
Janitors School of Garbage de Tyler Whitesides

de Tyler Whitesides - Género: English
libro gratis Janitors School of Garbage


In the follow up to the best-selling Janitors series, a former student is now a teacher and founder of the School of Garbage who is training a new generation of young garbologists to trash talk and fight evil.
Garbage comes to life as animated creatures called junklets wreak havoc in elementary schools and specially trained kids from the magical School of Garbage are sent to stop the rise of the trash monsters. With the school's magical janitorial supplies—brooms that can fly, toilet plungers that can reverse gravity, and mops that can capture anything in their strings—the ordinary becomes extraordinary.
Landon Murphy discovers the undercover janitorial world when his soon-to-be stepsister, Jade Shu, guides him through a magical portal at the bottom of a dumpster that leads to a fantastical landfill and the home of the School of Garbage, where she has secretly been a student for the last few years.
Problems at home with his family make it hard...

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Delightful! A wonderfully imaginative read that explores the idea of understanding our own value and self worth. Landon splits his time between his dad's house and his mom'e home with her new fiance and his soon to be step-stister Jade. Jade introduces the reluctant Landon to summer school at the School of Garbage. But it's un any other school because here the garbage is animated and the students learn about the magic that animates it along with other intricacies about garbage. But when Landon is attacked in the normal world by animated garbage it opens up a mystery, for animated garbang cannot leave the Landfill. Landon, Jade, and others from the school race against time to discove how the animated garbage (Thingamajunks) are able to leave the Landfill and try to stop the attacks before the normal world is filled with dangerous trash. The characters are wonderfully developed and the plot is well contrived with a writing style that is engaging and keeps the pages turning. (Note: I received an ARC in exchange for an honest review)1 Poppy Marlowe536 21

Synopsis (It's a fiction book, so it helps…from the publisher of the book for me to review.)

In the follow-up to the best-selling Janitors series, a former student is now a teacher and founder of the School of Garbage who is training a new generation of young garbologists to trash talk and fight evil. Garbage comes to life as animated creatures called junklets wreak havoc in elementary schools and specially trained kids from the magical School of Garbage are sent to stop the rise of the trash monsters. With the school's magical janitorial supplies--brooms that can fly, toilet plungers that can reverse gravity, and mops that can capture anything in their strings--the ordinary becomes extraordinary. Landon Murphy discovers the undercover janitorial world when his soon-to-be stepsister, Jade Shu, guides him through a magical portal at the bottom of a dumpster that leads to a fantastical landfill and the home of the School of Garbage, where she has secretly been a student for the last few years. Problems at home with his family make it hard for Landon to feel he belongs anywhere, but he has quickly welcomed a student at the intriguing school for wizard- janitors. His class on the science of garbology is being a crime scene investigator, and every student gets to bond with one of three Servites--small, magical animals who exhale enchanted dust to help kids focus or be creative or have energy. Landon and Jade--along with allies from the original series--are tasked to take out the trash and figure out who--or what--is behind the mysterious garbage attacks and stop them before the entire world is literally trashed.

Well, this was a different book for me! I imagine if I was a YA reader that I wold really enjoy the book: I found it a little nonsensical and silly, but I am a grown woman. I am sure that kids will it as it seems more it is up their alley...will pass it on to a kid or two I know and get their opinion and see if it differs from mine. Maybe it was meant to be silly?

ngrev- Monica H at The Readathon353 2

This is such a fun book! I enjoyed it! It was fun to see some of our old friends, and exciting to meet some new characters. Landon and Jade are soon-to-be stepsiblings. They may not start out as the best of friends, but they learn to and trust each other when they must save the world from the scary junklets! I d each of them and their unique personalities. They had different qualities that enabled them to work well together and to complement each other’s strengths.

My heart felt happy when I got to see some of my favorite characters from the original series! Daisy plays a big role, and I have to say I was fan-girling it a little when I learned she plays a prominent role in this book. Now, there are some other original characters, but you have to read it to find out who they are. I don’t want to ruin the surprise!

I loved the concept of the School of Garbage and how Daisy and Dr. Weizmann teach a new generation of kids how to keep schools safe. If they don’t pass on their wisdom, who will? How will future generations of kids stay safe in school? Now, would I want to attend the School of Garbage? Ummm...no. I’ll leave the learning and garbage fighting to Landon and Jade!

This is a fun story with a bit of mystery and lots of action! It makes for a fun spin-off story, and I’d love to see more of Landon and Jade in the future! If you the original Janitors books, you will enjoy School of Garbage!

Content Rating: PG+
Profanity: None
Intimacy: None
Violence: Moderate (Fighting garbage is terrifying!)
Age Recommendation: Middle-Graders (3rd-6th grades) and up

You may read my full review on my book blog: thereadathon.com.1 SandraAuthor 1 book27

In Janitors School of Garbage, Landon and Jade learn about garbage, their own strengths, and the magic behind janitorial supplies at the School of Garbage. When the school becomes attacked, Landon and Jade pull together a team to come to the rescue. This is a spin-off of the Janitors series by Tyler Whiteside.

My kids got into the Janitors series books last winter after listening to the first book on audiobook. They loved it. My son was staying up late to read the books and was reading them non-stop one after the other until he finished the whole series within a few weeks. My daughter also read the series. When I got the email about the tour, I immediately signed up for it.

After reading the Janitors School of Garbage, I felt you could read it read it first before the rest of the Janitor series, or after. There was enough explanation to understand the story's background. The world building was very impressively creative and original in this book. The fantasy elements felt fresh and unique from new creatures, new dangers, and new magical elements. I was very impressed with how creative the author was. The characters were likable and relatable. The action seemed to go by really fast in the book. As a reader, I felt I wanted more time and more details on what was happening in the story. The book felt age-appropriate to me, and the scenes weren't too scary. I would to see more books by this author, and it would be nice if he could also start another fantasy book series. With the level of excitement that he generated in my kids, I want more books and more series.

Please note that I received a free copy to review, however, this is my honest opinion. Becky799 3

Dumpster diving has a new meaning. Did you know garbology is a real thing? Some people really do study trash, though probably not the way Dr. Bernard Weizmann does in this book. Landon Murphy has no idea what to expect when his soon to be stepsister Jade Shu invites him to attend the School of Garbage during their summer break. They travel there through a portal reached by jumping into a magical dumpster at their elementary school.

Landon learns that overlooked and unappreciated school janitors do more than keep the school clean. They also protect kids from unseen Toxites – monsters that inhale brain waves of students and exhale sleepiness, distraction, and boredom. Their positive counterparts are Servites – they exhale focus and determination, energy, or passion and creativity.

I was surprised how much I enjoyed reading about trash and the various creatures and monsters the author created, especially the Thingamajunk named Bookworm. The message is of seeing value in yourself and feeling worthy. It doesn’t matter what anyone else thinks of you. The first lesson the kids are taught by Daisy Gates is, “Just because you can’t see the worth in a piece of garbage doesn’t make it worthless.” I thought it was interesting that the author worked as a middle school janitor while attending college and graduated with a degree in music. Thanks to Shadow Mountain Publishing for an ARC to use for my review.have paper shadow-mountain-arc The Keepers of the Books501 4

This summer, Landon Murphy, his weird stepsister-to be, Jade Shu, and his ex Sabra Malik are spending the summer at an endless landfill. As part of the School of Garbage, they are learning how to mop up monsters using pushbrooms, plungers, and janitorial tools. When a sudden rush of mass garbage attacks, the reluctant trio must team up together to figure out what villains they are dealing with this time. Can they figure out who is behind the latest attacks? Can they learn to work together to save the world?

The plot is unique, engaging, and well-written. Characters from previous novels make some fun appearances throughout the book. Characters are well-developed and likable. Readers who enjoy fantasy, magic, adventure, and mystery will enjoy reading this book. Although it isn’t necessary to have read the other books in the series, it is recommended. A great addition to most library collections.

Please Note: A copy of this book was given in exchange for an honest review. All opinions expressed are our own. No other compensation was received.
Cathy1,664 52

I'm so excited to see Tyler Whitesides returning to his Janitors books with this new release! Hopefully it'll alert a whole new group of middle grade readers to his original books. And they are so worth reading!

I loved that the reader gets to see the original Janitors characters just a little bit in this one. They're all grown up and they need a new generation of kids to help them contain the garbage so all the kids can learn in schools everywhere.

This book is told from the perspective of Landon. Landon's almost step-sister Jade gets him to jump into a dumpster. And somehow he ends up at a huge landfill in Texas. I love the magical element of these books. The way it helps kids to think about what if my blank could do whatever it is is so needed in our world of never ending screens, games and shows.

I loved this book. I'll be passing these books on to our son, as well as all of the original Janitors books!

I was sent a copy of Janitors School of Garbage. All opinions are my own. Pam8,051 39 Read

A delight to see these characters return as adults teaching the next generation. Daisy and Bernard now run a School of Garbage for kids from all over. When a villain, the Locksmith, starts creating Junklets who can move around the world with ease, the school trains four trash teams of students who investigate and challenge them. Landon reluctantly agreed to come with his soon to be stepsister and was stunned to enter this new part of the world. Together with Jade and another team member, Sabra, they figure out how to stop the Locksmith and save the Thingamajunks from the villain. In the process, they discover an old nemesis is still alive. The story makes valid points for recycling and taking care of trash along with working together in community. I appreciate the ending as the story wraps with hints of more challenges to come.middle-grades Rorie284

I haven't read any of the Janitors series, but my kids all have, and loved them. I was a bit concerned that I might be lost, but thankfully this story does well as a stand- alone. I do think that reading the original series would be good though.

Sometimes I have a hard time starting middle-grade fiction, but I'm not sure why, because I've rarely been disappointed when I do read that genre. This story grabbed my attention right away, and I took every opportunity I had to sit down and read.

The characters were all well-written, and the story line was engaging. I think the idea of hanging out in garbage is brilliant, although extremely gross... which makes it perfect for the middle grade reader. I look forward to reading more from this author.1 Ms. Yingling2,409 494

E ARC provided by Edelweiss Plus

Janitors came out in 2011, and my library copy is in rough shape. Whitesides' work reminds me a bit of Mull's Fablehaven; same publisherr, Brandon Dorman art, and a series after the original series. The difference in the authors is that while Mull's Dragonwatch spin off gets older and darker, Whitesides' School of Garbage spin off gets a little bit younger.

Still all the fun of the original, but with a more "acadamy" feel to it. There are always readers who want to attend magical academies, and this is a great choice. If the original series falls apart and can't be replaced, this will stand on its own, so I will definitely purchase. Sharon the Librarian578

If you a good middle grade fantasy book- look no further! The Janitors Series was a HIT with elementary kids, and this one will definitely follow suit.

There are mysterious garbage attacks happening all over, and a group of kids attending a “summer school of Garbology” are tasked to take out the garbage! They have to stop it before the world is trashed! Literally.

They have brooms that can fly, toilet plungers that can reverse gravity, and mops that can wrap around and catch anything. The book is full of humor, friendship, and learning to trust others- not to mention the most creative co-stars ever!

I’m glad I got a chance to read and review this before publication. Thank you Net Galley. Trisha944 16

Landon can hardly believe what his soon to be step sister Jade has gotten him into. She has taken him to the school of garbage and during his first days the garbage has come to life, not the good garbage things but the really bad garbage monsters that shouldn’t be around any more and they really need Landon’s help to fight them
This was a really good book as are all of Mr. Whitesides. I love the new characters and cannot wait to see what Landon and the crew get up to next.
Madeline207 3

*Release Date Sept 5, 2023*

The Janitors series has been on my list for a while, so when I saw this spin-off series pop up on @netgalley I jumped at the opportunity to read it. If you don’t general spoilers, I recommend you read the OG series FIRST. If you don’t mind, this story is fabulous on its own!

We follow a young boy feeling displaced by his parents divorce-his dad works all the time and his mom is remarrying a man with a weirdo daughter, Jade. Little does he know just how much Jade will change his life!

The school setting is unique and fun, using dumpsters as portals and learning the “read” the garbage. Magical creatures and items add a whole other level to the story.

Read if you :
•Middle Grade books
•Creative urban world
•Unique takes on talent/abilities
•Encouraging Teamwork
•Building up of children and their contributions
•Call backs to the OG series

I have bumped up Janitors on my list because of how much I loved this book! Enjoyable for the whole family.

Title: Janitors School of Garbage
Author: Tyler Whitesides
Series: Janitors School of Garbage, #1
Rating: ????????
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