
Hunting You: Warriors Series, #7 de Ty Patterson

de Ty Patterson - Género: English
libro gratis Hunting You: Warriors Series, #7


Ty Patterson

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3.5 stars

Thank you, Ty Patterson, for an ARC of Hunting You and for having me as a beta reader. My unbiased review is below.

Hunting You is book 7 in The Warriors series. Zeb Carter is back, this time fighting a group of assassins, a major crime lord in Chicago (Chanchey) and an even bigger baddie, Big G, who is running his show out of prison. The target is a former member of Big G’s ring, Cezar, who decided to straighten out his life and in the process made off with $30 million dollars that Big G claims is his. Zeb gets involved when the first effort to wipe out Cezar takes out a friend of Zeb’s instead.

As in book 6, Behind You, Zeb is for the most part working on his own in this story. That disappointed me as I think the Warrior stories are best when Zeb is interacting with the other Warriors. Zeb is a taciturn fellow who, in my opinion,
is more interesting when he has the others to play off of. The other Warriors also offer more opportunity for Mr. Patterson’s trademark humor to come out. The relative lack of other Warriors is partially compensated for by the presence of several well-written baddies with some great names Knuckles, Boiler, Jiggy and Diesel. These guys are evil to the core and are not people you want to run across in a dark alley.

The storyline is good and the book reads very fast, though the narrative is a bit choppy for my taste. The action scenes are extremely clever and terrifically written and remain Mr. Patterson’s forte. My heart rate always picks up during these parts. I d that FBI agents have a role in this book, though I wish the roles were larger. The characters, especially Sarah Burke, have a lot of potential, and I hope we see them again in future Warrior stories.

I have read all 7 novels in the series; I think the experience is better when they are read in order. That being said, I do think Hunting You does well as a stand alone as most of the pertinent backstory is provided for the reader. I recommend Hunting You to those who want a fast read with fabulous action scenes, colorful bad guys, and a stoic hero.
beta-read british ebooks ...more12 s Jean802 20

Sometimes men are hunters. Sometimes they are hunted. If Zeb Carter, Ty Patterson’s black ops specialist, is involved, Zeb is the hammer, and his quarry is the nail. He is the windshield; his prey, the bug.

In Hunting You, Patterson’s seventh Warriors series action thriller, Zeb Carter spends tons of time being hunted, but as Warrior fans know, Carter is ghost. He can hide in the open and suddenly surprise his enemies, making them his mark.

When an old military buddy and his family are slashed to death in their home, Zeb wants to know why. He also wants to know who is responsible, and he wants to hunt them down. He turns to the FBI. Agents Burke and Kowalski, who are investigating these murders as well as another heinous murder that is possibly related. The director tells them cooperate with Carter, not the other way around, and they wonder, who the heck is this guy?

Much of the story is narrative pertaining to Big G, who is in prison, and his gang. These are some nasty dudes. I’ll say one thing for Patterson – he writes bad guys really well. Diesel, Boiler, Lambo, Knuckles, Jiggy, Bosco – these are creative names! For much of the book, what is not a blow-by-blow report of Zeb’s or gang activity involves short bursts of dialogue among hoods. Zeb, when he’s part of the “conversation,” adds little, as he is a man of few words.

There is action, of course. This is Ty Patterson’s forte, but in this book, I found a number of instances where the descriptions were either confusing or lackluster. Aside from some trademark clever moves by Zeb, the middle portion of the book had a somniferous effect on me. Where were the rest of the Warriors? I Zeb, but for 70 percent of the book, it was almost all Zeb and the gangs, which for me, was not enough.

I did his secondary characters. Jenny Wade and her daughter Olivia “Livy,” who are Zeb’s neighbors in the small town of Milton Mills, touch the gentler side of Zeb. In fact, there were two or three junctures where I thought that Zeb might open up and let himself have those feelings, but that’s not who Zeb Carter is, at least not yet. What Zeb does best is analyze, anticipate, and act. He s his friends, but he prefers to go it alone.

That, in my opinion, makes Hunting You a rather one-dimensional tale. In many of the previous Warrior adventures, there was a cast of wonderful cohorts. Bwana, Roger, Chloe, Broker, and the twins are fabulous characters who add lively banter and chatter to the entertaining action. The crew appears about three-fourths of the way through the book, which I felt was far too late. There are some great scenes once these folks show up, but they are under-utilized in this undertaking. Yes, Zeb is clever, resourceful, and macho – almost superhuman – but Zeb alone is not enough to make Hunting You as exciting as it could be.

My thanks to Mr. Ty Patterson for providing me with the opportunity to be one of his beta readers for Hunting You and for five of his earlier Warriors books.

3 stars.

11 s Toni Osborne1,470 46

Book 7, in the Warriors series

Mr. Patterson has done it again… This latest suspense action thriller has managed to exhaust me with never ending action. In fact “Hunting You” is a bit too intense for my taste. Oh yes, the drama is quite riveting but so far-fetched I wonder if the players will ever run out of steam so I could take a breather….ouf

The plot is a roller coaster ride from page one but the plotting is very confusing and lackluster. Although the players may give us thrilling times, they action jumps all over the place. Maybe the fault is in the presentation, it does not flow smoothly, within the chapters every move is bunched up together: missing is a pause or a better pacing between sub-plots. The narration is simple and clear but the dialogue is rather choppy with burst of words here and there.

Now that I stated with my beef, for the good parts: great characterization Jeb Carter, the protagonist, is a stoic hero and super operative, his crew is as deadly as dynamite and as diversified as one can imagine. The bad guys are badasses and are lethal weapons ready to act at any cost. Of course the action is Mr. Patterson’s forte as in all the books Zeb makes clever moves and of course the action is ongoing from start to finish.

“Hunting You” is not my favourite it is nevertheless a good addition to a wonderful series
1 Ellen White7,572 43

Big G ruling inside and out of prison and wanted the millions stolen from him. He ordered, the gunmen had the wrong people, Hank’s last words were Zebadah Carter, a military buddy, a man Hank knew would get them, for taking his family’s lives. Sarah.Burke had an impressive background and was heading this case all Zeb wanted was to meet her, she thought he would interfer with the case he didn’t. An interesting closer of how a bar with Pike running it and a neighbor Jenny, with her little girl Olivia brought an end and an end to Big G. With words to Hank to say hi to his wife and son. Jean373

This time Zeb is on home soil. Poor Zeb, people are out to get him, this time at his home town. Someone killed a friend of his and he wants to know who and why. This one makes Zeb to be even more of a loaner, cold, sad, capable of doing what he does and probably the only thing he would be good at. Does not play well with others, comes to mind. He shows up then disappears, he doesn’t smile, doesn’t talk, doesn’t ask for help. Sad man. 2021 Richard302 3

Zeb is a hero

This book has a great start explaining Zeb in Syria. The buildup was a lot more that the rest of the book. The rest was good, but I expected more after the work he did in Syria. The rest was Zeb just doing and hoping for the best at times. The author did a good job of explaining the characters and the development of the book made you guess to stay a head of author. It was an enjoyable book to read Graham Tallents255

Another absolute thriller in the Warriors series. They just keep getting better. Master criminals, assassins, street gangs, suspense and non-stop action. Zeb Carter is Jack Reacher on steroids. When an FBI agent asks Zeb if they are on the same side. Zeb replies "Not really, you catch them and put them away, I put them in the ground". A really good read. Gail Mchugh458 5

Hank Parker and his family broke my heart. I am so glad Zeb is human enough to give some payback. I love the somewhat human characteristics Mr. Patterson has given Werner. Again a great read. Keep 'em comin' Mr. Patterson. Kate19

Good stuff!

Fast-paced and entertaining read. I will look for more books from this author, particularly this series. I will start at the beginning. Thanks for the entertao! Barbara Scrivner3


An exciting read, easy to follow characters with a climax that makes je look forward to the next book in this series. Donadee's Corner2,081 53

What if Don't Know isn't an option?

Armed intruders burst into Hank Parker's home and ask him a question. Tell a lie and watch your family die, they tell him. Hank is ready to spill; problem is he doesn't know the answer.

Hank Parker is dining with his family when the intruders burst into his home. They are armed. They are seeking answers. Hank Parker has faced down terrorists and armed insurgents. He has been to various hotspots in the world, has come out unharmed, and has built a good life for himself and his family. The intruders are the most dangerous threat he has ever faced. The lives of Hank's family depend on his answering the questions. What if he doesn't know the answers? What if Don't Know isn't an option?

U.S. Special Forces Operative Zeb Carter is back in this pulse-pounding action, adventure thriller that will engross fans of Jack Reacher, Will Robie, Mitch Rapp, and Scot Harvath.

Now for this book! The first thing that I about this series is family feeling that I get when I read and the relationships that have been built among the team. The way that they care for each other and the loving way that they work together even with the business that they are in and including Clare! I have read every book in the series and I look forward to the toys that the author comes up with, they are fascinating an even though some of them are way out there to some of us, they totally fit with the story line...

What did I ? I guess this being the 7th in the series and your reading this now, you have figured out that is an awesome series and the lead character Zeb Carter has some amazing moves and will take on just about anything out there. Zeb has helped so many people that I have lost count of the ones that owe him (big time) and keep popping up in the story lines. He carries this affinity a warm coat and keeps it so close to him at all times. He also has a secret that resides inside of him that protects him and gives him the ability to do the things that he does. But besides those things he carries the infinite love for his wife and son that allows him to be the man that he is.

What will you ? Besides the above you’re going to love the adventures that keep this series going and keeps you reading there is no tomorrow. The toys, the characters, the bad guys and the team make this series and this author had developed them into the best crime action thriller series out there. This one is really personal for Zeb, they killed a man whom he was in the army with and whom he thought a lot. That was bad enough for Zeb, but they also killed the man’s family, including the children, while the man watched. This fact brings back some horrific memories for Zeb—memories that have only been hinted at in some of the other books and even more so in this book. The author has grown so much since the first book to the remarkable ones to date. I have been a beta reader with him from the beginning, have loved each and every one and look forward to the next one. And now on to the next one, Zero!

Books in the bestselling Warriors Series of action and suspense thrillers:

The Warrior, Book one
The Reluctant Warrior, Book two
The Warrior Code, Book three
The Warrior's Debt, Book four
Warriors Series Boxset I - Books 1-4
Flay, Book five
Behind You, Book six
Hunting You, book seven
Warriors Series Boxset II - Books 5-7
Zero, Book eight
Donna Hatridge520 34

This book opens with Hank Parker having dinner with his family when 3 intruders break in and start asking him where the money is. After killing his wife and children they ask him one more time, Who has the money? His last words are: "Zebadiah Carter has the money". If you have been reading this series you know from that point until the end, the action will be at a constant non stop pace. If you haven't been following the series the one thing you need to know is when Zeb Carter takes something personal he will go hunting, he will find you! Oh and you are gonna want to read the first 6 books in this series. I had a hard time putting the book down. We do get to see Broker, the twins, the whole group make appearances as the story unfolds.
This author is impressive, the book has it's share of violence ( gangs and trained killers) but at the end I noticed little to no foul language or sex. He tells a story with all the action so you don't need all the language or sex to know how tough, mean or vile the characters are.
I look forward to the next book in this series, and hope in the future we get to see more of Olivia as she gets older.

I did receive this book in exchange for a honest review. That said I have also bought this series of books. Roger4,591 17 Read

Ok, I read this book in a matter of hours, yeah, it is that good! I'm a character reader, I get into the characters, their story, who/what they are. The author does an amazing job of painting the primary character quickly & thoroughly, all the significant characters in his writing are developed similarly. This book is in all senses of the word, a thriller, opening with Hank Parker having dinner with his family when 3 intruders break in and start asking him where the money is. After killing his wife and children they ask him one more time, who has the money? His last words are: "Zebadiah Carter has the money". That’s it, no spoilers from me though I can see more about these characters in the future.
Jim A1,267 72

While this novel will certainly not win any awards it is a very quick and entertaining read.

With his dying breath Hank Parker answers the killers question about who has the money. Zeb Carter. Not that Carter has the money, but Parker knows that he will avenge the death of Parker's family. And we are now off on an exciting E Ticket ride.

Patterson writes his bad guys to be very bad people. So much so that the reader almost cheers as Carter knocks them off. There are a lot of leaps of faith in this book, but I read Patterson for entertainment, not credulity.

Sit yourself down in your favorite reading chair, strap in and go for a great ride. Tim233 8

I love this series of books and always look forward to their release. Fast paced, exciting and something easy you can relax into and read without having to think. This one doesn't disappoint either. At the action scenes I couldn't read the words fast enough to find out what happens.

The storyline develops the main character, Zeb Carter, further and I look forward to more flashes back to his past in future books.

My only very minor criticism was that I thought it was a shame some of the other characters (Zeb's team) were missing from the book as I think they do add quite a lot to the story.

Thanks to the author for giving me a free copy of the book in return for an honest review.favourites Doreen116

I really, really enjoyed the Warrior series and this book is no exception. The writer does a GREAT job with the characters and the plot. As a reader, I feel as if I have a personal bond with all the Warrior team especially the protagonist, Zeb Carter. Action is non-stop and fast paced and you know that if Zeb Carter takes something personal, he will hunt you down and get even. I had some trepidation when I thought Zeb was planning on fighting Boiler and his gangsters all alone, and was relieved when the rest of his team got word from Werner and dived right in to help.

JOB WELL DONE, AGAIN Mr. Patterson. Cant wait to start reading book 8. Kathi Defranc1,183 479

This is Definitely one of my favorite series,I can not stop reading until the end,no matter which book I read! I have enjoyed this amazing adventure since the first Warrior book and the pages continue to fly with each new installment. The action and wonderful characters in this book are very entertaining,there is never a dull moment,and you find yourself drawn into the pages,as if you are experiencing the the whole story in real life. I enjoy the author's writing style very much, the characters feel friends,and I am excited to see them continue their journey. Debbie486 1 follower

Mistaken Identity

An Army buddy of Zeb's is murdered along with his wife and two children. They were murdered during a home invasion by men looking for thirty million dollars taken from a big time gang leader, Big G. Big G is in prison but still controls the gang. And he sends his men out to find the man and his wife who stole his money. Excellent page-turning action. Read this one in a day. Debbie Mcnally961 1 follower

Hunting You by Ty Patterson. A very good book that has just been released and the price is less than a dollar grab it now. Ty Patterson has another best seller. You will not be able to put this book down. Zeb takes on Gangs and wins hands down. The action starts in the first chapter and doesn't stop till the last page. Dave EdlundAuthor 15 books108

I’ve read all of the Warrior Series, and HUNTING YOU is the best. Zeb Carter brings out his A-game as he works to solve the puzzling murder of an old friend. Ty Patterson is at the top of his craft with superb writing and a plot that will have you turning page after page. Put the coffee on—once you start reading, you won’t want to stop! Lucy Pearson19 1 follower

Lucy Pearson

Another great story in the warrior series. Zeb is back again to fight injustice when a friend and his family are murdered. This book has a lot of twists and turns that hold your interest until the book is done. Then you are sorry that you have reached the end. That is when you know you will re-read it. Mary105 5

A great action book. I was hooked on this book after the first chapter and had to make myself put it down and go to sleep two nights in a row. I highly recommend this book. I'm going to get the other books in this series.action-thrillers Chester J.313 9

One of the best

Great action thriller with a believable plot that never got stale. It had all the attributes with clearly defined good guys and bad guys. Everyone loves a super hero and Matt Thorn came close. RadioFlyerTX34

Excellent story line

Had the editing been better, this whole series of books would have gotten the full five stars. Great storyline and good follow through. Even with the poor editing, I will buy the next book. Dave738 7

I enjoy the warrior series for it's action, tight writing and interesting characters. Hunting You is another great read that you won't want to put down until you are done. I sure didn't.
I buy the next book by Ty as quickly as it's available. Edith12

Great read

Zeb did it again! Explosive and fast paced. Loved it! I couldnt put this book down. Cant wait for the next one! John101 2

I love these books! Mike609 4

Once again, the author delivers! Michele bookloverforever8,163 39

costly and deadly mistake made....by the really bad guys. now Carter is on the hunt.mystery-series spy-thriller Jim731 2

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