
Urban Fantasy: How to Write Paranormal & Supernatural Thrillers (Genre Writer) de Tomlinson, Paul

de Tomlinson, Paul - Género: English
libro gratis Urban Fantasy: How to Write Paranormal & Supernatural Thrillers (Genre Writer)


Tomlinson, Paul Publisher: Paul Tomlinson, Year: 2023

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This gripping novel is set against the backdrop of the Gulf War of 1991
It is jam packed with suspense and action and we never know who will survive and who wont
We see into the inner workings of the governments and secret services of the USA , UK and Israel
As well as into the chilling terror of Saddam Hussein's dictatorship and get a glimpse of Saddam's evil mind as well as the unbelievable cruelty of Hussein and his minions such as the head of his secret police Amn -al -Amn Omar Khatib and General Abdullah Kadiri , men who delight in the most horrific cruelties on those who get in their way.These tortures and deaths are harrowing to read especially the one of that poor Iraqi prostitute who was raped brutally multiple times and then beaten to death after being caught spying for the Americans!
The heroes of the story include Mike Martin , a SAS agent working in Baghdad and Don Walker , a US Air Force Fighter Pilot
I was a bit disappointed about the way he dealt with the MOSSAD operations in Vienna. As an admirer of the MOSSAD Id have hoped that their antics would have been more heroic and gripping than his story of a MOSSAD agent romancing a lonely and dowdy female bank worker in order to get bank secrets and then abandoning her
The central message of the novel-outlined in the postscript is the terrible danger the West is putting herself bu not stopping the nuclear weapon programmes of countries Iran and Pakistan!21 s Gautam129 243



What an amazing book from Forsyth !! The breath taking moments that happen with the Lead character Mike martin who does the spying job for the British in" Iraq occupied Kuwait and ruthless streets of Baghdad" to clinch the astonishing secrets of Saddam's Mindset to 'war and victory' and also the revelation of the possibility of Iraq possessing Qubth ut allah or simply 'the fist of god' which is a Nuclear Bomb if engaged could change the Fate of all the Arab Nations.

The link up of Mike Martin and Jericho( a double agent) was fabulous and it escalates the tension and curiosity to a heart stopping level as they had to work in an extremely confidential way so as to avoid falling into the hands of diligent and dexterous Hassan Rahmani(counter intelligence) and the ruthless Head of secret police Omar khatib.

Through the Jericho source , Mike finds the truth about the existence of THE NUCLEAR WEAPON .. and ventures into a mission to find and destroy it.

The novel is a balanced blend of fact and fiction .

This book is also a testament to the sheer perseverance and research Forsyth had put in to make it an unparalleled craft in this genre.

The book takes you to a journey in the arab world which is tension filled , action packed , informative and breath-taking.

A must read to all Geopolitical aficionados.


espionage fun-read thriller17 s Bettie9,989 10

Description: From the behind-the-scenes decision-making of the Allies to the secret meetings of Saddam Hussein's war cabinet, from the brave American fliers running their dangerous missions over Iraq to the heroic young spy planted deep in the heart of Baghdad, Forsyth's incomparable storytelling skill keeps the suspense at a breakneck pace. Somewhere in Baghdad is the mysterious "Jericho," the traitor who is willing--for a price--to reveal what is going on in the high councils of the Iraqi dictator. But Saddam's ultimate weapon has been kept secret even from his most trusted advisers, and the nightmare scenario that haunts General Schwarzkopf and his colleagues is suddenly imminent, unless somehow, the spy can locate that weapon--The Fist of God--in time. Peopled with vivid characters, brilliantly displaying Forsyth's incomparable, knowledge of intelligence operations and tradecraft, moving back and forth between Washington and London, Baghdad and Kuwait, desert vastnesses and city bazaars, this breathtaking novel is an utterly convincing story of what may actually have happened behind the headlines.

rosado mp3. Walkies!

Great for the ears above shanks's pony; an engrossing story set during Iraq I. When will dictators stop annexing countries at whim!

WAR IN THE GULF: BAGHDAD REFUGE; Hussein's Nuclear-Proof, Buried Fortress

5* The Day of the Jackal
4* The Odessa File
3* The Fourth Protocol
4* The Dogs of War
4* The Devil's Alternative
2* The Afghan
4* The Fist of God
3* The Kill List
5* The Shepherdiraq kuwait published-1994 ...more15 s Pamela Small497 64

I read FIST OF GOD years and years ago - before I knew of Goodreads, and therefore, before I wrote . However, I did keep a computerized spreadsheet of books read with ratings. I imported the books and my ratings into Goodreads. Even without my review, my recollection of a few outstanding books remain: Frederick Forsyth’s novels which are branded in my mind as remarkably unforgettable ( along with Ken Follett and the early Nelson DeMille novels). I give few 5 stars-even to Mr. Forsyth- but this one is SO outstanding and richly deserves ?? ?? ?? ?? ?? !5-star-highly-recommend historical-fic personal-faves ...more12 s Lobstergirl1,799 1,344

The first few chapters of Forsyth's Persian Gulf War espionage thriller are a little wooden - stock characters, cliched dialogue - but once the plot is established and takes over, that's all you care about. I'm not one who s the blending of fact and fiction in these types of novels, and I was constantly googling to see what characters were invented, whether Iraq actually did have a nuclear weapon in 1990, and how Scuds compared to the al-Husayn missiles. There are some brutal torture scenes. Not everyone lives to see the end of the book. With the exception of Margaret Thatcher, its female characters don't come off well. Its twisty turns, particularly at the end, make it a slightly above average thriller.

fiction got-rid-of mystery-thriller10 s Stefan474 58

The Fist Of God is a wonderfully tense, highly readable thriller on the First Gulf War. Forsyth carries his readers into the intrigue of the Middle East, and inside the minds of the decision makers in their headquarters in Washington, London, Baghdad, and Saudi Arabia. Frederick Forsyth uses his excellent journalistic way of writing (brief, effective descriptions, dialogue that is actually interesting, well chosen settings, and a wonderful mix of fictional drama and real-life) to effortlessly carry the reader into a world that is as exciting as it is intelligent. A top-notch geopolitical thriller. 8 s Madhura Bhargave43 41

One of my favourite books on earth! I love the character of Mike Martin and the strange coincidence of events that occur.8 s Gary Knapton116 5

I picked this up in a charity shop in Scarborough in late July 2013.

If you FF he never lets you down. The military James Bond. Odds stacked against. The nature of the detailed writing and the techniques deployed to build suspense, evolve character and occasionally shock delivers, as always, and I've read a handful of his work, the un-put-down-able novel.

Icon. Avenger. The Day of the Jackal. France, The Middle East, Russia.

He's the master of the genre. And he's at it again here in the thick of Saddam Hussein's Baghdad.7 s Martin IguaranAuthor 2 books325

Una de las mejores novelas del autor en mi opinión, nos aleja del típico escenario del comunismo soviético y sitúa la historia en la Guerra del Golfo. Nos relata el ascenso al poder de Saddam Hussein, su brutalidad y sadismo, su falta de empatía, y las características de la sociedad iraquí. Muy bueno como thriller pero también incluso como novela histórica, para cualquiera interesado en conocer más sobre este conflicto. Curiosamente, una parte de la novela predice el caos que sufriría más tarde Iraq en la vida real, con la invasión de 2003 y la consecuente guerra civil entre las diferentes etnias y sectas que habitan el país. 6 s Mostafa407 40

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The Gulf War and invasion and liberating of Kuwait.

The Fist of God is a 1994 novel mixing known fact with fiction to tell a story of the coalition forces in the Persian Gulf War racing against time to discover the true nature of Saddam Hussein's secret weapon, 'The Fist of God.'
1931- Before this Kuwait was the 19th province os irag. Saddam wanted it back. Iraq's propaganda was that Kuwait had taken more than its share of the oil from the shared Rumailah oil field.Irag also owed Kuwait $15 billion they has loaned Iraq during its war with Iran(Iraq invaded Iran in 1980-1988) The Al Sabahs were asking for repayment.

Saddam was called "The Rais" by his loyals.

Saudi Arabia has the biggest oil fields in the world. Kuwait is second.

Oleg Vladimirovich Penkovsky, codenamed "Agent Hero" (Russian: April 23, 1919, , was a colonel with Soviet military intelligence (GRU) in the late 1950s and early 1960s who informed the United Kingdom and the United States about the Soviet Union placing missiles on Cuba, which led to the Cuban Missile Crisis.During his 30 month career he handed over 5.500 documents.

Stealth Fighters--Black. Shape is multiple angles created in such a way to reflect most of the radar waves directed at it and to absorb the rest into its own body(Shaped a stingray).It does not bounce hostile radar waves back to the receiver and therby betray its position to the enemy

The Magic Flute (German: Die Zauberflöte, is an opera in two acts composed in 1791 by Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart to a German libretto by Emanuel Schikaneder. The work is in the form of a Singspiel, a popular form that included both singing and spoken dialogue. Takes place in Egypt.The Magic Flute is noted for its prominent Masonic elements; Schikaneder and Mozart were Masons and lodge brothers
Time: Egypt, about the reign of Rameses I.
Place: Near and at the Temple of Isis, Memphis.
Schikaneder had persuaded Mozart to compose the music to a puppet show for him.
At that time, however, freemasonry was a much discussed subject. It had been interdicted by Maria Theresa and armed forces were employed to break up the lodges. As a practical man Schikaneder saw his chance to exploit the interdicted rites on the stage. Out of the wicked sorcerer he made Sarastro, the sage priest of Isis. The ordeals of Tamino and Pamina became copies of the ceremonials of freemasonry. He also laid the scene of the opera in Egypt, where freemansory believes its rites to have originated. In addition to all this Mozart’s beautiful music ennobled the libretto even in its dull and unpoetical passages, and lent to the whole a touch of the mysterious and sacred.
Because of its supposed relation to freemasonry, commentators have identified the vengeful Queen of the Night with Maria Theresa, and Tamino with the Emperor. Pamina, Papageno, and Papagena are set down as types of the people, and Monostatos as the fugleman of monasticism.

5 s Michelle14

One of the best books he wrote. It contains a lot of side information that makes it very 3 dimensional and believable. 5 s Lady Nilambari Reads HR490 150

This was a buddy read with my husband! He clearly is not going to post a review, and I have waited long enough, so here goes...

- If The Fourth Protocol was a study in tenacity, this one was a study in courage.
- Forsyth is a maestro of real information.
- He did a fabulous job of humanising the enemy! Is it wrong of me to have wanted a Rehmani-Martin meet? Probably!

Love it. I will always love it.4 s Xabi19902,026 1,123

La superabundancia de datos técnicos militares ralentiza una trama por lo demás interesante.
El saber el final de la historia no ayuda al interés, claro.
Me gusta, en general, como escribe Forsyth...pero aquí creo que se enloda demasiado con la documentación militar.

Muy recomendable para grandes forofos del armamento militar. Y muy muy muy documentado. 3 s Arnis1,765 169

https://poseidons99.wordpress.com/202...20223 s Indah Threez Lestari13.3k 256

149 - 2017in-english punya3 s ???? ?????Author 27 books87

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???????1 Neil Wright12 1 follower

The second Frederick novel I’ve read after ‘The Day Of The Jackal’ and packed with the same precise detail as the first. Focusing on the first Gulf war, it tells the story of an S.A.S veteran who goes behind enemy lines to prevent Saddam detonating WMD. Now, to call Mr Forsyth thorough is to say that Saddam has a bit of a bad temper, and whilst this can be a little frustrating in the beginning it does prove worthwhile in the end. Through the allies of the main character Forsyth skillfully portrays the methods of the british S.I.S and the Israeli Mossad in extracting the secrets from within their relevant enemies. These make for some of the most interesting threads of the story, the unassuming, normal and innocent people they use to gain the information they require from each others governments.

The inner workings of the Iraqi regime and how Saddam must have controlled his minister’s is another of the sub plots of the story, along with the A.M.A.M, the Iraqi secret police, and how an organisation that can control a population.

Overall, 7-10, you can imagine everything in this novel actually happening and the concise annotation of events and the clandestine operations and conversations of the characters put Fred as one of the best for military/spy/espionage thrillers.3 s Paul Leonard1 review

A pity some of the seem parsimonious but having read this thriller 20 years after its first publication and the actual war, I found it a really compelling read. As expected, the detail was excellent with much thorough research done, the pace wss blistering and the characters well-fleshed out. It was unputdownable, l really enjoyed it and it must merit full marks from me. To this day, not many authors and thrillers can compare with Forsyth and this book.3 s Erik TanouyeAuthor 2 books7 Read

Got this at BookOff2 s ??Kelanth??1,076 158

Forsyth è un maestro del genere spy-story, autore di romanzi come: "Il giorno dello sciacallo", "I mastini della guerra", "Dossier Odessa", "Il Quarto Protocollo" e molti altri. E' indubbiamente uno dei miei scrittori preferiti in questo genere e lo metterei con Ludlum, Le Carrè, Cruz Smith, direttamente sul podio.

Questa storia è meravigliosa, uno dei migliori dell'autore, se non il migliore, documentato tramite una fittissima ricerca dove si riesce a mischiare molto bene realtà e fantasia, prendendo le mosse dalla storia reale del super cannone; l'inizio è molto analitico entrando nel dettaglio di tutte le problematiche relative alle forniture di armi e tecnologia da parte di USA ed Europa all'Iraq di Saddam nel periodo in cui si cercava di usare l'Iraq per mettere i bastoni tra le ruote all'Iran.

La storia: poco prima dello scoppio della Guerra del Golfo, l'agente segreto inglese Mike Martin scopre che le truppe di Saddam dispongono di una misteriosa e potentissima arma denominata "Il pugno di Dio", un ordigno in grado di rovesciare completamente le sorti del conflitto. Nonostante l'incredulità dello Stato Maggiore, Martin riesce a infiltrarsi a Baghdad e a preparare un audace piano di sabotaggio.

Spionaggio, azioni dietro le linee, tanta tecnologia e spiegazioni da manuale nel più puro stile Forsyth. Ho letto tutti i suoi libri e questo è diventato subito il mio preferito perchè è avvincente, interessante e verosimile.

Consiglio vivamente la lettura di questo libro, sia per la parte puramente romanzata, ma anche per quella storica di ricerca, da ottimi spunti di riflessione su quello che era, ormai parliamo di una decina d'anni fa, lo scacchiere mediorientale.

Forsyth è un maestro indiscusso di questo genere.favorites spionaggio2 s Ana690 104

I had loved Forsyth's The Day of the Jackal, the first book I read from this author, and also the first one I read through Bookcrossing. So it is no wonder that I also really d this one. Even though the theme is very different (The Day of the Jackal is about an attempted murder of General de Gaulle and this one is about the first Gulf War and the liberation of Kuwait), they both share an attention to detail, accuracy of information, suspense and a great ability to mix historical facts with a fiction plot. A really well crafted and hard to put down book. I read its nearly 600 pages a breeze and I am not a particularly fast reader.bxing z-europe-north-west2 s Tathagata21 3

At the mention of Frederick Forsyth, one always thinks of the The Day of the Jackal or/and the Odessa Files.
In my opinion The Fist of God, outranks both the global best sellers.
If someone wants to read just ONE Fredrick Forsyth novel and asks me for a recommendation, without battling an eye lid I would recommend this book - The Fist of God.
A fast paced thriller that I believe all will enjoy.
A must read novel....english espionage fiction ...more2 s Brian79 8

One of the things that makes Forsyth so great, as was true in this book, is that you can't find the line between fact and fiction. Fist of God was great in that way. He sets the table with non-fiction and then starts the rollercoaster.espionage2 s Shell141

This was set during the Gulf War and the author obviously spent a lot of time researching for this story. It was a gripping, awe inspiring tale. A little gruesome for my taste, especially the ending, but still, a very enjoyable read. 2 s Clinton52 1 follower

I wrote him to complain that I didn't think the ending was fair ... and he wrote me back a handwritten note explaining why he thought he'd been perfectly fair! ;-) But I was just a kid and an idiot, I lost the note. :-(2 s Karunnya Menon158 3

Took me a while to get through this book, mainly because it was waaay out of my comfort zone.

Even though at parts ( soo much information
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