
The Soul Keepers 1 de Taylor, Devon

de Taylor, Devon - Género: English
libro gratis The Soul Keepers 1


"A fantastic high-stakes adventure on a ghost ship sailing forever into eternity, where every soul is (literally) worth fighting for—what's not to love? Devon Taylor weaves an endearing tale of friendship and loss with heart-stopping action and a whole lot of terrifying monsters. You'll root for Rhett and his fellow reapers through every twist and turn!" —Rin Chupeco, author of The Bone Witch and The Girl from the Well

Full of danger, stormy otherworld seas, ghost ships, and terrifying monsters, this thrilling debut novel is perfect for fans of Taran Matharu and James Dashner.

Death is just the beginning.

After dying in a terrible car accident, Rhett awakens in the afterlife and is recruited to join the crew of the Harbinger, a colossal seafaring vessel tasked with ferrying the souls of the dead. To where exactly, no one knows. But the crew must get the souls there, and along the way protect them from...

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One of the most wonderful books I've ever read. Written with a delicious sense of humour, but in the meantime keeping a close look on the esential things: life, love, human relations, death...
I would re-read it anytime! 3 s Noecito Castillo26 1 follower

Vallvey has charmed me again. This book is a great one. I just love how she portrays her characters, in a way that's impossible not to love. It's also refreshing how she speaks of absolutely every subject that concerns a human being with such an ease. Amazing.2 s Chiara Ros Cap79 1 follower

Noiosissimo1 Nuria Fernandez2

Esperaba que el libro transmitiera mucho más de lo que lo hace tal y como se describe en la parte de atrás.
La historia es fácil de leer y te engancha queriendo saber lo que pasa en las vidas de los personajes de la Academia.
Me hubiera gustado sacar un mensaje más claro respecto a las acciones y sus consecuencias de los protagonistas. Pero cierto es que como sátira de ciertos libros, de autoayuda o de filosofía, no te da nada de lo que te pueden dar estos.
Me gusta como cuenta la historia mediante un narrador externo hablando con los personajes, analizando y juzgando en primera persona, desde su yo. Haciendo que empatices con cada uno de ellos y juzgandolos tú a su vez.
El Apéndice es un capítulo que me hubiera gustado descubrir antes de leerme el libro y no al final. Culpa mía, para la próxima seré más observadora. Susanna8 5

No comprendo cómo este libro obtuvo el premio Nadal. Quizá eso me creó falsas expectativas. De cualquier manera, no me llegó. Alejandra Suarez11

Parece que va a proponer algo interesante y profundo pero no termina de llegar. Lo he dejado a medias. Cidar40

Ich erwartete ein Buch mit verschiedenen Geschichten, die aus spontanen Erzählungen aus dem fiktiven Leben fiktiver Charaktere bestehe, ohne zwanghafte Verzweigungen unter den Personen selbst und fand die Einleitung der Kapitel schön, welche dann später weggelassen wurden, die aus Zitaten von verschiedenen Leuten (Philosophen) bestand.
Teilweise waren die Erzählungen wie erwartet aufgebaut, daher 2 Sterne, das gefiel mir. Anschließend wurde es monoton und obgleich einiger Wendungen, konnte eine Spannung für mich nicht mehr aufgebaut werden.

Im dritten Teil des Buches (und damit auch der Letzte) wechselte die Erzählperspektive, eher zum Verdruss. Die Spannung nahm ab, ebenso das Interesse am Buch - motivierend war letztendlich die Aussicht, dass es nicht mehr viele Seiten gab.

Das Buch hatte einen interessanten Anfang, konnte diesen aber für mich nicht lange aufrecht erhalten. Der Wechsel geriet zwischenzeitlich in eine "Sex and the City"-Atmosphäre und versiegte im palavern über das Leben der einzelnen Personen, welche vereinzelt am Anfang ihre Geschichte präsentierten. Francisco1,038 122

Sinceramente, esperaba mucho más... No está mal, se lee fácil, tiene buen arranque... Pero se diluye como un azucarillo, y le cuesta llegar al final. españoles novela Michelle7

Es ist nicht ganz was man unter diesem Titel erwartet aber es entwickelt sich dann doch eine Geschichte die man weiter lesen möchte ;) Carmen19 1 follower

Alegerea drumului in viata afecteaza pe cei lasati in urma.Ce am face noi in aceeasi situatie? Breña480 8 Read

You can find this review and more on my blog: My Endless Shelf.

This book took me COMPLETELY by surprise!

I admit that I struggled a little to get into it at the beginning but I quickly got caught up in the fantastic mythology.

To sum it up, this book felt a mixture of Harry Potter, Pirates of the Caribbean and a modern spin on Greek mythology.

I loved the writing style, particularly when it came to the action scenes which were fantastic, and also the plot twists which were extremely unexpected.

The characters were varied and interesting, keeping me engaged throughout and the mythology is fascinating, especially the ship itself, and its changing nature.

My only complaint with this book was the ending, I just felt that it left so many unanswered questions. However, I still thoroughly enjoyed it and would recommend The Soul Keepers to mythology and YA fantasy lovers in general.4-stars scifi-fantasy ya4 s Shaunae83 1 follower

I just didn’t this book. I struggled to get through the last 50 pages. I felt I had more questions than answers from this book. It was a weak story. How can ghosts be harmed to the point they need ghosts hospitals?! Just not for me. 4 s Jen657 33

**I received this as an egalley from the publisher through Edelweiss in return for an honest review.**

I really wanted to enjoy this book, and while the writing style was definitely good and easy to get through, there was something that just didn't click for me. In fact, I almost DNF'd it several times in the first half, but decided to continue with it because it was moving so quickly and I thought I might get into it at some point. There were definitely missing elements to the story and plot, and just a scraping of the surface of the characters that left me wanting more from them than what I got.

The story threw the reader right into things from the start, that's for sure. The pacing of everything was decent and it was easy to move through each chapter despite their lengths. But there were a lot of issues in terms of overall plot and storytelling that left me feeling very lackluster about the book as a whole. To begin with, the entire first half of the book is just basically world-building and info-dumping. It introduces the characters, the premise of what the "syllektors" do, and answers all the necessary questions about what afterlife is aboard the Harbinger (which, by the way, had a lot of updated technology and entertainment and weaponry and no explanation as to how it all got there other than a casual shrug). You get Rhett going through his emotional release about his parents' deaths, and that's it. No plot movement really whatsoever.

Part Two is where things actually start happening. The demon lady shows up and gives Rhett a cryptic warning about not defying her when she comes to take his yet-unkown power. Uh...okay? Psychons (the grim reaper monsters that eat souls instead of saving them in a box for a neverending trip down the River Styx the syllektors do) suddenly start attacking them "more often" (*cough* twice *cough*), and that's when all Hades breaks loose.

Honestly, some of it felt a mess. The characters were definitely a mess. While Rhett had some good progress, Basil and Mak were given strong outgoing personalities that obviously hid a little more, but they constantly kept regressing to those original traits. Basil was the one always cracking jokes. Mak was constantly getting angry at people. Treeny was always shy and timid. Theo was...a wall of muscle who seemed kind I guess. It just seemed while they had some sort of awesome personalities, they never actually showed them on the page. And so when things started happening at the end of the novel, there had been no foreshadowing or hints about certain characters and it left me feeling rather annoyed, the opposite of a deus ex machina. Instead of something random happening to make everything better, something random happened to make it all worse, because before that there had been no real precedent or, I said, foreshadowing.

I think mostly I was just disappointed in the way the characters' personalities sort of got lost in the shuffle and the way the story was written. The first half was just too much world-building and information-giving, and the second half everything happened too quickly and suddenly for anything to really make sense. Demon lady just appears out of nowhere and demands a power and Rhett starts trying to tie super loose ends together to make a somewhat plausible motive? Yeah, no.

I said, this book had some good writing and was easy to get through in a timely manner, and had the potential to be good, but it was lacking just enough that it lost its cohesiveness and left me unimpressed with it at all.
2.5 starsarcs-and-egalleys3 s MaggieAuthor 2 books226

Holy heart-racing! I loved every meticulously paced action scene, the mythology behind the syllektors, and the heart that went into every unique character of the crew of the Harbinger. This is one of those books where you think you know where the story is heading, then you get spun on a completely opposite course than you expected. The Soul Keepers is such a wonderful mix of humor, on-the-edge-of-your-seat action, and a band of characters that you instantly root for. You'll want to hop on the Harbinger with Rhett and the gang as soon as the ship comes crashing onto the page. Pick this up in August. Seriously. You won't regret it! 3 s Blue1,588 89

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Dead things
Soul collecting

Its soul pirates and it was brilliant!!!2 s Bridget37 5

DNF. I tried. This was a really cool idea but the execution fell flat. It was the style of writing where things are rarely, if ever, summed up, so we read about everything as it happens from one minute to the next. And that ends up taking a lot of tension away and feeling overall kind of juvenile.

Things I d:
Super giant ship that carries souls. I approve of this.
....I can’t think of anything else right now

Things I didn’t :

A main character who is unhappy with everything and has a million questions, but doesn’t seem to do much to get answers for them. He does ask at first, but everyone frustratingly refuses to explain anything until they’re in the middle of the action, or even after that. But he doesn’t explore the ship, find someone who might be friendlier with info; he just mopily follows around his team hoping to catch on to everything. Which means the reader has to do the same. Seriously, why are characters so withholding in books?? I have never come across this in real life when I start a new job, visit a new place, etc.

The team:
Requisite tough, attractive girl in leather pants
Requisite innocent little girl hiding a dark secret from her past
Requisite giant, muscular, jovial guy
The last team member, Basil, wasn’t bad. But he was also just kind of there as the explainer when the plot called for it.
New kid who Did Not Sign Up For This

Requisite fight training scene(s). Our MC chooses brass knuckles as his weapon
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