
Bee Sting Cake de Victoria Goddard

de Victoria Goddard - Género: English
libro gratis Bee Sting Cake


Magic is out of fashion.
Gambling is merely illegal.

Neither law nor common sense has ever stopped anyone in Ragnor Bella from making—or breaking—their fortunes at the table, at the racetrack, and especially at the Dartington Harvest Fair. With Mad Jack Greenwing's only son Jemis finally back from university, this year's betting is bidding fair to be the stuff of legend.

Jemis assumes the speculative glances are for his inherited notoriety (and, perhaps, his adventurous first weekend back in town), and is determined to do nothing more than a little light wagering at the Fair.

Perhaps one footrace.

The odds on his placing are remarkably high—but the real bets are whether he makes it to the starting line at all.

Lost heirs. Botanizing dukes. Riddling dragons. High Gothic melodrama. And all that's just to get his name in the race.

Book Two of Greenwing & Dart, fantasies of manners—and mischief.

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This was so much better than Stargazy Pie. It's pretty close to what I really wanted out of the series and it had a lot of the writing and character relationship building that I loved so much in The Emperor's Hands. It's a wonderful story about friendship and standing up for what's right with quite a bit to laugh about and even a few interesting things to get excited about. It takes place directly after the previous book and references it pretty heavily, so I'm glad that I decided to pick it up even though I thought that Stargazy Pie was merely decent.happy-read women-authors6 s sophie492 15

3.5, i’ll be the first to admit this was boring and my eyes glazed over a lot (, an embarrassing amount. do I even know how to read? questionable). HOWEVER. it’s redeemed by its charming cast of characters (even though they don’t deal with any real emotions until the last 50ish pages …. okay VG). i would rate this lower, but i did get to have a very fun realization that had me whipping out Feet (the book) to crossreference, and made me REALLY want a copy of Fitzroy (also the book) to reread a Certain Scene. VG is great at threading the pieces of her giant universe together, and it makes these books compulsively readable if you’ve already read some of the others. The joy of these realizations is unmatched.

Still, I wish there was less dialogue. I wish I d low-stakes fantasy, or cared about the small-town drama of it all. I really, REALLY wish it was gay. I wish this series had Kip in it. Alas, I will continue to read, even though it will probably never be what I want, because what i want already exists in perfect form in Hands, Feet, and the soon-to-come Shoulders. anna-b fantasy5 s Debbie Gascoyne636 24

Another very enjoyable entry to the series. It's such a pleasure to read something so well written, and it helps that often it's laugh-out-loud funny. I d the way Jemis is beginning to emerge from his gloom and the very strong relationship between the friends. On to the next one! There are still a lot of mysteries to solve.2023 fantasy4 s Alexa192 9

As soon as I finished reading this one I purchased and downloaded the third - this series just keeps getting better and better. (And I really did the first one! Even if it had a bit of a pilot episode feel.) Here is where I think it really begins to get good. In Bee Sting Cake we have, in no particular order: a baking competition, a dragon's riddle, dancing with bees, meeting your mysterious gothic grandmother who lives in the woods, and lots of village gossip. These books are just so fun, and I am going to be very sad when I've read all of them.fantasy favorites5 s Eric537 30

More fantasy detective fun. Solve the dragon's riddle and all will be well, right? Wrong. The dragon gets angry. Add to that, the games the nobles play with each other. The lady bookstore owner is beginning to remind me of author Kim M. Watt's head of the Woman's Institute. Except, said lady seems to be very comfortable wielding knives and a sword.

Victoria Goddard had fun writing this series, me thinks. Thought I'd try another of her books in a different succession. I can always come back to Greenwing & Dart (G&D). Seven books in the G&D series.3 s2 comments anna b192 5

I found this much more enjoyable and interesting than Stargazy, but still nowhere near as compelling as Hands or Feet.

I would die for Hal and Mr. Dartown sophie2 s Bridgit5 9

Only a few days have passed since the events in _Stargazy Pie_, but Jemis Greenwing continues to find that Ragnor Bella's reputation as the dullest town in Northwest Oriole is entirely undeserved and ly carefully cultivated. Jemis, too, thinks of himself as a nonentity, a disgraced son of disgraced parents, yet he learns that his lineage, upbringing, and own innate qualities set him apart from the common ranks. He also discovers a dragon, an enchanted village, complicated families, and cake.

We finally get to meet characters who were only alluded to in the first book, including the delightful Hal, Jemis's former roommate and the Duke of Fillering Pool, Master Torquin Dart and his lover Sir Hamish Lorkin, and Jemis' appalling old grandmother. Old friends Mr. Dart and Mrs. Etaris figure prominently again, and we get to learn more about their backgrounds and possible motivations.

The worldbuilding in these novels is magnificent, every hint about culture, history, magic, literature, cuisine, fashion, even philosophies of education and regional attitudes toward sexuality deepening the fascination. 

The plot is extremely convoluted, and in this book not so much resolved as directed into channels that might lead to a resolution one day. There are still plenty of questions left unanswered, such as what will happen with Jemis' relatives? What's going to happen at the Winterturn Assizes? Will Hal's great-uncle turn up? Will Jemis go to law school? What about Mr. Dart's arm? What IS going on with the Honorable Rag? I'm very much hoping for another Greenwing and Dart adventure.2 s Vendela590

This was better than the first part - or I’ve gotten used to the canon/setting. Goddard is just so good at dialogue, character, everything. Enjoying myself so much. 2 s LaurelAuthor 1 book37 Read

Oh, I love the simultaneously sardonic and disastrous adventure that seems to be Jemis Greenwing's life. Goddard really nailed her description of this series with the tagline of "fantasies of manners - and mischief".

Instead of waiting months to read the next book I did after the first, I think I'm going to jump right into the next one soon. The events in these books seem to be within days of each other so this second book is such a smooth transition from the first and I imagine going right into the third will be slipping on a pair of well-worn shoes.

If you're looking for a feelgood (although there are sad things/unfortunate happenings etc) fantasy adventure with a fun cast of characters, I'd highly recommend.dragons fantasy1 Whitney678 56

Maybe I’m a little dim, but I didn’t expect the protagonist to develop all the power and strength and extra sensory speed so quickly. I was thinking about a more gently paced buddy adventure. Also, I really don’t think that dragons should be disposable in any book.1 Rachel794 60

Lots of ideas

Jemis continues to solve the various mysteries and weirdnesses around his life, and this book has the cake knife incident. Hal is now my favorite character.1 ??? eg ???253 94

oh this was so much better than the first book. and not just because Hal was in this one. read-20221 SH Senhaji32 1 follower

In a way, I found Bee Sting Cake even more delightful than Stargazy Pie. While I was not as emotionally invested as with the first book, I loved the character growth, development, and progression of the overall narrative. The story was entertaining, satisfying, and even more filled with pointed social commentary and references to literary analysis. It was great to see Jemis having one more friend on his side, and I have so many more questions about Mr. Dart — I truly hope to see everything resolved in due time.
Every character was genuine, real, and absolutely fantastic, and I loved how everyone played off of each other. The interactions, jokes, humour were all *chef’s kiss* and I was thoroughly entertained throughout the book. Bee Sting Cake continues the theme of healing, grieving, and finding one’s place in the world, and it was great to see Jemis mourn for his mother, father, step-father, and himself in a way that was cathartic — actually dealing with those feelings and memories rather than repressing them.
If the first book was about looking beyond the surface level, this second book is about Jemis choosing to move forward. To claim his identity — both from his father’s legacy, but also the responsibility of his mother’s legacy. I also appreciated how he struggled with that part — having the claim to a noble title — because he didn’t want to lose his sense of self and also become a distant overlord, the nobility of Ragnor Bella. Not everything is resolved. He still needs to learn magic, his friend Mr. Dart is going through many things, and there are many adventures and mysteries that await. Yet just as he breaks the curse on Noirell, he also breaks the curse on himself.
all of Victoria Goddard’s books, Bee Sting Cake is delightful, hopeful, emotional, full of depth, and utterly memorable. I cannot wait for the next instalment of Greenwing and Dart. Mary Soon LeeAuthor 96 books62

This is the second book in the Greenwing and Dart fantasy series, which, according to the back cover copy, are "fantasies of manners--and mischief." I am happy to report that I enjoyed it considerably more than book one, which is to say, rather considerably.

Mild spoilers ahead. The book is light in tone; pleasing in its characters; elegantly equipped with challenges, riddles, bees, cakes, a daunting grandmother, and a dragon. I was consistently entertained and occasionally moved. Hal made an excellent addition to the supporting cast. The sole respect in which I found the book less satisfactory than its predecessor is that the estimable Mrs. Etaris played a more minor part.

Most enjoyable. Four out of five honeyed stars.

About my : I try to review every book I read, including those that I don't end up enjoying. The are not scholarly, but just indicate my reaction as a reader, reading being my addiction. I am miserly with 5-star ; 4 stars means I d a book very much; 3 stars means I d it; 2 stars means I didn't it (though often the 2-star books are very popular with other readers and/or are by authors whose other work I've loved).

fantasy Carro221 17

Loved this. The series is really into its stride now. This book is looking at Jemis Greenwing's heritage - in particular his mother's side of the family in the Woods Noirell, famous for a particularly special honey - but there is no new honey for sale and there seems to be a problem with the Woods.
Jemis is starting to get himself sorted out, has taken up cross country running again, and then meets a dragon who is waiting for him to challenge him to solve a riddle.
This book brings out more about the different Universities Jemis and his friends attended - I do love the concept of Morrowlea University where you are not allowed to tell other students your surname or status and all are expected to do chores whatever their outside wealth and rank.
Jemis is being thoroughly gossiped about, so decides to enter the long distance running race - far below his class and station - and with his friend Hal enters the cake baking competition, the first young gentlemen to do so. You have to cook in the competition tent. They are of course cooking Bee Sting Cake (which I've looked up and is a real recipe).
Extremely clever and witty ending with a degree of slapstick. Loved it. Far less of the annoying Honourable Rag as well, which counted as an improvement. Tanya1,045 18

I swore then and there that for the bees and the fireflies and the Tillarny limes I would be the Viscount St-Noire, crazy grandmother, unpleasant castle, mysterious curses, dragons, riddles, high Gothic melodrama, and all. [loc. 3155]Sometimes you want a thousand pages of world-building, slow-burn relationships, and a protagonist quietly changing the world: sometimes you just want a cozy, witty, mannerist novel, part of a series featuring recurring characters and a charming narrator who is as much in the dark about events as is the reader. Having enjoyed Stargazy Pie I found myself wanting to fill in more of the gaps between that novel and the characters' appearances in Goddard's more recent novels.Bee Sting Cake begins less than a week after the events of Stargazy Pie. Jemis' life is enlivened by the arrival of Hal, his friend from university, who also happens to be the Imperial Duke of Fillering Pool, and is thus prevented from following his true vocation, botany. More is revealed about, and by, Jemis, who feels that his unsuspected wireweed addiction made him a better and more able person. Despite his self-doubt and occasional sulkiness, Jemis manages to inherit a title, spike a gambling ring and break a curse, as well as confronting a dragon (and his grandmother) and very nearly winning, with Hal, the cake competition at the Dartington Harvest Fair.I really Hal; I'm finding Mr Dart much more intriguing than in the first novel; I their care for Jemis, and Jemis' determination to do the right thing. And there are some fascinating allusions to the effects of the Fall in Ragnor Bella. Hoping for more from Mrs Etaris in future novels ... fantasy femalewriter Stephanie Larsen3

Excellent follow up to Stargazy Pie!

This part of the story is again we'll written and fast paced! I appreciated the author's skill at recapping subtle, avoiding the several pages of annoyance to muddle through while they try to catch up imaginary readers that didn't read the first book. Instead she added new depth and previously uncounted detail to the previous information. The only thing I didn't was the sudden appearance of this talent of Jemis to fight as though everyone else is in slow motion. Where was that when Violet attacked him? But since Jemis is such a likable character, I will forgive him the sudden development of a superpower. He has enough stacked against him otherwise. Can't wait to read the next installment and hopefully get to the bottom of the "coincidences" that led to his father's besmirching and death. Donna23

The 1st book in this series was not available so I started reading the 2nd. I really wanted to this book. I did. The characters should have been engaging. The plot should have pulled me in. And yet my eyes just kept glazing over. I ended up skimming everything after the initial first third and feel I did not miss a thing. I am sure this writer is perfect for some readers given the other but she is not my type of writer. Her style is baroque but with very little depth. Many words were used but nothing seemed to happen. There were times when I just simply did not have a clue what was being said. I kept waiting for the second shoe to drop and it never did. I re-read sections multiple times and remained baffled. Again, as you can see by the ratings, many people love her books. I am not one of those. I gave it 2stars rather than 1 because the premise was good. Jess Hale381

A more enjoyable read that book one which *did*, after all, suffer from first-book-in-series syndrome.

I really enjoyed Jesus being more proactive - and, indeed, consciously making that decision - and also having moments of competence that are quite satisfying. The character dynamics also improved with the addition of Hal.

I think this book worked well because it meandered, in detail, through a bunch of character development stuff, the domesticity that also worked well in HotE (even when the domicile there was also an empire). The promised convicted mystery plot never really eventuates at all, to my relief!

There are still more characters deserving of confrontation and comeuppance, but I have the feeling now that when Jemima inevitably comes up on top it will be much more satisfying. RosemaryAuthor 58 books69

What do you get when you cross a riddling dragon with the country fair equivalent of the Great British Bake Off? Another adventure for Mr. Greenwing and Mr. Dart! The lovable pair are back again, just days after their adventure with the fishy pie, and another equally charming young man, Hal, tumbles off the coach to help them establish Mr. Greenwing's prospects. It's all magic, manners, and country village intrigues in a post-cataclysm world that reads vaguely 18th century Britain and very much the author's own formidable fable building skills. Read this series in order! Go and find book 1, then gallop (with stops for ginger cookies and tea) to book 2. I'm off to book 3 to see what happens next! GeraldineAuthor 10 books35

I was tempted to give this book an extra star for the excellence of its cakes but decided not to on the grounds that although I admire Goddard's world-making abilities I still dis her story-telling techniques. In this one bizarre things continue to happen to Mr Greenwing as he explores the aristocratic heritage he'd carelessly forgotten about while dull Mr Dart does nothing very much. Our amnesiac hero is baffled by events and so will most readers be. At least there is a dragon in this one which adds some excitement. Ang1,759 47

These books read so weird. I mean, for me. , I'm chugging along in this, realize I'm halfway through, and then realize that I'm not sure I 100% understand what's happening. But I don't NOT LIKE them, right? I find the world and the characters SUPER interesting even if I'm not sure that I quite understand anything that's happening around them and to them. Also, I don't want to quit. I want to keep reading the series. So I don't know if I can wholeheartedly recommend them, but I also don't NOT recommend them. changeableLandscape2,184 24

My favourite type of fantasy of manners! Some parts of the first book in this series slogged for me, I admit, but now that I'm up to speed on who everyone is (and where everything is, and the appropriate local history) I'm able to just enjoy all the lovely friendships and family relationships and warmth and description and revelations and character growth and some truly numinous moments I didn't see coming. Thank goodness Goddard writes a lot so hopefully the series will get longer before I finish it!fantasy-of-manners spec-fic Sharondblk754 13

That's better. The first in this series was off-putting to me. Jemis had no idea what was going on, so as readers we had no idea, and the tone was so very different from The Hands of the Emperor. In this novel things start coming together for both Jemis and the reader and I was expecting the tone. It's a rollicking adventure that carries straight on from Stargazy Pie, and once again only covers a couple of days. I'm looking forward to seeing what comes next in this "cozy fantasy" if that is a catagory. urban-fantasy-sci-fi-etc Noelle Wright150

I loved this more than Stargazy Pie (which I also loved). The story was more complex, and this one introduces Hal, who is easily my favorite character (especially when he pulls rank on those who deserve it), and I hope he sticks around for a while before going back to Fillering Pool. It also gives a little more background on Mrs. Etaris, and I really hope we find out more about her in future stories (she's got to be Jullanar of the Sea from the Red Company, right?).

Adrienne T29

Better Bee-lieve it's better than the 1st.

I did enjoy the somewhat wordy precursor to this delightfully sweet novel. But this one takes the cake! Looking forward to the next installment of this series.

Humor, reunions, and riddles abound in this second book. We get more backstory of Jemis's family, both paternal and maternal. Not as convoluted as the first book. And our dear protagonist seems to bee coming out of his gloom and doom to see the sweeter side of life. Eva588 22

SO much better than the first one - all the feels from signature Goddard friendships, the world's softest cinnamon roll boy Jemis Greenwing, and the cosy setting of a sleepy little village but with dragons and attempted murder. I still had some small issues with the plot (every time I get invested in one part of the story, the plot decides to make a sharp turn and won't revisit that part until much later), but everything came together in the end in this one.favorites Pascal93

A definite improvement in pacing compared to the first book, but perhaps much of that is thanks to the world-building already done in #1. The characters seem more fun to follow this time around. My only real criticism is that, if the first book was the first level of an RPG where you get hints of the wider world while completing your first fetch quest, this feels an RPG when you're way over-levelled: nothing seems remotely challenging for our protagonists, there's no real sense of danger. Kate Turner316 4

better than stargazy pie as a standalone book, but i'm still insisting that this is the second third of what should have properly been one book, so i'm saving most of my thoughts for that review.

that said, this book has much more to do with the cozy mystery genre it promises and involves a great deal of fun with a dragon ruining the cake competition at a county fair, so i thoroughly enjoyed myself reading it Jinjre423 3

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