
Weekend in Weighton de Terry Murphy

de Terry Murphy - Género: English
libro gratis Weekend in Weighton


Terry Murphy Publisher: Grinning Bandit Books, Year: 2013

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Endearingly sarcastic and arrogant Eddie G. is new to the detective game, but the new wears off quick when he gets roughed up by Tommy, Jimmy "Kingpin" Cartwright's imbecilic and half-witted right-hand man. Luckily, Jimmy has a soft spot for Eddie, though it only goes so far. Eddie continues to test the patience of the local crime boss as he attempts to uncover the truth after finding himself a suspect in a murder investigation.

Weekend in Weighton is a suspenseful tale full of narrow escapes, sprinkled with clever one-liners and generously infused with side-splitting laughs. The droll dialogue and Eddie's hysterically funny inner thoughts had me hooked right away. This new author hits it out of the park. Brilliantly-written!

2 s Catherine MacLeodAuthor 2 books32

This rollercoaster of a detective story begins and (bar the Police station) more or less ends at Weighton Town Hall. By the end of the book I could direct you there myself, so familiar did this small town's streets and its good citizens and shady crooks and doubting coppers feel to me. Weighton's First and Foremost Private Detective Eddie G, with his fabled sixth sense and `deliberately untidy mop of blond hair and steadfast jaw', was a handsome git, (his words, not mine) and although it wasn't love at first sight (I was laughing too much) by the time the story ended I think I was a little in love. Charmed, certainly.

This is a cracking story, told in such an original and engaging way I'm not sure quite how to put it into words. Eddie, never lost for words, would not struggle! From the start I laughed at Eddie's sizzling one-liners, and for a while I just enjoyed the ride. It was as if I'd climbed aboard the Waltzer at Weighton's funfair and from a safe distance could watch the incredible events of Eddie's action-packed weekend unfold before me in vivid cinematic technicolour. Full of unpredictable twists and entertaining turns I think what stood out for me was the genuinely engaging `voice' of the author, his forensic eye for detail and an outstanding sense of place. I was there, and if ever I need a private detective I want Eddie G on the case. I sensed an atmosphere a bit in the old-style detective movies (think raincoat, Fedora tilted low, Dick Tracy-ish) but there any similarity ends other than Eddie's love of his dad's old Detective films with which he formed a close relationship during a long period of unemployment after dropping out of college. This is highly original, with Eddie on his bicycle dodging crooks and policemen and pursuing his first love Kate, who has returned to her home town a fully fledged solicitor. Handy in Eddie's new line of work.

With romance a possibility and his Dad's good name to maintain and his beloved Mum to look out for Eddie has a lot on his hands already, without the Nkongos and dodgy coppers and Team Jimmy and the rest of the mob. Not to mention that he has somehow managed to get himself implicated in the murder of a certain lady of a certain age. So, with his own name to clear, and just a weekend to do it, Eddie said, `It was turning out to be an exceptional day' - and that was just Friday.

Without giving too much away, this book was so much more than I expected. Yes, there are punch-ups (with perfect comic timing) but to me it positively sang with an irrepressibly good spirit - Eddie's - and underlying all the humour and smart quips and song lyric chat-up lines was the hope that everything would work out for him, in life, in love, and with his family. A jubilant , uplifting read - I loved it. Or as Eddie would say - Hi Ho Silver. 1 Mary FanAuthor 51 books366

Eddie Greene, or "Eddie G.," as he s to call himself, is a trash-talking 26-year-old who decided one day that he was going a private investigator. His first client, a middle-aged woman named Helen Porson, is murdered shortly after she hires him, and, as the first person on the scene, Eddie is considered a suspect. Unable to trust the cops, he begins his own investigation to clear his name and find the truth.

Weekend in Weighton opens with a punch--literally. After ignoring a crime boss' warning to stay away from the Porson murder, Eddie finds himself at the mercy of a ruthless goon. The boss, Jimmy Cartwright, lets him live, presumably because he finds the young man's antics amusing, on the condition that he stop his investigation. But no matter how dangerous the situation gets, no matter how many times he gets beaten up, Eddie keeps poking around.

Eddie's first person narrative isn't just full of sarcasm, it has mockery oozing out of its pores and forming a sheen of snarkiness over every scene. Whether describing a dead body or talking to his mother, Eddie continuously shoots off jokes in rapid-fire succession; his mouth is the AK-47 of one-liners. But as more is revealed about his past, one comes to realize that his humor is a defense mechanism. In a rare moment of seriousness, he confesses his insecurities to an old flame.

As Eddie delves deeper and deeper into the mystery, he winds up tangling with Weighton's criminal underworld, the fine-and-upstanding mayor, and a pair of scary strangers with the uncanny tendency to turn up wherever there's trouble. The search for answers keeps Eddie moving and the pages turning. Murphy's witty and free-flowing writing is the breath of life, turning a fictional character into a real and believable person.

Weekend in Weighton is a detective story with an attitude problem--a highly entertaining attitude problem. Funny, vivid, and exciting, it's combination of clever dialogues, well-choreographed action scenes, and memorable characters make it an absorbing and enjoyable read.

[This is a condensed version of a full review on my blog: zigzagtl dot blogspot dot com]
1 Thalia26

The themes `comedy' and `thriller' aren't necessarily easily paired when it comes to story plots, but first-time author Terry Murphy somehow excels in making the combination work in his debut novel `Weekend in Weighton.'

`Weighton' is a fictional small town home to `Eddie G.' who we quickly discover is Weighton's `first and foremost private detective'. Too bad for Eddie that during his first assignment, his client is seemingly murdered leaving him a prime suspect! And that's not the worst of it! If Eddie's not careful, he'll become a victim himself, out-of-favour with the local crime boss, who wants him dead!

This is where we start off, in a story that is very cleverly written. We're hooked from chapter one, in which we find Eddie at gunpoint, wittily informing his assailants (when asked if he has any last requests) "You choose. Not that s***ty Titanic song, though."

The story then takes a turn, switching back to events of the previous day, which led Eddie to the mess he now finds himself in.

The brilliant thing about this book, aside from the twists and turns that keep you hanging for more, is the ingenious characterization of Eddie. Never lost for words, Eddie's gung-ho, smart-mouthed, somewhat comedic attitude towards life serves more than a few laughs, with him often seemingly purposely antagonizing those who are out to get him. Hilarious? Yes. Smart (when you're trying to clear your name)? Perhaps not.

In a story that has it all, there's also a bit of romance thrown in, as Eddie tries to win back the `girl that got away'. In amidst trying to clear his name, though, will Eddie succeed? And what does Eddie's discovery about the murdered Mrs. P. really mean?

An entertaining read; cleverly written, witty, and definitely page-turning. Join Eddie as he muddles his way through his first real investigation...you won't be disappointed.1 GradyAuthor 49 books1,788

An enticing mixture of murder mystery, mafia thriller, and noir comedy

Perhaps it is unnecessary to place an author in a category except that it just my entice readers who enjoy said category to pick up this novel and read it. Terry Murphy has that peculiar and utterly absorbing British bent for making bad things happen and at the same time linger long enough to find the human comedy in everything. It is this sort of tongue in cheek approach that makes WEEKEND IN WEIGHTON a mystery embroidered with droll humor that satisfies those who love mysteries as well as those who happen to appreciate British humor.

Quite quickly, the novel is a murder mystery whose central character is one Eddie Greene, a smart-mouthed private investigator from the small town of Weighton who tangles with a crime boss while trying to find the killer of his first client Helen Porson - a murder that by Eddie's proximity to the event places him as a suspect. Reluctant to trust the local police he is off and running to solve the case, clear his name, survive the subterfuge and assaults, all the while uncovering Weighton's criminal underworld, the `fine-and-upstanding mayor', and a pair of ominous strangers with the uncanny tendency to turn up wherever there's trouble. Told in Greene's mouthy, trashy talk, that manages to at the same time be endearing, this entertaining tale is part whodunit, gang mentality, and funky small town on its collective ear mystery - with a big dollop of humor on the side.

Grady Harp
1 Douglas Meeks885 235

I must say that I really did not think I was going to this book but I had promised someone I would read it. I am glad I keep my promises, this was hugely entertaining and Eddie will keep you smiling with his wit and creativity.

The story centers around a murder that just happens to be the first case that Eddie has gotten, seems that having your clients die on you and you finding the body never sits well with the police. So for the rest of the novel we see Eddie going through all kinds of mental gyrations, a couple of beatings and of course trying to keep his Mom and old girlfriend (and his even older one) happy.

The mystery is done very well, nothing too bizarre that nobody could figure out but if you pay close attention you might be able to guess it before the end (I kinda did ..... I think) and if I had any regrets about this book it would have to be the Tommy was not given what he deserved but I am a bit of a revenge junkie in my reading:)

Bottom Line: This is a great way to spend a day or two of reading, it is not boring and actually kept me up very late to finish the last 3 chapters since there was no way I was going to bed to wonder "whodunnit". Great job and 4.5 Stars1 Maria1,395 69

I received this book for free from Goodreads First Reads in exchange for a review.

Weekend in Weighton by author Terry Murphy was an absolute delight. Very old-school detective noir with a sassy smart-talking sleuth in the mix. Private detective Eddie Greene is happy to have his first client. A case of blackmail against the mistress of the mayor. But then she turns up dead and "Eddie G." is suspected of the crime.

Eddie is smart, cocky, proud, and a delightful character. He also had this witty interesting way of talking and delivering his lines that often made me laugh out loud. He really just has awful luck because between the cops trying to convict him of murder and some big time gangsters ready to kill him to get him off the case he's in over his head. But whether he's dealing with the cops or gangsters he's always funny and manages to talk himself out of some pretty crazy situations.

The case takes some crazy twists and turns with bad guys coming at Eddie from all sides. Even a hint of love is in the air when Eddie runs into his old crush from school. Enough red herrings and clues to make me completely surprised when the crime was finally solved.

This book was fun, fast, and entertaining. I would be willing to read more about Eddie's cases. first-reads1 Kath MiddletonAuthor 23 books153

Eddie Greene is a new private detective and his very first client doesn’t last 24 hours before being found dead. Eddie’s task of finding his client’s killer isn’t made any easier by the fact that he has fallen foul of Weighton’s Mr Big, Jimmy Cartwright, and his thugs. Jimmy warns him off but our hero is determined. Eddie is a very likable, fast talking and fast thinking chap and all the characters in the book have three dimensions.

This is a brilliantly told tale with a number of linked stories. There are some great one-liners here, for example, ‘I’d never not solved a case, and I didn’t intend to start with my first.’ I was very rapidly drawn in to the plot. Terry Murphy has a sharp wit and a knack for a story line and I found this book extremely funny and very satisfying. I believe there will be another Weighton book. I look forward to it very much.
1 Karma44

Eddie Greene, a newbie private investigator is both brash and sarcastic. More often than not, his dry humor is more harm than help. Struggling financially after his first client is found dead and viewed as a person of interest in her murder, Eddie manages to make enemies both with the police and Weighton's local crime syndicate. Will they get to him before he has the chance to solve the case?

Weekend in Weighton is a suspenseful detective story and a page turner that will keep you guessing, as the author brings you through the twists and turns. The characters are well-developed and the subplots were brought together seamlessly. You won't be disappointed!
1 Roman Laskowski14 1 follower

This is terrific fun and I loved it. A smart, fast-paced crime thriller, crackling with wit and sharp one-liners and featuring a gallery of unforgettable rogues. You can't help but love Eddie, with his big time ideals, as he does battle with small town criminals, sarcastic police officers and a corrupt mayor. Plenty of mystery and twists in the plot, plus an element of romance to add to Eddie's tricky and life-threatening weekend. This is an entertaining ride that is a joy to read.1 Elaine2,258 2

I humor but Eddie's was over the top and annoying. There's a time for seriousness where humor doesn't always fit in but Eddie didn't seem to get that. free-kindle-finds kindle mysteries-thrillers-suspense1 Radhikarani85 3

love the mystery and the thrills. hate the over smart investigator and over dose of wit.1 Jack2,699 26

Humorous private eye tale featuring Eddie G on his first case, talking in quotes and clichés, managing to stay half a step ahead of the bad guys. Don O'goodreader246 8

Eddie G is a 26-year-old trying his hand as being a private investigator, as nothing else seemed to work. His first case involves murders, blackmail, corruption, organized crime, mistaken identities, and lost relatives ... all in a small town in England.

Weekend in Weighton by Terry Murphy has a little bit of everything in the style of hard-boiled detective novels with lots of dialogue ,

"I hate to break this reverie Kate, but my bike needs me. And we have a timetable that makes NASA's shuttle launch look an open mic night."

A major part of the story is a chase that starts on our hero's Santa Cruz Superlight mountain bike, to him jumping off an abandoned bright onto a passing boat, and so on. This goes on for chapters and reads a script for a tongue-in-cheek super-hero movie ... each escape more fantastic and less credible then the previous one.

For more please see: http://1book42day.blogspot.com/2013/0...

I won a copy of this book in a Goodreads First Reads giveaway on June 30, 2013. I received the book on July 16, 2013. british contemporary detective ...more David Caldwell1,673 32

I won a couple on Goodreads Firstreads.

Eddie G. is on the case. He is Weighton's first and foremost private detective. But things go wrong when his first client turns up dead. Now the local kingpin of crime, the police, and even his own mum are telling him to let it go. But Eddie knows that being innocent won't stop him going to jail when they police think he had something to do with it. As more bodies and supects turn up, Eddie realizes he is on a tight schedule to prove his innocence, catch the bad guy, and save his own life.

Eddie doesn't take too many things seriously. He always has a comeback , no matter the situation. So the book has some good laughs, but at other times, it seems he is just trying too hard. This is a British novel so expect British spellings, phrases, and references. The spellings didn't really bother me. But some of the phrases and references made me scratch my head. I think I got most of them but as Eddie would say sometimes I don't know what I don't know.

Overall not a bad first book. It is hard to imagine how much more trouble eddie can get into with more time than a weekend. A nice blend of humor, noir mystery, and pop cultural references.humorous mystery series ...more Chandni1,217 20

There’s a lot to about this book. The main character, Eddie, is outspoken, sarcastic and loves making jokes about everything. He’s endearing and you’re rooting for him the entire way. Reading about him and the colorful cast of supporting characters was really fun and enjoyable. The plot is strong and I loved the way Eddie slowly manages to piece everything together. There were a lot of false leads and dead ends so that the conclusion was really surprising to me.

However, at times, Eddie’s sarcasm and one-liners bordered on grating and because I’m not English, I didn’t get all the references and know what he was talking about. However, it’s a solid mystery novel. It’s a quick, fun read and I think others will really enjoy it.

I received this book through the Goodreads FirstReads program.2012 first-reads mystery ...more TerriAuthor 8 books37

Eddie Greene is having a bad weekend. On his first job as a private detective, Eddie is immediately made suspect in a mysterious death of his client. Then, the local thugs get a hold of him. If he can clear his name and solve the case, Eddie G just may be successful at something.

Weekend in Weighton is a humorous detective mystery. It keeps the reader interested in the story without veering too much into a number of subplots. However, some of the humor did fall flat when I read it, though this could be because of the difference in British and American humor. Otherwise, it is a fun read and I would be interested in reading more of Eddie's adventures in Weighton.

*Reviewer received the book for free through Goodreads First Readsfirst-reads Brian52

I am a big fan of this genre and Weekend in Weighton didn't disappoint. The story had many interesting characters and strong subplots that contributed to a riveting mystery.

The story's protagonist, Eddie Greene, is a private eye that always seems to be in the wrong place at the wrong time. Despite the fact that he's a wise cracking, smart aleck , You'll find Eddie endearing as he struggles to crack his first case while simultaneously staying one step ahead of the police chief eyeing him in the murder of his client and the local crime boss he's managed to agitate. All in all, an enjoyable novel that kept me entertained over a rainy weekend.
Lynn1,985 59

Weekend in Weighton is a fun romp through a weekend full of mayhem and murder. Eddie Greene has snagged his first job as a private investigator. His client is being blackmailed and she hires Eddie to find out who is behind it. Before the ink can even dry on his new business cards, his client has left this earthly plain. But that's not Eddie's only problem, he's in trouble with some local gangsters and the police want to talk to him.

The book is filled with wisecracks and comic situations. Terry Murphy has done a great job on his first detective novel. I'll definitely pick up the next one.

Disclaimer: this was a Goodreads first reads win.giveaways mystery Kyrana Jones40

Weekend in Weighton by Terry Murphy is a fast-paced detective novel set in a typical small town. Our smart-mouthed protagonist finds himself a new case, a dead body, and an old flame all in the same day. Mix in dangerous encounters with the local crime boss along with suspicion from the local police and you find an interesting crime story with a few surprises. You will laugh aloud and cheer for our determined hero as this action-packed drama unfolds. Nigel13 36

Eddie G, a private detective with one difference. Everyone always knows where to find him , especially the villains.
It's a superb book and is fantastic with it's references to media culture.
A no fear detective on a Santa Cruz cycle. You really couldn't want for anything more.
This review is purposefully without any plot summary. I'd be doing you an injustice spoiling your reading experience.
A thumping good story :-). Ruth Turner682 1 follower

Wasn't to bad a read, but I've read better. Lots of twists and turns. The usual murders, beat up the young and inexperienced PI. The poor PI was really taking a beating and to stupid to stop pushing buttons. Max Robberts24 5

What a truly great read. Private detective Eddie G is the brilliant creation of Terry Murphy. Many writers read their own work and believe that it should be more widely known about and read but Terry would be right; this is a terrific book and I thoroughly enjoyed it. Shannon Davison1,386 11

Fast-paced crime thriller full of wit and one-liners that make you giggle. I couldn't put the book down as I just had to keep reading to see what happened next. Sue MoorhouseAuthor 4 books6

A fun English gangster story. Hilariously written! Kathy173 1 follower

I enjoyed the book except for the language. I know this language is used but I do not to hear it or read it. The book was very entertaining and well written.paperback Peter52 1 follower

An enjoyable yarn, d the characters, well drawn out Awesome Indies Book Awards552 16

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