
A Cowboy's Temptation (Sons of Chance Book 2) de Thompson, Vicki Lewis

de Thompson, Vicki Lewis - Género: English
libro gratis A Cowboy's Temptation (Sons of Chance Book 2)


Saddle up or settle down?
After living a vagabond life with her hippie parents and rambunctious siblings, Morgan O’Connelli’s determined to put down roots at last. When a promotion for her new business goes off the rails, she’s rescued by the hottest cowboy in town. Too bad he comes with complications.

Rancher Gabe Chance is blown away by the feisty redhead. Morgan’s perfect for him. But she’s not interested in adding to the Chance family legacy. She raised her younger siblings. She has no desire to raise kids of her own. How can he walk away when she’s already lassoed his heart?

Saddle up for the Sons of Chance series! Steamy western romances from the NYT bestselling author who brought you The Buckskin Brotherhood of Apple Grove, Montana. If you like sexy cowboys, charming small towns, and laugh-out-loud adventures, you’ll love meeting the residents of the Last Chance Ranch.

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I skimmed the last 1/3 of the book. Mandy was thoroughly unlikable and had no chemistry with Zane. There just wasn’t enough plot to fill an entire book.5 s P Arnold8

Sorry, Ms Thompson. Mandy is an insipid, spoiled brat.3 s MK1,424 18

Great book.

I choose the rating because Ms. Thompson brought family and love together she has in previous books I
Have read by her.
Mandy was coming home to help.her mom move. Her idea for her to move back home to New York was left u decided. In the long run it wasn't a right move.
But her life was there not Eagles Nest, Montana...
Fixing a flat tire she did never thought she would see Zane again.

Zane never thought he would see Mandy again. But low and behold there she is the to change a tire.
It's been a long time.
So when she wants to move her mom back to where she lives him and his family are against it.

Must read...
Full of heart, laughter, and so much more..
2 s Jaymy M.154 11

We can all do with a Zane McGavin in our lives. Really enjoyed getting to know this cowboy and his best friend Mandy.

Not everyone can say they've known their best friend since they were both three, but Zane and Mandy can. Of course, when that BFF hightails it out of town, only breezing through for a few days at a time to sew her mama before jetting back to NYC, cutting all ties for 10 years, it's hard to call 'em friend. That's what Mandy did.

This book picks up with Zane rescuing her from the side of the road, where she's struggling to get the lug nuts off so she can change the flat on her rental. She's only back in Montana for a week to help her mom pack up her life and sell their home. But, instead of moving into town, Mandy wants her mom to leave her life in Montana and move to NYC with her.

A spirited disagreement between Zane and Mandy and revisiting old haunts with Zane, seeing him fulfilling his dream of rehabing injured winged creatures, causes friction... of the nicest variety. A bit strange thinking of your old friend as more than a pal? Yes.

This is one of favorite romance types... friends to more.

But with Mandy dead-set on running to the city to escape bad memories of her father's deceit and rejection and Zane very much entrenched in the family business and his raptor rescue, there are big odds to overcome before they can consider a lasting relationship... or even one at all since moving her mom would completely cut her off from even having any further contact with Montana.

Enjoyable read. Nice intro to a new series. Can't wait to see what Cody and the other McGavins get up to. Can't help but fall a little under his charm upon meeting him in Zane and Mandy's book.arc1 Elaine3,571 87

I really d this story immensely. It's a lovely romance with Zane, the sexy cowboy and Mandy. Whilst driving home to his family's ranch, Zane sees a car that's broken down at the roadside. So he stops to help. It turns out that its Mandy, an old school friend that he hasn't seen for 10 years.
This book is about family and friends in a small community, and lots of sexy bits!
I'm so used to reading historical romances that I don't really bother with any other genre, but I'm going to read this whole series. BTW this was free on Amazon UK. 5?cowboy1 Tracie R2,146

The first full book in the McGavin Brothers series, A Cowboy's Strength was a wonderful read. I d Zane and Mandy and the overall interaction made it a great Sunday read. I look forward to hearing more about the other brothers.1 Judy Churchill2,518 29

This just wasn’t what I was looking for. It took place in Montana, it was a horse farm, but there wasn’t much cowboying going on. The book wasn’t bad, just not what I thought it would be.1 Yvonne Cruz3,092 27

This is the beginning of Ms Lewis Thompson’s new series titled The McGavin Brothers from Montana.
In this first story, our main characters are Zane McGavin and Mandy Fielding.
Zane runs a ranch with his Mom as well as rescuing raptors which have been injured.
Mandy, left Montana 10 years ago and works in NYC. Montana is filled with sad memories which she wants to erase and has come back just to convince her Mom to move with her to NYC.
Zane and Mandy were best friends as children, and this friendship gets more complex and complicated during the visit when emotions and feelings are developed. The painful hurt Mandy had experienced in the past, is divulged.
Both characters are well developed , as are the secondary characters. I especially loved Zane. Mandy took a little longer to sympathize and empathize with. A promising series and one that will undoubtedly keep us entertained for a while.
I was gifted this copy of the book. The opinions expressed are solely my own.1 Nancy Ku1,460 17

I am so honored to be one of the lucky readers to preview A COWBOY'S STRENGTH. Thank you Vicki Lewis Thompson....This is a new series THE MCGAVIN BROTHERS... This is Zane and Mandy's story...best friends from childhood..reunited after ten years..Zane is a cowboy anyone would love..I know I do... Mandy has bad memories of her father's betrayal of the family...and that has kept her at a distance from her home and old friends... Vicki you again pulled me into the story and I don't want to leave....I am now anxious for the next McGavin brothers story...will it be Ryker, Cody or one of the twins Trevor or Bryce? If you have already read any of Vicki's books you know this will be great..if not please trust me.. it is.1 Lenna Wright3,123 31

I’m stopping at chapter 5, why because it’s so boring and I’m just skipping to the end. The blurb sounded it would be great but if in 5 chapters I don’t get the spark of anything by then, then it’s going to be dull and boring. Only the last pages summed up the whole story without the boring bits.1 Carly 306 4

The best things in this book were the ladies of the Whine and Cheese club. They were funny as all get-out and delightful!

This book has some issues and the most glaring is an unsympathetic heroine who is a lonely girl in a big city, New York. Her solution is to uproot her mother from her mother’s friends and rural lifestyle in Eagle’s Next, Montana and move her to New York.

Immediately, we can see that Mandy Fielding is really into herself. Everything – and I mean everything – is about her. She finds fault with everything around her, people, places, rural living. She is unable – and unwilling – to see the world from anyone’s viewpoint but her own. She is unhappy with her own life and instead of grappling with her issues, she insists that her mother leave her life behind and move to New York City. Her mother does not want to move, but loves her daughter desperately.

Zane McGavin, one of the eponymous McGavin Brothers in this series, loves Montana and his raptor rescue operation. This part of the book is fascinating. His love for the birds is obvious. His love for Mandy is not. For the entire book I found myself scratching my head, wondering what on earth these two could possibly see in each other. Opposites attract, for sure, and that’s a fine premise for conflict in a romance novel. But here, it’s uninspiring. Zane and Mandy’s relationship is boring, dull, tedious, and uninteresting. Their conversations are unremarkably banal.

Mandy, well into self-serving brat mode, rides roughshod over her mother in her own frantic desire to get her mother to move immediately. When Zane offers a solution through buying her mother’s house, she pitches yet another hissy fit. The reasons for her fit are unclear. I still can’t figure out why she behaves so spitefully, but oh well. Meaningless sex with Zane makes it all that much worse. Mandy seems to bend over backwards with her meanness while Zane remains stoic and silently conflicted.

At 47% completion, I was tired of Mandy’s ridiculous attitudes and began to speed read in order to get through this painfully slow book. The book was much better after I started speed reading. At 68% completion, I figured the writer would give Mandy a change of heart but by then, I no longer cared. At 94% completion, the book was better for the few pages that Mandy was not littering them.

I believe what irks me the most is that this is a story with good bones; it is character-driven and the secondary characters are better than the two primary characters. I tried to appreciate Mandy’s view since she had such a rough time when her dad left her and her mom. But, yikes! Mandy just wallowed and became a horribly self-involved person. Because she is half of the book’s romantic couple, I could not get myself to enjoy the Zane-and-Mandy show. And sure enough, Mandy did a turnabout. It started at the 89% completion mark (chapter 19) when Mandy realizes all is not right with herself. In that same chapter, Mandy finally, finally does something that does not serve her own interest. It’s only taken 93% of the book. Her last capitulation occurs on the final two pages of the book and is not believable. I did not care for the ending. Now, she’s not only a selfish character, she’s made to be stupid because she never thought of the solution to her loneliness issue without Zane telling her. Geez….

I rated this book 2 stars because for all its potential, it fell flat as a romance. No zing. No pizzazz. No chemistry. Just…no.
Marsha Keeper Bookshelf4,290 85

Reviewed at Lovin'A Cowboy Romance

A Cowboy’s Strength begins the McGavin Brothers series with a friends forever couple who started their friendship as toddlers, considered each other best friends even if there were more feelings that they just didn’t act on back then. Zane has missed his childhood friend since Mandy now only makes fast trips back home. She’s taken herself off to New York City, claims to be content there but he’s fully aware of why she runs away at the drop of a hat. Now she’s back in town with a harebrained idea of taking her mother back to the big city with her. If she does that it will break her mother’s heart for she loves this small town… and maybe it will break his as well since then there will never be a reason for another fast trip home to see old friends. Somehow he has to convince his little spitfire to stop running and come home… to him. But many well laid out plans, this one backfires on him and they are soon in a battle of wills with their hearts as winners or losers in this game.

I loved Zane. He’s everything a hero should be. Strong when needed, and tender at the right moments. Oh, sure, he has a stubborn streak but that serves him well in life and hopefully in love. Mandy took me a little while longer to warm up to. At times she is her worst enemy, she refuses to see what is right in front of her… and she’s always right. Always. Even when she’s so wrong it hurts. Watching them work through the issues that divide them was a challenging experience, one I enjoyed, but these two are so unbelievably stubborn (which should be in all caps if it wasn’t considered rude). We also get to meet some pretty amazing secondary characters, as well as some who will have their own stories told one day.

I loved every minute in this world, even when Mandy got me annoyed at times, and I’ll definitely be continuing the series. See, that’s what I love about books. It doesn’t matter one little bit if they’re hot off the press or a year old… the story within doesn’t change. If you love a handsome, strong cowboy then I’m betting you’d enjoy A Cowboy’s Strength.

I own a print copy of this title.contemporary-romance series Heather640 1 follower

This is the first book in this series about the McGavin Brothers. I believe that they can be read as standalone stories. This is Zane and Mandy’s story.

Zane and Mandy were best friends growing up. Their Mom’s are also best friends so they all spent time together. They all new each others hopes and dreams and got each other through some tough times. After Mandy’s parents got divorced, Montana did not feel home anymore and she couldn’t wait to move away after graduation. Now she is finally back home, but only to convince her Mom to move to New York with her.

Zane is living out his dream of having a raptor rescue on top of working for the family ranch. He is a family oriented man and would do anything for the people he loves.

Mandy works in New York and doesn’t appear happy with her job. She is home after all of these years, but not to stay. She is home to convince her mother to move with her. She wants to escape all of the bad memories even though being here is bringing back many of the good ones she had long forgotten.

I did not connect with these two at all. Mandy comes off completely selfish and I did not understand Zane just forgiving her after all of this time without question. He is dreamy and amazing and she is just plain selfish. As you read the story you begin to understand why she feels the way she does, but to ask her mother to leave is not right. Mandy’s mother is just as important to Zane and his family and he feels compelled to show her the good In Montana again.

This story has good secondary characters and I enjoyed the friendship between the mothers as well as the connection the kids have to them as friends. I just could not buy into this friendship turned into more because of Mandy’s behavior through most of this book. ??????. ????Helpless Romantic????78 1 follower

GoodReads: "When friendship ends, passion begins...

Zane McGavin is fit to be tied. His childhood friend Mandy Fielding has waltzed into town and announced she’s moving her mother to New York. Never mind that her mom loves Eagles Nest, Montana and would be miserable in the big city. He’s determined to talk Mandy into seeing reason but his plan backfires and he ends up kissing her instead.

Mandy has a few choice words for Zane McGavin and his opinions. She expected him to support her plan but instead he’s crossing her at every turn…and looking too damned sexy doing it. When did her former playmate turn into a gorgeous cowboy? And why does he have to kiss better than any man she’s ever met?

She’s convinced she knows what’s best. So is he. Will they both lose in this battle of wills?

A Cowboy’s Strength is the first in the McGavin Brothers western romance series from the NYT bestselling author who brought you the Sons of Chance and Thunder Mountain Brotherhood series. If you sexy cowboys, memorable characters and a touch of humor, you’ll love A Cowboy’s Strength."

I loved it! Mandy and Zane have such a fun relationship. Their adventures are pretty great as well. Definitely recommend this book! Stephanie158 1 follower

First read from this author. Zane McGavin and his brothers were all brought up by their mother after their father died when they were just tiny. They learned to run the ranch and the family business of training horses, riding lessons and trial rides. With his best friend Mandy on the neighbouring property life was great. But 10 years later after Mandy left for college and never came back things were very different. But her mum "Aunty Jo" had always been there, his mums best friend and thats how it was. Until of course Jo decides to retire, sell up and live in town. Then Mandy reappears, not to help her mum move, but to take her to New York. Zane is livid and intends to throw a spanner in Mandys plan. Things get tense when 2 old friends realise they are all grown up and the feelings of old friends are replaced with much stronger and deeper feelings and emotions. We go with them as they discover each other in ways they never dreamed as kids and find that friendship can lead to much deeper feelings. Dawn310

I'm always impressed when I read one of Vicki Lewis Thompson's books. The heroes are strong and hard-working and the heroines are independent and smart. That describes Zane McGavin and Mandy Fielding exactly.
Zane is one of five boys raised by a single mother. He's living the life he has always wanted in his small hometown. He works with horses at his family ranch and he rehabilitates and then releases birds of prey. He doesn't believe anything is missing in his life until he sees a blast from his past stranded on the side of the road.
Mandy left Eagle's Nest ten years ago. She walked away from her home, her mother and her best friend. Now, she's back to upend all of their lives.
Will these former best friends rediscover their love for each other or will distance keep them apart?

I received a free copy of this book in exchange for an honest review Julie1,396

I won a copy of this in an author giveaway.
I have always enjoyed VLT's writing. This was no exception. The characters are strong, including the animals. Zane and Mandy were friends from childhood. Mandy was only back in town for a week. So the fast pace of the relationship made a certain amount of sense.
Zane wants what is best for his friends, which include Mandy's mom, his honorary Aunt Jo. Their ideas on what is best differ though. Good thing Aunt Jo has a mind of her own too.
I d that he eventually considered things from Mandy's point of view.
The main problem I had was that I never fully understood what came in between Zane and Mandy.
I need a group the Whine and Cheese ladies.
I look forward to the rest of the series. I hope Jo and Kendra get a chance at new love as well as the other brothers. Cheryl Drake johnson1,635 8

Zane sees a woman trying to fix a flat on the side of the road and stops to help when he finds out it is a friend Mandy that left town years ago and he hasn't seen but when they start talking and he realizes she is only back to help her mother who plans to sell the farm he finds out that she wants her mom to move back to New York with her and Zane knows that her mother and his are best friends, and his family calls her mom Aunt Jo and he doesn't believe she wants to leave Wyoming for the big city. When an accident happens Mandy and Zane come together in a way she never expected but he always wanted but Mandy is determined to drag her mom back to east with her. Zane comes with a plan that helps with his hobby and that can satisfy his Buttercup. A renewed friendship, romance, and love. i purchased this book. I volunteered an honest review. Toni1,823 20

I always worry just a little bit when a beloved author decides to go indie. Are the books going to be as good as they were when they were working with a favored editor? I need not have bothered worrying about Vicki Lewis Thompson. A Cowboy’s Strength, her latest novel and first cowboy indie, is everything I’ve come to expect in a Thompson novel. I kept expecting one of the Chance brothers or the Thunder Mountain brotherhood to make an appearance. The McGavin’s are a great addition to her cowboy world. Though this world is separated from the world we’ve come to love, the heart, the hot cowboys, the friends to lovers trope, and sense of family are still here. Come, put your feet up and sit a spell, you will feel right at home.

I voluntarily reviewed an ARC of this novel.
Andreea1,524 51

I want a book about the Whine and Cheese club ladies - those ladies had more charisma than our heroine and her cowboy combined. It was boring. I am questioning myself as to why I did not DNF it earlier, but alas, we all make mistakes.

The FMC was getting on my nerves and other than being stubborn and annoying she had no redeeming quality. The MMC was okay although I suspect he might have some premature ejaculation issues (or the author could learn new ways to tell us and show us that he is very aroused about the FMC).

But the main issue is... this is a book under 200 pages that felt over 300-400 pages! The plot was boring, the drama is absent, all the growth happens behind the screen in a way. It was a bland and super slow story, with not interesting (nor steamy) spice. free-ebooks horizontal-negotiations read-shelf-kindle ...more1 Deb Diem3,495 12

A Cowboy's Strength is a phenomenal contemporary western romance by Vicki Lewis Thompson. Ms. Thompson has provided readers with a well-written book and populated it with an outstanding cast of characters. Zane works the family ranch and rehabilitates injured raptors. Mandy left town and returns to help her mother pack to move. But she wants her to move to NY instead of into a place in town. Zane and Mandy's story is fast-paced and full of drama, humor and sizzle. I loved reading this book and look forward to my next book by Vicki Lewis Thompson. A Cowboy's Strength is book 1 of The McGavin Brothers Series but can be read as a standalone. This is a complete book, not a cliff-hanger. Mallory191 17

Frustrating heroine

I’d give this book 3.5 stars. The premise was good. I really Zane and his mom but holy crap, Mandy was annoying. She LOVED NYC, her ringtone was New York, New York ffs. *eyeroll*

On top of that she’s a moron, she didn’t even consider moving until Zane offered an explanation. She flew off the handle at little things and basically acted a snob that whole book.

I might read more of this series at a later date but Mandy put me off starting immediately. Marlene 1,260 11

This series is perfectly laid out in this book. Young widow raised five sons; sons now grown and most have moved to other locations; and, Zane McGavin is the one remaining son at home helping run the horse training ranch with his mother. Zane not only helps with the ranch, he rescues hawks, raptors and other large "at risk" birds. Then, after they are healed, he releases them back to the wild mountains. Having read clear up to Book 14 recently released, I went back to read where it all started. There are sensual scenes so I recommend this series for adults. This series is powerful. Fleures13

Hunky cowboy with heart, soul, romance, and sex thrown in.

This book has a good story line - it covers background and carefully weaves the characters and their lives together, all while introducing a plethora of emotions. It brings the cowboy to you with a bonus of sex thrown in. The book runs at a good clip, so it was hard for me not to just keep reading. It was life being laid out instead of a sexcapade from start to finish. And now I'm intrigued, and can't wait to read more of this series. Will DeckerAuthor 23 books11

If I based my on the characters in the stories, I give a lot of low star . But if the author hadn't brought out the deplorable characteristics in the characters, I would probably be giving the story a low star review for lack of writing skills. In short, I didn't the heroine in this story, but the author gave her life and I could feel it. I did most of the other characters, the editing was good, the plot thought out, and a heaping dose of spice. It is a very enjoyable read thanks to great writing talent. Garth Mailman2,186 7

Hunky cowboy rescues damsel in distress. Coffee and cookies follow. Turns out the couple were childhood neighbours and friends. He runs trail rides and boards horses and operates a raptor rescue centre. This pair have passionate arguments and sex but would that sustain a successful marriage? The book details their love-making. He apparently has size where it counts.

The pair are friends with benefits, the question being if the gal can commit to more.
Linda Rutland313 2

Old friends to lovers

Her flat tire ends 10 years of distance and silence but when Mandy announces her plans to get her mother to leave Montana behind and move to New York City with her she opens a door she might not be ready for. Gavin had been her friend since she was 3 but now he's oh so much more. I really enjoyed this book. Attyjopeanuts30

Very satisfying read

This book delivers characters you cheer for, a story which is resolved in one book, and horses with memorable personality. The only draw back might be that we didn't fully learn why the heroine of our story was motivated. I've bought book 2 in hopes that it is as entertaining. Whit3,236 40

Although most of the plot was interesting, I found Mandy to be really selfish to come home and pressure her mom to move to NYC when all of her mom's friends and family were back home in their home town. Mandy got on my last nerve!
I enjoyed Zane's banter with his horses more than his interactions with selfish Mandy.book-series graphic-steamy hot-sexy-cowboys ...more Dorothey Thompson1,905 9

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