
Burn de Tamara Lush

de Tamara Lush - Género: English
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A second chance may be too hot to handle in this sizzling romance set in the world of Formula 1 racing.
Fired in a spectacular fashion from a job she loved, Lily Onassis has resigned herself to spending her days comfort-baking in her condo. But when her father has a heart attack, her life takes an immediate U-turn. As he's wheeled into surgery, he has one request: he wants Lily to take over running his Formula World Team, which includes managing their sexy star driver, Max Becker.
Max and Lily have a history, and when she walked away from their affair years ago, she swore she'd never go back to racing or to Max. She wanted a quiet, drama-free life—while he was the rising star of Formula World.
Back in close proximity, the two must fight their burning attraction and keep their relationship strictly professional. Lily's got a job to do . . . and so does Max. No distractions. But as the season develops so do their feelings, and the pair must confront the fact...

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FREE on Amazon today (11/16/2017)!freebie6 s Tania399 18

E' una sensazione bellissima e alquanto nuova per me leggere di personaggi italiani da un'autrice americana. Sono stata all'estero e noi italiani veniamo identificati maggiormente come "i mangiatori di pasta e pizza" e no, non scherzo XD Menomale che Tamara ha saputo renderci merito grazie all'affascinante Luca e definendo il nostro accento sexy. Che soddisfazioni! Ora però vorrei trovare un uomo simile. Luca Rossi è stato un concentrato di fascino che non passa di certo inosservato e che mi ha provocato non poche palpitazioni.

Tutto ha inizio per un'incidente aereo accaduto nelle vicinanze della casa dove si è rifugiato Luca, un giornalista e scrittore di best-seller che si nasconde dalla mafia italiana e dalla sua ex (che non è per niente sana di mente). L'uomo soccorre il pilota per poi scappare per non farsi coinvolgere dai giornalisti. Ma la reporter Skylar Shaw non si lascia sfuggire nulla e di certo è difficile non notare un uomo affascinante come Luca. Lei è un'ambiziosa giornalista di un piccolo giornale della Florida e dopo una delusione amorosa e l'insicurezza che ne deriva non riesce a credere che un uomo come quell'italiano possa guardarla con desiderio. Eppure lui è sincero e lo dimostrerà in molte occasioni. Tuttavia nonostante ci sia l'attrazione, all'inizio non c'è molta fiducia (vorrei ben dire) tra loro. Luca nasconde la sua identità per salvarsi da un mafioso assassino ma la casa delle vacanze di suo zio è solo una gabbia dorata. Lussuosa ma pur sempre una gabbia. Non sopporta di vivere nascosto.
Lui e Skylar dovranno affrontare dei grossi pericoli e la paura si mischierà alla loro passione.

E' un romanzo avvincente con scene di sesso bollenti ma che non cadono sul volgare. Forse l'attrazione tra i due è stata troppo affrettata ma se pur agli inizi come scrittrice di romanzi, Tamara si dimostra molto talentuosa e il suo stile è molto piacevole (merito ovviamente dei suoi anni di esperienza nello scrivere fin da piccola e poi nella sua carriera di giornalista). Questo romanzo non può assolutamente mancare nelle librerie di chi ama il rosa suspence e che sa leggere in lingua anche se speriamo venga notato dalle nostre case editrici e venga tradotto in italiano perché merita davvero.
Una storia dalle mille sfumature che saprà catturare il vostro interesse in men che non si dica.
Grazie mille all'autrice per la copia in cambio di un'onesta opinione <34 s Beauté De Livres (Vivian Freeman)227 22

3.5 STARS!!

Hot Shade is my first Tamara Lush read and I can confidently say it is very a book that romance lovers can enjoy. Tamara’s debut novel shows that she very much has the flair for writing and a creative imagination. With a mixture of lust, love passion and suspense, Hot Shade has all the ingredients to make you swoon.

Luca Rossi is in hiding and determined to leave his past behind him. Skylar Shaw is a reporter, career focused and rebuilding her life after a terrible relationship. In an accidental meeting the attraction between the two is painfully obvious. But with both having their own sets of secrets and fears, they deny their attraction for as long as possible.

As feelings get deeper, secrets get harder to keep and the chemistry becomes overwhelming. The question sits heavy throughout the book; whether or not Luca and Skylar will indulge in their “forbidden” romance.

Hot Shade alternates between a steady and slow paced read. Lush finds her groove at 60% and readers will become invested in the development of Luca and Skylar’s relationship. With suspense being threaded through the story the mix between romance and suspense is what gives these characters depth and assists the flow and order of the story.

Tamara Lush shows huge potential in Hot Shade and there is no doubt future books will continue to show the growth in her journalistic flair as it crosses paths with her fictional fantasies. For romance filled with twists, second chances and passion, Lush is one to watch.
3 s Helen1,092

Hard working, ambitious reporter Skylar Shaw is hoping her gig on a small southwest Florida newspaper will be a stepping stone to a career writing for bigger and better publications. When she goes out to cover a plane crash on the beach, it's a big break in more ways than one. Her story gets lots of play and she meets a mysterious and very hot Italian guy who witnessed the crash. Sparks fly and secrets mystery man Luca Rossi has been hiding start to come out as the mob and his crazy ex-girlfriend are hot on his trail.

Kudos to Tamara Lush for a fast-paced, very sexy debut novel. As a former Florida newspaper reporter myself, I really appreciated the true-to-life details about the life of a reporter and the challenges of working in Florida's heat and humidity. What I want to know is how come I never met any guys Luca when I was a young reporter?
florida-setting romantic-suspense tampa-bay-times-authors4 s Anne164 2

Fun read, great characters, and seriously HOT! Sky is highly relatable, going through self-doubt and heartbreak as she copes with starting a career in the aftermath of her mother's death. The work scenes are particularly resonant for anyone who has ever experienced the camaraderie of the news biz. I love how the author handled the developing romance!3 s Derna589 287

*I received a copy in exchange for an honest review*

When Journalist Skylar Shaw meets Luca Rossi all, she looking for is more information on a recent plane crash except the mysterious Italian wants remain anonymous and, therefore, is giving very little away. Luca is hiding a secret, and being a Journalist Skylar doesn’t give up easily. Soon there is a lot more between then just the research for a story about a plane crash.

“Luca… Well, he was gorgeous and spellbinding. And probably only on the Island for a while which made him instantly dangerous”

Skylar was sassy and not afraid to say what she was thinking and as for Luca, well it was hard not to him, as I love men with accents. Luca and Skylar are both able characters the chemistry between them is passionate and intense, and I totally understood the hesitancy that they both felt at times due to both their past.

“Skylar Shaw was the most intriguing and sexy woman he’d met in years, only at precisely the wrong time”

I d the suspense element of the story, and there were some twists that kept the story interesting a crazy ex-girlfriend. I was worried that as I came to the last 20% of the story that there was going to be a cliffhanger or the ending was going to be rushed but it wasn’t. I will say although the ending it was different from what I was expecting I it, and it all played out well. And Tamara gives you a sweet epilogue that finished the book off nicely.

"This is everything I thought I didn’t want. Or didn’t need. But I’m here now and it’s everything I need and the only thing I want."

Overall Hot Shade is Tamara Lush’s debut novel, and I felt it's written well, romantic suspense story that was also sexy and enjoyable. The dialogue between the different characters, which was told in the third person, was good, and I look forward to seeing what Tamara has next in store for us.

3 s Rob W1 review

I’m familiar with the author’s work as a journalist and have followed her on social media for several years. When I saw that she had written a romance novel I was intrigued and decided to give it a go.

As someone who is unfamiliar with the Romance genre I wasn’t sure what to expect. I was pleasantly surprised! This is a smartly written, super sexy love story surrounded by intrigue. The author manages to avoid the cliché’s and keep the reader guessing. And may I just say that this book is far more arousing than that 50 shades movie (I didn’t read the book).

Ms. Lush has put forth a solid first novel and I can’t wait to see what else she has up her sleeve.
3 s Mary Otremba30 6

This is a fantastic story. It is about a reporter named Skylar Shaw who goes to report about a plane crash and meets a mysterious, incredibly hot Italian man named Luca Rossi who has a secretive and dangerous past but gets to go on a different journey that goes way beyond a plane crash and into uncovering this man's secrets. This Novel is full of excitement, heat, romance, adventure, and emotions. Great Read, fantastically written, you will get swept by these characters and this wonderful story. I give 5 stars.3 s Tina ElleryAuthor 3 books9

Tamara weaves a thoroughly entertaining—and HOT—story that’ll leave you begging to turn the page.

As a beta reader for this fantastic book I can tell you that Tamara hooked me with first few chapters. I felt forlorn while waiting for more to arrive in my inbox And when they did I would drop everything to give my greedy eyes the treat they wanted.

3 s Marjorie Stout2 3

I pre-ordered HOT SHADE and could not wait for it to arrive! Then I couldn't put it down- and missed the characters after finishing the book. They seem very real, and It's easy to get drawn in.

I bought another copy for my co-worker. can't wait for the next novel- Tamara Lush is a wonderful writer and storyteller.3 s Bookish_Sally382 10

This is book 1 in the Burning Series. I enjoyed reading this book. Especially the "steamy" parts! I was intrigued by the Italian dialog and could totally see the cover model as Luca in this story! Favorite character of course was Luca in all his glory. I enjoyed to see the twists and turns, some I expected some I was surprised!3 s Marianna Rainolter1,619 18

Much better, hotter and sexier than the original version I read almost an year ago! I love it even more!
My full review in Italian on my blog: http://bookmarksarereadersbestfriends...anteprima arc beta ...more2 s Jami537 7

Steamy and delicious! I'm a sucker for hot, rich men and realistic women when it comes to my romance. Skylar's history of abandonment and tragedy crosses with a gentleness that makes her vulnerable still. Which makes her a perfect match for Luca, with his own secrets to hide. 2015 5-stars kindle ...more3 s Lauren RunowAuthor 46 books1,310

I loved Luca. So sexy and mysterious. And when he spoke Italian *** swoon ***
Definitely check this book out for a fun sexy read!contemporary-romance3 s Grass monster542 16

The Blurb :
In the tropical Florida heat, a man with deadly secrets falls for a lovely, inquisitive reporter...
After Luca Rossi lost everything to the Italian mafia, he used all his skills to write a stunning expose, and managed to put a key don on trial for his life. But now Luca must hide out on the Florida coast until justice is served in Italy. All is well, until he meets a lovely young American reporter who won’t stop asking questions about who he is. Soon he’s fighting the urge to hush her with a kiss … and much, much more.
Skylar Shaw took a job with a small Florida paper determined to make her mark on the journalistic world. She may spend her days writing up alligator scares and human interest stories, but when she meets a handsome mystery man on the beach, she’s not afraid to dig into his past, and the danger stalking him from across the seas. There’s just one problem … will her efforts help Luca, or bring danger straight to him?
Luca knows all too well the journalistic drive to keep digging. Can he trust his lovely Skylar to keep his secrets, or must he push her away to save both their lives?

My Thoughts :
I found the cover a main drawing factor to this book, Its sunny, Its blue and Its hot. Id read, this was origanally released in September 2015 with a different cover but this one wins hands down.
The blurb also made me want to read this and I wasnt disappointed.
This is your typical boy meets girl line but it works well, We meet Luca, who is on the run and hiding out in his Uncles holiday home in Florida. Luca, is a dark charactor with many secrets. When a plane crashes on the beach outside his hideaway, Luca finds himself saving someones life. Then he meets Skylar, a local reporter who wants to praise this Italian hero for being a good Samaritan. Luca does not want her digging into his life or past.
This is a well paced read with lots of suspence, Romance and passion. I enjoyed delving into the lives of these characters and although I was frustrated at times with the relationship. Tamara Lush, turned this into one gripping read. I was sad to say goodbye to these two in the end. Full marks for a gripping read.2 s Patricia1,945 5

This has everything I look for in a book to keep my attention plus more.
Luca's character is surprisingly likable. He is or was a journalist who's ambition cost him more than it was worth. On the run from the Italian mafia he is hiding out at his uncles in Florida. There he meets Skyler, who also happens to be a young american journalist out to make a name for herself.

Both characters are on guard but for different reasons. With that said, there is an attraction that neither character are totally able to put aside. The story slowly built on their pasts, their present attractions and what all of this could mean to the futures. This author definitely knows her way around telling an intriguing story. What a great first book to win over my literary imagination.
I look forward to seeing what else she has.2 s Madeline IvaAuthor 3 books21

Need a hot, Italian book-boyfriend? Look no further. Luca has secrets and our heroine, an intrepid reporter is gonna find them,one by one, even as danger lurks...

Great hot sex. Great florida beach-mansion setting. Luca can brood with the best of them (and my god I love a brooding hero) but he's also sensitive and cooks! Great heroine, villains, and reporter-news reporting background! I whiffled through this book in one day, devouring it a plate of yumma pasta. 2 s Joy Boutwell1,517 15

This is the first book of Tamara Lush that I have read and was very impressed. If you romantic suspense Hot Shade is a book you will love.2 s Michelle van Rij142 15

I love Tamara’s writing style. The book just reads away easily. You’re drawn to the story because of what happens in the first chapter.

The story’s written in third person and from three different perspectives, all in past tense. I think I books that are written in past tense the most, but I’m more a first person writing kind of girl. The three perspectives are not only from Luca and Skylar (the two most important characters in the story), but also from Luca’s ex Annalisa.

In the first chapter you also get to know the Italian Luca, on the run for the mafia. Even though it’s important for him to stay hidden in the house, he’s still helpful. And from the description I know the boy must be incredibly handsome with his green-gray eyes and olive colored skin.

You also get to know the beautiful blue-eyed reporter, Skylar. Persistent, nosy, ambitious and the girl has got a winner mentality. She knows how to flirt, but because of some stuff that happened she can be unsure about herself in relation to men.

Both are all alone in the world and try to be independent the best way they can. They are not searching for love at all, but they seem to find each other.

I laughed out loud a few times, but also cried. The tears were for the cruel things that happened to both Luca and Skylar. For me there were two parts in the book that scared me and gave me chills.

I can’t really think of negative things about the book. I was irritated at times, because I was totally into the story of Luca and Skylar and was interrupted by the pieces told by Annalisa. And the pieces of Annalisa did kind of took down some scary parts of the story, which was too bad.

I couldn’t put the book away and was so sad to finish it. Not because of the ending, because that was just perfect and amazing. But while reading the story I kind off fell in love with Luca and Skylar and couldn’t say goodbye to them yet. They left me thinking about them way past finishing the book.

It's a well written story with amazing character development and a lot of depth because of the thrilling background story of Luca. I certainly recommend you to read this exciting romantic read.

I received this book in exchange for my honest review.november-20152 s ChristineAuthor 2 books32


Hot Shade by Tamara Lush is a contemporary romantic suspense novel about two journalists, one American, and one Italian, hiding from the mafia.

This story, and these characters, feel real to me, because they both come with their share of baggage. The story is set in Florida, and there were times the writing evoked the feel of the tropical heat.

The only problem I had with the story, was the heroines delay in actual intercourse. It seemed to me, if she was trying to hold off on intimacy, some of the activities they had indulged in (Hot Hot, by the way) were more intimate.

But other than that, this was a good book, about real people meeting in unusual circumstances.

**Review has been done in conjunction with Nerd Girl Official. For more information regarding our please visit our Fan Site: www.facebook.com/NerdGirl.NG***
2 s Emma277 8

Tamara Lush you rock lady. This story is amazeballs it had me gripped from page 1. It's full of drama love lust anger and hope but also loss and fear. It's detailed and we'll written. If you don't it I will eat my hat lol .2 s AL332 7

Sweet story with a dark suspense. Luca Rossi is an Italian journalist and novelist who wrote about the Mafia in his country which put him and his family in danger as the crime lord Luca wrote about, killed his father and mother for punishment which put Luca on the run. Hiding in Palmira, Florida with the help of his uncle who later turn out to be his father , he met a young journalist named Skylar Shaw who was persistent to get her story from Luca who rescued someone from a plane crash. Her curiosity and her attraction to this insanely, mysterious good looking Italian drove her to find more about him and him being sweetly attracted to her made this book very lovely to read. I absolutely enjoyed this book. Highly recommend it.2 s Janet583 1 follower

Luscious romantic mystery

Luca Rossi is a gorgeous Italian with secrets to keep. He's in hiding from the Italian mafia. Skylar Shaw is a reporter and Luca tries his best to stay away from Skyler. Her questions and his secrets could get them both killed.

The story is very erotic and Luca is a luscious Italian lover who gave me the shivers. Skylar is beautiful, sexy, smart, and too nosy for both their good.

I enjoyed the build up of mystery and not knowing what was going to happen next. There were several times I was on the edge of my seat.

This is a very enjoyable book I found hard to put down.2 s Rose Boniello615 1 follower

Found a new author!!

Really great story — well written and edited. Loved Skylar & Luca and what a tumultuous journey they endured for their HEA! Great pace, unique and interesting story. So nice to read a story about an Italian man and the Mafia that debunks stereotypes. Looking forward to reading more by this author!2 s Terri59 1 follower

Loved this book! A definite must read. Tamara creates an engaging storyline with relatable characters and the perfect mix of romance and intrigue. Skylar and Luca have a steamy, super sexy relationship. This is a can't put it down have to read it again book!!2 s GetYourSmutOn136 20

Italian men are hot!! Check out the full review (enter shameless self promotion) http://getyoursmuton.com/2015/10/12/r...2 s Filippo Marmo1 review

is best.2 s Pamela 1,417 75

What a piece of crap. kindle2 s Fearlesscayahoo.Com burchell3

Loved this book, did not want it to end. It was sweet romance and exciting. would highly recommend this book. Never read this author before but will look for her books. It was very well written2 s Patricia Rash12

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