
Fire and Fate de Valentino, Serena

de Valentino, Serena - Género: English
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Valentino, Serena Series: Villains 10 ISBN: 9781368076791,9781368076579

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I have so many thoughts on this one but I need time to process and discuss with the book club!

I LOVE how much this recapped the entire series and provided so many answers to most of the other fairytales that were left with questions.

Another masterpiece by the one and only Serena Valentino!all-my-physical-books fairytale young-adult36 s1 comment Brittany Holloway17 2

I was so excited about the concept of this series but I ended up being highly disappointed. Now that I’ve finished the series, I can’t shake the feeling that this is just published fan fiction. I think this series would’ve been better if each book could’ve been a stand alone rather than the inclusion of the odd sisters in every story young-adult25 s Rafael Andrade268 4

From Captain Hook to Hades, John York has done an incredible job narrating Fire and Fate. Serena Valentino once again has hit the nail on the head with this one.
She tightened some loose ends from previous events and open new possibilities for others.
Fire and Fate takes place in Mistress of All Evil story, and Hades is directly responsible for everything that happened during the events that led to the killing of Circe to the Odd Sister's decision to bring her sister back as their daughter.
The book also explains the real origins of Circe, Hades's direct interference in the Odd Sister's fate, and the events after the sisters were imprisoned in the world between.
I cannot go any further as I don't want to spoil the surprising events that the readers will love. Fire and Fate, in my opinion, is the best entry in the series so far, leaving a taste of "wanting some more" that will be hard to quench.
I advise readers to re-read Mistress of All Evil and The Odds Sisters before sinking their teeth into Fire and Fate.

Release date: July 18, 202314 s Angie1,256 19

« Hades was happy, happier than he had ever been, and he wondered if they deserved such a delicious ending, but he didn’t care. He finally had laughter in the Underworld again. His witches were home at last. »

Not the author’s best but not her worst. Wasn’t what I expected for Hades’ book. I get that the mythology version and the Disney version of him are very different but that didn’t work for me. Besides, it was too focused on the Odd Sisters (again) and on Circe for my liking.This entire review has been hidden because of spoilers.Show full review8 s Samantha430 31

2/5 stars - This book was awful - one of the weakest of the series...feel the entire book revolved around The Odd Sisters. 8 s1 comment Jacklyn320 2

"When your family treats you a villain, it is far too easy to become one."
Upon defeating their father Cronus and his tyrannical Titans, brothers Zeus, Poseidon, and Hades each took their own piece of the world to rule. Zeus took the sky and what fell beneath it for himself, then assigned the sea to Poseidon, and the Underworld to Hades. Unhappy with his new role, Hades tries to make the best of it. While spending eternity in a lonely role he never wanted, he grows resentful. After years of being ignored and shamed by his family, Hades is introduced to three witches who are very much alive, but somehow found their way into the land of the dead. Intrigued, Hades befriends the mysterious Odd Sisters and makes a deal that will change fate's course. But will his power cause others' stories to change along with his own?
I've been counting down the days to this release and I'm glad to say it did not disappoint! I flew through this story so fast, loving every second of it. I enjoyed learning more about Hades's background and seeing his connection to the Odd Sisters and The Book of Fairy Tales. The narrator, John York, did a phenomenal job with this, just as he did with Never, Never. He voices the characters so perfectly and makes the story fun to listen to. I highly recommend experiencing this series through the audiobooks, as the narrators all do a wonderful job bringing these stories to life. I'm already dying to know which villain's story we will be getting next. If you're a Disney fan, this series is a must read!7 s Brittnie20

I think this was my least favorite one in the series so far. I understand that the web is being woven, but the plot hops and story connects felt loose and somehow also hard to follow.
Still, it was an easy read and a better use of my time than doom scrolling on my phone. 7 s Samantha Geissler769 25


Meh. This wasn’t bad and this wasn’t great. It was just okay.

These are all standalones but there is a lot of details from the previous books in this series, which I haven’t read yet, so that could be confusing at times. I also felt while this story was focused on Hades somewhat, it didn’t focus on him as much as I would have d or thought.

A short read and great if you’re a fan of Disney! The beginning is basically Hercules and then it takes a twist and goes totally off script. I said, it wasn’t great but it wasn’t terrible.

6 s1 comment Erika Reynolds330 3


I have never read the Disney villain series from Serena Valentino, but Hades is my favorite Disney villain, so I was excited for this. The first several chapters are a mix of the Disney story and traditional Greek mythology. It provides a lot of background about how Hades became King of the Underworld and his relationship with Persephone which is perfect for young readers or people new to Greek mythology, but it can be a bit boring if you are knowledgeable about the topic. Nothing in the background is new information, though. The synopsis states, “And the part of the story no one tells is that when your family treats you a villain, it is far too easy to become one.” Except that’s the exact story that everyone knows about Hades. I was expecting a new revelation about why he was banished to the underworld (per the Disney version), but it’s the same story from the movie “Hercules.” Around chapter 7 the story takes a completely different turn and becomes more interesting. I can tell that there were many connections between this book and others in the Disney villain series, particularly with The Odd Sisters, but it didn’t impact my ability to understand or enjoy the book. I loved the narration. Hades is just as sarcastic and snarky in the book as he is in the movie, and the narrator even imitates the movie version’s voice well. This is definitely more of a middle grade novel, but it was enjoyable for what it is. Thank you to NetGalley, Disney Audiobooks, and Serena Valentino for this ARC in exchange for my honest review.2023 netgalley4 s Noela8

This is the first book in the series that disappointed me. I wanted more of Hades before he was ruler of the Underworld. I'm so over the Odd Sisters.4 s Mandy (Bookishlove85)768 83

I really do enjoy this series so much! Every time we get a bit of the behind the scenes of each villains origns story and how they’re tied to the odd sisters, I appreciate the story telling even more! This one had such a nice ending of one story and beginning of a new batch of characters. 3 s Reading is my Escape954 48

Hades is stuck with the dead in the underworld. But he wants more. He finds his way to the Many Kingdoms and the Odd Sisters hoping to change his fate. Hade's relationship with the Odd Sisters was unexpected and touching. I love this series and seeing how the villains became villains.book-owned-physical fairy-tale-retelling fantasy ...more3 s Courtney McGhee369 12

I seriously never know what’s going on in these books. So much looking into the past, looking into the future, multiple fairy tales combining, and I get confused. I do love Hades though and I think the author nailed his sarcasm and personality. 3 s Alyson Cox66 4

This one really tied the whole series together with a nice, neat bow. Short and sweet and to the point. Hades has always been one of my favorite villains and it was nice to see some human qualities to him.3 s Valorie78

Zeus sucks and Hades knows it. If you know anything about Greek mythology you know it, too. In classic Disney fashion, he does not suck in Hercules. He's the loving, heartbroken father that can't raise his son. Sure, Jan. In Fire and Fate, you get a little bit of Zeus's suckage, but not that much. That's okay, I guess. This isn't Zeus's story, it's Hades' and Hades is pretty rad. Without going into too much detail, there are two versions of Hades, and the one in the movie is the evil bafoon. This book is about the other version.

I've long believed that Serena Valentino would be good friends, but after this book, it was pretty much confirmed. Since, as Hades says, time is a human construct, Hades knows his pop culture references from the future. He name drops William Shakespeare, the witches from Macbeth (obviously), even The Craft. There are more I'm forgetting.

I enjoyed this very quick read. It's a great addition to the series. If you don't already Hades, you should after this book. Ms. Valentino did a great job capturing his humor.disney4 s Christie K.Rowling580 124

<>"Los hilos de gasa del destino están intrincadamente entrelazados en la tela del Libro de los Cuentos de Hadas, entretejidos como una telaraña.
Y en su centro está Hades."<


Tenía mucho hype con este libro porque los dos anteriores me encantaron; De hecho son mis favoritisimos de esta serie.

Sin embargo, creo que la historia de Hades ha flojeado un poco y mira que este villano tenía potencial....

El problema es que la mayor parte de la trama se ha basado en las hermanas extrañas y en conexiones con otras historias. Esto si me ha gustado, la forma de conectar los demás mundos/Cuentos ha sido brillante pero, ¿que pasa con este personaje tan iconico? ¿Porque no ha tenido la potente historia que se merece?

En todo caso, me declaro fan y tengo muchísimas ganas de leer la siguiente entrega aunque no me esperaba que fuera Gastón....
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