
Exploration: The Stanfield Chronicles de Tory, David

de Tory, David - Género: English
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Isaac Stanfield is a young man with a thirst for adventure. He leaves his home to become a sailor on a merchantman, the Sweet Rose, and through ingenuity and sheer luck, finds himself in the middle of the drama and explorations that precede the departure of the Mayflower for New England in 1620. Exploration is Isaac’s coming-of-age story, capturing the turbulence of the times through his observations and experiences.

Suspenseful, poignant, and expertly researched, David Tory’s novel brings to life an engaging cultural history of English seafaring exploration and intrigue in the early 17th century.

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An amazing story that is written in journals and letters that suck me (the reader) in right from the get go. Difficult to put down, I thoroughly enjoyed the adventures, relationships, explorations, wittiness and kindness of this young man, Isaac Stanfield. His journey's engage him with trial and triumph and each character met throughout this book has purpose.

The book was well written in the setting of the early 1600's. It covers so many key details through eyes of Isaac, as he set off on each adventure/exploration. Each chapter of the book takes the reader on a new adventure. The expeditions are well thought out by each character capturing the importance of their movements. The details captured the essence of landscape, wildlife, inhabitants, trade and ship routes nautical references, and weather patterns (just to name a few), all of which were key to pave the way for settlement in New England.

There is also the emphasis on building relationships and personal growth along the way, which I feel makes this book even more personal to the reader.

I thoroughly enjoyed the historical content of this book both on land and sea, watching Isaac Stanfield grow and build lasting relationships throughout this story. It is a GREAT read especially with the coming holidays.3 s Rose208 2

Wonderful imagery of a man's adventures

During the time of New England's infancy and exploration, David Tory builds a world around a young boy's adventures and struggles to adulthood and maturity. I felt the miles pass below my feet as I delved into the journey. Bravo!2 s Leslie239 3

Exploration by David Tory is the first book in the new Stanfield Chronicles series. Set primarily in England, Exploration follows Isaac Stanfield through his teen and young adult years. Stanfield's story is told through a combination of letters and journal entries which describe the many adventures he experiences. His adventures largely center around sailing and doing investigative work for individuals invested in what would become the Massachusetts Bay Company. As part of his work, Stanfield is sent to see if it is possible for a group of English settlers to survive a winter in the new world. Finding it is, Stanfield's work paves the way for the sailing of the Mayflower.

Author David Tory does an admirable job of blending historical research including actual historical figures with an engaging story. There is a dash of romance as well as swashbuckling adventures and sorrow. The combination creates a historical narrative which appeals to all readers. I look forward to more of Isaac Stanfield's adventures in subsequent volumes of this series.

I received a complementary copy of Exploration from NetGalley.1 Glen5,330 62

I won this book in a goodreads drawing.

A young man takes to sea, gets involved in espionage and settling the New World for England. Told as a series of letters and journal entries.

Fairly good for the most part.firstreads historical-fiction maritime1 Aletha Pagett351

Exploration takes place in the time prior to the Mayflower's arrival in the New World. The times are experienced through the eyes of young Isaac who signed on as a sailor on a ship called Rosie. This is one of my favorite times in history but I did find (especially in the beginning) it a bit tedious. This e-book was received from Goodreads.1 John159 2 Want to read

Great I won the giveaway, can't wait to start reading1 Caryn153 3

(I received a free copy of this book through Goodreads, but all opinions in this review are my own.)

NO, NO, NO. To be 100% honest, I started this book three times, but I just could not read it. From the opening sentence, this book makes no attempt to capture the language, culture or social norms of the 17th century. You see, grown-ups can read and understand big words and readers of HF abhor anachronisms, especially slangy dialogue. Mr. Tory is no Hilary Mantel. But to be fair, that is a high bar.

This novel may very well have redeeming qualities, but the modern, casual tone of voice is better suited to a YA novel. I think if the book had been presented in this way, I might have offered it more grace and pressed on with my reading. The point of this review is to say to the publisher, don't insult your readers. Trying to pass this book off as adult historical fiction is a BIG mistake and cheats your writer of a more receptive audience.giveaways historical-fiction1 Book Reviewer2,311 197

The unpredictable hand of destiny can lead to fascinating journeys, as exemplified in Exploration: The Stanfield Chronicles. This adventurous saga chronicles the life of Isaac Stanfield, a character who, through a seemingly predestined path, encounters an abundance of self-discovery. Beginning his life's voyage in 1613 as an assistant on the ship Sweet Rose, Isaac's experiences accumulate to create a captivating narrative that is as profound as it is thrilling. The novel delves into his encounters with diverse individuals, his foray into the art of fencing, his face-offs against pirates, and his experiences living among indigenous peoples. Throughout it all, Isaac's friendships remain a steadfast compass in his life, despite the vast distances that separate them. The evolution of Isaac's character and the deepening of his world perspective form the heart of this engaging novel, making it a compelling read for anyone with an adventurous spirit.

Told predominantly through Isaac's personal journals and letters, the story resonates with an intimate authenticity. This narrative format offers the reader a panoramic view of Isaac's life, highlighting the most pivotal moments of his journey. In doing so, we become acquainted with an astute, courageous individual who never shies away from his responsibilities. Isaac embodies kindness and an insatiable appetite for learning, attributes that are evident in every locale he visits. His enduring friendship with Will, maintained through their letters, forms an endearing subtext throughout the narrative. David Tory's exceptional writing shines in his meticulous descriptions of the locales and his respectful representation of the historical context. His skillful incorporation of nautical terminology related to Sweet Rose is a testament to this.

Exploration: The Stanfield Chronicles boasts a large cast of characters, with some being more impactful than others. The pacing sometimes seems rapid, possibly as a means to encompass the variety of experiences and locales. Despite this, the novel remains an exhilarating coming-of-age adventure. Each of Isaac's voyages is infused with purpose, and Tory's extensive research brings a credible realism to the characters and settings. This novel is an excellent choice for young adults and historical fiction enthusiasts, offering an intriguing plotline interspersed with moments of action and a dash of romance. Pooja PeravaliAuthor 2 books97 Read

DNF at 18%

Isaac Stanfield is a sixteen-year-old boy who puts out to sea after accidentally causing an enormous fire in his hometown of Dorchester. Initially a ship's boy, he soon proves his worth and becomes involved in a spying ring in the town of La Rochelle. The novel is in an epistolary format, consisting of Isaac's letters and journal entries.

I really wanted to this book. I was expecting a swashbuckling adventure that would take me around the world. Unfortunately, the story was bogged down with incessant info dumps, be it about the spy ring or the ship or Isaac's actions. The style of writing was also unaccountably modern considering the book is set in the 1600s. I found myself skimming from nearly the beginning of the book, and eventually gave up due to the hundreds of pages still ahead of me.

Disclaimer: This book was won in a Goodreads giveaway. This is my honest and voluntary review.dnf giveaways Mikaila31

I received a free copy through a GR giveaway. I was not asked to write a review, and I was not influenced in any way. This opinion is my own.

I enjoyed that it was written in the form of a journal and felt that it captured what the writer would have felt and their thoughts about their life events. There were portions that felt very slow and others that moved quickly but I feel this is how any persons journal entries would read.

At the beginning I wasn't a huge fan of how many times Isaac found himself being physically hurt, especially the amount of hits to the head he received, but toward the end it was apparent that it was to show that he was gaining a reputation as someone not to be messed with or underestimated.

I was fully invested in hearing about Isaac's life experiences and also felt it gave me insight into some areas of daily life in the early 1600's. I will say that it was not the ending I was expecting and I'll admit a few silent tears fell.

Looking forward to the next installment.This entire review has been hidden because of spoilers.Show full review2021 Liz1,792 59

I thought this was a really interesting story of a young smart young man who went through numerous adventures in the years leading up to the Mayflower departure to the Americas. The story begins with a massive fire and the ensuing events come fast and furious from there. Isaac, the protagonist, is a fictional character but his many adventures are embedded with actual historical figures and facts. If you're interested in history, this makes a very nice read.
I won a copy of this book in a Goodreads giveaway for this honest review. Pat19 2

This e-book was received in a giveaway from goodreads.com in exchange for an honest review. Historical fiction is a genre that I find enjoyable to read and really had high hopes for this e-book. For some reason I just didn't connect with the characters. The story seemed much too long and tedious to get through in my opinion. There were a lot of historical facts presented and would probably be a good read for others that want to learn more about the time period. Kayla Tornello1,459 13

This book is written as the journals and letters of Isaac Stanfield. He certainly has some wild adventures! There is a lot of sailing vocabulary thrown in throughout the book. I d the historical aspects of the story, including what different towns were and how life was as a seaman. However, the story was very long and could have benefitted from some editing down to keep things moving along at a brisker pace at times.

I received this book as a Goodreads giveaway. Yay!adult giveaways historical-fiction Rachelle LeBlanc277 5

I enjoyed read about Isaac Stanfield’s many adventures.

I love reading historical fiction, but the 1500s and 1600s are not a time period many stories are written about.

I d the story being set up through journal entries Stanfield writes to remember his adventures.

The story does seems to drag on at points and probably would have better as a shorter book. However, I still enjoyed Isaac’s story and plan to read more if Tory continues the story. librarythings-giveaway-wins Mary88 12

I really enjoyed this book. It's clear that the author extensively researched sailing ships of the era. I now know more about various sails than I thought possible. It did seem hard to believe that a young man (age 16) could do so much but that's by today's standards. I enjoyed the charcters in the story. All in all, a really good read. Bridgette311 16

Exploration by David Tory is a wonderful, historical book set in the early 1600s. From the moment I began reading, I felt I was transported back to this time period and living through the events in real time. Wonderful mix of history, religion, action, politics and romance. The flow to the story is really nice. Highly recommend! Cozy Adventurer13

I truly enjoyed the high sea adventures (and misadventures) of Issac Stanfield and all his companions throughout this well-written book. The only reason for the 4-star rating was the tragedy right at the tail end of the book seemed a bit unnecessary and didn't leave the reader in a settled place at the close of the book. Awesome story overall though, thank you so much for sharing!This entire review has been hidden because of spoilers.Show full review Kea4444 2

The story follows a young boy named Isaac Stanfield who takes to the sea. We see him grow up and meet the challenges of . I d how the story ties into history. IE with the Indians. At times it’s a little slow but overall I d it.

https://theworldisabookandiamitsreade...done Jignet195 1 follower

This was an entirely different kind of reading for me.. A diary. It really contained great historical insight into the East coast native americans and of course the life of early settlers both before and during and after coming to the new pacific shores. I enjoyed it very much. Flavia93 1 follower

Really enjoyable. The letters-and-journal-entries format was engaging to read, although it did occasionally make some of the exposition feel a bit forced. Mary864

great bookfirst-reads owned-books Mary2,533

Interesting storyline and read Lisa34

I felt I was right along side the characters in history. Very descriptive of life on a ship and sailing in the 1600's . books-i-own e-book goodreads-giveaways Ari24

I won this book in a Goodreads Giveaway.

I'm not a huge history fan, so that could be why I didn't enjoy this book too much. I did the main character and certain parts of the book were interesting. I sometimes have a hard time with books written as letter/journals because there's just no way someone would write (or have time to write) all the small details, and I feel that way with this book. There was a lot of descriptions of ship travel and it was pretty repetitive and boring to me. Kathleen Townsend4 2

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