
LastRock de Tucker, Phil

de Tucker, Phil - Género: English
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Tucker, Phil Year: 2024

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NAME: Scorio, once known as The Scourer, Lord of Nagaran, Master of the Black Tower, The Bringer of Ash and Darkness, the Shadow of Spurn Harbor, the Abhorred, Quencher of Hope and Unmaker of Joy.

Department of Progression Fantasy

CRIME: Exceeds Expectations!
STANDARDS: Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry.

REWARD!!!: I Highly recommend reading his trials and tribulations in the amazing and spectacularly envisioned world within The Immortal Great Souls trilogy.favorites-fantasy favorites-litrpg favorites-of-all-time ...more51 s8 comments Graeme RodaughanAuthor 9 books388

Fiend Imbroglio! Great Soul Enemy or Great Soul Ally! "Well, I put my trust in a single Great Soul, Scorio, to be precise, and so far I haven't been disappointed. But we'll have to see how this plays out. We've never been able to trust a Great Soul before. For all of our history they have been our oppressors!" - Xandera - The Fiend Folio

Brilliant. This series is just so much fun.

If you haven't started reading it yet ... what's stopping you?!

One nit: the cover falls a little flat for me ... I always picture Naomi's 'Nightmare Lady,' form as a variant on the alien queen from Aliens.

Which would be a helluva lot scarier - just Naomi's 'Nightmare Lady,' form. My goodness, is she an ominous figure I'm enormously invested in finding out what happens to her.

Strongly Recommended, 5 'Time to Level Up,' starsepic-fantasy20 s PunkHazard79 4

Amazing Amazing Book! Easy 5/5 Book and automatic front runner for my book of the Year. I’ve read some really good books so far this year but there’s just something about Bastion that will always touch my heart. Immortal Great Souls and Dungeon Crawler Carl are both my favorite series full stop. Hell they are up there with One Piece as my favorite series in any medium. So yes I had no doubt that this book was going to be amazing. Instead of breaking it up I normally do in my I just want to list all the things I loved about the book

* First I want to say just how much I miss and love actually reading and being in this story. Every page, every sentence, every piece of dialogue, every epic scene and tense moment. It just profoundly brings me a sense of joy and piece that no other book can do.

* Scorio is still my guy. I loved being with him and his adventures. Getting to know him more, seeing him navigate hell and interact with all the different great souls and fiends. I said this before but I support any and everything he does

* He’s a freaking Dragon!! That’s cool as shit! The new powers and awe inspiring feats he shows in this book blows my freaking mind!

* Incidentally I love characters that can transform into dragons in any story. It’s always super cool. Zach Bell, Sengoku Youko, and Fire Force all have characters with dragon powers and they are typically my favorite characters. Just more proof that Phil Tucker writes books just for me.

* Naomi was fascinating this book. And not just because of the end. She slowly started to bother me a bit, her overly negativity and combative nature started showing me the cracks in her character. Normally less is more for that type of character for me. But it served a purpose and came to a head and ultimately I think her arc was well executed.

* Scorio and Naomi’s romance was adorable. I didn’t see it coming and did not expect for Phil to take their relationship to that level. But I was happy to see them happy for those moments and I weirdly a good sex scene in a book between characters I love.

* The villains in this book are some of my favorites. The Iron tyrant and the blood Ox were fun foils to Scorio. The fight against the Iron tyrant was my favorite fight in the book (among a lot of good ones). Cool powers and you really got a good sense of the progression of Scorio and the stakes. Plus we got to see a dragon bite a guys leg off before having his face melted. Where else do you get that?

* I always it when our heroes (in any story) has to deal with a threat that they have no way of defeating or even fighting. It takes the tension up through the roof. The Blood Ox was a good addition in that sense. Though I’m upset that he died off screen. I would have loved to see 2 imparotors face and kill him. I was really hoping to see that fight.

* Alain, Plassus and Xandera are the obvious stand outs in this book. All amazing additions to the cast and you truly grew to love each one by just their natural charisma and charm. Man I was hoping Alain would stick around for awhile. I did not see his death coming

* Leonis’s switch was weird and felt out of nowhere. There weren’t any hints of that up until right before Scorio’s fight with Plassus. I also think his and Lianshi’s breakup was kind of sudden. I am happy she’ll be joining us into the next book though(I don’t expect that to last)

* Hell is as batshit insane as its ever been. We got a lot more fiend action this time around. Got to see the strange anatomies and powers of the denizens of hell. They are as fearsome as advertised. the book said, itt makes sense why the Great souls haven’t won yet. My favorite outside of Xandera was probably the Nethercoils just cause they were the most fun to imagine.

* We got to ride through Lava, birth an egg who is the same person as the one who layed the egg, go through a time loop training, and see the aftermath of a mountain size creature’s bones. Hell is truly a wonder.

* I’ve talked at length about the magic system before so I won’t go into all the things I love about it but suffice it to say the battles and war we got to see in this book was crazy as hell. So many powers against so much carnage and craziness really brought the creativity of the abilities to light.

* The abilities are crazy creative as always and I’m again left in awe of how Phil thinks of so many weird and wonderful powers. My favorites introduced in this book was the ability to create burning staffs that increase as you defeat enemies, Plassus’s power had a cool aesthetic to it(especially during the war with hundreds of fiends surrounding him as he walked), The living tornado guy and the black sun that warps fiends. All super fun

* The intrigue was on full effect in this book, the herdsman stuff has got me pumped to see how that unfolds. Knowing they have a Imperator on their side ups the tension crazy. Sarana will probably be the first one Scorio kills in the future. The other arch spire and the moving fortress leads me to believe these guys know a lot about hell and once we get in tuned with them a lot of stuff will be made clear. I can’t wait.

* The archmagus is also a fascinating inclusion into this equation as well. Even the fact that Blood Ox wants to kill him rasinses more questions then it answers. Namely is he even still alive? And if the Archmagus is so powerful to go throughout time to confidently collect all these heroes then why did he need the great souls to begin with. Something tells me the Arch magus is the final villain of the story and I can’t wait!This entire review has been hidden because of spoilers.Show full reviewbest-of-20248 s1 comment Edozack959

Third book in the Bastion universe and third success as far as I'm concerned.
I literally devoured it in 3 days and I can safely say that it will remain in the top 10 of books read in 2024.
Without giving spoilers, I can say that in this third book we will focus much more on the figures of the fiends, on the diversity of these creatures, their dangerousness but also how perhaps not all of them are monstrous (Nox is an example).
It remains one of Scorio's greatest strengths, his anger, his strength and his desire to find out more about these Herdsman. As a character we see him evolve not only in simple strength but also in more mental aspects.
Finally, perhaps what made me enjoy this book most of all are the action scenes, masterfully described and which catapult you from one battle to another.2 s Benjamin Raible1 review

A bit of a step down from the last books. Especially his healed heart is problematic. Now to create competition Characters pop out left and right whose abilities match or sometimes simply outclass our main character. Then their hearts guter because of a lack of mana in the right moment which feels pretty unsatisfying. The book often says as a joke that the mc mostly wins by luck but its very true when you think about it. So I’d say either let him loose and grow ( in the second novel) or give him the abilities justifying his victories.2 s Chip860 52

3.5 stars. Dragged on a little bit, somewhat typical of middle book problems - and I was admittedly disappointed to learn this is not the final book of the trilogy (i.e., series isn’t a trilogy). Very little in the way of plot development / secrets revealed … hopefully the next (final?) book will be meatier.fantasy2 s Adam9

I mean, this series is just too good. I remember reading book two and not putting it down, even if it meant I could not review for finals lmao. The pacing is amazing, and fantastic new characters added extra oomph to the story * insert Alain appreciation here. Hope to see you in the next book*

Excited to see we’re delving deeper into Naomi’s character. If the is one gripe that I have, I wish to have seen more Jova or Leonis. Maybe the next book.

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