
The O'Roarke Affair de Tracy Grant

de Tracy Grant - Género: English
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In dazzling Regency London, married spies Malcolm and Mélanie Rannoch find their most challenging investigation may be uncovering the secrets of the cunning spymaster who shaped both their destinies.
Spymaster. Revolutionary. Master of disguise. Raoul O'Roarke remains an enigma even to those closest to him. By the age of three, Malcolm Rannoch knew enough of Raoul's life that he wondered if every goodbye would be their last. Thirty years later, Malcolm, now a spy himself, understands a great deal more, but in many ways Raoul is still a mystery. Malcolm's wife and fellow agent Mélanie has her own complicated relationship with Raoul, who was once her spymaster.
When a contact at a dockside tavern warns the Rannochs that powerful forces want Raoul dead, Malcolm and Mélanie are shaken to the core. They've barely had time to absorb the revelation when a nearby ship explodes. Rushing to help fight the ensuing fire, the Rannochs find the body of the powerful Duke of Bamford...

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It's been a number of years since Tracy Grant's beloved books featuring Charles and Melanie Fraser hit the scene. Since then other authors (Deanna Raybourn, Tasha Alexander) have picked up the slack with great historical mysteries that follow the romantic progress of the leads. What sets Ms. Grant apart is the very real feel sometimes that Charles and Melanie may not make it as a couple and that each new complication in their lives will be the final straw. That's both a good thing and a bad one.

Mask of Night picks up a couple months after the events of Daughter of the Game in which Charles learned a whole lot about Melanie's past - and her relationship with him - that came as an unwelcome surprise. So much so that it nearly ended their marriage. Now they have come to terms, somewhat, with their new, redefined marriage and are trying to recover the trust and intimacy they lost. That careful balance is made more precarious when the body of a man is found in a fountain at a masquerade ball. Murder is bad enough, especially when former intelligence officer, Charles is asked to investigate, but worse is that the victim is someone from Melanie's past and he's not the only one of her former cohorts who makes an appearance.

I that the Charles and Melanie are still negotiating the bounds of their relationship. The kinds of things that they have learned about each other are not ones that someone gets past easily. It makes sense and it adds depth to the mystery to have this complication. What got to feel a bit much to me was the fact that just about every other relationship in this book begins to also be challenged in this way. Certainly no couple's public persona matches their private ones, but it felt there was not one happy person in this book and that dragged me down a little. I could have used some balance myself.

That said, this is another solid historical mystery/romance from a very accomplished author. I look forward to reading the prequel, Vienna Waltz next.mystery romance3 s Kiki Z1,055 53

My library had every book in the series but this one so I finally caved and bought it (and pre-ordered the next novella. It's my birthday next week; I'll consider it a present). It's a good thing it was only $2.99. Huge parts of this book were later incorporated into London Gambit, The Duke's Gambit, and The Tavistock Plot, including entire conversations and sections. This book is a mixture of all three of them, except Julien St. Juste is murdered at the beginning of this one. I did the ending and it was a fairly interesting plot overall, but it's a tiny bit disappointing to have so much of it be familiar, even if the overall plot was a bit different. And, as always, I kind of miss Cordy and Harry. I do, however, always appreciate seeing more of Simon and David. I feel they need to be better incorporated into the series as a whole and not just when they're arguing.

(As always, the formatting/editing seems to miss a couple of mistakes.)1 Jack Vasen911 8

'"The good of the people is the chief law"-Cicero'

This is the third book chronologically about Charles and Melanie Fraser. There are several books about their alternate selves, Malcolm and Suzanne Rannoch, in a parallel universe that are chronologically before this book, or any of the Fraser books. The two couples are almost the same but there are some details in their histories that are different and perhaps even contradictory.

This book has much background in Beneath a Silent Moon and Secrets of a Lady. It can be read without them, but if so lacks some richness. There is a complete story, but there is a lose thread left open. I don't think TG has written anything to tie up that lose thread. It isn't the greatest loss, if not.

most books in the larger series, this is an excellent mystery and also a complex one with many characters who have friendship and family ties. There are several twists. It requires a bit of explanation at the end to understand all that was going on.

TG loves Shakespeare and other classics and finds parallels between her characters "real" lives and those of the classical ones. She also maintains historical accuracy while interweaving her fictional ones with ones that actually existed.

As I have done with almost all of TG's books, I shelved this as Romance but with the caveat that this isn't your typical Romance. In fact, this books fits the least into that category of the other books in the series. I leave it as Romance because there is still a great deal of relational interplay between Charles and Melanie while they try to define just what is the status of their marriage. There is also a secondary budding romance.

There really aren't any significant mature themes although there is a brief backstory reference to rape. Obviously there are murders and scenes with fighting.detective historical-fiction mystery ...more Constance Holden9

Will not read any more

While T. Grant is a skilled enough writer, her stories often have too many characters and drag on and on. The editing was very badly done. Almost all the characters are unpleasant. In this one the use of blasphemy and homosexual characters , which add nothing to the story, makes this an unpleasant read for me. I did not finish it and will not read any other book by her. Barbara 17

Frustrating, Irritating Disappointment

This is an alternate, dystopian version of a Rannoch book earlier in this series, leaving one to question why it’s even included in the series unless to suck money from unsuspecting readers. It’s poorly edited, proofread and with plenty of typos and grammatical errors leaving some of the flow of the content up to the reader. What is the purpose of this book in the Malcolm/Melanie series?! Christy B343 228

A great sequel to Secrets of a Lady, taking place at the beginning of 1820, a few months after the events of that novel ended.

Charles and Mélanie Fraser, one of the most fashionable couples in London, are a attending a masqued ball hosted by close friends. The party, however, soon ends when a dead man is found floating in a fountain, having been stabbed through the heart.

Charles and Mélanie, having only had a few months to recover from their own stressful ordeal, are asked to help and reluctantly agree. Charles soon finds out that Mélanie already knows who the dead man is, and Charles already knows he's not going to why.

The mystery has plenty of twists and turns, shady characters and lots of action. Everybody seems to be hiding something, and as the story goes on, the layers are peeled back and we finally learn the truth.

However, the most fascinating aspect of this story, for me, is the relationship between Charles and Mélanie. I can't say much for those who haven't read Secrets of a Lady, but let's just say their relationship is still on very shaky ground from the revelations found out in that novel. They're still feeling each other out. The fact that their relationship isn't perfect is one of the big reasons why I love these books.

Another winner from Tracy Grant!fiction historical-fiction mystery Paul BurnetteAuthor 1 book3

Charles and Melanie, not Malcolm and Suzanne . . .
are the heroes of this story. But sleuths, lovers, and parents by any other names would act the same. So it makes little difference, right? that these great characters have one name in one but another name in the next book. It helps that the events in this book, set in London and environs in 1820, is closely connected to events of 1809 that had been depicted or that happened ‘offstage” in previous installments of the Charles and Melanie saga that I have been following for the past few years. I look forward to the next example of Tracy/Teresa Grant’s considerable knowledge and excellent writing. I would have appreciated it, though, if this novel published in 2011, at least the Kindle version I downloaded a few weeks ago, had benefited from more careful editing for basic grammar, spelling and readability. “It some time since,” “he’s be staying at,” “he felt a sense comfort,” “the bright red child’s top the on the console,” are just a few examples among scores more far too numerous to list here. Obviously, Ms. Grant needs a more careful copy reader. But she does not need any improvement in her storytelling skill – Wow! What a wonderful set of characters she sets down around us in her drawing room. I’m going to continue filling my library with her books as fast as she can spin these stories out to us. Li1,039 32

It has been quite a while waiting for this book, and it was a pleasure to sink back into Tracy Grant's complex world of Regency intrigue.

I love how things were not always what they appear to be at first glance, and how Ms Grant peels away the layers of the various relationships in this book, each reveal providing a fresh take on things. Melanie and Charles' relationship remains rather complicated - the revelations in the previous books have put their marriage at risk, but they are both determined to work at it and learning to trust each other again. Painful, but potentially so rewarding.

I will say the sheer number of characters and the rather intricate political plotting lost me at times - possibly not helped by it being years since I've read the previous two books. But I have the latest book, Vienna Waltz, in my TBR pile, and am looking forward to reading more in Ms Grant's world.
historical mystery read-in-2011 Jennifer476 33

Fantastic follow up to Secrets of a Lady!

The events of this book take place a couple of months after the conclusion of Secrets of a Lady, and Charles and Mélanie have barely had time to catch their breath from that ordeal when they are asked to investigate a murder that took place at a masquerade ball. What follows is a fast paced and highly entertaining tale in which no one is what they seem to be and everyone has a secret.

My only qualm with this book is that it didn't have enough dialogue between Charles and Mélanie about their relationship to suit me. The rather complicated relationship between these two is my favorite part of the books so far.

While I know the author has written two prequel books to this series that take place before Secrets of a Lady and The Mask of Night and is planning another (I believe), but it is my sincerest wish that she continue to write books that take place after those two books as well.historical kindle mystery Mem Morman53 5

Lies within lies within lies. I'm a reader or historicals and regencies, and I felt that this novel did a good job with the era, but the further I read the more I was intrigued with the skill with which the author weaves her web of lies. The story is presented as the sequential happenings when the body of a man is discovered murdered in the fountain at a masquerade ball in late Regency London, and also as a series of flashbacks to things that happened to the characters earlier in their lives. You soon learned that you can trust any event that is actually described as happening as actually happening, but that the characters are all lying to each other in various degrees and you can't count anything anyone says as true. This made for a complicated web, but one that did "play fair" with the reader - if you see it, it happened; if someone tells you, it may or may not be true. I was intrigued and am planning to read the others in the series. There are books that come both before and after this book, and the author's name changes from Tracy Hardy to Teresa Hardy. Jenna487 9

I love this series by Tracy Grant.

What I d in this installment:
1. The challenges that Charles and Melanie face confronting her past and how Charles deals with it.
2. The plot. There were turns left and right and underhanded double dealings all over the place.
3. Enjoyed the historical fiction about the Bonapartes (Josephine and Hortense)...especially how much was woven in.
4. The imagery of the ballrooms, the costumes, the scenery, etc.

What could have been better:
1. Grammatical errors - it looked some of the sentences had been re-written but some words weren't deleted.
2. After so many plot turns and twists, it seemed Melanie figured out the murderer out of the blue...and when was Charles informed?
3. Melanie's continuing deceit with Charles...even if she feels it's for good reasons.

Overall, I enjoyed this, but it wasn't my favorite in the series. I still think the first one was the best so far. Allison ChaseAuthor 8 books51

I've been waiting for another Charles and Melanie book from Tracy Grant. I loved the first two, Daughter of the Game and Beneath a Silent Moon - both on my keeper shelf.

This book did not disappoint. My only caveat is that I wouldn't recommend starting the series with this book. Read the earlier two first to become familiar with Charles and Melanie, their history and emotional upheaval, and their circle of family and friends. This mystery takes the reader through a labyrinth of clues and suspects, along with a complex history deeply rooted in the French revolution and the Napoleonic wars, so it helps to already know some of the characters and connections that are set up in the first two books. Then sit back and be prepared for a total immersion in the time period - Tracy Grant does her research and brings the Regency era vividly to life, with wonderful emotion and gritty realism! Mary567 6

Still well-written, but it's harder to get past the improbabilities

I enjoyed the story, but was struggling a great deal with Grant's decision to make Roth, a Bow Street runner, friends with aristocrat Charles and his wife Melanie. Melanie's desperate-seeming choice in the last book to invite Roth to dinner and to bring his children over to play with hers was bad enough, but in this book Grant has other aristocrats offering Roth drinks and sitting down with him to answer his questions in rooms reserved for intimates. That's suspending disbelief too far. Grant describes Roth as the Frasers's friend, at the same time as she has him worried that they are lying to him, and the Frasers worried that Roth may yet betray Melanie's past as a French spy...I'm having a hard time with the juxtaposition. Verity W3,309 24

This was another fast-paced romp through England in the aftermath of the Napoleonic Wars. I'm very glad that I'm reading these in order, so that some of the events referred to in this were fresh in my mind (even if they happened years before in the timeline). There were a few formatting problems - with paragraphs changing locations/characters run together, which when allied with the large cast made things a little confusing at times - I had to go back and read a few bits again to work out where I'd got lost.

But Charles and Melanie are great fun - and so is their world - even if it is at the far edge of credibility at times! Jenny92 10

I enjoyed this book. It is a spy novel that takes place in London (where else could you possibly set a good mystery!) Charles and Melanie are husband and wife. This is not the first book in their series, and I am curious about the before. Needless to say they have 'baggage' that they are dealing with as their pasts catch up with their marriage. I love the fact that Melanie holds her own. She is a tough girl, a survivor. I would read another book in this series.
Lynn190 1 follower

I am glad to be done with this book. It is only available in electronic format and I wonder if that has anything to do with the rampant typos and errors. I found them to be very distracting. That said, the story was fast paced and full of twists. Perhaps a bit too full of twists and turns, but in the end the author kept very close to the historical record with regard to the disposition of the lost Dauphin. I appreciated that greatly. cheryl ann crenshaw102 1 follower

Exciting read.

The Mask of Night was a fast-paced story that kept this reader from putting it down. it was very complex with it's many characters and storyline. A few times I found myself rereading paragraphs to make sure of what I had read. I really enjoyed this book in spite of the many typing errors. Lindsey1,481 18

Again, loved this installment of the Charles/Melanie Fraser series. I feel I need a character list to keep track of everyone and their relations. If I hadn't read the previous books, I would have been lost.historical-fiction Foggygirl1,738 31

Another great read although this particular story appears to be a direct sequel to Secrets of a Lady as the characters are once again named Charles and Melanie Frazer and the events take place approximately two months after the action in that novel. favorite-authors owned-read Jaime Howey178 5

I am frustrated that this series is not published in chronological order especially since some of the secondary characters are reappearing. I enjoy the plot and am barely able to grapple through the twists and turns. Spitz557

I really this series, but I was sorry that it had to be solved by the clairvoyant powers of Melanie, out of the blue.This entire review has been hidden because of spoilers.Show full reviewhistorical mysteries re-read Kay Webb Harrison190 5

ebook/ Sequel to Daughter of the Game/Secrets of a Lady. I especially enjoyed the tension between Charles and Melanie as they continue to rebuild the trust between them. Melanie673

Good suspense! Another great Melanie and Charles Fraser novel. Mary G.1,052

Really enjoy reading Tracy Grant series featuring Charles and Melanie Fraser. Wonderful characters. Hope she will continue this series.historical-mysteries Kristin146 3 Want to read

I love all of Tracy Grant's Charles and Melanie novels, but this ebook doesn't seem to be available in Canada. I guess I'll have to be patient. :( Patricia910 1 follower

the story, the characters, but for heaven's sake, is it that hard to use spell check? And grammar check? The zillions of typos and missing words had me desperate for a red pencil.... Kathleen Freeman2,514 44

So glad I started reading this series, this story was my favourite since Secrets of a Lady. I loved the cast of characters she has created. I look forward to continuing to read this series.before-1900 england historical-fiction-mystery Lynne175 1 follower

Loved this book as much as Tracy Grant's others. She has a knack for creating interesting and intriguing characters as well as plots that twist and turn until the end. Niamh Dolan69 1 follower

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