapi?ate, confortabile. ?ineam o prelegere despre psihologia lag?relor de concentrare” (p.86).
Reflec?iile lui Frankl nu sînt niciodat? confortabile. Citez cel mai provocator pasaj:
„Noi, cei care am tr?it în lag?rele de concentrare, ne amintim de aceia care treceau din barac? în barac?, mîngîindu-i pe ceilal?i, d?ruindu-le ultima lor îmbuc?tur? de pîine. Vor fi fost pu?ini la num?r, dar ei ne dau îndeajuns de multe dovezi c? omului i se poate lua totul, mai pu?in un lucru: ultima dintre libert??ile umane - respectiv aceea de a-?i alege propria atitudine într-un anumit set de împrejur?ri date, de a-?i alege propriul mod de a fi... La o ultim? analiz?, ne devine limpede c? genul de persoan? care ajungea s? devin? de?inutul era rezultatul unei decizii l?untrice, nu doar rezultatul influen?elor lag?rului asupra sa” (p.79).
G?sim aici cîteva sugestii foarte asem?n?toare cu cele formulate de Sartre în 1943: omul e obligat mereu s? aleag?, refuzul alegerii e tot o alegere, noi în?ine alegem s? fim liberi (sau nu). De noi depinde s? fim bestii sau sfin?i... Sigur c? aceste opinii sînt discutabile: nu cred c? via?a are sens ?i nu cred c? „voin?a de sens” conduce negre?it la sens, dar asta e o alt? poveste...157 s Nika188 223

"This book does not claim to be an account of facts and events but of personal experiences, experiences which millions of prisoners have suffered time and again. It is the inside story of a concentration camp, told by one of its survivors."

This book deals with history, psychology, and philosophy. It is about human suffering and the light of hope that shines even in the darkest times. Victor Frankl survived Nazi concentration camps. His experiences would enable him to develop his psychological theories aimed at helping people.

As a survivor, Frankl recounts what helped him keep going while facing many harrowing situations in the camps. According to the author, feeling that life has meaning and having a sense of purpose, no matter what it is, is essential. One has to expect something from the future in order to endure cruelty and injustice.
Those prisoners who knew why they should stay alive were more ly to survive. Losing the meaning of life was dangerous. Victor tells about one man who died almost immediately after his reason for surviving was invalidated. Shattered hopes can be very dangerous as well.

The author wanted to live for he dreamt of finishing the text he had been working on. His manuscript had been confiscated upon his arrival in the concentration camp. Frankl was trying to find ways to somehow restore it.
Helping his fellow prisoners was one of the things that added a certain meaning to seemingly meaningless suffering. By comforting others you can improve your own mental state.
The author tries to empathize with different situations in which prisoners may find themselves and not pass judgment on them. Sacrifice has a meaning, according to Frankl, and human kindness can be found everywhere.

This work also touches on the psychology of the prisoner who has been released. At first, the new freedom seems unreal to them, "as in a dream."

The book made me look at the notion of life's purpose from a different angle. I have always been thinking that the meaning of life is life itself.
However, sometimes something more substantial is needed. As Frankl points out, having some visible goal could mean the world to him and his fellow prisoners. It allowed them to remain humans in dehumanizing circumstances when people turned on people without mercy.

I can only admire a man who went through hell and was nevertheless able to preserve his inner strength and integrity. Victor's resilience, stoic attitude to pain, and faith in humankind fascinate me. Much wisdom can be found in some of his observations. That being said, Frankl's philosophy, in which his religious beliefs played a big part, did not always resonate with me. I did not always agree with what he was saying.

Here are a few quotes to end this review.

"From all this we may learn that there are two races of men in this world, but only these two—the 'race' of the decent man and the 'race' of the indecent man. Both are found everywhere; they penetrate into all groups of society. No group consists entirely of decent or indecent people. In this sense, no group is of 'pure race'—and therefore one occasionally found a decent fellow among the camp guards."

"The rift dividing good from evil, which goes through all human beings, reaches into the lowest depths and becomes apparent even on the bottom of the abyss which is laid open by the concentration camp."

"When we are no longer able to change a situation—just think of an incurable disease such as inoperable cancer—we are challenged to change ourselves."

"Therefore, it was necessary to face up to the full amount of suffering, trying to keep moments of weakness and furtive tears to a minimum. But there was no need to be ashamed of tears, for tears bore witness that a man had the greatest of courage, the courage to suffer."holocaust non-fiction psychology ...more130 s EmilyAuthor 1 book22

After the Book of Mormon, this would be my second recommendation to anyone looking for purpose in life.

Here's a poignant excerpt from one of my favorite parts of the book when Frankl has been in Auschwitz and other camps for several years and doesn't know the war is only weeks away from ending. He had decided to escape his camp near Dachau with a friend and was visiting some of his patients for the last time.

"I came to my only countryman, who was almost dying, and whose life it had been my ambition to save in spite of myself, but my comrade seemed to guess that something was wrong (perhaps I showed a little nervousness). In a tired voice he asked me, 'You too, are getting out?' I denied it, but I found it difficult to avoid his sad look. After my round I returned to him. Again a hopeless look greeted me and somehow I felt it to be an accusation. The unpleasant feeling that had gripped me as soon as I had told my friend I would escape with him became more intense.

Suddenly I decided to take fate into my own hands for once. I ran out of the hut and told my friend that I could not go with him. As soon as I had told him with finality that I had made up my mind to stay with my patients, the unhappy feeling left me. I did not know what the following days would bring, but I had gained an inward peace that I had never experienced before. I returned to the hut, sat down on the boards at my countryman's feet and tried to comfort him..."

I found such strength and wisdom in this book--strength and advice for me as a mother of six young children. While potty training, bending over to clean up a handful of toys for the the thousandth time that day, scraping Play Dough off of a filthy kitchen floor on hands and knees, and preparing the fifth snack of the day for several hungry mouths (directly after doing the dishes from the previous snack) I find the text of this book to give profound meaning to small and simple acts of selflessness, patience, and service. What a profound reminder that "The immediate influence of behavior is always more effective than that of words." I desperately needed to read this book, if only to remember to be calm and kind to my little ones so that they will pass on the favor to their own next generation.

Bravo to Viktor Frankl for bringing human frailty and greatness into perspective.

"Everything can be taken from a man but one thing: the last of the human freedoms--to choose one's attitude in any given set of circumstances, to choose one's own way." -Frankl126 s AscultSiCitesc11 964

Pentru prima mea carte de psihologie este un rating foarte mare. A contat mult momentul in care am citit-o, pentru ca aveam nevoie de ea.
M-a facut sa constientizez ca este important optimismul in orice moment prin care trecem in viata.
Mi-a mai ramas si ideea de “terapie prin citit” in care cred de cativa ani.
“O atitudine pozitiva ii permite omului sa suporte suferinta si dezamagirea, dar si sa sporeasca bucuriile si satisfactia.”123 s Pakinam Mahmoud918 4,202

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No tengo absolutamente nada en contra de este libro, sino todo lo contrario: hace reflexionar profundamente acerca de cuánto un ser humano puede sufrir (y aguantar). Cuando lo leí, estuve el día completo pensando en el libro y en sus historias, y de pasada, quiero interiorizarme un poco en lo que es la logoterapia.
Le puse 3 estrellas porque es un libro tipo motivacional y esos definitivamente no son mi estilo. La verdad es que no me gusta leer mucho de esto, precisamente porque es triste, pero lo leí porque tenía curiosidad al ser un libro tan nombrado y no me arrepiento de haberlo leído en absoluto.
Totalmente recomendable.107 s Susan's Reviews1,145 625

One of the first of Viktor Frankl's books that transformed my thinking and my world view. Man cannot survive without hope, and hope cannot survive feelings of futility or meaninglessness. We must therefore move away from despair and negativity and look for meaning in our suffering, or grow from it and find a different path. Everyone should read this book.

Lately, I have been evaluating Frankl's messages about Love, that: "Love is the ultimate and highest goal to which man can aspire" and "Love is the only way to grasp another human being in the innermost core of his personality. No one can become fully aware of the very essence of another human being unless he loves him".
As Eleanor Roosevelt pointed out, many of us are afraid to fully "love" - we fear being being exposed to hurt. If, as I have come to conclude, there is Yin and Yang in all things, then there is joy and suffering even in the state of love. To open ourselves to love, therefore, requires courage and acceptance of both states. So perhaps we should be taught to be courageous first, to be more fearless. Maybe then we would be more open to the inevitable pain as well as joys of love?

all-my-favorites all-time-favourites-for-shelf current-favourites ...more105 s Trevor1,345 22.8k

I’ve been meaning to read this for a very long time, but have to admit that the idea of reading a book by someone who survived the Holocaust with long descriptions of that part of their life included with graphic detail didn’t really make me want to jump at the chance. And this book is harrowing – particularly the first half or so – the pain is infinite.

I was also keen to find out what he felt he learnt from this experience about how to live a good life. I have to say that I found this part of the book quite unsatisfying. His discussion of ‘logotherapy’ left me cold, I’m afraid. I don’t really books that say things that amount to – this guy came to see me about some problem that had plagued his life for decades, I said three sentences to him and he went away with a skip and a spring in his step.

There are bits of this that are worthwhile – you know, suffering isn’t an ‘and also’ in life, but often learning how to live with (rather than overcome) suffering is our key task. Yes, I think the Buddha said something similar. That life is better with a meaning is also hardly novel either, although, I guess not something the Buddha said, so much.

Psychology is a subject that inevitably stresses the position of the individual, and the psychology of a man who has lived through an experience where those with power held his life in utter contempt and enjoyed making it clear to him that his ongoing existence was completely at their discretion would hardly encourage him to seek meaning in ‘grand projects’ and such. But I don’t really psychology and worry it gazes wistfully down the wrong end of the telescope.

I feel awful writing this review, by the way. It feels disrespectful to criticise a book written by someone who lived through something so utterly unimaginable and disgusting. But this is a book providing advice on how one should live one’s life – and even though people tend to think that having lived through the unspeakable is qualification enough to write such a book, I find I can’t really agree. As he makes too clear, sometimes we can look into the abyss and learn nothing from it at all. What he has learnt is better than what some of his fellow prisoners learnt, but if anything this book should be a reminder that someone forced to live through the banality of evil isn’t really under obligations to learn cuddly and life-affirming lessons from that experience. All to the good if that is what you do learn – but it does seem to compound the punishment of such an experience if such ‘lessons’ become mandatory.
history psychology97 s Thomas1,628 10.1k

While reading Man's Search for Meaning, I could not stop thinking: why can't I be a psychologist now? By the time I reached page 103, I wanted to highlight passage after passage, or at least add them to my favorite quotes on Goodreads to preserve their impact forever.

Frankl divides his inspiring book into two parts. The first describes his experience living in Nazi death camps and how he dealt with the doom and decay that always surrounded him. He laces his story with astute, dispassionate observations about his emotions and the suffering of those around him. The second section explores a type of therapy that arose from his time in the death camps: logotherapy. Logotherapy focuses on helping people find meaning in their lives, to give them a greater sense of purpose and to push them past the obstacles they face. He writes that people can discover meaning in three different ways: 1) by creating a work or doing a deed, 2) by experiencing something or encountering someone, and 3) by the attitude we take toward unavoidable suffering (this last option is only meaningful when the first two are unavailable).

Overall, I would recommend this book to those interested in psychology, or those who want to read an inspiring tale by someone who survived the Nazi death camps and used his experience to transcend himself. Frankl veers into the spiritual side in the second portion of the book, which might perturb a few people, but for the most part he keeps his ideas open to everyone. For the rest of the review I'm just going to write down all of the book because it was so good a few of the quotes about logotherapy that stood out to me, so I can reference them later on. Feel free to read or skip.

(about man and meaning) "As each situation in life represents a challenge to man and presents a problem for him to solve, the question of the meaning of life may actually be reversed. Ultimately, man should not ask what the meaning of his life is, but rather he must recognize that it is he who is asked. In a word, each man is questioned by life; and he can only answer to life by answering for his own life; to life he can only respond by becoming responsible. Thus, logotherapy sees in responsibleness the very essence of human existence."

(about transcending the self) "By declaring that man is responsible and must actualize the potential meaning of his life, I wish to stress that the true meaning of life is to be discovered in the world rather than within man or his own psyche, as though it were a closed system. I have termed this constitutive characteristic 'the self-transcendence of human existence.' It denotes the fact that being human always points, and is directed, to something or someone, other than oneself - be it a meaning to fulfill or another human being to encounter. The more one forgets himself - by giving himself to a cause to serve or another person to love - the more human he is and the more he actualizes himself. What is self-actualization is not an attainable aim at all, for the simple reason that the more one would strive for it, the more he would miss it. In other words, self-actualization is possible only as a side-effect of self-transcendence."

(about how we mistakenly use money and sex to replicate meaning) "Moreover, there are various masks and guises under which the existential vacuum appears. Sometimes the frustrated will to meaning is vicariously compensated for by a will to power, including the most primitive form of the will to power, the will to money. In other cases, the place of frustrated will is meaning is taken by the will to pleasure. That is why existential frustration often eventuates in sexual compensation. We can observe in such cases that the sexual libido becomes rampant in the existential vacuum."

Of course I would love to include a few more passages, but I want to avoid writing down the entire book. Perhaps I will purchase a copy, then.five-stars nonfiction psychology98 s CharlesAuthor 3 books11

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