
Stagione di caccia de Thea Harrison

de Thea Harrison - Género: Italian
libro gratis Stagione di caccia


Come guardia di palazzo e sicario per i fae oscuri, Xanthe ha sempre indossato una maschera, per nascondere le sue emozioni e fare il suo dovere. Quando la sua identità viene compromessa, ottiene un lavoro sotto copertura per proteggere la regina Niniane - una posizione che spesso la porta a contatto con il cancelliere Aubrey Riordan. La fiducia di Aubrey è in frantumi. Un anno prima sua moglie ha cercato di assassinare la loro nuova regina, tradendo tutto ciò in cui credeva. E ora un attentato alla sua vita gli dà la prova che l'oscura cospirazione non è ancora finita. Anche se ferito e debole, Aubrey non può fare a meno di essere attratto da quella timida assassina e leale protettrice. Xanthe è tutto ciò che Naida non era, e la passione che suscita in lui è qualcosa che Aubrey non pensava di poter mai provare. Avvertenza: prendi un uomo che si sta riprendendo da un tentativo di omicidio, un’assassina che ha giurato di proteggerlo, aggiungi un mazzo di tarocchi magici e un cottage isolato, e guarda scoppiare le scintille!

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A short novella that takes place in the Dark Fae World about Xanthe, one of their assassins, who has returned home and now been assigned as Queen Niniene's guard and Chancellor Aubrey Riordan. We have been introduced to both in previous books and here is get their HEA.

Their romance is sweet and heart-warming. I particularly enjoyed the time the two spent together at her home. They were a perfect couple. Even though it was a quick and short story, the author still did a great job at developing the characters.

I loved getting to know more about the Dark Fae world - Niniane and Tiago play a big part in this story and it was lovely to see how Niniane handles being Queen in the intriguing political arena of her court.

I can't wait for the next book............and more of Pia and Dragos!!!!authors-a-h paranormal romance ...more24 s Sophia Triad2,240 3,599

Aubrey and Xanthe

Xanthe is an assasin/guardian for the fae court and she works for Niniane and Trago. We met her at Devil's Gate.
Chancellor Aubrey was going to be a king if Niniane did not accept becoming a queen. As we have seen in Storm's Heart, Aubrey is a good person while his wife was evil and she was plotting against Niniane. Now his wife is dead and he does not plan to have another one until he meets Xanthe.
Xanthe is assigned to him by Niniane for protection and after a brutal attack, the two of them will spend a lot of time together at Xanthe's cottage until Aubrey recovers.
Aubrey does not hide his interest in Xanthe, while she thinks that she is not good enough for him:

Don't play with me just because you're bored.

Aubrey feels too old and tired, but he finds Xanther irresistible:

I'm falling in love with you. And damn, it's a deep deep fall.

This is a slow burn romance that takes place in the Dark Fae Realm. It is so sweet and beautiful the way the love grows. It should definitely have had to be a longer novel, but still it is engaging and heartwarming.1paranormal-lovestories dragons fairies-fae-pixies ...more19 s Danielle The Book Huntress 2,661 6,373

I read this out of the Destiny's Tarot duology.
I was surprised to see that Aubrey was the hero in the second story, "Hunter's Season. " I became acquainted with him in Storm's Heart, as he is the Chancellor of Adriyel. I know that he doesn't look old, but I thought of him as being older. Technically, he's lived a long time because Dark Fae do live long lives. Eventually, I saw him as looking kind of Hugo Weaving as Elrond from the Lord of the Rings movies. So to me this is a May-December romance. I don't know that it actually was meant to be though. I do love unrequited love stories, and this qualifies since Xanthe has been in love with Aubrey for ever. It's also a sort of forbidden romance in that Xanthe is just a soldier/assassin, and Aubrey is very highborn and highly placed in the aristocracy. It also counts as a cabin romance and a nursed back to health romance. So a lot of the tropes I enjoy in one book. I d it a lot. Not as much as "Devil's Gate," but it's still really romantic and a very good story with a satisfying conclusion.

***It makes me sad about how Niniane and Tiago can't get married and have children because of the politics of her being Dark Fae Queen and him being Wyr.

I strongly recommend this series if you paranormal romance, fantasy romance, or fantasy with romance.
a-to-z-female-character-challenge-x assassin faerie ...more13 s Stacie2,178 247

4+ "Unexpected Love" Stars!

I loved this one. It was a surprisingly sweet story about unexpected love; with some political machinations and assassination attempt thrown in. I absolutely loved both Aubrey and Xanthe. I would have enjoyed a full length story with these two. But as it was, I very much so enjoyed their novella. This one was my favorite novella of the series so far. Still loving the Elder Races! Happy reading!10 s Keri2,065 107

Loved this little book. Xanthe and Aubrey were well drawn characters, despite being a short. Their romance was sweet and I thought they made a perfect couple. Thea Harrison's world gets better and better. We even get a little Tiago and Tricks. :-) Can't wait for the next Pia and Dragos book!2010s-read e-book romance-urban-fantasy6 s Melanie515 154

Yesss!!!!!! Thea Harrison is BACK! With a BANG! Thank the gods!

I love Thea Harrion's 'Elder Races' novels with its alternate world of numerous Elder race factions intermingling and coexisting alongside humans, its emotionally-challenged alpha males who need a little TLC, and its charismatic heroines all delivered with Harrison's uniquely elegant writing style. Her 'Elder Races' novellas, however, have been (for me at least) a different experience altogether.

The four novellas Harrison has released have all shared a similar story arc - that of a powerfully magical tarot card set that subtly influence the romantic lives of individuals of its "choosing". The first 'True Colors' was really good and I loved it, but the following two were huge disappointments for me. The stories felt too rushed and didn't do justice to the characters.

'Hunter's Season', which I almost skipped due to how much I just didn't enjoy the last two(!), was, in a word, amazing. It's a bit of a toss up, but I may have enjoyed 'Hunter's Season' even more than the first novella 'True Colors'. I loved both Xanthe and Aubrey, and reading about their budding, fragile romance was touching. Although this is a relatively short novella, Harrison dealt with the timeline deftly and managed to stretch out their story so that their relationship blooms over an appropriate time period... and when they finally get together - YOWZA! Very hot indeed.

It was great seeing Niniane and Tiago from 2nd novel 'Storm's Heart' again, and it's nice to know they are still going strong in the Dark Fae Otherland. We knew given Niniane's coronation as Dark Fae queen and the relative distrust of the Dark Fae towards outsiders that their relationship wouldn't be easy, but it appears they are still deliriously happy with each other and all is well.

It would seem that the tarot cards have been put to repast for awhile so 'Hunter's Season' heralded the end of that particular novella story arc. I hope that any future novellas (and novels for that matter) keep up this level of awesomeness... because when Thea Harrison is on - she's ON!aint-he-sweet elder-races favorites ...more5 s Lady Heather 1,301 767

First read: September 20, 2012

Amazing novella to complement the "Elder Races" series!
Xanthe & Aubrey's story was wonderful to read.
The readers finally get the answers to the mystery of the tarot cards, and we get to spend time with Tiago & Niniane once again.

Second read: August 7, 2013

Loved Aubrey and Xanthe's story a second time. I really how this story continued right where Devil's Gate left off.. right after Duncan and Seremela dropped Xanthe off in Chicago.
adult adventure best-series ...more4 s Romanticamente Fantasy6,921 206

Recensione in ANTEPRIMA
Veronica - per RFS
Buongiorno a tutte vorrei fare un breve premessa prima di darvi la mia opinione per la recensione del libro “Stagione di caccia – Razze Antiche #4.7”, io adoro questa serie e soprattutto amo due personaggi in particolare Dragos e Pia per me sono e saranno sempre i miei preferiti. Ma devo dire che nel corso della lettura degli altri titoli della serie ho imparato ad amare anche gli altri personaggi, anche se lievemente di meno, ok che ci posso fare per me è così. Sono stata felice quando ho saputo che la Triskell aveva acquistato i diritti della serie così da poter continuare la serie che si era interrotta, e sono altresì contenta che abbiamo potuto leggere anche le novelle che di solito non sempre vengono tradotte e pubblicate.
Ora dopo questa breve premessa, sono felice ci parlarvi di questa novella. I protagonisti sono Xanthe e Aubrey Riordan, Lei guardia di palazzo e assassina e lui cancelliere della corte dei fae oscure. Se ve lo state chiedendo, voglio confermarvi che ritroviamo anche Niniene e Thiago che abbiamo già conosciuto e amato.

I due protagonisti sono così diversi lei per il mestiere che fa è una donna forte, determinata e calma. Lui invece è un politico e quindi vi ho già detto tutto, però spezzando una lancia a suo favore, infatti, è uno dei pochi amati e apprezzati dai fea oscuri in quanto giusto e corretto. L’avevamo già conosciuto nel libro di Niniene e Thiago, infatti, sua moglie aveva complottato a sua insaputa per uccidere la regina.

Lui di questo è estraneo tant’è che la stessa regina le è amica e ha piena fiducia in lui proprio per la sua correttezza. La prima volta che si vedono Aubrey ammira sì la bellezza di Xanthe ma ammira soprattutto la sua calma e compostezza.

I due sono attratti naturalmente e complice anche l’attentato subito da Aubrey i due finiscono insieme uno per guarire e l’altra per proteggerlo.

Mi è piaciuto molto come i due si sono rapportati e come lo stare insieme li ha resi uniti anche se così diversi sia per carattere che per estrazione sociale (lei un comune cittadina, lui un aristocratico). Mi è piaciuto anche vedere come lei lo ha aiutato a fidarsi nuovamente, perché diciamocelo aver scoperto il tradimento della moglie non è stato facile per un uomo della sua levatura morale. Vedete ha trovato lei la sua controparte perfetta secondo me, ok che lei è un assassina ma è leale verso il suo popolo e la sovrana.

Bè che dire è una bella novella in tutti i sensi e se volete sapere come va a finire la loro storia e sapere chi ha complottato contro il cancelliere dovete solo leggere il libro.

Io dal canto mio vi posso solo dire che è un racconto bellissimo e di leggerlo. Inoltre, Thea Harrison si riconferma una delle mie autrici preferite.

Alla prossima.This entire review has been hidden because of spoilers.Show full review4 s Cheesecake2,785 434

Xanthe and Aubrey. Love the names!
Well this is the last short story revolving around a magical deck of tarot cards. Just a sweetly romantic little amuse bouche for between longer reads.

The reader, Sophie Eastlake was wonderful.

Warning, this one has a huge ass spoiler for book 2.
But ironically I feel going back and reading book 2 now (I originally couldn't get into that one).

Xanthe was the mysterious assassin from Devil's Gate (Elders 4.6). Queen Niniane makes her one of her personal guards. As such she often runs into Aubrey whom she has always admired from afar.

Aubrey is the queen's chancellor and as such, an elf of great power, yet he's also a nice and honourable man. But also a man who is sad and cast adrift personally since his wife died a traitor. He questions his own judgment now. He does notice Xanthe when she returns from her last job as an assassin. He notices her because she is everything his wife was not. She is honourable and loyal and scrupulous about fulfilling her duty.
She also has a sensuous mouth and well.... she is prettier every time he sees her.

He is attacked and almost killed and it is Xanthe who must nurse him back to health. And so hidden together, they enjoy an intimacy that might never have otherwise happened. Especially in a class strapped society the dark fae court. The chancellor and a nameless palace guard??? shocking!

I really enjoyed this one. Sweetly romantic with just a bit of action and a dash of intrigue. But mostly just two people who have a lot in common but are from very different walks of life, falling in love. It's not insta, but it is fairly quick as it is a short story.
My only complaint is that Xanthe seems so alone. I wondered if she had no friends and it made her character feel a little unfinished.

Lots of cameos of Tiago and Niniane

Safety is good Aubrey's first wife was the traitor in book 2 and died as such. It was a marriage of reason in that it wasn't a love match. They met and discussed the pros and cons of getting married and then got married. She was a fair bit younger than him. She was a bit of a cold fish too, as she didn't to sleep in the same bed as him. Not a cuddler!
Not sure how much younger Xanthe is than him. There really were no clues given. But he is probably the elven equivalent for a man in his early 40's. Xanthe has had lovers before but no long affairs. They just couldn't keep their hands off each other. It was pretty sexy! 4 s Angela (Angel's Book Nook)1,630 916

I read Hunter’s Season when it was first published and loved it. I’ve been on an audiobook kick and decided to try out Ms. Harrison’s Elder Races series in Audio.

Even if you haven’t read an Elder Race book you could still pick this novella up, but I would recommend at least reading Books 1 & 2 first in the Elder Race series; since they give you a sense of what is going on in the world.

Hunter’s Season features Xanthe a Dark Fae Assassin and Aubrey a Dark Fae Chancellor. These characters are secondary characters introduced in the Elder Race series. We meet Xanthe in Devil's Gate and Aubrey in Storm's Heart. These two come together to create a lovely and passionate romance.

This novella was sensational with a heavenly HEA. Ms. Harrison delivers a beautiful blossoming romance; between two very different characters. Their romance builds slowly, is sweet, and adorable. I love how the author put so much attention on their romance.

I adored Hunter’s Season. The conclusion was satisfying, the romance is charming, and we get a little danger and intrigue too. Harrison shows us just how much love can truly heal.

Audio Review Dec. 2017: I enjoyed the audio narration for Hunter's Season. Sophie Eastlake did a superb job with the voices and bring out the blossoming romance between Xanthe and Aubrey.

The Elder Race series brings us a verity of unique supernaturals, worlds, and so much more. It’s an entertaining series to read or listen too. I highly recommend diving in.

Rated: 4 Stars

4-stars favorites nook-own-library4 s Annie 2,465 946

Thea Harrison delivers a stellar HEA for two secondary characters in the Elder Races series. Xanthe, the assassin for the Dark Fae first introduced in Devil's Gate and Chancellor Aubrey Riordan from Storm's Heart come together to create a sweet, yet sizzling romance that will be sure to melt readers.

While the beginning is a little slow, Harrison delivers a beautifully bloomed romance between two vastly different characters. Their romance builds slowly, in a manner so sweet that readers may be surprised by the amount of attention Harrison puts on the romance. But it is something that I have to appreciate since authors don't do it as much, especially in a tightly-written novella.

There is a satisfying conclusion to the tarot cards and a sweet acknowledgement to Mouse, who brings more tenderness to the short story. Overall, HUNTER'S SEASON hit all the right spots for me as a romance reader. With danger, intrigue and a heady dose of romance, Harrison shows how love can truly heal all.

Read this review in its entirety at Fresh Fictionauthor-thea-harrison covers-to-covet ebooks ...more4 s Gwen (The Gwendolyn Reading Method)1,693 475

ok, now this was damn adorable!best-paranormal4 s Shelby2,919 83

I d Xanthe and Aubrey together. This was a sweeter story than some of the others in the series. Sure there's the threat to Aubrey, and he's been seriously hurt, but the actual work of figuring it all out is going on outside of the little bubble that Xanthe and Aubrey find themselves in. While Xanthe may have had a crush on Aubrey for a while from afar, Aubrey really doesn't know who she is until her return from her last mission. I d how Xanthe's quiet just gives Aubrey room to be and recover from all the horrors of his last relationship and it's current repercussions.

I do really this series, but I'm excited for the next book being a full novel. assassin-spies deserve-additional-reads fae-elves ...more3 s Sana Zameer894 125

3.5 Starsalternate-universe assassins-mercenary fae ...more3 s Jules77 4

Due e mezzo.

Non mi ha fatta impazzire, a dirla tutta.
Contrariamente a quello che è successo in tutti gli altri libri/ novelle, qui l'azione si consuma all'inizio, con l'aggressione di Aubrey da parte di un gruppo di attentatori.
Tutto il resto della storia è molto romance e mostra l'evolversi dei sentimenti tra lui e Xanthe, ma per qualche motivo non ho trovato questa coppia molto convincente.
L'ho letto in un soffio. Non mi è dispiaciuto, ma non lo trovo memorabile.3 s Ferdy944 1,244


I'm not really a fan of Thea Harrison's novellas but since I've read all her other novellas and this was the only one left, I thought I may as well read it for completions sake.
Hunter's Season focuses on the romance between Aubrey, the chancellor of the Dark Fae, and Xanthe, an assassin and a soldier. The plot was pretty boring — after Aubrey's attacked, Xanthe looks after him and they fall in love. Considering this was a novella, I felt there was far too many mentions of Xanthe doing chores around her house. I don't care about characters cooking and cleaning, instead of describing nonsensical tasks, those paragraphs/sentences should have been used on Xanthe and Aubrey's underdeveloped romance.
I wasn't impressed with any of the characters, Xanthe was pathetic, desperate and boring — she had no friends or any meaningful past relationships apart from with her dad — she was just so blah. Her servile and worshipful attitude towards Aubrey was cringey. Aubrey was kind of a bore and only really seemed to Xanthe because she worshipped the ground he walked on.
The romance came across as largely one sided since Aubrey wasn't really over his wife's death and betrayal. Aubrey and Xanthe's relationship lacked chemistry and passion and I didn't buy that Aubrey truly loved Xanthe.
Niniane acted childish and silly — she makes for a very ridiculous queen. All these characters are meant to be centuries old yet act teenagers — what's the point of having centuries old characters when they read a cross between a teenager and a 20 something year old??
Overall, the plot was blah, the romance was rubbish and the characters were forgettable.3 s Lisa - (Aussie Girl)1,379 218

This is the fourth novella in the Elder Races series and finishes off the arc concerning the mysterious tarot cards. Niniane's assassin Xanthe has brought the pack of cards back to the lands of the Dark Fae and is soon directed to guard the injured Chancellor, Aubrey Riordan. The plot is primarily the growing love story between Xanthe and Aubrey however we see some snippets of Niniane and Tiago and their life in the Fae Court. The romance is sweet and handled well in the confined space of the novella format and maybe it was my imagination but seemed a trifle hotter than Thea Harrison's usual writing style?? The epilogue finished up nicely with the Tarot cards returned to their Goddess ready to go where ever they are needed most.

3.5 stars - I added an extra .5 for the reference to Reeces Minatures Peanut Butter Cups in Niniane's private rooms - even the Queen of the Dark Fae cannot resist those delicious treats!! (Love'em).paranormal-urban-fantasy3 s Saly3,434 572

Novellas do not tend to work for me in general and though this was not bad and continued storylines we had read before and took us into Dark Fae territory again, I was not blown away. The romance was mellow for me and I did not feel any sparks between the hero and heroine. Hence my rating. cops-law-enforcement-security read-in-20123 s Renegade ?1,339

4 1/2 to 5 starsfavorites part-of-a-series short-stories-novellas ...more3 s Feel The Book1,739 53

Recensione a cura di Cleo per Feel the Book

Questa novella conclude il ciclo che aveva come elemento comune il mazzo di tarocchi dotati del potere di Inanna, che sono passati di mano in mano e, nella novella precedente, erano stati consegnati a Xanthe, la fae conosciuta da Seremela e Duncan a Devil’s Gate.

Tornata ad Adriyel dopo aver svolto la sua missione per eliminare uno dei fae responsabili dell’assassinio dei genitori di Niniane, Xanthe si ritrova a dover svolgere un nuovo incarico per conto di Tiago, ma stavolta è un lavoro che la coinvolge anche a livello personale: deve proteggere il cancelliere Aubrey, che è stato ferito durante un agguato, un uomo che ammira per la sua correttezza morale e che nel medesimo tempo la attrae, un uomo che ritiene irraggiungibile e troppo al di sopra di lei.

Mentre gli intrighi politici del regno fae continuano, Xanthe e Aubrey vivono in un rifugio isolato e imparano a conoscersi, l’attrazione infrange le barriere sociali e sboccia in un legame nuovo e inaspettato.

La contrapposizione tra la forza e la femminilità di Xanthe aiuta a creare un personaggio inedito per la serie, una guerriera gentile e paziente capace di curare un cuore ormai spento. Dopo il tradimento della moglie avvenuto nel secondo romanzo della serie, infatti, Aubrey si era gettato nel lavoro vedendolo come l’unica ragione di vita che gli era rimasta, eppure dietro alla sua immagine di politico retto e integerrimo c’è un uomo buono che merita di trovare la felicità. Il lento avvicinarsi e scoprirsi tra i due è ben orchestrato, il rispetto di Xanthe per la posizione di Aubrey resta intatto mentre la passione li travolge senza tuttavia tramutarsi in ostacolo.

Avendo molto amato Niniane e Tiago nel libro a loro dedicato, li ho ritrovati con gioia nei momenti a loro dedicati, brevi sprazzi che mostrano come le loro interazioni scherzose non siano svanite col tempo e come riescano a bilanciare la rigidità del cerimoniale imposto dalla corte fae con la loro vita privata, nella quale sono liberi di amarsi ed essere se stessi.

Un altro personaggio simpatico è la piccola Mouse, una specie di regalo che l’autrice ha fatto ai suoi lettori, dimostrando ancora una volta come le piaccia ampliare il mondo delle Razze Antiche e renderlo il più variegato possibile.

Ambientando la novella nel regno fae, la Harrison esplora nuovi spazi, lontani dalle città umane e più vicini a una forma di fantasy classico, con un forte contatto tra i personaggi e la natura, senza tuttavia smarrire le atmosfere comuni ai vari volumi della serie, con quel pizzico di magia legato ai tarocchi di Inanna che si dimostra un valore aggiunto.

Editing a cura di The Goddess per Feel the Book2 s Ren Puspita1,279 962

3 stars

Project Elder Races Novella Read-a-thon

For the last novella in Tarot arc, Hunter's Season make me disappointed. Same case with Oracle's Moon, mine is unpopular opinion. Meaning I don't know why many reviewer love this. I will not state what I love and what do not , because there so much things that I do not .

First,the story was dragging a bit. I expect something big happen, mostly because the title. What I got was both h/h, Councillor Aubrey Riordan (I don't remember him actually, when he first appear at Storm's Heart) and Xanthe Tenanye playing home. And then they express their undying love #rollingeyes. This novella more traditional HQ novel but with paranormal theme.

What make me disappointed again is the way Thea wrap this arc. Just..too simple. Just one chapter (as epilogue) and well..nothing happen! I'm scratching my head when read it. After so much mysteries and build up about the mysterious Tarot Deck, it's Thea just want reader deal what with she write. This is what make me really frustated. I want something more explanation!

Anyway, if you miss Niniane Lorelle (aka Tricks) and Tiago, they will play bigger role here. Hunter's Season is by far the weakest Elder Races novella or maybe because I have too much expectation for this yet I got otherwise.3-stars ass-kick-heroine beta-hero ...more2 s Babette Brown984 24

Abbiamo lasciato il cancelliere Aubrey Riordan ferito nell’anima, dopo il tentativo della perfida Naida di uccidere la nuova regina dei Fae Oscuri, Niniane. Lo ritroviamo, ferito anche nel corpo, dopo un attentato alla sua vita.
Come tutelare il fidato cancelliere? Come evitare che un secondo attentato abbia successo? E chi vuole la morte di Aubrey?
Se lo chiedono Niniane e il compagno Tiago. Prima di tutto, occorre nascondere l’amico in un luogo sicuro; poi, bisogna mettergli a fianco qualcuno che sappia difenderlo a costo della vita. La candidata ideale per i due compiti è Xanthe, guardia di palazzo e sicario della regina. Al momento, la giovane guerriera è disoccupata, visto che ha dovuto bruciare la propria copertura presso il Devil’s Gate. Ecco, quindi, in una casa sperduta nel bosco, Aubrey e la sua guardiana. Sappiamo già come andrà a finire (ricordate la regola aurea del romance? Sì? Brave), ma Thea Harrison in poche pagine (questi racconti mi fanno morire…) riesce a imbastire una bella vicenda, ricca di colpi di scena, sentimenti, sesso.
Insomma, alla fine si è soddisfatti, ma è come per il tiramisù: c’è sempre spazio per un’altra fetta / pagina.2 s Shannon C.769

I really d the slow-build romance in this one. It took center stage in the story. The lead Fae characters Xanthe and Aubrey were well developed and able--they were some of my favorites so far in the series. They were such opposites--her a commoner assasin/soldier and he an aristocrat Chancellor--but yet so well matched. I also enjoyed the glimpses we got of Tiago and Niniane. It was good to see them again. I the 'mouse' character and hope to see more of her. If you are in the mood for a sweet romance that will leave you feeling happy at the end, this is a good little read.

What would have moved it into the 5 star range for me: if the mystery portion of the plot was more fully developed. For example, if we had seen the details of the investigation of the attackers, rather than that being handled 'off camera'. I'd rather experience it, instead of just being told the outcome.
fae-fey-elves2 s SheLove2Read2,919 193

I did this story set in the Dark Fae lands, but I didn't love it. I never felt any true chemistry between Xanthe (love that name) and Aubrey. Also there was no clear indication to me what she looked , which was offputting. The romance was a quiet one which even though you knew it was coming, still snuck up on you a bit. Considering these characters I think that was the right choice. I loved seeing Niniane and Tiago again - my favorite couple in this series. They need another book! Overall a pleasant read but definitely not a keeper. 20122 s La*La1,912 43

The best one of Elder races novellas so far!

This story features Xanthe and Aubrey - both heroes are from the previous Elder Races books. So we have some background information about them, yay! They don't have a life span problem,'cos both are the same species... another yay! And they have a steaming hot and natural-feeling romance...nothing is too rushed, nothing is out of place. Loved both the heroes, loved seeing Tiago and Niniane again, loved that the romance took place in the Otherland and everything had a nice fantasy feel.

5 absolutely deserved stars!2013-reads fantasy favorite-author ...more2 s Laura (Kyahgirl)2,170 147

4/5; 4 stars; A

Another great Elder Races novella. I was happy to see Aubrey find some happiness after all his various trials and tribulations. Xanthe was perfect for him. It was also fun to catch up with Niniane and Tiago in the Dark Fae kingdom.
I wish there had been a little bit more with the Wyr kitty but am so impressed with Ms. Harrison for creating and incorporating a character as part of a reader contest. That is kind of a fun idea. fae-faery paranormal-romance part-of-a-series2 s Amyiw2,478 64

1st read February 24, 2013 to fill a Hunter requirement

re-read on January 17, 2014 to continue series in order

I think I d this better on the re-read as I think I missed some of the background by not reading the novella before it. Of the 3 novellas this was my favorite and I've decided to bump it up from the 4 stars to 5.novella-short pnr series ...more2 s Shabby Girl ~ aka Lady Victoria538 81

The sweetest love story, I absolutely loved it. I love all the Elder Race books that I've read (all but one so far) but this one was just lovely. Made me wish it were me.four-star-books2 s ~Melissa~216 3

I think of the three shorts in between books 4 to 5 - I enjoyed this one the most. online-freebie2 s Kristy Mills1,801 38

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