
Million Dollar Habits de Tracy Brian

de Tracy Brian - Género: English
libro gratis Million Dollar Habits


You've worked very hard to get where you are today. You've paid your dues. You've made sacrifices. But are you making enough money? Is your income growing as fast as you deserve?
Everyone creates his own destiny. If you haven't gotten the results in life you know you deserve, it's because you haven't found the right tools. Once you learn the secrets found in Brian Tracy's Million Dollar Habits, you'll join an elite group of professionals who call their own shots, write their own paychecks and enjoy complete financial freedom.
Take complete control of your career and future financial life. This new and powerful system reveals the secrets and techniques of how you can:
* Develop a complete strategic plan for getting everything you need from your life and career
* Design and control the direction of your career and move ahead faster
* Improve your decision making skills so you can surpass competitors
* Maintain health and wellness throughout your life and increase your energy levels

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Just short of 5-stars, but only because I'm too familiar with Brian Tracy... the one author whose words no one can afford to miss. A practical refresher applicable to any phase of life.

Notes :
“If you want to increase the amount of money you are receiving, you must increase the value of what you are giving for the money.

“Small differences in ability can translate into large differences in results.”

“Here’s a rule : Until you get into the Top 10% of your field, you will never be really successful, and you will never be really happy… It is relatively easy to stay at the top of your field once you get there.”

“Pay the price of success in advance… Pay even more of the price today, so you can enjoy more of the rewards tomorrow.”

The Four “R”’s
1. Restructure
"Outsource everything except the 1 or 2 things you do especially well that customers are willing to pay for. Focus on developing new business."

2. Re-engineer
"Constantly look for ways to increase your efficiency and cut your costs. Reduce the amount of time if takes for you to produce a specific result."

3. Re-invent
"Imagine the entire business burned to the ground overnight. What would you start up immediately? Start up second? Not get into again?"

4. Reorganize
"Better use the resources of the company to increase the return on equity/time/money."

“Be prepared to completely change what you were doing. Spend more time on higher value activities.”

“Set posteriorities - stop doing things of low value.”

“As a high achiever, you no longer think in terms of weeks and months. You think in terms of minutes and hours. And you make every minute count.”

“Better, faster, cheaper, easier.”

“Get results for which people will gladly pay.”

“Long-time perspective sharpens short-time focus.”

“Becoming a millionaire today has never been easier.’

“Discipline yourself immediately.”

“All long-term money is patient money.”

“People who become financially independent are focused intently on increasing the length of time that they can enjoy their current lifestyle without ever working again.”

“Casualness leads to casualties.”

“Feedback is the breakfast of champions.”

“Your job is to consciously, clearly, definitely decide upon and develop the specific habits that can guarantee you higher levels of success, happiness, and achievement throughout your life.”

“Everything you do is largely a habit of one kind or another.”

“Be patient. Give yourself a year to develop a new habit.”

“Before you can have more, you must first be more.”

“Just as you can develop the habit of courage, you can develop virtually any other habit or discipline you need to accelerate your life and leverage your talents.”

“Your job is to multiply yourself times other people’s ideas, other people’s knowledge, other people??s energies, and other people’s money. Everything else must be set aside and made secondary to your desire to live your life to the full and achieve everything that is possible.”

“Your key question is always ‘How do I get the most out of myself?’ ”

“Get more and more done with less and less time, and be paid more and more with less and less effort. This is the real key to success.”

The Habits
1. Continuous goal setting
"Always think on paper… continually making lists of the things you want and the things you will have to do to achieve them."

2. Time management
"Successful people are simply those who do more things of higher value more of the time… every given moment."

3. Thorough preparation
"I have personally spent as much as 8 hours preparing for a 15 minute meeting, and it was worth every single minute of those 8 hours. Over prepare."

4. Continuous learning
"You learn a little bit at a time, at every opportunity. This is the only way your brain can absorb and retain information."

5. Action-oriented
"Move fast. Do it now. Do it immediately. The faster you move, the more you step on the accelerator on your own potential.'

“Start work on the most valuable use of your time and stay at it single-mindedly until the task is complete. If you can do this, you can conquer the world. If you cannot, you will always have to work for someone else who can make you do it.”

Keys to great success in life are explained by :
- Acceleration
- Leverage
- Multiplication
- Return on Energy
- Economic/market value add
- Return on investment

3 Forms of IP that a person brings:
(from “Intellectual Capital” by Thomas Stuart)
1. Core competency
2. Knowledge of company’s products, systems
3. Network of contacts, especially customers and suppliers

From John Kotter’s “Power and Influence Beyond Formal Authority” :
“Power and influence did not come from having a position, and having subordinates whom you can give orders. True power and influence came from being able to call on people over you have no control at all.”

“The more you give of yourself with no expectation of return, the more it will come back to you in the most unexpected ways.”

“Everyone in your life is a customer in some way… if you don’t give them a minimal level of attention, satisfaction, and occasional moments of delight, you are going to have serious problems.”

“The very best managers and companies treat the employees exactly the way they want the employees to treat the customers.”

“The more you yourself, the better you do.”

“Everyone you meet has a sign around their neck that says ‘Make me feel important.’ ”

Behaviors for Building High Performance in Others
1. Acceptance of others…… Action: Smile
2. Appreciation ……………… Action: Say thank you
3. Admiration ……………….. Action: Recognize
4. Approval ………………… Action: Praise
5. Attention ………………… Action: Listen & question
6. Agreeableness ………… Action: Let it go
7. Positivity …………………. Action: Be optimistic

"The person who asks questions has control."

"Everything we do in life is either to protect our self-esteem or to enhance it."

"Become an expert in relationship management. Imagine that relationships in life are flowers, and you are a gardener. Continually go through your garden of life collecting more flowers - more relationships - in everything you do."

self-improvement42 s Wayne Heinz22 2

Largely a regurgitation of the positive thinking/new thought woo, mixed with a grab bag helpful advice (goal setting, time management etc) that is so generally stated as to be worthless. The book is full of factual errors that make me doubt the veracity of any one claim. The worst section of the book is the chapter on staying healthy; much of the information is outdated and wrong.

If the author were to cut out all the needless repetition, clichés and slogans only 10% of the book would remain. It is a good book for really pushing your speed reading speed. 10 s Agnieszka385 163

Da?abym te 2 gwiazdki za par? fragmentów o relacjach mi?dzyludzkich, ale potem kole? zacz?? gada?, ?e jak jesz mniej po 14 to chudniesz czy co? i XD

No i kultura zapierdolu, rozsadza?o mnie od ?rodka.
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