
Crown of Wings and Shadows de Val St. Crowe

de Val St. Crowe - Género: English
libro gratis Crown of Wings and Shadows


Val St. Crowe Publisher: Punk Rawk Books, Year: 2018

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Well, this was kinda cool in that tortured-badguy-turns-totally-swoonworthy-for-his-girl way. Set in a rich fantasy world of evil kings, tortured dragons, naive virgins, and rebellious mommies, this book had lots of elements that I could get in to.

Our dragon-shifter Kane, who's been abused by his evil daddy all his life, is snarky, mean, and nasty. He's also a lot of fun to read.

He's got the hots for the only other dragon-shifter in town, the vacuous but beautiful Galalie. She's so clueless she doesn't know she's a dragon-shifter, simply utters "Oh. Oh, my" when she learns how to breathe fire, and probably couldn't navigate her way out of a paper bag. She hates Kane for his evil, nasty ways, but as soon as she nears him, it's panty shucking time.

Gotta love it. Their relationship really grew on me.

The book sports a beautiful cover and an ambitious fantasy setting. Unfortunately, the author could do much more in the delivery of this setting. Info dumps in the first chapter (or any chapter, for that matter) are completely unnecessary, and disguising it in Kane's reminiscing while he's being tortured is still...well...an infodump.

The dialogue was also pretty stilted, particularly in the first half of the book where I was paying more attention to that sort of thing. But once I got away from some of the corny dialogue and plot devices, I let myself get caught up in the magic of this fantasy world. And, of course, Kane's snarky confidence.

Kudos to the author.2018-march-reading-challenges fantasy-romance3 s Millicent NankivellAuthor 3 books23

It's a cool story idea, I just personally found the writing style quite jarring to read and repetitive. A lot of character interactions and dialogue also felt really forced and again, repetitive. A good edit would improve this story immensely.

I maintain that the author did a good job with the cover though! :D2 s Krista736

"Crown of Wings and Shadows" is a fast-moving, rather silly, romantic fantasy about an evil king, his estanged wife, and their dragon son.

Oh, and it is heavily (very heavily) influenced by Star Wars characters, too. Really.

Is it particularly deep? Nope. Is it is a fast read? Yep. Did I become a stronger, more thoughtful reader in the process of flipping through the pages? Nope. But did I enjoy it? Of course!

Ultimately, this book is a piece of candy--fun, sweet, but ultimately finished quickly and just as quickly forgotten.
paranormal-romance-urban-fantasy sci-fi-fantasy1 Khara401 30

Crown of Wings and Shadows is a dragon shifter novel, but also 100% Reylo fic.
I searched Reylo and this novel came up. It a quick easy fantasy read. Kane is clearly Kylo and Galalie is Rey. It’s a dragon version of TLJ, and I was here for it!
If you’re looking for a deep fantasy novel, this isn’t it. If you’re looking for something Reylo then this is for you. Read it and enjoy it for what it is. Yes there is smut scenes.
2 s Eva4

I was expecting more of this book.
It gives the impression that it was written in a rush. The prose is terrible, and it has zero character development. I didn't know if I was reading a copy of Star Wars or a Reylo AU fanfiction. Sarahrosereads94

I wanted to this book, I really did. But there was “not other girls” nonsense in it. if-you-know-you-know Donna McDonald394

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