
TALL GRASS de Tilton, Russ

de Tilton, Russ - Género: English
libro gratis TALL GRASS


Tilton, Russ Series: Genetics Investigation Team 3 Publisher: anonymous, Year: 2022

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(EXTRA LG…) BBQ Pulled pork sliders, anyone…??

Maybe with a side of — AWESOME READING?!?
(Ok, I apologize . That was just painfully corny! ;)
I’ll keep this short, & to the point.
The Genetics Investigation Team series continues to entertain & surprise here in Book 3, Tall Grass.
I love the title too. It’s super fitting for this story, as even before cracking the book open you get to begin to envision the type of setting we may be heading into (I pictured a - swampy, deep American South savanna - type world). I was pretty much on the money!
Everything that made me become an instant fan of author Russ Tilton via Book 1 is present once again.
Complex characters, fast pace & energetic writing, & extremely creative story line.
As well as the phenomenal world building I’ve come to expect & very much admire. Tilton’s a master here. Reading his work is as close as one can get to, “living within” a book. All due to his extraordinary abilities with imagery & emotional language.
The characters & relationships we’ve become familiar with over the course of the series thus far grow & are strengthened throughout Book 3. As individuals, two-somethings, & larger units.
Overall - I’m not shocked by anything outlined above because, yet again, this story is just the others in this series - such a pleasure to read. So fun!
That said, something did differ slightly this time around. For maybe 1/2 to 3/4 of the way through the story, I didn’t think it was 100% *EXACTLY* “as good as” the first two books, however.
There isn’t anything “wrong,” per say. Nothing specific I can point to.
Just didn’t feel as … exciting. ?? I don’t know if it’s due to the particular animals which are the focus in Tall Grass (yeah, they don’t exactly ignite much interest in me on ANY given day for ANY reason).
Or if it is the “guest” cast of characters who are with us on this leg of the journey. (For example, I LOVED many of characters in Book 2, thinking back. They were interesting, intriguing, exciting to me. Even those who were repugnant. Yk? Even the undercover cop last time around. Though his part was small, & time with us short, here I am STILL thinking about him.)
So I guess, not very many members of Book 3’s cast will be that memorable to me.
All that said - Book 3 really picked up in the last 1/2 to 1/4 & ended on an extremely high note! And I’m immediately going on to Book 4 & I’m excited about it!
I don’t look at the covers, nor read the synopsis outlining the book’s plot (after completing Book 1, I started this practice).
This is so I can be “surprised” - right along with our characters - as they/we learn what mutant animal it is we are dealing with this time. It’s fun!
So …. on to Book 4! I can’t wait to find out which critter Russ Tilton will forever alter my view of next!…. ;) Bob Cantrell874 3

Who are the monsters?

This my second reading in this series of books. The more I read the more I think who are the monsters? Sure the genetically mutated animals would classify as monsters, but aren't the real monsters the people, who develop them. I how the people, who create these creatures, justify their doing so. The idea of the means justifying the ends just don't seem to work in this story, because the bad guys are really in it for the money. Now some of them see themselves as patriots, but that is just a cover for the horrors they unleash on humanity. Now the good guys make it through to the end, but just barely. The really bad guys seem to get to carry on their activities. I these stories, because the bad guys get away with their crap, but hubris is a crime that the gods will punish them for in the future and it is said karma is a female dog. So until the next story watch out for the fall grass. JoAnn2

Tall Grass: A Genetics Investigation

Omg! What laundry? Or fixing dinner? I loved this books!!!! I couldn't put this book down. Or any of the others, truth be told. You'll fall in love with his characters and the author himself. Plus he offers a different take on a monster book. So I guess its take out food since I'm going to start reading his next book. Maybe I should start thinking about getting a maid. You think???

Gary griffith19

Ready for next book

This book started out a little repetitive, could almost predict what will happen next. But his twists and turns made this a very good book. Being a 20 Year veteran with the army intelligence and working with those 3 letter agencies I find myself believing that what he writes can become true. Kinda scary thinking about it. Great author great books, ready for the next in the series. Dan274

I have read the first five in this series one after the other. I couldn't stop. I went to other books afterward, but they seemed so mundane compared to this series. I have to stop myself from buying any more for a little while because I won't get anything else read!!! I can't recommend these enough. Be prepared to be (happily) hooked!!! Eddie Cottrell24

Can't get enough...

It seems that with each passing misadventure down the genetic tampering black hole, April and Jake become more entwined in your heart. You have to continue reading to see what will happen next. You ask yourself over and over, "How long until they admit their feelings and become romantic partners?"
Hooked and ready for the next chapter in this series. Cheryl Lee203 1 follower


The characters managed to make it through another tough situation dealing with genetic mutants and government bad guys! Would love to see more of the Jake Jessup and April Flowers adventures. MIKE OKELLEY341 2

all three books in this series should have been one book
because all have same bad guys and same hero and heroine doing the same thing. but then it would be over 1000 pages. back story and details seemed to be a little over done Lis. Griggs138 1 follower

A great series

I love this series. As I keep reading I have noticed the animals keep getting bigger. Any chance you would write about smaller animals so I can keep reading this series for a while longer? Thank you for writing. I ll be reading the next book don't worry. wayne peters308 3

Review of this book.

The books just keep getting better! The author has reached perfection. The continuity and editing were excellent. The story wss fast paced and thrilling. If it is not broke do not fix it! just keep up the great work! Amy Whitten143 2

My favorite so far!

Wow! I really d books 1 and 2 but this has been my favorite! I felt I could have been there with them and I was so happy with the ending of the book. I can't wait to see what is in store for them in the next book.
William Newbury241 1 follower

Giant pigs!

You wouldn’t think that wild pigs would be terrifying but the author does a great job making them seem terrifying. None of these people were ready to hunt these animals. So stupid but they deserved it. Excited to hear how the next book progresses. Cody 413 4

No dogs were killed

The 1st book, a dog was killed. So it was a 1 star from me. Book 2 I wouldn't read. But this one shines. I really Jessup and April. Maggie Deaton535 5

This series just keeps getting better and better and more and more frightening! Casper6

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