
For Ruby: A Micah and Georgiana Short Story de Tina Martin

de Tina Martin - Género: English
libro gratis For Ruby: A Micah and Georgiana Short Story


Micah's first marriage to Indigo didn't work out. He wanted it to, but when it's revealed that he has an outside daughter (Ruby), he knows his chances of getting back with her are out the window.

Indigo has moved on.

Deciding it's time he did the same, he tries to make it work with Ruby's mother, Georgiana, but he finds himself struggling with letting go of the past. Georgiana is left in limbo – she doesn't know if he truly wants a relationship with her or if he's going through the motions – putting up with her simply because she's his child's mother.

*You must read How To Love Me before reading this story.

Reseñas Varias sobre este libro

I'm not a fan of Micah but he could be commended for doing something in the best interest of his daughter. However commendable his action was, he still needs to work on his character and people skills. I'm still in need of convincing.

The author has done a great job of writing a redemptive piece for Micah. I just hope he appreciates the second chance he's been given.

On another note, while Georgiana stated she wanted her daughter to know her father, it seemed more just something to say. I guess the heart wants what the heart wants. I don't think that means hurting people and then trying to fix problems after the fact.

Hopefully this innocent child's presence can change the selfish behavior of her parents. Everyone deserves a second chance but not if you're not willing to change, Tiffany126 3

Great Book but mixed feelings...

I really wanted to Micah, I really did. With that being said, Micah couldn't move on because he couldn't forgive himself for the mistake he made in his marriage to Indy. I don't think he was still in love with her, but it was more of regret on how things played out. He was a jerk to Gigi at first because he did treat their marriage as a business deal. But she loved him enough to stick with him. Honestly, she was a good woman to stick by him while he got himself together. Lee Holden, E.1,055 9

Great read

Great read, Micah and Georgianna. It took me a while to order and read this book. I didn’t want to read about their life together. Micah was a cheater and workaholic and Georgianna was a well established businesswoman who had a drunken one night stand that resulted in the birth of a child. He got his second chance and she got her happiness. The story didn’t give me joy most romance storylines. But it was well written and there is two sides to every story as well as the aftermath. Denise S202 4

So glad Micah had a follow-up story! He wasn't a bad guy, just a bad husband to Indigo; he wasn't even a serial cheater. I still wish he and Indy could have a moment where he could truly apologize to her bc he was repentant.
Glad he was willing to see that Georgiana was willing to be a wife to him (would have been nice to have a little backstory on the that). I think they will benefit from marriage counseling.
Anyway, glad he had a quick redemption story! He deserved it.This entire review has been hidden because of spoilers.Show full review Joyce L.20

Fantasy Still Lives

The story was cute, but I struggled with Georgianna being a heroine. Micah admitted his wrongdoing while she never did. He didn’t remember anything about that night, but she did, which makes Georgianna the setup queen. No condom used, nothing … setup. While I appreciate the “ALL” for Ruby scenario … this was truly a fantasy instead of your usual well-written plot, characters, etc. Coresa18

Great quick read

Great book. Quick read. Cute story and I can relate on forgiveness and life lessons we learn daily and not judge Shone1,160 22

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