
If You're Going Through Hell Keep Going de Tinnean

de Tinnean - Género: English
libro gratis If You're Going Through Hell Keep Going


Mark Vincent and Quinton Mann have finally kind of, sort of, exchanged promises. Mark has returned from an assignment on the West Coast, and he's looking forward to spending some quality time with his lover. After all, it's the St. Patrick's Day weekend. What could be better than a little beer, a little corned beef on rye, and Quinn in his bed?However, on Monday it's back to the grind—this time to an almost empty department: Matheson is away on assignment and Ms. Parker, Mark's secretary, is taking sick time, something she never does. But these aren't the only signs of something unusual, well, more unusual than normal, going on. Gradually, Mark uncovers a series of events going back to the previous spring and involving not only his senior special agent but Theo Bascopolis, a former rent boy who is Mark's friend.While Mark unravels the threads of the Gordian knot the WBIS has become, he realizes how deep his feelings for Quinn have grown. But can a spy like Mark ever hope to be...

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6th re-read December 2021
This was told from Mark's POV and I missed hearing Quinn's thoughts.
Still 5 stars and have I mentioned I absolutely love these two? Because I DO!favorites19 s Smith Barney398 104

Sexy-sociopath Mark Vincent and his equally divine sidekick Quinton Mann are back in another highly-anticipated Men Mann of My Dreams episode with some cute cast additions.. Mark's new f'ing kitty 'Pita.'

and..I always wondered how such a great f'ing writer comes up with these huh? kinds of titles. But very classy cover. Hope it's not recycled. That would burst my f'ing bubble.

I could literally spend all my reading time in Mark's twisted head and conversations..because that beautifully-twisted sentimental-mother-f'er is hotter than hell's hinges. Of course not outranking Quinn..cuz he's in a can of splendid..all himself.

I can't get enough of their contrasting personalities. It really speaks megawatts of volume of this writer's talent. Their intensely-individual traits really mix up a great chemistry-cocktail for a dynamic story presence. I fully expect these bad-ass mofo's to be living out some flesh-filled lives somewhere off-page.

The sex felt a tad subdued in this one..or perhaps just more comfortable in their continual erections connections. Still f'ing lovely..minus some minor off-page moments. Hmph.

..I drove in faster, harder..

Right. Ok. I'll take it.

Maybe this episode wasn't exactly to my personally-ordered-specifications. But to really appreciate their shit..you have to embrace their evolving story in its entirety.

And. I do. Because to know em..is to love em..and all that shit. Fortunately, this writer really makes it easy to do so every time.

Consider this my special-order request on the next episode-Mann of My Dreams: Xtra-f'ing-heavy-whipping-cream on the libido-strong portion. Thanks! amusing contagious-writing contemporary ...more12 s Trisha HarringtonAuthor 2 books139

I'm pretty sure by now, people know how much I adore these characters and this world. Mark and Quinn are one of my favorite book couples of all time and their story is one of my favorite stories too. I've always enjoyed reading about these guys and I will continue to enjoy reading about them until Tinnean decides they have reached the end.

If You're Going Through Hell Keep Going is Mark Vincent's book. Don't get me wrong, Quinn is in here, but it's told entirely from Mark's POV, which is a little different. But this isn't the Spy Vs. Spook series anymore, it's now called Mann of My Dreams, and this is the first book in that series. I would recommend you start with the Spy Vs. Spook series and continuing on into this series, because you really need to read the other books before reading this one or you might get a bit confused.

This is Mark's book, which I stated above, and it was so amazing. Mark might be my favorite character in this series, kinda, maybe. Well, I love both guys, but there is something about Mark Vincent that really made me fall in love with him in the first book. And here, while he has changed a little, he is still the same lovable guy he was in the other books. Here, I think he grew because of Quinn and his love for Quinn helped soften him a little. It was nice to see that side of Mark again, and I think it really was needed in this one.

There are things I don't want to spoil because you really want to not know before reading, but the ending of this book was really, really wonderful. And it was such a relief when Mark and Quinn finally got to that stage. But it also broke my heart a little. Mark said what he said and he believed what he believed, (this is so hard to mention while giving nothing away) and it was so nice to see Mark a small bit vulnerable, at least that's what I thought he was.

Overall, this was a really great book to continue on with Mark and Quinn's story. It's the beginning of a new phase for them in their relationship. Honestly, I'll never tire of these guys and I'm really looking forward to the next book, which will be Quinn's story. And I highly recommend this to those who love Mark and Quinn I do.5-stars contemporary favorite-couples ...more9 s ~Mindy Lynn~1,399 655

So happy that Mann and Vincent are back in this series and more is being revealed about all the deceptions in both the WBIS and the CIA.

I enjoyed this one. This was a very Vincent driven book. You don't get a lot of him and Mann in this one. It's told all in Mark's POV. He's basically cleaning house in this one. Anyone who crosses him or his close friends that he considers family end up not breathing for long. He is just as deadly as the previous books and has no problem with putting people down that threaten the small group of people he has seemed to have collected as his own little family.

In his quest of cleaning up his department he comes across a sweet kitten he names, PITA. Pain In The Ass. I think it's adorable. I also think the way he is with the kitten is adorable. It was just another glimpse that this deadly character has a soft heart where it matters.

Although I enjoyed all the mayhem and chaos of Vincent getting back into his field work a bit and seeing him be the deadly man I loved so much from the previous books, I missed him and Mann. There isn't much of them together. But even through the phone calls between them you still feel the strong connection they have and the relationship between the two is never in question of how much they care for each other. I just love these guys together and I wanted to see more of them together on page.
2017-challenge boys-who-love-boys kindle-own ...more10 s Taintedskyee (Books Books&More Books)540 66

I got this book;D I got this book......And I got this book now:D
Me, all excited when I got this book....

Me, all excited while reading this book...

Me,a bit speculative after first chapter

Me,throwing tantrum after I finished it...

I love Tinnean's Spy and Spook series and Mark and Quinn are my favorite.So to read more of them was awesome but this book was more of outside incident than Mark & Quinn.I was a tad disappointed.This was more a brush over story which jogged my memory through all the characters and events that took place in Spy and spook series with some additional perks.
So now I am left with nothing of Mark and Quinn and have to wait for the next book.
cant-wait-to-read fav fav-couple ...more5 s Bookwatcher 746 118

So, probably the first thing I must say is: this book is part of a series, you must read the previous 3 books from the Spy Vs Spook series (Click here, to see the writer's announcement of the next books)

Ok, NOW after those observations, let's talk about... MARK!!!

This story is the first self-published of the series, and I NOTICE the difference... this is the most romantic of all books!
It's unusual, read a book from just Mark's POV, and a VERY romantic Mark. I was used to see the smart ass Mark, the ironic Mark, the angry Mark... but complete and totally in love with Quinton Mann NO! It's something new. AND I LOVED IT! Of course there is romance also in the previous books, but not in such details as this book!

Beside the romance, it's also a novel full of action the previous 3 books?
Yes and no
Sorry, I must answer yes AND no because it's both... there is action, Mark is having serious problem inside the WBIS—Washington Bureau of Intelligence and Security. It's his responsibility deal with it... and for the first time I read a book that pick facts from some other books (I'm talking about the spin-off, the Ligh in your eyes series. Highly recommended, but not need to read it to understand Mark's story). I adored how this book was attentive to details, how Mark and Quinn's story intertwined with Theo and Will's. To fans of both couples this book will give a huge satisfaction!

Overall, what is my rating to this book?
It's a 4 stars, not 5, for just one little fact... I miss all the humor of the last book (Forever). Mark is serious, when he must be, he is a sicko, always (yeah, not just when he must be an agent... but he is an adorable sicko!)... and he is hilarious. But in this story he was so romantic and tired, dealing with all he crap in the WBIS that he didn't had the time to his twisted, but adorable, sense of humor during the narration.
I missed it. I reeeeeeeeeeeally love this book, but missed all the jokes from Forever.

Do I recommend it?
Oh hell YEAH! After the Spy Vs Spook books you MUST read more. Mark is a sicko, the best agent WBIS, the man worried with his ex landlords, BUT most of all, he is Quinn's man... and that's why you can't stop reading... things are getting serious... and now... now we must go nuts, waiting more of them.... knowing Mark and Quinn WILL have to make serious decisions...As the world keeps spinning round and round, Mark must hold Quinn... his lover, his unmovable rock.

4 starsglbt-gay romance3 s Rellik147

It was okay, but rather than focusing on Mark and Quinn (apart from some rumbles between the sheets Quinn hardly played any part in this book), the book has so many different short tangents and doesn't have a concrete main story (backstabber in the WBIS, Scarlet Chamber and the Division, Mark's department's new hire, the cat, Theo's video, Spike's disappearance, Portia and Novotny etc). So to me, rather than the continuation of Mark and Quinn's story, the book seems more the author brainstorming opportunities for future volumes and spin-off stories.

As for the writing, some parts are extremely repetitive (a reminder every time Mark shut down his computer and put in the CD, spelling out every link to actions taken in previous books and repeating said links all throughout the book).

Overall, it was nice to get reacquainted with the series, but it was also a somewhat annoying and unsatisfying read.text3 s Shantel45

I loved this book as much as I did the others in the first series. We got all of our favorite characters back and a chance to see Mark and The Boss in action a bit. I can't wait for the next couple of books as well. I was very happy with the progression of Mark and Quinn's relationship and am definitely looking forward to more! A must-read for Mark and Quinn fans!!!!cop m-m romance3 s Sonia ~Ruber's fiancé in Crystal Court universe~352 7 Want to read

Can't believe I wasn't aware this came out!!!

Bad Sonia!!! Bad Sonia!!!

I so missed Mark & Quinn!!!

2 s Gina753 110

OMG I loved this book!

This was fun and exciting and I so so missed Mark and Quinn! This is a continuation of the author's Spy vs Spook series. This felt coming back to check in on some fav guys, and i ate up every page!

I want more i tell you! MORE MORE MORE! contemporary cops-fbi-undercover crime ...more3 s Natasha544 252

Read this a while ago.


I f'ing love this series.boys-who--boys2 s F.1,340 64

I enjoyed this book but didn't love it, too much telling and not a lot of Mark and Quinn together. This story was mainly Mark's story and was told from his viewpoint. Loved the snark as usual and found myself chuckling quietly especially in the first half of the bookfrom-s-words funny humor ...more2 s AliciaJ1,329 105

Another winner in this series. I can't get enough of the continuing adventures of Mark and Quinn. 5-stars best-of-the-best black-ops-secret-spies ...more2 s Isabel562 106

Mark and Quinn are one of my favorite couples, and I was so anxious for their exchange of some special words... and finally, finally, that happened, and I couldn't be more happy!!!!erotica favorite-mm m-m ...more2 s Pixie Mmgoodbook1,206 44

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