
Watch Where They Hide de Tamron Hall

de Tamron Hall - Género: English
libro gratis Watch Where They Hide


From Emmy Award winner Tamron Hall comes an edge-of-your-seat thriller featuring journalist Jordan Manning as she delves into the case of a mother in danger and uncovers a dangerous web of secrets that could lead right to the missing woman—or put Jordan in the crosshairs of her abductors.

"With Jordan Manning, Tamron Hall has given us a smart, empathetic heroine to cheer on for years to come." — Alafair Burke, New York Times bestselling author

After dropping her child off at preschool, Marla Hancock, a stay-at-home mother, disappears. She had recently left her verbally abusive husband in rural Indiana and moved in with her sister, Shelly, who simply can't believe that her sister would ever willingly vanish without her children. But with limited support from the town's police department or media resources, Shelly fears that Marla's disappearance won't get the attention it deserves, or...

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Jordan Manning is an investigative journalist with Channel 8 News out of Chicago. Recently prompted to lead crime reporter, she’s been graced with a show entitled Justice Jordan. After all, her skills have led to the apprehension of several murderers. Given her own background in forensics, she is well equipped to search out the truth. Known to do whatever it takes to get answers, she’s far more than a typical TV reporter—and the public has started to notice.

Shelly Biltmore is just one of those people. After fleeing her emotionally abusive husband in Kentucky, Shelly’s sister, Marla Hancock, came to stay with her in rural Indiana with her children in tow. Not long after she arrived, however, Marla vanished into thin air, leaving her two small kids behind. Positive that the doting mother would never do such a thing, Shelly is positive something awful has happened. The only problem is, no one believes her. The police in the small Indiana town won’t listen and Shelly has nowhere to turn. So she calls Jordan.

Intrigued by the case, Jordan digs into Marla and her estranged husband as quick as can be. Before she knows it, she’s uncovered plenty of dark secrets and a few well-hidden lies. The more she learns, however, the fewer people Jordan thinks she can trust. Not only is her investigation threatening to garner one heck of a story, but it’s putting her in danger as well. What happened to Marla? Did she run away the police believe happened? Or has something far more sinister occurred? One things for sure. Jordan’s on the case and she won’t rest until all is revealed.

While I definitely found myself wrapped up Watch Where They Hide, it wasn’t necessarily the most gripping investigation to have a ringside seat for. That being said, I was in love with Jordan and her no-holds-barred search for the truth. Could it all have had a little bit more driving suspense or wicked twist and turns? For sure. But by the end of the 246 pages, I was intrigued by what was going on and couldn’t wait to find out what happened to Marla.

As for the characters, the only two to get any significant focus were Jordan and Shelly. With the former an aggressive, smart tactician who not only wanted to get the story but also some answers, she quickly had me wrapped around her little finger. Shelly, on the other hand, irked me quite a bit. Bombastic and over-the-top, it was hard to decide whether it was the writing or her persona that was the problem. In the end, however, she seemed a nice foil for Jordan, so I gladly suffered through her behavior.

The plot itself started out pretty darn slow. Taking the best part of one hundred pages before Jordan really started to investigate what happened to Marla, it was hard to focus at times. That said, when the first twist arrived, it did turn the case on its head. I just wish it had been delivered with a bit more drama and suspense. From there, secrets and lies began to unfurl, but at times I felt rather lost. Quite frankly, it wasn’t until the final revelation when I finally put everything together.

By the time I closed the cover, I was mostly won over by this quick, easy read. It was evident throughout that Hall poured her journalism knowledge into the text as it range wholly true-to-life. I just wish that the plot itself felt the same way. I do have to say, though, that I read this one without realizing that it was the second in a series. While it was fine as a stand-alone, I do wonder what I may have missed. So, all said and done, I recommend this one—but just barely. Rating of 3.5 stars.

Thank you to Tamron Hall and William Morrow for my complimentary copy. All opinions are my own.

Trigger warning: missing sibling, mention of: alcoholism, addiction, infidelityadvanced-reader-copy book-series crime-fiction40 s1 comment Keila1,257 73

Marla, wife, and mother have disappeared. Marla’s sister Shelly doesn’t believe Marla would just up and disappear, so she reaches out to TV Journalist Jordan Manning for help.

Jordan feels the pressure to prove herself after solving some murders and gaining a reputation. So when Shelly reaches out, she understands her concerns and feels compelled to do all she can to find Marla.

After being approved for this one on netgalley I learned it was part of a series. I had no idea going in. I enjoyed Jordans character as a investigative journalist. She really does a good job getting down into the weeds and putting the pieces together to come up with leads and then tracks them down. In this book, she was looking for a missing wife and mother. I don’t think that it was necessarily the most interesting of cases to go looking for honestly. Yes, if I went missing, I’d want someone with Jordans skills looking for me, but the chances are low. So, the book wasn’t realistic. Okay, now all fiction is, and I get that, but it just seemed that this one was going for believability. This one did seem to come together a bit too nicely for me, I prefer a little roughness or something to be desired, and I didn’t get any of that here. The ending, the rest of the book, was picture perfect with no guessing and it was exactly what you thought it would be. There’s just something to be said for serving everything up so nicely on a silver platter.

Thank you so much to William Morrow and Netgalley for this e-arc in exchange for an honest review.2024 netgalley netgalley-202417 s The Gist168 19 Shelved as 'to-be-read-kindle-owned'

This is the second book in the Jordan Manning series. I do believe that if you didn't read the first, you'd have no problem reading this as a standalone.

I really enjoyed the first book. This was a good read but admittedly, I enjoyed the first much more. This was an entertaining read which I didn't love nor hate. A solid 3 stars out of 5.

Jordan receives a call from Shelly Biltmore with news that her sister Marla is missing. Marla was in the middle of many life changes including a custody battle. She had just moved back home. Jordan is a hot mess and not the most enjoyable character. Jordan meets Nate in this book and Nate is man who can handle Jordan but a good guy.

Jordan is on a quest to uncover the truth about her sister.

I received an ARC in exchange for my honest review. Thanks to Netgalley and William and Morrow publishing.8 s Sheila1,850

I received a free copy of, Watch Where They Hide, by Tamron Hall. from the publisher and Netgalley in exchange for an honest review. This is book 2 of 2 in The Jordan Manning Series. TV journalist Jordan Manning is learning to make a name for herself, when Shelly gets in touch with her to help her find her missing sister Marla. This book was does not have a lot of good moral characters at all. An interesting read, til the end.8 s Traci Thomas662 11.6k

This was a super quick read. It had a lot going on and sometimes too much (not sure we need Jordan Manning to want a man so badly) but overall it was a good enough time. I d some of the twists and figured out a lot of the story, but not everything.7 s Jen Altman159 9

They say to write what you know/love, which rings true with the Jordan Manning novels. You can feel Tamron Hall’s passion in her writing. The amount of depth and detail she puts into Jordan’s character, as well as the culture and behind the scenes intricacies of television news is palpable. While those are aspects I highly admire, the detail can sometimes take away from the thrill of the story. In the book summary, it mentions being “an edge-of-your-seat thriller”, and personally while the story was good, I never felt it was unputdownable.

Although this is the second novel in the series, it can be read as a standalone.

3.5 ?? rounded down

Thank you to NetGalley & William Morrow for the opportunity to read this digital ARC. All opinions are my own.6 s Joan252 17

First off....although GoodReads claims this book is 384 pages long it actually is 249 pages long. And it isn't a matter of different editions...this book is a brand new release in hardbound.

I wanted to this story in that it is in the crime genre which I enjoy and I so wanted to Jordan Manning who is loosely based upon the early years of the author's career. I had read the 1st Jordan Manning book and d it "okay." This one, not so much...it was just so-so in my opinion.

Part of my problem with the book is too much conversation and not much in the way of action. I didn't feel the characters were especially well developed either. In trying to show us all the distractions that a TV reporter faces the story felt it was wandering all over the place in the early chapters.

When the story eventually centered more on the presumed murder mystery at hand, the characters really didn't grab me or hold my interest all that much. 4 s Gigi Ropp212 15

I went into this not knowing it was part of a series and enjoyed it so much, I may go read the first! I particularly enjoyed how it all wrapped up neatly with a bow, but understand some readers may not enjoy that as it isn’t fully realistic.5 s NrsKelley239 7

Oh man I really wanted to this book. The premise sounded good, but with no real sense of urgency or thrilling moments the story fell flat.
I think part of that could be Chalked up to this being a series. The author seemed more set on building up the character of Jordan than the actual murder mystery. I think a little more excitement and focus on the mystery would have helped move the book along.
I do think Jordan as a character and the series could be great in the long run.
I would say 2.5/5 stars for me. Rounded up to 3 for goodreads.
I received an advance review copy for free, and I am leaving this review voluntarily.net-galley-arc3 s Monte Price731 2,111

I enjoyed this book, maybe less than I did the first one.

If I had to put my finger on what didn't work it's that this story feels just a little out of place. It's not only that it's not set in the present, I believe we're in that mid-aughts if I can remember correctly after finishing it so long ago at this point. Still, it feels the books that were coming out around that time, even a little further back into the ninetes. The procedural mysteries that would go on to spin network dramas that could run for no less than seven seasons and be a ratings juggernut on their respective night. Those have a better supporting cast; either because the show is a two hander or the people also involved in the narrative have opportunities to build up the interiority to their respective characters.

Here we are simply stuck with Jordan Manning, and while the potential exists for the news crew to be of importance to the reader the way that they are to her as a character, that potential is never quite realized. Instead I felt the book was a little hollow as Jordan spent her time looking into what could have possibly happened to this missing woman.

Outside the scope of the series, as for the structure of this book as a standalone, it's fine. It's not the most remarkable mystery that I've read. I did find myself wanting the book to play up this local news angle more, simply because I think that's part of the appeal of this mystery versus any of the other books on the market that follow potentially less qualified protagonists. The resolution is satisfying enough.

I don't think I would go out of my way to recommend this to other readers, but Hall being a celebrity author will do enough to get this into the hands of those that are vaguely interested. With summer right around the corner this is an enjoyable enough book to pack on the plane to get out of the way before diving into something better as you lounge on the beach or pool or your reading location of choice on vacation.2 s Colleen924 17

Watch Where They Hide is the second book in the Jordan Manning series. I did not know this was part of a series when I requested it. While reading it I did not feel as if I was missing anything from not having read the first book in the series. In my opinion this can be a stand-alone read.

Marla, a wife and mother has gone missing but based on who you talked to was she missing, murdered or just tired of being a mom. When Marla's sister gets the feeling no one cares about her missing sister she reaches out to Jordan Manning, a reporter in Chicago who is known as "Justice Jordan." Jordan agrees to talk to her but makes no promises about whether she will follow through with an investigation. One conversation leads to a clue about Marla and then another and another.

There are plenty of shady characters to choose from, but Jordan soon follows a suspect that may finally lead to the truth about what happened to Marla.

This story has many twists and turns that take the reader on a wild ride. The suspects were a motley group that were very believable. Jordan seems to be more of an investigative reporter than an anchor on a news desk. This makes her more interesting as we see her pull at threads in order to get to the truth. I thought this was well written and the characters were interesting. I am hoping there will be more books to read in this series.

I received an ARC from NetGalley for an unbiased review.2 s Carmen189 1 followerRead

Thank you to Library Journal and William Morrow for the ARC.

News reporter Jordan Manning is back to right the wrongs of Chicago, this time across state lines investigating the disappearance of an Indiana mother of two. When Shelly Biltmore contacts the Justice Jordan hotline, she sounds desperate and scared. Her sister, Marla has vanished, leaving her two children at daycare. The police suspect Marla has simply left her life behind, but Shelly knows better. Jordan is intrigued by the case and her empathy for Marla convinces her to look deeper. With more questions than answers, Jordan faces unknown dangers and must decide if getting the headline is worth the risk.

Hall’s second installment in the Jordan Manning series (As the Wicked Watch, 2021) offers a cookie cutter plot, sprinkled with anecdotes from Jordan’s personal life. The writing style comes across a bit amateur and the transitions between chapters feels clumsy. However, Hall does a good job addressing issues of work/life balance and the expectations of working women. While Hall’s fans might be satisfied, seasoned suspense readers will find the journey from beginning to end a bit disappointing.mystery2 s Donna539 10

A twisting mystery revolving around the disappearance of Marla, a wife and mother. Did she leave her husband and children, or has she met with foul play? When her sister becomes frustrated with the police investigation and begins to suspect something terrible has happened to her sister, she frantically calls Jordan Manning, investigative reporter begging for her help. Jordan has become well known, since she aided in an investigation of a previous crime. She reluctantly agrees, and soon finds herself tangled in a web of darkness and deceit. Can she uncover the truth this time? She had doubts but persists. Tamron Hall has created a fascinating and unique mystery format told from the perspective of an investigative TV reporter. I have not read the first in the series, but this works well as a stand-alone. Jordan Manning is definitely a character I would enjoy following in a series, along with some of the other characters. I thoroughly enjoyed the book! Thank you to the author, publisher and Netgalley for my complimentary copy. The opinions of this review are my own.1 Kimberly Hess Morrow103 6 Want to read

I didn't realize this was a series but it was very well written and felt a standalone!!! I will go back and read the first!

Even though I didn't read the first, it had me hooked at the beginning!!! The author did very well at keeping you interested and the dialogue was great!

The book was easy to follow, shirt and a very fast read! It was a good suspension book!

Thanks NetGalley for letting me read and review1 Toni H 486 2

Investigative reporter, Jordan Manning, career is blossoming after the case she just solved. When a woman comes to her requesting help in locating her missing sister, she decides to get involved. The missing sister dropped her kids off at daycare and was never seen after that day. Her husband was immediately the prime suspect since they were having marriage issues. However, there was no evidence to support arresting him. So Jordan doing what she does best, she commits her time to getting to the bottom of the case, regardless if she is putting her career and life in danger.1 Shannon Dyer1,618 41

Round up to 3.5 stars.2024 aoc book-bistro ...more1 Kori Potenzone891 77 Want to read

Tamron Hall, does it again

I mean, did we expect anything else?

I completely fan-girled out last year after reading “As The Wicked Watch". I fell in love with Tamron Hall’s writing style. Right then, I knew that Hall, would join my list of "auto buy authors" .

I love the way Hall throws us right into the chaos. The suspense is present early on. The character development is on point and each one of the characters come to life between the pages. The twist got my pulse racing and left me in pure shock.

This is a MUST READ for everyone who loves thrillers, suspense, and even drama.

Watch Where They Hide, you know what to do! Head on over to your favorite bookstore and pre-order this book!

Teaser :

After dropping her child off at preschool, Marla Hancock, a stay-at-home mother, disappears. She had recently left her verbally abusive husband in rural Indiana and moved in with her sister, Shelly, who simply can’t believe that her sister would ever willingly vanish without her children. But with limited support from the town’s police department or media resources, Shelly fears that Marla’s disappearance won’t get the attention it deserves, or worse, will go unsolved. So, several weeks after filing a missing person’s report, she reaches out to TV journalist Jordan Manning for help.

After her investigative and reporting skills helped solve multiple murders, Jordan Manning’s career in the newsroom is on the rise. She has gained a reputation as more than your typical news reporter: a “fixer” with a vigilante edge, dogged and undeterred to seek the truth. But even with this new status, Jordan still feels pressure to prove herself as a young Black professional. When Shelly reaches out, she feels compelled to do all she can to find Marla.

Jordan’s search twists and turns in ways she could never have imagined, illuminating scandals and secrets that place her own life in grave danger.1 Andrea | andrea.c.lowry.reads611 26

Watch Where They Hide is an interesting and compelling mystery.

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