
Nexus Guardian Book 1: A Fantasy LitRPG Adventure (The Elemental Realms) de Timothy McGowen

de Timothy McGowen - Género: English
libro gratis Nexus Guardian Book 1: A Fantasy LitRPG Adventure (The Elemental Realms)


Timothy McGowen Publisher: Rising Tower Books, Year: 2023 ISBN: 9781956179200

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Another great series started by this Author.

Forced portal series with some survival mechanics and party/dungeon diving story elements. Really fun read and am intrigued where the story will go.

I know Arkane Knight #4 is next, but looks another author where I’ll be following multiple series.3 s Gigi142

Nexus Guardian was not for me. The story follows loser, Todd, on his journey through a video game- reality that couldn't have been less appealing to me. My first issue with this book started on page 1 with a fun little misogynistic interaction between Todd and the angel who greets him in purgatory after his untimely death. Both the protagonist and the narration were gross in the way the "woman" was described, and it left me wanting to DNF already in chapter one. From there, Todd is reincarnated to the video game world, and he starts his journey of exploration and self-discovery. Now maybe all this would be fascinating for a video game lover, but I find it hard to imagine anyone enjoying the endless listing of each game menu. I'm talking never-ending lists of how many points he needs to up his "strength" as well as constant drawn-out internal debates of where Todd should spend his points. Todd is also given a fairy guide in his reincarnated life who he repeatedly refers to as 'fatty.' ew.
I am deciding to DNF at 16.5% because I can’t force myself through something so crude yet so boring any longer. The pacing was slow. The world-building was overdone, yet still lacked grounding. And I feel confident that this story will be putting me in a reading slump. I’m sure I am not the intended audience for this type of book (they're probably looking to target young boys who still have regular wet dreams featuring anime and their 5th grade science teacher), but frankly I don't think that's a good enough excuse for the crudeness - don't young boys deserve good books too?
I received this audiobook as an ARC. Thank you to the publisher.arc--netgalley1 Nick19 4

I have to say this is a two star for me but if you are new to the genre or appreciate the humor it’s a three.

I received a copy of this in exchange for an honest review. You could say I’m currently suffering from an addiction to LitRPG. I’ve feed this addiction at all costs. I have no friends, relationships or physical affection to look forward to. Maybe not to that extent but I have a problem. I’m familiar with all the troupes and systems. This book doesn’t stand out in any way. The book tries to inject some humor yet I found it too sophomoric. Which lead to more eye rolls instead of laughs. I was well aware of the breast size of each female character and the size of the MC’s penis. Also the use of stealthy pumas was irritating for all those aware of a puma check because it didn’t seem a homage more a cheap rip off.
progressive-fantasy1 Josh58 2


I didn't get past chapter 1. Starts off with a male fantasy wish fulfilment scene. Then mc wishes for a fairy, thinking about scantily clad anime girls, only to get a fat guy fairy with a beer belly calling him schmuck every sentence. Haha. Funny. The thought of reading that for an entire book sounds dreadful.

The analogies the author makes are horrible. I'm paraphrasing, but when MC gets his new body and has blurry vision. "This was the time i read an entire fantasy series in one night. I wandered around unable to see past my nose..." It was a huge meaty paragraph that explained the analogy. Yes.. he has blurry vision. I didn't need a half page exposition on the matter. That was the second one within the first few pages.

Juvenile writing. 1 Clint Young849

KU Review

Good blend of humor and action. MC is an everyman and not at all concerned about whether he’s supposed to be a hero or not. Makes the interactions fun.

General disclaimer: I want to be clear in that I do not factor cost into any review and as such, this is simply a reflection of my enjoyment of the book and in no way reflects cost to value analysis.
1 Trey richardson168 12

Gross basement boy story

This is gross. Why would a god go out of their way to be, not just appealing to you but sexually appealing. I don’t care about cussing or sex but this is literally a story derived from a jr high schoolers imagination. Simplistic magic system with very little structure and two raunchy annoying chain characters.1 Michael78

read a transcript of someone playing an MMO for the first time.

Very little world building going on here, just noob quest after new quest. 25% through the book and the protagonist hasn’t even met anyone in the new world yet. Richin109642 5

this book

The mechanic of this litrpg are a little different (in a good way). Love the action slot concept.

I cannot wait for the next book in the series to be released. Jon Sears133 3

Thank you to NetGalley, and Dreamscape Media for the audiobook!

I thought this one was just okay. A little too much bawdy humor, but I guess I should have guessed that going in. Jessica's Reviews219 3

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