
Dead Sea Chronicles de Tim Curran

de Tim Curran - Género: English
libro gratis Dead Sea Chronicles


RETURN TO THE DEAD SEA Come back to a mist-shrouded realm of horrors outside our own world… Come back to a place where rotting hulks drift on brackish tides and the nightmares of wayward travelers come to hideous life… Come back to a rancid ocean choked with a tangled maze of moldering vegetation and the decomposing carcasses of those who died screaming for rescue… Come back to a world where predators soar through noxious clouds, aquatic leviathans lurk in the currents below and the souls of lost sailors suffer an infinite torment on their final voyages… DEAD MEN MAY TELL NO TALES……BUT THE DEAD SEA DOES.

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My for Tim Curran books usually consist of a bunch of superlatives, a whole lot of praising and respect and admiration and love, then some more superlatives, maybe some hyperbole, then some shameless groveling and fanboy gushing to finish. Buckle up folks, because this may be the best stuff he has ever written. I loved the original Dead Sea novel but thought it could have been a tad more streamlined, that some parts were a bit long. That issue is fixed and both stories in this are fast paced AF, and they are both awesome for completely different reasons. The first one is a Tim-Curran-Creature-Feature-Splatterpalooza and it was more inline with what the original book was . Set up + Spooky History + Grand Finale Gorefest = a fantastic story. The second one had all those killer elements but added a whole Memento broken timeline piece to the puzzle that goes to the craziest of places and reminded me why I think Tim Curran is one of the best writers of fiction writing at this time: because he has one of the best imaginations out there. While I recommend anything he has written this is him at the top of his game. Here he showcases how mature he has grown as a writer and how to do it without sacrificing what made him so awesome in the first place: all the gooey gory stuff. 17 s Adam Wilson482 17

Do you guys enjoy cheesey monster novels? You do? What are you doing here! Curran has always been brilliant at constructing truly unique and terrifying creatures that are anything but cheesey. Dead Sea, released in 2007, was my first read of his and is ly going to remain in my top five favorite books of all time. This book allows us to revisit this absolutely insane world that attacks you both physically and mentally. Both novellas here are incredibly fun and bring us more creatures and devistating death scenes. Hopeless, chilling, and quite a bit disgusting, this is easily one of Curran’s best works and, if you haven’t encountered him before, give the first, shorter novella a try. After that, go buy Dead Sea and enjoy what you have been missing. You’re welcome!6 s Amit738 3

Weedworld -
Plane crashed in an unknown place of Ocean and the engine didn't work after that. Crew of this plane got stuck in there. There's a vast of weed floating in that part of ocean. Ethan, Marcus, Bisson, Ava, Brice all of them trying there best to find a way to get out of that hell of a place. Those weeds seemed norhing normal and the circumstances around them too didn't feet right. Whatever it was there's something very wrong with it and the horrifying event to happen when something violent come towards them. They better watch out or the weedworld would know what exactly have to be done here...

Devil of the deep -
I d this one better than the first. It actually frightened me to the core. Though kind of similar circumstances the first one...

In Dead Sea with a ship Captain Gil lost his direction and was trying to figure out how to get out of that situation. Gill alongside with all his crew member Craw, Rip, Webb they were all hanging in there. Gradually as the event develope in the story things too began change. And no it was not good, not good at all. Lot of things began to happen on that unnatural environment. There's nothing thwt fog they ever seen, as if the fog was not right. It got something unnatural thing about it and then comes the weeds. Those are too somehow didn't feel right. Storm coming on and the situation got worsen. Something attacked them. There's jo explanation what on earth they saw and fight against with. Total horror and chaos and it seems nothing stop of it. Gil on the other hand didn't give up but always kept his mind in total guard. At some point he did lost his all crew members and had to lead himself alone but he found them again. Though this time there's a difference as he couldn't meet all his crew member but someone else too was doing something wrong business in there with the help of something unnatural. Gil have no idea what holds of his future but he need to keep fighting, he need to keep sane if not for everyone than for himself too. Or otherwise there's no way to getting out of that nightmare...

I actually didn't the ending part. I thought there must some way for Gil but well it's author's wish how the story would end. But tell me apart from that ending part I enjoyed this one by Tim Curran. Though I find it kind of slow from the beginning but after reading couple of chapters it going very good and I had no choice but finishing it in one sitting...

4 out of 5...2020 favorites horror ...more4 s Amanda McGehee17

I love sea horror. The first story was awesome. I couldn't stop reading. The second story wasn't bad either just the first story was really good. I hope I find more from Tim Curran about the Dead sea.3 s Quentin WallaceAuthor 33 books177

I have to say up front I didn't enjoy this collection of two novellas as much as I enjoyed the original novel. The novel was very much Stephen King's THE MIST on the high seas, which was just as good as it sounds. This was a little different.

I think Tim Curran didn't want to just rehash the first novel, so he did make an effort to expand on the Dead Sea mythos and bring something new into his universe. Rather than THE MIST, we got something the video game SILENT HILL on the ocean. (And that would probably be a hell of a video game, just saying.)

This was as much psychological horror as it was a monster tale, I just thought this universe worked better as a monster story. Honestly, this was really good it's just that I thought the first novel was great. This was probably hurt more by my expectations rather than any flaws it has.

If you d the novel it is worth checking this out, and I hope this isn't the last time we get back to this dimension.3 s Paulo "paper books only" Carvalho1,264 64

After reading the Dead Sea novel I thought about reading this short stories collection which turn out not being a short story collection but two novelas, one of which with 160 pages.

First of all, if you enjoy the novel you will probably enjoy the second. And I say probably because I didn't enjoy as much. I thought it was a rewashed of the same scenes, imagens and situations.

The first we follow a group of people who have just crash into the ocean. There's weed (we've seen this ween in the novel) and all people are trying to forget. You got the rich pretentious guy, the suck boss guy, the stupid girl and the normal one and one other guy I don't even notice he had characteristic except he knew how to fly planes.

The second one is bigger but it similar with the novel but delas with different stuff. The fog is there, they are in a boat, there's a strange boat where time moves differently. Regarding the ending was better than the novel, because it ended badly.

Overall, I didn't enjoy it, but maybe because I read one and after the other. So there's that. If you are new to Tim Curran don't start here. Dead Sea if you want a cthulhuesque kind of novel, Blackout if you want a novella length. The Devil next door if you want a really nasty splatter full of violent things or Biohazard if you wanta post apocalpythic zombie novel full of images that will make you throw up. Yeah Start there.03-stars 2021_read genre_horror ...more1 Karibou16 7

Après Dead Sea, je voulais continuer à découvrir le monde qu'a créé Tim Curran mais j'en ressors déçu. Il reprend la même formule mais sans le rythme lent de l'original et recycle certaines idées sans arriver à développer plus son univers. C'est un raté de raconter encore des personnages venant de notre monde contemporain quand on sait ce qu'est Dead Sea. On se retrouve donc avec les mêmes archétypes.
Et dommage de ne faire que deux histoires, au lieu de plusieurs, plus courtes mais plus originales.1 Myles227 3

I wanted to this book. Dead Sea by Curran was good enough that it made up for its shortcomings. But I feel Chronicles just took all the issues from Dead Sea and dialed them up to 11. Curran basically has about 3 characters that he recycles, the claustrophobia, build up, and atmosphere from Dead Sea was completely gone. There were a lot of grammatical issues too but that may have been a kindle formatting issue.

All in all this didnt completely turn me off from Curran, but I will be doing some more homework on future books before grabbing them.1 Horrificus5

Dimension X... always a good time.

Dead Sea Chronicles is a pleasant return to this horrific world, drifting in a haunted, forgotten, cursed corner of space.

It still astounds me that Mr. C's "Hive" and "Dead Sea" books have not made a bigger splash in the Lovecraftian Horror niche.

This stuff drags you, kicking snd screaming, to the worlds he creates. You can't get out until you finish the read. Even then, you will be left pondering how truly good it is, that you are not one of the characters in his novels.

There are only a handful of other authors out there who understand the components needed to create quality Cosmic Horror stories. Tim writes as if he is an actual participant in his tales. This is probably why he is able to inject such genuine dread, terror, awe, scale and hopelessness into his lore.

My only complaint is that he has not written more books to expand upon these doomed worlds. Chris373 73

(Read last year)

Written as a sequel or follow up of sorts to his nautical Lovecraftian horror epic Dead Sea, Curran gives three separate tales set in that same world of pure cosmic, HPL-inspired horror. Makes me never want to set foot on a boat ever again. Even for a trip on a lake, for Christ's sake! But if you dig no holds barred horror, especially of the Lovecraftian variety, there's no one better than Tim Curran! FictionFreak254 7

Back to the Dead Sea

It felt good to return to Tim Curran’s nightmare dimension. Dead Sea is one of my favorite books, so there was no question I had to scoop this one up! Check it out. John R. Dailey Jr.610 2


Hello, these tales were not happy and they did not end well. Very well written and entertaining to read. Thanks. Megan33

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