
Creature in the Vault de Tammy Walsh

de Tammy Walsh - Género: English
libro gratis Creature in the Vault


Tammy Walsh Year: 2023

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Ellie and the Creature . . .

A human woman, Ellie, is kidnapped from Earth to be a prize at a prison. But this human is special – she is a nurse and can provide healing for a secret prisoner named Ceara who sees 10 seconds into the future while seeing all possible outcomes. Their medics can’t get near him to treat his injuries (which had actually been caused by the Supervisor as he tortured Ceara to find out what he saw in his Visions). If Ellie can help Ceara recover, the Supervisor said she would be granted her freedom. So in the dark of night, she is thrown into the cell with the monster. She can’t see him but knows he is there. He officially does not exist. As she blindly crept forward toward the shadows, a deep voice growled that there would be consequences if she continued forward. She vaguely saw horns, because light bounced off their edges. The rest was in darkness. So she moved away into the dim light again.

But this prisoner happens to be her fated mate. He will protect her always, even if she doesn’t want him to do so. Through the time spent in healing him, would they learn to trust each other? Would they choose to love each other? Or would he fear the consequences if the Supervisor realized she could be used to control him? Will his secrets be revealed?

The author gives the reader lots of drama in this fast-paced story line and creates for us vividly described action scenes that make the telling so realistic. The reader will be drawn into this story from start to finish as the action relentlessly intensifies. I enjoyed every word and would definitely recommend this book.reviewed Karen Nastasio2,454 16

This was a brilliant book that take place in Ikmal Prison again with the Prizes and the Prisoners fighting to survive and getting there HEA. Ellie is a Nurse from Earth that has been kidnapped and is now a Prize in Ikmal Prison to the winner of the pit fights. But when she is approached by the Prison Supervisor to nurse a secret prisoner back to health to gain her freedom and go back to Earth. Ceara is a prisoner at Ikmal but he has committed no crime but was taken because he can see into Future and the Supervisor wants his ability but even when he is tortured and experimented on he refuses to tell how he does it but he has been seeing his fated mate for years and now she has come to heal him and he tells her that they are fated mates and that they have met before. Ellie is shocked at first by his declaration but when he touches her she burns for more and the kisses drive her wild with need as they come together and become one. How does it all work out does Ellie return to Earth Orr does she stay with Ceara and do they escape Ikmal Prison or not. Sheree74

Another amazing, well written story from this author. Her characters are wonderful, fighting for their HEA in extreme circumstances. Ellie is a kidnapped nurse, taken to an alien prison to be a Prize for the pit fighting. She is offered a deal – nurse a hidden/secret prisoner back to health and she will earn her freedom and return to Earth. Ceara has been kept prisoner for his psychic abilities. He has not committed a crime and has been kept secret and tortured repeatedly. His visions of Ellie, his fated mates is the only bright spot in his life. And now she is trapped in the prison with him.

These two had everything stacked against them, yet their resilience and hope has the reader rooting for them throughout the entire book. Plot twists, betrayal and an uncertain future kept my engagement and interest high. If not for work I would have finished this in one sitting. I look forward to future books from this author.

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Manda 592 6

Ceara has been locked up on the prison moon for what seems a lifetime. The rounds of torture merging with the cold, black emptiness of the cell. The only bright light is his vision of Ellie. When the guards leave another prisoner in his cell he's caught between thinking it's a vision or reality when he sees his dream angel.

Ellie is struggling to cope with the reality of being kidnapped by aliens. On the verge of being offered to a terrifying alien as a prize she is offered an alternative. Heal another prisoner and she will be returned to her old life as a nurse. But when she is left in the dark cell with the huge, angry alien she may have made the wrong choice.

Ellie is Ceara's sunshine, but is this enough to forge a relationship in such a horrible situation and will they be able to escape?

A wonderful, gritty emotionally laden romance.

I received a free copy of this book via Booksprout and am voluntarily leaving a review. kymagirl3,553 50

Ellie, a human nurse, is abducted to Ikmal, an alien prison planet, where she's tasked with healing a secret prisoner named Ceara, an alien Blinker with the ability to see into the future. The prisoner’s Supervisor offers Ellie a chance at freedom if she heals Ceara, but as she helps him recover, she discovers a deeper connection between them. Ceara claims to have seen Ellie every day of his life, to have had visions of her due to the bond they share. Ellie and Ceara's relationship evolves gradually, allowing for a deeper connection, as they overcome obstacles together amidst harsh circumstances. Slow burn alien-human fated mates romance focusing on resilience, hope, and unforeseen connections amidst bleak circumstances.aliens-space arcs owned Cynkris404

Creature in the VAULT caused me to feel all of the feels. Sadness, a couple of giggles, excitement and oh yeah let's not forget the heat! Ceara is such a good male and Ellie is his match in every way. Tammy Walsh writes such good characters. Characters we love and some we hate.. the Supervisor. Her world building...especially the prison..is outstanding, to the point that I get a slight feeling of claustrophobia. But where her talent really comes out is in her story telling. She keeps me focused on the story, heart totally invested in what is coming next. As always we get our HEA. This story is worth your time.

I received a free copy of this book via Booksprout and am voluntarily leaving a review. Toni1,473 9

Ellie is a nurse on earth and quite good at her job. One night after a football game she had to work late. Usually she wouldn't take the alert but she was tired and figured it would be ok. She's accosted by a man but is saved by an alien. When she wakes she finds herself on another planet, a prison planet. She's a prize for the winners of the games they hold. But she's called to the Supervisor's office where he makes her an over. She's sent to Ceara's cell to help him heal. At this point they're lives are intertwined. Will they be able to outwit the supervisor? Will the vision Ceara had come true?
A moving story that will have the reader sniffling and rooting for the Ellie and Ceara.

I received a free copy of this book via Booksprout and am voluntarily leaving a review. Ramona1,672 7

This was an entertaining and enjoyable story to read with its engaging characters, lots of drama and action, steamy encounters, and a very good written story that I got into. This story is about Ellie a nurse who was abducted but instead of being a Prize in the games, is given a chance to heal a secret prisoner. Ceara has the ability to see into the future, but he needs to be healed first. The Supervisor has a machine that can tell 10 minutes in the future, but he wants more. The Supervisor needs Ceara to function to add time to the machine. When he sees her, Ceara knows that Ellie is his fated mate, but can he persuade her to stay by his side when the Supervisor offers a way back home? I enjoyed reading this copy I'd received and volunteer to review. Kristine L.6,078 55

Wonderful Story. Ellie finds herself kidnapped from Earth and on a different planet than her own. She is a prize that the Supervisor of a prison planet makes with her because she has nursing experience. She is asked to help Ceara who can see into the future. She can never go home if he doesn't let her help him. Ceara knows that Ellie is his fated mate. Their lives were controlled but their love for each other was their own. I loved the HEA between them as it was perfect. This is an amazing love story.

I received a free copy of this book via Booksprout and am voluntarily leaving a review. Donna695 7

Ellie is walking home after her latest shift as a nurse at the hospital. She is attacked but wakes up in the prison far from Earth. The supervisor brought her specifically to heal a prisoner. Ceara can see glimpses of the future and the supervisor wants to abuse that knowledge. So far Ceara has been able to hold strong and not tell anything he sees
Tammy is a great storyteller and knows how to draw her reader into this world to experience what her characters experience. Her characters and locations are rich in detail. She throws plot twists, danger, betrayal, secrets, connections and steam and brings us to a HEA.

Margaret3,007 23

Ellie is kidnapped and taken to Ikmal Prison but she is not fated to be a Prize.
Ellie is on her way home fron her shift as a nurse at the hospital when she is abducted and wakes up in the prison moon of Ikmal. She is first put in with the Prizes but then called to the Supervisor's office where she is offered a different role. She is given a bag of medicine and taken to a cell where the alien she must heal is held. Ceara has so far managed to stop the Supervisor from using his foresght for his own ends but wonders how much langer it will last.

I received a free copy of this book via Booksprout and am voluntarily leaving a review. Berta Greenleaf Richardson583 2

Creature in the Vault is Book 6 of Fated Mates of Breeder Prison by Tammy Walsh. Ellie is abducted from earth to be part of the Prize Pool for the Champions of Ikmal prison. She encounters Ceara who she has been told to cure. He is being experimented on and is bad shape. They fall in love and find out Ceara has a special gift. Someone wants to use it for their own gain but Ceara and Ellie decide to escape. They find their HEA. I recommend this book to all paranormal romance readers.

I received a free copy of this book via Booksprout and am voluntarily leaving a review. Mumto2girls 505 5

Although the characters - Ceara and his Ellie - have to suffer through great challenges, this is overall a really sweet romance with a beautiful ending. In fact, in my opinion, the story is worth reading if only for epilogue which is completely sigh-worthy. Again, I love the characters that Ms. Walsh creates. They are complex and in some cases flawed and yet so relatable. I thoroughly enjoyed this story.

I received a free copy of this book via Booksprout and am voluntarily leaving a review. JLH2,714

The soothsayer and the healer. Kidnapped from Earth, Ellie is made to heal the fighters in the cage/vault. Ceara is a prisoner who refuses to tell the vision or dreams he was given as a soothsayer. He knows Ellie. He has waited for her. How are they going to get out of the vault without losing each other? Villain's playing with their emotions. Fate has allowed this to happen to get to the end of the journey but whose going to be there when the dust settles?.

I received a free copy of this book via Booksprout and am voluntarily leaving a review. Sue Philips1,059 28

Tammy Walsh's latest story sees human Ellie abducted into Ikmal - a prison planet - to heal an alien who has the gift of being able to see into the future. Ellie is a nurse and poor Ceara has been brutally treated. Ellie is challenged to heal Ceara and win her return to Earth. Little does she realize there is more to the reason Ceara is being brutally experimented on and she is an unwitting pawn in a game of greed and betrayal.
Highly recommended reading. Patty1,826 10

Guided by a vision:

In this alien prison world setting, we get to see another snippet of the overall story taking place there. Ceara’s story here is quite unique, making Ellie’s part in the story equally unique. I d how different aspects of the story as well as inner thoughts of the characters were slowly revealed. Sometime it seems fate has a hand in our overall destiny!.

I received a free copy of this book via Booksprout and am voluntarily leaving a review. Trina Gomez88 1 follower

This book is set on an alien prison planet, Ellie the main female character is kidnapped and taken to the planet where she meets Ceara, the Main male character. Their relationship slowly builds as they work to overcome the obstacles they face before escaping to a happily ever after. I d this story, it kept me interested in the characters throughout the story, it was well written and engaging! Lillah Cruce180

This was very different for me, but I very much enjoyed this book. Ceara was very much ready to sacrifice himself for Ellie’s supposed happiness, and Ellie having made a deal with the devil himself before even meeting Ceara, continually feels guilty for trying to get herself out of there and back home (before getting to know him).

I received a free copy of this book via Booksprout and am voluntarily leaving a review. SHERRY DAVIS114 1 follower

What happens when you find yourself abducted from Earth to take care of a creature in an alien prison? But the creature doesn't want your help. If you can't take care of him, you may never see your home again.
It's a beautiful and sensuous story of two lost souls who find each other where they least expect it. Guaranteed HEA!

I received a free copy of this book via Booksprout and am voluntarily leaving a review. Alison1,675 7

Ellie didn't think her shortcut would end up this way, now she on an alien world in an alien prison. She is expected to help heal Ceara, who at first seems dangerous, but then he becomes so much more. I loved the twists and turns of their story, the suspense/angst of it and the beautiful connection they have.

I received a free copy of this book via Booksprout and am voluntarily leaving a review. Lisa Bing4,042 48

This is another well written and fast paced read that brings forth all the feels in this richly detailed story ;) Ellie has been kidnapped from Earth but she's a nurse, and she's been offered a 'get out of jail' pass if she can heal secret prisoner, Ceara. Of course, he's not that interested to start, but their connection is strong, and soon enough, love blooms between them. These two have to work together to survive and I was glued to my reader seeing how it would unfold. Good fun! Athena Diven740 1 follower

I love stories where monsters aren't monsters, they're just the big alien that needs a little TLC. In this case a lot of TLC! I love that for once Ellie has options, but even so, they come with consequences. It's a hot, sweet and steamy fast paced romance. Love the characters and how the storyline presents Ceara and his people. Great worldbuilding. What a great read!.

I received a free copy of this book via Booksprout and am voluntarily leaving a review. Sandra Sanches331 8

Ellie is a nurse and on her way home she's abducted and taken to a prison planet where she mets Ceara,a prisioner with a special gift.
A tale of love in a harsh situation with heart breaking moments,dificult choices but a happy ending.

I received a free copy of this book via Booksprout and am voluntarily leaving a review. Jenni6,246 37

Human nurse Ellie is kidnapped to the prison planet and ordered to help alien Ceara, and his special gift, in order for her to return home. But nothings quite what it seems. Well written steamy alien/human, desires drama and more.

I received a free copy of this book via Booksprout and am voluntarily leaving a review. Amber Beasley350 1 follower

This is a pretty quick read that isn’t as dark as I anticipated it being. I d the couple and the slow start to their relationship. They had time to get to know one another and grow more steady while also fighting the villian in the story.

I received a free copy of this book via Booksprout and am voluntarily leaving a review. Debbie Benson5,522 23

I received a free copy of this book via Booksprout and am voluntarily leaving a review. It is a slow build romance between Ellie and Ceara. She is kidnapped but her skills are needed to care for him. Ceara's special abilities are wanted by the Supervisor but he uses them to escape with Ellie. I d that Ellie being his fated mate is the last piece needed for them to escape.2023-reading-challenge Janet Smith McHardy878 8

When Ellie is abducted from Earth she ends up as a nurse to an alien prisoner called Ceara . This is a fast placed read with great characters and an excellent plot. I look forward to reading more by Tammy Walsh

I received a free copy of this book via Booksprout and am voluntarily leaving a review. Debbie745 5

Cerea and Ellie. Shes a nurse kidnapped and sent to a breeder prision as a prize. Shes offered a deal to heal a prisoner and shes free. Great Great world building. Great chemistry. Absolutlly loved this story.

I received a free copy of this book via Booksprout and am voluntarily leaving a review. Becky S217

This story has some crazy moments, making you wonder if the main characters would ever be free. The HEA is good, but I would have d seeing the "Supervisor" meet his maker. So, the rest of the prisoners would have been freed and they wouldn't have to look over their shoulder for him again.

I received a free copy of this book via Booksprout and am voluntarily leaving a review. Sara Munoz3,721 8

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