
Pretty Shade of Grey de Truax A.D.

de Truax A.D. - Género: English
libro gratis Pretty Shade of Grey


Truax A.D.

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This is a free online story (and I'm glad I didn't find it until it was basically complete as waiting would have been tough!) The author says there will be an epilogue someday, but it isn't necessary to enjoy this very engaging story of two young college guys finding the one person who is their complement and their match in mind, then in spirit, and finally in body and heart. A wonderful out-for-you story with a very, very slow burn. One MC is wheelchair-bound but there is a very nice balance between matter-of-fact limitations and angst here. The sex is limited (although the tension is hot) and this would be a good read for older teens as well as adults. Told in alternating first person, this story has two very well-rounded main characters, some fun, some sweetness, some low-key angst and a HFN ending. Highly recommended.

EDIT: The epilogue is now there, and completes the story with a few pages of HFN - lovely but just a last layer on the wonderful heart of the story that comes before it.favorites m-m25 s Ami5,982 491

4.25 stars

I was pretty lucky that I found the story when it was 99.5% complete, and after I was done reading it, a couple of days later, the last chapter, the epilogue was up. So I got to read the complete story now. See, I'm not patient enough for WIPs, especially if the WIP is this one; took 8-years to complete! It would be a torture for me!

One fact, I read this after such a catastrophe with the last m/f urban fantasy I read (I gave that one 1.5-star, and I don't usually rate books below 2 stars!!). I was still pissed off, my anger was still raw. I decided to look for a free story that seemed to garner positive from my friends. "Hey, at least I didn't have to pay", I thought.

And I was charmed. I just LOVED, LOVED, LOVED this story so much. I loved how the two main characters were opposites attract; and how their voice was distinct throughout (this story was written from both the MCs' first-person perspectives, by alternating chapter). I couldn't even pick whose voice I loved the most. Vaan was eccentric and such a tour de force while Saul was calmer and took Vaan's attitude in stride. I loved how they were so, SO good together, that they complemented one another. I loved how the story started with friendship (instead of lust). It was more of a coming-of-age story rather than romance.

The secondary characters were excellent and I appreciated the lack of angst or over-the-top drama. Even if Saul was wheelbound and Vaan had issues with his parents (classic case of rich-busy-not-understanding parents), but the author never used it to exploit angst or heavy emotions from the readers. Having said that, there were still sweet and tender moments, when Saul opened up to Vaan about his accident and his-ex, or when Vaan seemed so happy because Saul wanted to come to his play.

The only niggle I had, which stopped this from being a perfect-5-stars story, was that I wasn't completely satisfied with some of the issues -- especially since none of the boys have told their parents yet and it seemed Vaan's parents, his Dad, especially, would be a trouble. So I don't know, there wasn't enough HEA for me, even with the epilogue.

Still, it was a marvelous story. And it was generously free....4-stars-and-more-but-less-than-4-5 mm-contemporary mm-free ...more18 s Mandy*reads obsessively* 2,202 330

This free online story came up in my feed, and I am so glad it did.
Oh..I don't even know where to start, I guess, I'll start with the obvious. It was a WIP for a long time, so it's not edited properly ( but still it's much better than some 'published and polished' books I've read).
It's long, again, probably since its never been edited, but despite the length I read it straight through and stayed up way past my bedtime. People. I don't do that, I go to bed on time, yet here I'm up until almost 2 am reading.
It didn't feel long or repetitive, it held my attention and interest all the way through.

This is about Saul, a freshman at college, a music major and he's in a wheelchair and he's a good looking, and more importantly good guy. I'm not going to give away his story, read it yourself. :)
Then there is Vaan, he's a junior and he's not in a wheelchair, but has his own issues, which I actually would have loved to know more about.
It's a true friends to lovers story, Vaan is a funny and actually pretty brilliant guy and Saul is finding his way in his 'new life'. Vaan is amazing and great with and for Saul and OMG the scene with the sculpture. LOVED THAT!

This book reminded me a little bit of Love Lessons, not the story itself, but the feel of it, these two guys found exactly who they needed at exactly the right time in their life. There are friends who play a role in the story, but no drama and more importantly no evil females.
My only 'complaint' is that this book takes place over one school year, so although the ending is satisfying I would have loved more, a quick look down the road, so to speak.
But seriously, it's free and cute, romantic and sweet, and I really am glad I read their story. If it is ever P2P, I'll be the first in line to buy it!
bad-dad coming-out family-drama ...more12 s Natalie388

This five-star rating is purely emotional. The story is a little too long and a little too slow, but it made me so darn happy. I loved these characters and the way their friendship unfolded. I loved how their interactions felt natural, and how by the time their relationship turned romantic, I was completely invested in it. For once, an alternating first-person POV didn't distract me, because Vaan and Saul had two distinct voices. Free and highly recommended.college coming-of-age disability-injury-illness ...more11 s Jenn423 226

So, I"m in the minority again. It wasn't that there wasn't a plot or the writing was poor. This book had plenty of plot, sex off page, and the writing was fine. I don't know. I just never grew to Vaan, ever. That and there just seemed to be something missing besides that that made me bored.free-fiction m-m6 s A268 2

I'm obsessed with this book and it's definitely going on my favorites list. I'm just so damn glad that I found it after this WIP was pretty much complete. We're just working on a short epilogue, but apparently the author's been at it for 8 years, and if I'd had to wait that long for this story, I might have quite literally died.

This story is about Vaan and Saul, who meet each other at college and become the best of friends. Saul is in a wheelchair since he became paralyzed from the waist down in an accident. They quickly find that they're each other's soul mate. They're also both straight, but their relationship becomes slightly more physical as time goes on. This is really a story about friendship, and how the relationship between these two individuals basically saves both of them.

I'm sure some would have something to say about the whole straight guy or are they? or the gay for you trope. I am one of those people who thinks that something this can happen. No matter how you feel about it, though, this story is hilarious and touching and romantic and will lift your spirits. The dialogue is some of the best I've read -- consistently laugh out loud funny. I loved this book. I'd marry it if I could, but that's not legal yet.favorites5 s Arthur783 93

4.25 star

Nice story, but sometimes it shows that it's a serial (I read it after it's finished, so it's a novel). Around 75% into the story, I felt as if the author started to wonder how she's gonna end the story.

On the one hand, it's good since it preserves the pace of the whole story (by not cramming everything in the last chapter or two, some novels do); on the other hand, it's unsatisfying as the story ends because their semester ends. Not because they reach an important phase of their relationship. As a result, Ami's review mentions, there are many unresolved issues.

I was hoping for a sequel about their lives in college until they both graduate, but it took 9 years for the author to tell one year in story (Saul's freshman year). So, I might have to wait for 27 years (until 2040) to see it!5 s NicAuthor 42 books357

This wonderful story is free online fiction.
The main characters are Vaan ("Pronounced just "Vaughn", except without all the extra fancy g's and h's and other shit people tack on to nearly every word of the English language.") with his purple hair and piercings who says it it is and Saul, wheelchair-bound and just starting college.
With one meeting a friendship blossoms between these two young men, Vaan later declaring them "platonic soul-mates".
Told in alternating POVs, this story is full of humour and honesty as Vaan and Saul gradually come to realise their feelings go beyond more than friendship.
4.5 stars.free free-online-fiction mm5 s SueM777 144

Written over the course of 8 years, I'm glad that I managed to stumble across it after it was complete (must have amazingly frustrating for those who stayed with the story from start to finish!). Naturally, given the writing time frame, there are a few continuity errors (Vaan's hair reverted to an old color in the second last chapter; had passed April yet it was three months to June; Saul's age is unclear), but they are are a mere blip on the radar compared to the overall impact, depth, humour and humanity of the story.

Saul and Vaan, are not your average college students; both stand out in a crowd, but for very different reasons. At first glance, it would seem that they would have nothing in common other than their "uniqueness." Yet when they meet, something clicks for each of them, with a rather unexpected friendship developing quickly between them. The friendship makes for some lively, nerdy/geeky banter that made me grin in appreciation, and for some wonderfully warm feel-good moments - one of which made me laugh out loud at the end of it (sprinklers and Fido - 'nuff said!).

As expected, given the nature of the genre, the friendship does turn to romance, but fear not, it never turns "mushy." The difficulties they face are met with dignity and laughter, but it is the kind of laughter that, when shared, lightens their burdens. Perhaps my only quibble is that it ends more as a HFN story, but with the hope of a HEA. There are one or two minor threads left open, and I can only hope that one day, the author will re-open this relationship, tidy those few threads, and really give this couple the HEA they deserve. disability flag-downloader free-online-fiction ...more3 s pbj222 7

I'm kind of torn about how to rate this free read. There are things I absolutely loved about Pretty Shade of Grey, the characters are lively and colorful and the college setting is very well written.
This story was apparently written over an eight year period. I was lucky to find it when it was complete, but I felt a choppiness that pulled me out of the story. It suffers a bit from "oops, I forgot about this, I'll just stick it in over here - author-itis". For characters who have such an immediate connection and whose friends comment on their 'soul-mate' understanding of each other, I just find it strange that Saul doesn't know what Vaan's major is (he's an actor), that Vaan doesn't know where Saul lives - until well into the book. Also, what is it with all of the "__ shade of grey" titles these days? Was this always named this, because I couldn't find any reference to what it means in the story...

I was struck by something that Saul says to Vaan -
"You're a rebel," I said, and Vaan stuck out his tongue.
"I am a free fucking spirit," he said

In the book, Saul agrees with Vaan, but I think his first instinct is correct. Vaan is in classic rebel mode - rebelling against his family, against authority, and against standard social expectations. Saul is in a very different place in his life. He is rebuilding and rediscovering what his life can be now that he is wheelchair bound after being hit by a car.

More a 'bromance' than a 'romance', this has a sweet but shaky HFN.2013 college disability ...more3 s Jennifer BernardAuthor 1 book34

I personally feel this is one of the best written novels (or yet-to-be-published) novels out there.
I've never actually read a story where one of the main characters is crippled and in a wheel chair.
The Characters of Saul(forever crippled) and his senior in college Vaan (spelled without all the extra letters u,g & h)are beautifully brought out.
The story pretty much revolves around Vaan, who is a 3rd year Theatre student and Saul, a fresher from South Africa.
Saul is crippled and in a wheel chair from an accident and Vaan has issues(according to his parents) and two meet at the psychiatrist's and the two bond immediately.
The craziness of Vaan's keeps Saul grounded and from going crazy.
There are also the side characters - Kara, Sloane, AJ, Alice and Todd along with a few others, who are basically college mates and add depth to the story.
The sex was a bit underrated here, but for a guy in a wheel chair it's pretty good :P
People have been waiting for this story to be finished for nearly eight years and i guess i was luck enough to pick it up when it was fully done :)

It was a very good read and people, pick it up and try it :) i'm sure you won't be disappointed if you're looking for a story with a lot of wit, sarcasm, humour, whole lot of craziness and a lot of heart :)
m-m-teenagers-romance-humour3 s Nadine474 14

Boy,this was freakin' LONG o_O (and the only reason I'm actually counting this for my reading goal. Usually I only add 100+ pages. I think this one would have more than 100 pages as an actual book ^^). And I mean too long. The characters are great,the whole set-up is great,I ADORED the friendship between Vaan and Saul (between them and other secondary characters Sloane or Todd as well) and how it became more later but it just took ages for them to get there. Don't get me wrong,I love friends to lovers stories and I love to read how it happens but here the descriptions of the stuff Vaan and Saul get into are too much. Hanging out here,talking about this there...it was often the same thing over and over again without adding anything new to their relationship,you know?
If it had been a bit shorter and more to the point,this had been a 5 stars read for me. Still,I enjoyed it and definitely don't regret reading this :) (thanks for the rec Ami!)3 s E415 132

Oh. M. G. Can I just say how much I loved this? Typos and continuity errors notwithstanding, I LOVED everything about Saul and Vaan and I'm pretty sure I need a Vaan in my life as a bff. A lot of times it's hard for an author to come up with such strong and distinct characters but every voice in this book was well done. They all made me smile a lot but Saul and Vaan made me smile fondly and laugh often. Sidebar: Whaattt?!? It took 8 years to write this? It totally doesn't seem it.

I always marvel at how an author can leave something so good out there for us to read for free... It's finding an awesome gift amongst a lot of crap. So thank you, A.D. Truax, for the present. I'm going hunting now... Maybe I'll find even more.college-life coming-of-age feel-good-read ...more3 s Debbie128 47

Endearing, hilarious, touching and oh so completely pitch perfect this story is almost too good to be true. I loved reading about Vaan and Saul, and their bromance relationship that slowly morphed into something else. Vaan is one of the most fun characters I have ever read, and he and Saul are perfect for each other.

One chapter and epilogue to go, but no worries - this story is relatively low on the angst scale.

So, so worth reading and so damn good. This will be one that I read again and again. And it is FREE!absolute-favorites free taste-the-rainbow ...more3 s Anna D.506

I can’t believe this gem of a story is free and not published yet!!

What a refreshingly sweet story of two young men coming of age and discovering a place where they feel they belong and gaining strength, confidence, comfort, support, and love from each other. My biggest issue with YA/NA stories is that I never feel I get a HEA since they are so young it’s almost unbelievable that the MCs (especially in modern day setting) will live HEA and a HFN ending sometimes leaves me unsatisfied. In this case, these two still have A LOT of obstacles to overcome in their future (they haven’t even come out to anyone other than their group of college friends), but surprisingly the ending where Vaan declares that “This [their relationship] will last” and Saul quietly says “Yeah” made me believe their story has a HEA too.

The MCs balanced each other perfectly. Vaan being such a quirky, out-there, bouncing with energy guy and Saul’s straight-laced, quiet, responsible personality works so well in this relationship. The way [and how quickly] their friendship developed was so magical and natural that there was never any doubt a lifelong friendship was in the cards for them - therefore having that as their base makes a romantic, life-partnership that much more believable. Between Saul and Vaan, they still have so much growing up to do and untapped talent and knowledge to develop. With their positive attitude, work ethic, and each other I can’t see anything but a bright, challenging, and happy future ahead of them.

One last thing I want to mention that I found endearing and empowering in this book is Saul’s quiet inner strength to recover and move on with his life after his father’s death, his life altering accident, and the heartbreak that compounded his accident. It was really quite something to read how resilient his character is and how he didn’t let his disability handicap him further by stifling his spirit. I did reading about that one bad day where he holed himself up in his room, because we all have those and it showed that he was human and not superman because he is usually optimistic and constructive everyday – I loved his character so much! Both characters really, together. This book was such a treat! I’m glad the author didn’t give up on it and finally finished this 8 year work in progress story
beautiful-imperfections books-i-own favorites ...more2 s Tutu221 7

EDIT: As of now COMPLETE! Great original story 4.5 stars

Read all through chapter 11. Apparently only one chapter to go and the epilogue. I’m going to review it now, because not much could change my mind.

I really enjoyed this story and I read it with a big smile on my face.
The author created two adorable and very funny characters that grow on you the more you read. Both Vaan and Saul are really unique and constantly surprise you with their lack of clichés. Their relationship has a lot of time to develop and this gives it a feeling of rightness. Because they are so very right for each other that everybody can see it right from the start.

The truly great thing about this story was that they didn’t feel characters, they felt great people that could be your friends. And I mean all of them, not just the MCs. Sloane, Kara, Todd and all the gang were awesome and a plus for this story.

I never felt an urgency while reading the story, making me inhale it in one go, as I usually do with books I really get into, but this didn’t detract from the book. I could put it down, read something else for a while and return to it later and still get right into the story. This is not only funny, but smart funny which made it a very satisfying read.

I’m really looking forward to reading more from this author
disabilities free-unpublished-books2 s Spoon168

So... I couldn't read the first 5 Chapters because a turtle ate them. But, I don't think I even needed them. Despite the slight confusion when I started (because it's I jumped into a confetti filled snow-globe...), everything I missed was kind of sprinkled throughout the story.

I really enjoyed this. It definitely reads a 'slice of life' love popsicle. It's cute, super sweet, and I was gonna say something else but that would be inappropriate...

Saul is in this huge transition in his life and Vaan is this rebelling multicolored chihuahua on speed. It's really about this unbreakable bond these two are forming. And I loved every strange second of it. There's a lot of gaming, eating, classes, gaming, classes, eating, eating... More eating... But I loved getting to see the interactions between characters. Mainly Vaan and Saul, although it was nice they had other friends outside of their pairing.

Whenever they just 'got' each other and had this mutual understanding without even talking, I felt I had put a handful of jelly beans in my mouth (jelly beans are nomilicious and oh so sweet). The entire thing is so enjoyable I grinned and laughed non-stop while reading. Although, yeah, 'twas a bit long.

I wanted to read this author's other pieces but things are in revision and I'm scared because this took 8 years... So I think I'll refrain for now...2014 mm2 s Fangtasia565 45

Interesting characters, original story, pretty well written for an unedited original fic. College life rang true, and I loved the slow development of the relationship between Vaan and Saul. Secondary characters, particularly the closest friends, make sense and help the reader get a better feel for the MC's personality.

If you're wondering why a 3-star rating, after all of the positive stuff above? Well, let's just say Vaan and Saul's behavior, sex-wise, is beyond unbelievable. For guys that age, in their circumstances, there is not enough suspension of disbelief in the universe to make me accept their behavior as real. Just, no.

Thankfully, I downloaded the short story that the author wrote about them after finishing this story, Home Free. Now that is much better. Actually, it was the saving grace of Vaan and Saul's story. If I hadn't had that to read right after PSoG, my rating would have been much lower.

Still, if you want to read a sweet friends-to-lovers story, where one of the guys is disabled, enjoy. Just don't expect the guys to behave , you know, guys, or even most normal, warm-blooded human beings, when they finally take their relationship to the physical level. 2 s kasjo_peja459 4

The story was... nice and well written, but a bit simple. Two outsiders meet the first day in college and just click. They have a bromance for about 80% of the story and later nearly painlessly it turns into something more. No angst and no real drama (even the disability wasn't a cause for crying). To be fair I'm probably a bit jaded after reading the m/m romances for two years and now I need something special to catch my attention. Also, the story is clearly targeted to much younger, teen readers, who struggle with school, argue with parents and despair over their image - not look for the love of their life. Still, the lack of sex is a bit unnatural. Two nearly 20 year old guys, few months into relationship, just kissing and not even thinking about more - come on!
On the positive side, the story is really well written. Good dialogues, good characterization, good pace, nice humor. I give it 4 stars with clear conscience.

Important note: The story is listed as WIP, but the author declares it's 99.5% finished and we can only expect short epilogue with closure (some time in the future). For me it felt finished.collage-high-school disability-illness free-online ...more2 s Cindi1,618 84

3.5 stars

This is a nice friends-to-lovers story with a HFN ending. Even with a (very quick) epilogue thrown in at the end, I felt that there was so much left unfinished. I read on the author's site that there will be a sequel... eventually... but that a lot of folks won't be happy with where the story goes so I will say that I will end it with this one. Considering the amount of time it took to finish this story, I'm thinking that sequel won't be out anytime soon anyway so maybe I'll change my mind. I enjoyed this throughout with the exception of the unfinished things... important things. I would have d to have seen what happened after the two guys went home. Otherwise, a good read.2013 fanfiction free ...more2 s Jennifer42

This is one of those books that you hate to love. You get about 3/4 of the way through it and you almost want to put it down for a while to prolong it's imminent ending. I could have easily read another 500 pages and it still would have probably ended too soon.

I am absolutely in love with Vaan. He's the funniest, sweetest guy I've read about in quite while. I loved Saul, too, but mainly because of how much he loved Vaan.

There are some minor continuity issues, mainly, I think, because of the delay between more chapters. But honestly, I noticed them, but they didn't bother me at all because the story was so good.add-to-kindle college favorites ...more2 s Pamela Su1,168 30

An enjoyable rough draft of a college romance.

I loved the main characters in the story. They were very real and interesting characters. Vaan is a fascinating sort of person and a clear example of why we shouldn't judge people purely on superficial looks.

The development of Vaan and Saul's friendship that eventually turns to romance was nicely done and the transition was very subtle.

I'd love to see how this story is improved after proper editing.contemporary-romance m-m2 s Ely316


PLEASE, *PLEASE* finish this story. It DESERVES a beautiful ending and an epilogue of them together in 10 years.... I love so much and I got so many hugs to my feels from this, I just want more. Am I greedy? Perhaps. But I blame you, dear author, for being so fabulous.

Now..... FINISH IT.....

A brand new fan.2 s Da'ad1,724 59

That was a wonderful, feel-good read. There's still the epilogue to go, but I'll consider it read. Such depth of characters and plot and character development that you rarely if ever see in an amateur work. As good as a published book, this one. Better than most, in fact. I salute your talent, A. D.contemporary-time-period gay-romance2 s Carnell23

Loved it. Unfinished story and waiting desperately for the next chapter now.free-online m-m2 s Connie423 3

When love is stronger than any difference, disability, cliche and stereotype.
Vaan and Saul´s young love can conquer it all.boys-love-make-up free-reads humor ...more2 s Ro3,047 16

I so want to know who Todd had behind the tie! 2 s Sarah524 9

Very sweet enjoyable read. Not a lot of angst, but kept my attention the entire time.read-male-male2 s Straysod45 2

Holy mother of the gods. No wonder this has such a high rating. It is freaking fantastic. Seriously, unbelievably good. 5 stars does not do it justice. This is the second story I've read for free online that I would gladly pay to have a copy of. The writing noticeably gets better as the story goes on (as I understand it, it was written over a very long period of time) but it hooks you right from the start. Alternating first person POV is unusual and can be very hard to pull off, but this author does it and does it very very well.

I seriously started reading this on a whim, but damn, did I ever get into it. And thank the gods it was finished by the time I found it, because I pretty much would have died if I hadn't been able to read it straight through in one sitting. It doesn't have a lot of angst or plot twists or some great mystery to make you turn the pages, but you so quickly get so caught up in the MC's relationship that you just have to keep reading.

I had a tiny bit of hesitating when I first started reading. I wasn't really sure I would Vaan, simply because his tone of voice was a little bit off in the beginning. From the first couple paragraphs I was worried he would be a blunt jerk, instead of the straightforward sweetheart he turned out to be. But by the end of the first chapter, I was totally in love. Vaan and Saul are such distinct characters, with such vibrant beautiful personalities, I feel I've just made two new best friends, not read a book! They have distinct voices that are maintained throughout the story, and they just compliment each other so well. They are one of the cutest, adorable, most inspiring couples I've ever read about. They do require a tiny bit of suspension of disbelief: Vaan is just so very over-the-top. But that is part of what makes him so freaking awesome. If I knew people him in real life, maybe I wouldn't be quite so antisocial! (Seriously, it's a good thing Vaan doesn't exist in real life, because I would totally go full stalker-chick mode on him. He is the very definition of my perfect guy: goth/punk, intelligent, flamboyant, geeky, cute, sweet, dyed hair and piercings. *swoon*)

And the side characters just totally made my day. It wasn't necessarily the most realistic view of college life (or maybe it was, and my college and every student attending it just sucked) but it felt totally genuine. Vaan's friends made me laugh so freaking hard, and I totally loved them. Even with side characters, just such beautiful characterization! It is a completely character-driven story, and everyone is so vibrant, so adorable, and so real!

Ugh, this book just made me so happy. I loved the characters, I loved the slow burning romance, I loved the college setting, I loved the group of friends, I loved the massive number of pop-culture and geek references. I loved everything about this story, and everyone everywhere should go read it, right now. Ok, ok, that's not actually a helpful review type statment. How about this: if you m/m, college stories, coming of age stories, odd MC pairings, stories where one or both of the MCs are not in perfect physical shape, punk guys, piercings and dyed hair, or sweet slow-burning romances, this is absolutely the story for you.all-time-favorite college humor ...more1 Kitten Blue751 430

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