
Blood Shot: Stories from the Blood 'Verse de Tanya Huff

de Tanya Huff - Género: English
libro gratis Blood Shot: Stories from the Blood 'Verse


Tanya Huff's darkly thrilling Blood novels introduced readers to vampiric P.I. Victoria Nelson and her life amongst the paranormal. Here are some of Tanya's best short stories featuring Vicki and other unforgettable characters from her world...
In Quid Pro Quo, Vicki's policeman lover, Mike, has been kidnapped by a man who wants her to turn him into a vampire. But she's about to show him just how terrifying that can be...
In Songs Sung Red, Vicki finds herself contending with a seductive and savage siren in a case that may lead her into the middle of a murder being investigated by Mike...
Vicki tries to help a young woman being tormented by a malevolent jinn who is granting her wishes with some very deadly consequences in If Wishes Were...
In No Matter Where You Go, Vicki finds herself in a lethal realm of nightmarish creatures when some reckless teens open a portal to another dimension—with no way of getting back...
Blood Wrapped follows young wizard Tony Foster and vampire author Henry Fitzroy as they search for a missing little girl—and try to figure out just how to deal with Vicki's upcoming birthday....
Sniping sisters Ashley and Brianna Bane uncover some strange goings on at their school when the walls start speaking—and Bri decides to test her wizarding skills against this unknown foe in After School Specials...
And in See Me, Tony investigates when an elderly man is found dead in an alley with no identification, leading to a seriously awkward situation involving a lady of the night who may have designs on Tony's boyfriend...
Full of action, passion, heart, and humor, these short stories deliver all Tanya Huff's fans have come to expect.

Reseñas Varias sobre este libro

Another volume of well-d Vicki Nelson stories. Sadly, I'm giving this one only 4 stars because I didn't read the "Smoke" trilogy and thus the stories about Tony's associates didn't make any sense to me as I didn't know the characters. There's also some pathos as Vicki starts to deal with the fact Mike Celluci is aging into his sixties now (since the series started in 1991 and MY GOD its been THIRTY YEARS?). The genie story is probably the best of them.
urban-fantasy vampires6 s Scratch1,110 47

Probably more deserving of a 4, since it is just a collection of short stories and not a true novel. But I don't care. Tanya Huff's Blood books were my introduction to vampires, and my introduction to queer characters, and I love it too much to give anything lower. 4 s Jamie Collins1,462 310

A nice collection of stories for fans of Huff’s Blood/Smoke series, featuring Vicki Nelson, Henry Fitzroy, and Tony Foster. I had only read one of these before. They are all set after the end of both book series - Huff has indicated that she’s not interested in a new novel with these characters, but may continue writing short pieces about them.

A couple of these are pretty melancholy, from Vicki’s point of view, as she watches Mike showing signs of aging.
fantasy-urban short-stories vampires2 s Avid Reader594 5

Nice collection of short stories following Vicky and Tony, two of my favourite Tanya Huff characters. Only for aficionados! (Ooh, fancy)2 s LadyA4

Five stars.

She's one of my favorite authors. And she's done it again. She draws me into a story oh, it doesn't matter who the characters are.2 s Heather1,151 14

Tanya Huff’s Blood Shot: Stories from the Blood ‘Verse (Blood Series) is an anthology of short stories from her “Blood ‘Verse.” It involves characters from both the main vampire novels and a spin-off series centered on a wizard. I know I read a couple of the Blood stories ages ago, but I don’t really remember details, and I’ve never read the Smoke stories. So I can tell you with some certainty that yes, you can read these stories on their own. While I’m sure I missed some references, I never felt I didn’t understand what was going on.

The first few stories are about Vicky Nelson, vampiric PI, and her lover, Detective Mike Celluci. In one story, Mike gets kidnapped and used against Vicki. In another, a mysterious singer brings the Hunger in Vicki to the fore. Then Mike ends up in the hospital when someone’s wish given to a Jinn goes awry. A rather different tale involves four teenagers who open a portal to another world from inside a mausoleum.

The rest of the stories are about Tony–one of a very few practicing wizards, and also the second assistant director on a vampire television show. Together with Henry, the vampire who turned Vicki, he has to rescue a missing girl. Next Tony’s tutoring a young woman in the art of being a wizard, and ends up helping out when she encounters something strange in her school. (I love the relationship between Brianna, the would-be wizard, and her sister Ashley, who are only sometimes at each other’s throats.) Finally there’s something going on at the set of the vampire/detective show that Tony and his partner Lee work on. A dead elderly man was found in the alley next to a hooker, and she develops an interest in Lee. I totally didn’t expect where this one went.

The characters and relationships are wonderful. I particularly d hearing some of Vicki’s thoughts as she handles the fact that Mike is getting older and she isn’t–especially when she realizes she might have a way to prolong his life. Brianna and Ashley were the highlight of the book; they feud as sisters do, but they’re united in a couple of key ways. And Brianna has a bright future ahead of her!

All in all this is a delightful anthology, and it makes me want to go back and read all of the Blood and Smoke books.

Original review posted on my blog: http://www.errantdreams.com/2020/07/r...1 Keith 351 7

Half or so of the book was Vicki and Mike stories. The second halfish of the collection are Tony, Henry and Brianna (the little wizard). All good, no bad stories here which is, as far as I've experienced very rare for any short story collection. The last story "See Me" the author admits makes her cry. I don't know about crying but it was a healthy tug on my heartstrings and elicited an "aww!" out of me that's usually reserved for extremely cute kittens. Each story is introduced by the author. Even the introductions are well written. I would advise reading this collection only after reading Huff's Blood and Smoke series as the stories here come after both and contain spoilers that could affect your enjoying her earlier works. I've been a fan for a long time and this was a nice visit with some characters I really d. Kathy Martin3,703 98

It has been many years since I read the Blood books and met former cop turned vampire Vicki Nelson. It was nice to revisit and make a few stops in her world. I have also read the Smoke series too and enjoyed them. It was also nice to revisit Henry and Tony and the other characters.

There were four Vicki/Tony stories and three Tony stories. The stories were all action-packed and entertaining. I d the variety of themes of the stories.

All of the stories were entertaining and all were previously published in a wide variety of anthologies. It is nice to have them all in one convenient location. Karen MacLeod14 2

Blood Shot

Blood Shot was a good continuation of the Blood Tie books as it contained many of the same characters, but it only proved that Ms Huff should either write more in the Blood Tie vain or allow another writer to continue with the characters of Vicky & Henry they have more to say than has been told! Nessa138 5


Great bunch of short stories. Very enjoyable to revisit the Blood characters again. I hope she does another one with more stories with a crossover of characters so the gang can all be together again. lgbtqi-friendly urban-fantasy vampires Heather82 1 follower

Super bummed this is the end

First I found the TV series. Then I read the books. Then Amazon helped me find the short story collections. I wish there were more! Ms. Huff may be done with these characters but I'm not! Marsha Valance3,840 57

Six well-crafted vampire tales: four featuring Victoria Nelson, and two featuring Henry Fitzroy and Tony --all previously published in various anthologies.fantasy horror paranormal-romance ...more Donna159 2

A new book by Tanya Huff

What more do you need to know, if you are a Tanya Huff fan?!

This book is a collection of shore stories that can stand alone.
Enjoy! Jo Anne850 8

A few short stories featuring Tony from the Blood Series.
The very likable Tony has left Henry Fitzroy and is now a wizard who works on a vampire cop TV show. A pleasure to read. Jessica Lerbs414 4

I think I'd read these stories in their other publications, but it's still nice to return to that universe Paige Harne16

It's always nice to revisit Vicki, Mike, Henry, Tony, and Lee! They are some of my favorite characters and I love being able to read more of their adventurestanya-huff-collection Karen-Leigh2,259 14

Tanya Huff’s darkly thrilling Blood novels introduced readers to vampiric P.I. Victoria Nelson and her life amongst the paranormal. Here are some of Tanya’s best short stories featuring Vicki and other unforgettable characters from her world…

In Quid Pro Quo, Vicki’s policeman lover, Mike, has been kidnapped by a man who wants her to turn him into a vampire. But she’s about to show him just how terrifying that can be…

In Songs Sung Red, Vicki finds herself contending with a seductive and savage siren in a case that may lead her into the middle of a murder being investigated by Mike…

Vicki tries to help a young woman being tormented by a malevolent jinn who is granting her wishes with some very deadly consequences in If Wishes Were…

In No Matter Where You Go, Vicki finds herself in a lethal realm of nightmarish creatures when some reckless teens open a portal to another dimension—with no way of getting back…

Blood Wrapped follows young wizard Tony Foster and vampire author Henry Fitzroy as they search for a missing little girl—and try to figure out just how to deal with Vicki’s upcoming birthday….

Sniping sisters Ashley and Brianna Bane uncover some strange goings on at their school when the walls start speaking—and Bri decides to test her wizarding skills against this unknown foe in After School Specials…

And in See Me, Tony investigates when an elderly man is found dead in an alley with no identification, leading to a seriously awkward situation involving a lady of the night who may have designs on Tony’s boyfriend…

Full of action, passion, heart, and humor, these short stories deliver all Tanya Huff’s fans have come to expect.

ISBN-13: 9781625674975
Publisher: JABberwocky Literary Agency, Inc.
Publication date: 05/15/2020supernatural-paranormal Amanda81

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