
Teach Me to Submit: An Erotic BDSM Femdom Romance de Valerie, Eefje

de Valerie, Eefje - Género: English
libro gratis Teach Me to Submit: An Erotic BDSM Femdom Romance


Valerie, Eefje Year: 2024

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Disclaimer: I received a free copy of this book and am voluntarily leaving a review.

The story is quite short just over 70 pages according to my eBook reader which tends to show smaller page numbers than others for some reason that I have never been able to find out but I would estimate the real length is somewhere around 80 pages. But don't let the short length deter you, the story does not feel particularly rushed.

Though there is no character development either but that was not the reason I wanted to read the book. Rather I wanted to read it because I was unable to find a lot of femdom representation in spicy literature. And that is exactly what this book is. It examines the various different aspects that come together to form femdom. I found the book highly captivating and finished it in just one sitting because I couldn't put it down.

There was one take on femdom that I did not immediately agree with but even that one made sense once it got explained why that particular take was made. The only real gripe I had with the book was a oral sex scene in the middle of the book that was a bit too graphic for my liking but still not so bad that I would withdraw a star.1 Nate20.7k 19

I enjoyed Charlie and Kara’s story. Kara, a beautiful, late-thirties, experienced BDSM domme, finds herself unwittingly becoming the sexual mentor to Charlie, a much younger, less experienced, vanilla lover; can Kara turn Charlie into her perfect submissive? An interesting read. And voluntarily leaving this review. Heather Williams5

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