
Fagin's Folly (Summary Justice series Book 2) de Theo Harris

de Theo Harris - Género: English
libro gratis Fagin's Folly (Summary Justice series Book 2)


Theo Harris Publisher: Alemar Publications, Year: 2022 ISBN: 9798359896603

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Revenge is sweet, or as the author puts it:
Think you have gotten away with it?
Think again!

Your favorite crime hunting team is back. They don't let anything stand in there way - even the letter of the law. If you always wished you could stop those criminals and make them pay, this is the team for you. Very creative and with hooks on both sides of the law, they will find you. Best not be an evil jerk because they are coming for you.

The author paints an enjoyable story for all of us who just wished there was a way to really make the evil people pay - and pay in proportion to their crimes. Certainly a soft spot for those who hurt for their fellow man who is terrorized by crime. Robyn Balmer100 2

I purchased the The DC Kendra March Collection: Books 1–6, by Theo Harris because I d the “An Eye for an Eye” by the same author. I’m afraid I wasted my money. I couldn’t finish “Fagin’s Volley” as it seemed it was written by a teenager. The characters, CD Kendra March, her criminally connected father and ex-police partner, Andy, were inclined to slap each other about, challenging each other, and laughing at things that I thought weren’t funny at all. I got a bit tired of it and couldn’t finish the book.
The theme was good – the good guys taking on the criminals without the presence of police practices and their strict laws.
I am afraid I won’t be finishing the rest of this book. jerry Cursons116 1 follower

Another excellent story in the series with a nice fast paste of events. Could not put the book down until I got to a convenient chapter to stop for a meal or drink or sleep. Nice to see that other characters coming in to the story from other parts of the country to inherance the story making it more believable. Looking forward to reading book three which I have pre ordered as well as book four. Hugo Fraenkel19

Another great story of policing with a conscience

This is book 2 in the series written by an ex police officer who knows how to spin a great yarn.
This time Kendra, Andy and Trevor take on Neo Nazis in London.
Our heroes are believable as are the villains. The story is is told at a great pace and never bores its readers.
I thoroughly enjoyed it and am delighted to recommend it. Bruce Tamanaha87 1 follower

Great story by Theo Harris

Great exciting, action-packed story with Kendra, Trevor, Andy, and "team" defeating crime outside of the system. Bringing down the East London group and the extreme right-wing group leadership with muscle, tech, and teamwork makes for a fun read. Enjoying the Summary of Justice series. Deborah Martin64

Excellent series

A great read for those who enjoy a series about vigilante justice. This group of misfits are on top of the injustices occurring in London. Their methods are swift and justice is served. I have stayed up late reading these first two books. I look forward to continuing this series. Theo Harris is an enjoyable author. Fran Burdsall447 9

Second book in the series does not improve the character development significantly. His main protagonists are stilted and flat. The action is great - this author has a flair for adventure and edge-of-the-seat moments. I get what he's doing but somehow he needs the touch of a co-author to flesh out his "romance" and relationship themes.2023 Maureen958

There is a gang striking fear into people in East London. Kenzie, Andy and Trevor step up to the task. Definitely a fun and enjoyable read as the villains are dealt with in a way that we wish would happen in real life. It is fast-paced and reads an adventure story. Joanne Dickinson96

Loved book 2

What a great idea this author has. Using police and street people to help punish the bad gangs.

What a great way to do it. Need to buy book 3 now and see who the next nasty gang will be. Glenna Pierce2

Good read

Really good read, good to see the bad guys get repaid and some good guys get a bonus. Thank you. Mrs Paula1 review

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