
When Crime Pays: Money and Muscle in Indian Politics de Vaishnav, Milan

de Vaishnav, Milan - Género: English
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The first thorough study of the co-existence of crime and democratic processes in Indian politics

In India, the world's largest democracy, the symbiotic relationship between crime and politics raises complex questions. For instance, how can free and fair democratic processes exist alongside rampant criminality? Why do political parties recruit candidates with reputations for wrongdoing? Why are one-third of state and national legislators elected—and often re-elected—in spite of criminal charges pending against them? In this eye-opening study, political scientist Milan Vaishnav mines a rich array of sources, including fieldwork on political campaigns and interviews with candidates, party workers, and voters, large surveys, and an original database on politicians' backgrounds to offer the first comprehensive study of an issue that has implications for the study of democracy both within and beyond India's borders.

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This says it's second in a series, but it's really first. So you don't have to read the other before this if you don't want to. That said, I'd recommend reading it. And then skipping this altogether.

Yeah, I'm not a fan. I'm at 40% and I'm still waiting for Thierry to have any competence at all. So far, she has failed at everything, including a simple capture of a hobgoblin who evaded her five times before she finally got a guy to come in and do her job for her. Which has become a pattern at this point. She tries a thing. Fails to do the thing. Then has a guy come and do it for her. I mean, seriously? At this point, the one thing she has managed to do is the establishing mission to take out a troll who was eating people. And we only see that to establish an intro to a plot-boy who can later do things for her.

Also, I hate Shaw. I don't do cheaters, and I kind of don't care about his excuse. I can see that he has one, but I can also see that his excuse is going to be something "I needed you to hate me blah blah I'm a manipulative jerk who can't use words with people I love blah." Screw that guy. Everybody else has. And for the record, that's cheat shaming and I'm all up in that space.

Yeah, one star and I'm moving on to another of the author's serieses.11 s Al *the semi serial series skipper*1,659 756

Eh. I read this one because I first saw Thierry when I was reading another series, the way she acted them made me her that I had to read her book. Only this book disappointed me. Thierry was used by Shaw, her ex who is an incubus. Then she goes back to faerie and is used by Rook. This doesn't really show me the alpha female I had glimpsed before.

I Hailey Edwards and I plan on reading more of her other series but this is where I stop this one.abandoned-series bland-as-fuck eh ...more9 s Nessie Smith48 1 follower

I really d the first book and was excited about the second one. That's why it saddens and annoys the hell out of me to have to say :WHAT THE HELL. The second book skipped a year ahead and not in a good way. Thierry went from a kick ass strong willed woman to a weak and love stuck barley trying to get over her ex "shaw". the first chapter was ok. she did her job (though she did whine how she wished shaw was with her, annoying right!) and kicked troll ass but her second job involving hobgoblin just left me pissed. In between jobs Shaw visits her in his office then sucks on her life essence and not only does she fall for his tricks and backs down from him a love struck pup(nicest word I could thing of to describe her)but she acts tough when really all she accomplished was let a incubus make her weak and vulnerable and didn't say anything about it, Shaw has to much control of Thierry for it to be a strong female book. Again She can take down a troll a professional but gets humiliated and tossed out a recycling plant by a hobgoblin not once but twice and then has to get help by shaw while she hides behind him. Then he shows up to her apartment after tricking her into dinner (again she fell for it)he mummer a few words then he nearly drinks her dry. But does she make a big deal or you know pissed that he took his feeding to far AGAIN no she leads him to the door with words of comfort and lets him kiss her forehead. Than the she gets awe struck by "raven" and becomes even more weak yet again in another males presence. My opinion of this author makes me think of a one hit wonder and she should either get Thierry back on track to being able to handle her live without her falling over herself because she hears a voice (she cracks open her head because she slipped in the show from hearing a voice, isn't she suppose to be a tough marshal? she acts she's lead a normal life half the time and gets hurt a nearly killed. Seriously does not flow with the characters personality created in the first book). Or her mother touches her should so she jumps and acts scared (starring at birds on her mothers porch she jumps a foot in the air and eyes wide stars at her mother she is a wimp and doesn't have a dangerous job. I.E being a marshal). Or actually do at least OK at her job instead of sucking so bad she needs Shaw or Ravens help at every turn. Again I had High hopes since the first book made me laugh. This one makes me cringe and weep for such a strong woman to be reduced to...well pretty much a useless weak sniffling little girl who cant concentrate on anything ever again after shaw was reintroduced. If this is how it was gonna be the author should have killed shaw off. The character build from the first book DID NOT continue into this one. This character is barley built and was produced by the weak willed factory with blushing school girl added on top to try and make her passable which just makes any character worse. This book gets a F!

Storyline: FAIL
Character : FAIL
Romance: FAIL
Action :FAIL9 s Marsha2,977 51

In the series I love, the heroine's are strong but flawed woman who are not afraid to sacrifice themselves for those they care about. Additionally, these stories have a male protagonist worthy of the heroine. In the case of "Heir of the Dog", Thierry is definitely a strong female lead ; but, there is not one male worthy of her. They are all posers and big time users and the worse part is she keeps going back for more.

Thierry's father is missing and the fae are on the brink of war. So, the Morrigan sends one of her son's to lure her to faery to take over her father's position. The question is which son is it? Then, after a year's absence, Blake returns and he has a huge secret. He too wants to use Thierry in the worse possible way.

As Thierry maneuvers through the political shitstorms that awaits her in Faery, she will be forced to accept options she never wanted for herself. It is truly sad to see her flounder around with feelings for two men who neither is worth the ground she walks on. Quite honestly, this series is quickly losing its initial appeal for me. I can't say in all honesty that Iike the men in this book and it is hard to enjoy a read when you don't the characters.

With that being said, I am not sure if I will be going on to the next book in this series. Time will tell.6 s ??Kimberly (Caffeinated Reviewer)3,192 709

Once again, I felt disoriented when I began listening. I immediately felt I missed something. It turns out a year has passed. While Thierry has been successful at her job, things with Shaw didn’t work out.

When she takes on a bounty, things turn weird and that is just the first sign that things aren’t going her way. Shaw is back in town, her Dad is missing and death omens are hanging out on her human mother’s front lawn.

I d this new confident heroine. A year as Marshall has done Thierry good, but that doesn’t mean she can handle the High Court. Rook, a new character, agrees to escort her. With her father missing, Faerie is in chaos and they want Thierry’s help.

Fae politics and danger await her. I have said before that the Fae are truly scary and my opinion hasn’t changed. I am curious about Rook and his intentions. Un the first book, she doesn’t have Shaw by her side and needs to make quick decisions on her own in a stressful, fast moving environment. The story was fast-paced with non-stop action that kept me listening.

Mooreghan Martin narrates and captures our heroine while giving voice to secondary characters. I easily bumped the sped to 1.5x once I got comfortable.

Fans of urban fantasy, the FAE and action-packed adventures will want to check out the Black Dog series. This review was originally posted at Caffeinated Revieweraudio2023 coyer-upside-down-2023 coyer-upside-down-chapter-15 s Jen DavisAuthor 7 books711

After a lukewarm introduction to this series, I wasn’t sure that it would be a good fit for me. But Hailey Edwards has come through again and I am happy to report this installment has made me a fan of the Black Dog books. It makes sense, in a way, when you consider that Dog With a Bone was an added prequel to what was supposed to have been a trilogy that started here. This book is much more engaging and made me care about the heroine in a way that I just didn’t before. And if you choose not to read Dog With a Bone, I’m pretty sure you would be totally fine jumping in here.

Thierry is still pretty young. 19 is a younger Urban Fantasy heroine than I would usually choose, but it is what it is. She is the half blood daughter of a human woman and a Fae father known as the Black Dog. We learn, truly, for the first time, what that means here. Mac is a singular Fae who is loyal neither to the Seelie or Unseelie house. Through him, peace exists between the two factions, and once a century, he offers himself up as the prize in a hunt between competing princes for who would be the next king. As the story begins, Mac is missing and the latest King is dead. Who else could fill the Black Dog’s shoes but his daughter?

Shaw, the love interest introduced in the last book, plays a much smaller role here. His love affair with Thierry is over and there is still quite a bit of hurt between them. But Shaw isn’t the main attraction. That would be a mysterious fae who turns into a black bird and is popping up left and right in Thierry’s life. It’s the Morrigan‘s son who eventually brings Thierry into Faerie to meet the challenge before her and I think there’s more than a small chance he is destined to be the new man in her life. Or at least I hope so, because I’m still not on the Shaw bandwagon.

I feel Thierry’s character is much more fleshed out, and even better, the world building has grown by leaps and bounds. Much of the story is set in the lands of the fae and it is a fascinating setting as she goes through her journey.

Thierry is loyal and honorable and she is an easy character to root for. I would really to see someone be that same kind of unwavering support for her. I want someone in her life who is trustworthy and puts her first. I’ll be interested to see if that ever comes to pass.

In the meantime, the ending of the story really turns the series on its ear and sets up a huge change ahead. I cannot wait to see what the author has planned. Will keep you posted.

Rating: B/B+5 s Carmel (Rabid Reads)706 388

Full review to follow.for-review5 s Ana344 167

2 stars

Note: spoilers for the first book will be peppered throughout this review and not under the spoiler tag. Any spoilers for this book will be properly hidden.

So, that didn't go as expected. After finishing Dog with a Bone, the first book in the series, I went straight to the second because I genuinely d Thierry and wanted to see how she grows as a character. And, the world as well, but mostly Thierry.

And then this book happened.

I really, really disd it.

First, we have a time jump (and I wanted to see what would happen on that hunt for people responsible for the crimes in the first book), not to mention that Thierry and Shaw seem to have gotten together and broke up in the meantime for whatever reason. And that after the buildup in book 1. Mind you, I didn't them together in the first book (and still kinda don't) but a lot of things happened offstage. Too much for my taste.

And then there's Thierry. She acts a ninny most of the time, and just completely un the picture of her that I had in my head after the first book (that might be on me, though). I just wanted to shake her and ask her what the heck she was thinking. I barely managed to finish the book because she just annoyed me that much. My annoyance reached peak levels when she was in Faerie (or whatever it is called) and just let Rook walk all over her even when it turned out he was plotting against her from the very start. Just arghhh!!!!!

The sad part is that I had issues even focusing on the plot because I was irritated by her decisions and thought processes.

I'm definitely taking a break from this series, and I may come back to it later, just because I saw so much promise in the first book.

And now, I will try to read another series set in this world, probably Dead in the Water, the first in the Gemini series. urban-fantasy4 s Gaele4,079 82

I was impressed with the first book in this series, but Hailey Edwards has exceeded all expectations with this, the second in the series. In the first book, we were introduced to Thierry and were shown her new life, finally realizing just who her father is and adjusting to life as a Marshall, tasked with keeping humans safe and Fae in line. To really have the best understanding of this book, you should most certainly read Dog With A Bone to meet Thierry and get a sense of her as a person.

In this book, Thierry is developing into the kick ass and take no prisoners heroine that was hinted at in the first book. Faerie is in crisis, and her father, the Black Dog is missing. While the Faerie High Court isn’t excited to do it, they have requested Theirry come to Faerie and find her father, thus avoiding another long and protracted war.

And the story starts with action and almost never lets up. Thierry is not really comfortable or even all that committed to saving a man she doesn’t know. But, she’s not got a ton of time to wait and see as the conspiracies, secrets, double dealing and questionable agendas appear almost instantly, and without Shaw available to bounce ideas and questions off of, she is on her own.

When Rook enters the picture, his moral ambiguity is obvious to all, and Thierry isn’t particularly quick to trust in him, even though she is attracted. But, there is the question of Shaw, and what choice she will, or will have left to make. With danger at every turn, her unfamiliarity with the world of Faerie, still learning her powers and the ever-increasing questions about Rook and Shaw, the story is one new element after another, all building to keep Thierry moving on, if not always in a straight line. Engaging, action-packed and unique, this story is sure to please.

I received an eArc copy of the title from the publisher for purpose of honest review. I was not compensated for this review: all conclusions are my own responsibility.
independent-review3 s Melanie1,071 11

This was a really good sequel but seriously....wtf happened? I didn't see any of that coming, I'm majorly bummed about the Shaw situation and 'Raven' was soooo not to be trusted from the get go.... regardless, it was a great story, great action, loads of twists and turns and I thoroughly enjoyed it =Dread-in-20153 s Jennifer Pharr22 2

So much potential! Needs a solid foundation to support the characters. Too many dangling threads, no resolutions, and an uncertain end. All in all, a frustrating read.2 s Douglas Meeks877 235

This was an amazing novel, which actually surprised me after the first novel Dog With A Bone, while entertaining reading was not this good. I said in my review of that first book "missing that "can't put it down" quality". This book does not suffer from any such problems. I had to force myself to stay up late so i could finish it because I could not go to bed without knowing what happened.

Thierry is really coming into her own, Shaw who I never really d that much is not a big part of this novel. The action starts pretty much from page 1 and never really lets up a lot.

She is really turning into the kick-a$$ heroine I wanted her to be and in this novel she really comes around to that but her father is missing and she ends up in Faerie through some events that are better left for the reader to find out.

Needless to say she has people really wanting to kill her ( DUH) and a hero that could best be described as morally challenged but is her only ally. Not a great situation but it is handled in amazing ways that make you sit back and wonder (as I do with really exceptional novels) "How do they think of this stuff???". The introduction of the son of The Morrigan was perfect, the series needed such a uh , person.

Bottom Line: Exceptional plot, multifaceted characters, stressful situation, romantic instances handled extremely well since this is a cross between fantasy and urban fantasy romance always needs to be slow burn. I am more the "kill-em all and let God sort them out" type of guy which is why I write and not novels, I would kill off too many people. Fortunately Hailey Edwards does not suffer from my brash personality and weaves an exceptional story. 5 Stars easy .. (the only possible negative is that you really DO need to read book 1 to avoid confusion, you won't really understand Thierry or Shaw if you don't I fear). 2 s Katyana1,586 220

Really enjoying this series. It's a fun, fast ride... and I do mean fast. The plot clips along at a breakneck speed, and it's clear the author knows exactly where she's going with it. And the reader doesn't get any more information than Thierry gets, which I really enjoy, particularly when the main character doesn't take that information and make hideously dumb choices.

She gets played, but I can't call her TSTL. I would have made the same choices, given what she knew and the circumstances. And it's such a relief to have a main character that isn't woefully dumbed down in order to fall for the plot.

Hooray!fantasy uf2 s Sally188 1 follower

Fun, cute story!

Fast read, fun characters. Really enjoying this series and can't wait to see what happens next! I hope we get to meet Black Dog soon...2 s Coco.V50k 4 Want to read

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