
Boys Of The Bite de Tan Cecilia

de Tan Cecilia - Género: English
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Tan Cecilia Year: 2009 ISBN: 9781607771784

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I have higher expectations for an anthology than I do for an individual book. I expect that when an anthology is created, it's to display the best of the best in that genre/theme. Because of that I was disappointed to have three of the ten stories in this collection fall on the DNF list. Two for poorly researched info that yanked me out of the story, and the third simply didn't draw me.

There were also two five-star stories in the collection. The Love of a Faithful Servant by Teresa Noelle Roberts and The Conservative Dark by Connor McKay, both authors that I hadn't read before, but definitely will seek out for more. The rating for the remaining five consisted of a three, a four, and three two-stars.2 s Bridget574 135

Vampires fascinate me. I don't know what it is about them, but I am drawn to them. They have captivated me for as long as I can remember. I can't exactly put my finger on why. Maybe it's genetics. My dad is as obsessed as me about vamps, weres, etc. Or maybe it's my attraction to the mysterious unknown. Whatever it is, my interest seems to grow with each passing day. Anywho, if I see or hear about a good vamp story, I have to have it.

The great thing about anthologies is that they give you a little taste of what the author is capable of. I can't tell you how many authors I got hooked on thanks to a short story they wrote.

I don't really know how I should review an anthology though... As you all know, I don't giving away too much of a story because I feel that ruins it. I love to be surprised so I never read a review with spoilers. I won't let my friends tell me about movies they've seen either. I don't want to know until I reach that part. Everyone is different and I think the best thing a blogger can do is treat others as they would to be treated. I personally don't want too much info. I also prefer receiving emails if I have won something on another blog, this is why I email my winners. And what one person s, another may not. That's why I think it's so important for bloggers to find what works for them because bloggers aren't all the same and neither are readers. I love diversity. And I love you my blog readers:)

Maybe now I can stay on the topic, LOL. I would not be surprised if you read this book and the result is spontaneous combustion. It's packed with lots of lovin' and definitely not a book for those who mellow romance. If you graphic sex scenes with the creatures of the night, this book is for you.1 Jason Bradley811 316

There were definitely some 5 star reads in this anthology. I was impressed with the quality of the stories included.

Why is there nothing else written by Ken Panadero??anthology dark-fantasy ebook ...more1 Max1,264 8

I think I was expecting this to be more romance and instead it's definitely more on the erotica side, with almost every story containing an explicit sex scene. Which is not itself a bad thing, but often the stories felt they were just trying to get to the sex and I wasn't as big a fan of that. For example, there's one story about a vampire who's found a haunted house in a town he's moved to after trying to find a place to fit in with mortal society, and he's seducing a man at a bar and it feels it could lead to some interesting character stuff. But then the sex turns into my first ever firsthand experience of the bad gay sex trope of the self-lubricating asshole and then the story just ends, which I found disappointing.

It's not so much that I have an issue with the focus on sex, but that I was hoping to have it balanced with the romance. My two favorite stories in the collection manage to do that well, as well as doing interesting stuff with the concept of vampirism. One features a bachelor staying with family and meeting an intriguing man who's drawn to him and wants to make him a vampire. The twist I d here is that the vampire actually knew the narrator's grandfather, but the narrator then falls for him anyway. The other story, and definitely my favorite, is about a man who works at a comic book store meeting a hot butcher and bonding over a mutual interesting in gay comics fandom. Here much of the conflict comes from the butcher vampire being afraid to consummate the relationship because it also means the potential for giving into vampiric bloodlust. The story feels it balances sex and romance really well, and while it ends on an open note that I'd enjoy seeing pursued, it feels it was generally a complete and enjoyable story.

A lot of the other stories feel they don't do enough with the vampire subject and use it mostly as an excuse for putting in some kinky stuff with biting and blood. I don't have an objection to the vampirism is about sex meeting sex is about sex, but I do want it to say something interesting. And all too often these vampires fell flat for me. There's one story about a vampire enslaving a surfer dude scholar that I had a number of issues with, including the way it threw around ridiculous made-up vampire terms instead of just using normal English. The first story in the collection does have a neat idea about a clinic for vampires, but I found the romance story in that one to be something of a letdown.

Overall, I the idea of a gay vampire anthology. It's just this didn't deliver what I was hoping for, and as a result I found myself disappointed by it. Even if you're here just for the sex, I feel it's not as exciting about using the potential of vampires as it could be. And given how hard it was for me to track this down, I can't really recommend it. But I do hope I stumble across other collections that give me what I was hoping to get from this one. anthology kindle vampires Gwengwel524 21


1. 2.5/5 Contemporary, Medical, No sex.
Strange nut not uninteresting. Vamp not sympathetic.

2. 2/5 Historical, No sex.

3. 1/5 Slavery, Scholar, No romance, Rape present.
A sociopath that use Mind Control on his victim to make him his slave.

4. 3/5 Historical.

5. 3/5 Contemporary, Musician, Closet.
Love the concept.

6. 2/5 Historical, Medical.
HFN, Owen is going to grow old and die.

7. 3/5 Contemporary, Restoration.
Funny and cute.

8. Historical.
this one.

9. 1/5 Contemporary, No romance
Lost me at the hole that wet himself and the bizarre anal orgasm. Colin is not a real Dom.

10. 2/5 Contemporary, Sci-fiction, Soldier.
This entire review has been hidden because of spoilers.Show full reviewbook-anthology genre-fantasy species-vampires Dalia ;)*119

1. FIVE STARS - Wanting Needing Having by R.R. Angel

2. THREE STARS - To Be beloved by pepper Espinoza

3. TWO STARS - Lost In Translation by TammyJo Eckhart

4. FOUR Stars - The Love of a Faithful Servant by Teresa Noelle Roberts

5. THREE STARS - The Cold Color of the Heart by Eric Del Carlo & A mber Jayne Dodd

6. FIVE STARS - The Conservative Dark by Connor McKay

7. THREE STARS - The Last Brother by Ken Panadero

8. THREE STARS - VAMMP: Conquering Dissension by Bryl R. Tyne1-books-i-own 2-vampire TammyJo EckhartAuthor 19 books124

One of my short stories appears in this book. Mandy*reads obsessively* 2,202 330

2.5-3ebook-owned m-m paranormal Marie33 680 29

not what I was expecting..... wish I checked on here before I read it Cheikh Ndiaye22

wasnt really impressed... EvilAda1 reviewRead

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