
Path of the Titans - System Activation: A LitRPG Epic Fantasy de Timothy McGowen

de Timothy McGowen - Género: English
libro gratis Path of the Titans - System Activation: A LitRPG Epic Fantasy


Timothy McGowen Publisher: Rising Tower Books, Year: 2024 ISBN: 9781956179361,9781956179378,9781956179385

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Slog. Frustrating to have a clear buildup in the first half of the book, just for the author to throw it out the window and start fresh. Seems the author didnt where the book was going and started writing it anew mid book. MC suddenly goes from somewhat palatable OP backwater prodigy of the elements to OP adventurer of dual wielding classes with god benefits, yet remains an idiot. Biggest pet peeves I have is MC is given to many skills unrelated to his classes (sure teleportation is cool and useful, but his common mystic class has a focus on runes, which has nothing to do with movement skills. wise, his titan class is warrioresque oriented toward physical sturdiness and endurance, not movement. He should never have been offered teleportation, much less so early on as a tier two skill. There is so much plot armor it was all I could do to push through to finish the book, but was very close to dnf-ing. Also, MC doesnt exploit system hacks such as the free time dilation for training, and MC doesnt use a real weapon. Woodsplitting axes are not a weapon. Too unwieldy for effective fighting and impossible to use in ways described in the fight scenes. Just silly. This entire review has been hidden because of spoilers.Show full review1 Michael Marciano118

Nose dive

Story starts solid and about a third in transitiona to mc heading to a beginner dungeon that's run by mid rankers... Uh what? Then he learns a bunch then that's all thrown out the window and he commits human rights atrocities.

It's bad. It's maybe 4 books that partially start and stall out just jammed together.1 GaiusPrimus803 86

Tim does a really good job of crafting an entertaining story, with able characters, great mechanics and an enjoyable world.

On par, if not better, than his Arcane Knight series. If you d that, you’ll love this.
1 Leslie Baptiste1,015 11

first half of the book a waste of time.

The story was OK. It was too long and drawn out until you got to the sci-fi RPG elements. The first half of the book was building up the MC and his abilities, then you tore them down and rebuilt the MC again. This could’ve been done in the first third of the book. I don’t think we should have to wait Until half the book is over too get to the RPG elements. and after the MC unlocks the Titan system, he’s not that strong because he’s lost all his abilities and hast to build them back up again. You may enjoy this book I had to slog through the first half. I will read the second book in the series when it comes out and make more of a definitive opinion. first half of the book, a major slog. Second part OK Taylan2


many other , I have to talk about the pacing of this book. The “story” really doesn’t start until a little over half way through. Other than some minor character development and little to no world building, the first half of the book easily could have been trimmed to a quarter or at most a third. Or completely cut out entirely. Many excellent books in the genre begin at the rebirth stage and don’t spend half the book in the pre story story. Additionally, the entire magic system described in the first half of the book gets completely deleted and another magic system is introduced at the half way point.

That being said, LitRPG readers are starved for decent content and if you’ve already read all the good books this one could be worse. Daniel Ramirez178


Jumped on a new story, which had a fantastic beginning then waivered some in the middle but finished strong. That story being System Activation: Path of the Titans book One by Timothy McGowen. And that start to the story was really good.

Our journey begins with Knox and his quest to be something else besides a woodcutter. Knox's will to advance and interaction with others leads to a great start. The other characters, all adding to the tale, pushed the LitRPG book to slightly above all others. Which for me, was all that I needed to keep going, even though the middle of the story lost some of that early luster.

Since NO SPOILERS, can't go into what happens next. But, I can't wait to read the next book! Robert397 6

Great opening book

Great opening book to a new world.

I very much enjoyed the authors ability to create an interesting world, and develop characters that aren't just cardboard cutouts. The hints of the wider world, and the threads he's laying out to build into an epic story are fantastic.

Very much looking forward to the next part of the story! Paul Alcantara131

totally awesome start

The main character is fun, the pacing is just the right kind of speed, and the action is incredibly exciting! William Orona II50

Good Read

I enjoyed the read though it was a little slow in the beginning. I’m hoping the next book will have more action and world building. shelby24

Very good start to a new series

The story hooked me from the start, and I am excited to see where Knox goes next. So where is book two lol. Zack Turner836 4


Fantastic book! I loved this book! Such amazing character development. I simply can not wait for the next book to come out! Florient Calliste-Leonard161

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