
Come Sposare una Marchesa de Tamara Gill

de Tamara Gill - Género: Italian
libro gratis Come Sposare una Marchesa


Lady Henrietta Zetland non sta affatto cercando di nuovo l'amore dopo essere rimasta vedova così giovane. Non può mettere alla luce l'erede che tanti mariti desiderano, quindi è felice di gettarsi alle spalle l'alta società di Londra e i suoi eventi mondani per dedicarsi a una vita in campagna. Eppure, quando incontra Marcus Duncan, il nuovo Marchese di Zetland, la passione che aveva sperato di poter sopprimere torna in vita mandando in fumo il suo buon senso.
Diventare un Marchese è proprio ciò di cui Marcus ha bisogno per salvare la sua tenuta scozzese che sta cadendo a pezzi. Il suo viaggio in Inghilterra lo porta a conoscenza delle nuove tenute ereditate e gli permette di incontrare la vedova di suo cugino. Marcus è subito attratto da Henrietta e tra i due nasce una forte passione. L'ultima cosa che Marcus si aspetta è di innamorarsi e, chiedendo di più, verranno a galla i segreti di entrambi e che minacciano di separarli per sempre.

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This was such an engaging story, it had me gripped from the first page. It has two delightful characters in Henrietta and Marcus. Although they have an instant attraction to each other, they both have secrets that may make a difference to their feelings for each other. IÂ’d love for HenriettaÂ’s cousin, Maggie, to have her own story. ItÂ’s a book that can be read in an afternoon and it will leave you with a smile on your face and a very satisfying feeling. 4 s Sylvia324 43

This a great story about loss of a loved one and a second chance for love. Lady Henrietta Zetland lost her husband and Marcus Duncan is the new heir of Marquess Zetland. The characters were engaging and pleasant. I really enjoyed how this story builded slowly and progressed with a slow heat.historial-romance owned3 s Monique1,357 36

Young widow Lady Henrietta Zetland wants to remain in Surrey and return to London only after her year of mourning. She doesn't want to remarry. She inherited Kewell Hall, which was supposed to be an unentailed property, but when the new Marquess, Marcus Duncan, comes down from Scotland, Henrietta is in for a shock. Or two!

It was so nice to see that Henrietta had loved her late husband, and there was no animosity between her and her parents. I loved Marcus and Henrietta; they're rational, thoughtful people; they listen, they care. Both have painful secrets and I so much appreciated that they chose to act adults; there were no misunderstandings, no ridiculous outbursts. And I felt their sadness when it came to the secrets they harboured. There was lust, but there was respect, which easily turned into love. Marcus might be the Laird of Clan Duncan, but he's just a country boy at heart, albeit a Scottish one. He is not as refined as Henrietta, which provides fodder for a few amusing scenes. It was wonderful to read about two charming, straightforward, and sympathetic characters.

The prose is elegant and evocative, the dialogues are delightful, and the story flows well. I was grateful that there was only a sprinkling of Scottish dialect, just enough to give it some colour. The romance progressed nicely, and I loved reading about the day-to-day on the estate. TO MARRY A MARCHIONESS is a quick and very enjoyable read, so very pleasant and romantic.

It's unimportant, but I would to mention that I found the chapter numbers very small. And although it's book #6, it stands entirely on its own.

3 s ElodieÂ’s Reading Corner2,527 133

I must admit I relented to read this one book because the last one disappointed me, but this one just reconciled me with Mrs Tamara GillÂ’s work.
I do loved both main characters, Henrietta and Marcus are two handsomely crafted characters, they have their flaws and make mistakes but they stay true to themselves.
Henrietta despite finding herself widowed so early in her marriage, because she has loved her late husband, didnÂ’t became bitter nor throw caution to the wind and go back to the ton as a free woman.
Marcus while never wished for his cousinÂ’s death, welcomes his new fortune, it is quite a boon for his crumbling estate and it will help to settle his son.
They have an instant attraction, and they do not try to hide nor fight it. Their real struggles are about what they think are kind of no-way secrets, can they open themselves to the other and how will each other reacts to it.
I loved to see them interact, react to another, fight their feelings then give in, then how they apprehended each otherÂ’s secret and the decisions they took, the errors they made then how they decided to settle them right.
Plus a lovely epilogue and an awesome cover.3 s Sissy's Romance Book Review 8,770 16

To Marry a Marchioness by Tamara Gill is book 6 in the Lords of London Series. This is the story of Marcus Duncan, The Marquess Zetland and Lady Henrietta Nicholson, Marchioness of Zetland. I haven't yet read the previous book, so for me this was a standalone book.
Henrietta's husband has died and she though he left her some of the untitled things but only to find that he failed to go forward to sign. Marcus is the Scottish cousin who has now inherited the Title and estate and goes forward to check on things and start the ownership process really. There he meets Henrietta where their instant attraction is quick and they go forward with an affair. Although it shouldn't be they can't help their feelings but each has secrets that may hurt their growing relationship.
This was another great page turner from Ms. Gill....loved it.
2019-read 5-star arc-author-publisher ...more2 s Ashton Reads865 256

~single father
~Scottish hero
~widowed heroine
~infertility (which is refreshingly not magically resolved at the end)

This entire novella series was a delight! I especially appreciated in this one that the heroine was unable to have children and yet the hero wanted her more than the possibility of more children (he already has an illegitimate son whom he doesnÂ’t treat any differently than if he were legitimate).

This series was available on audio through Hoopa, and the ebooks are also on KU. If youÂ’re looking for a new indie historical romance author to try, I highly recommend! audiobooks highlander historical-romance ...more2 s Sarah539 31

'Lady Henrietta Zetland is definitely not looking for love again after being widowed so young. She cannot provide the heirs most husbands desire, so is quite happy to abandon the trappings of the ton and the London Season for country life. Yet the moment she meets Marcus Duncan, the new Marquess Zetland, the passion she has long suppressed returns to life and overwhelms all good sense and propriety.

Becoming a marquess is just what Marcus Duncan needs to save his crumbling Scottish estate. His travels to England to oversee his newly acquired estates throw him into the path of his cousin's widow. Marcus is instantly charmed by Henrietta, and when a passionate love affair ensues the last thing he expects is to lose his heart to her. Wanting more, he fears that the secret he's hiding will drive her away...but Henrietta has a secret of her own that could separate them forever.'

is the sixth and final book in Tamara Gill's Lords of London series. Henrietta is connected to other characters in the series in that she is the daughter of Darcy and Cameron, the Duke and Duchess of Athelby, whom we met in the first book of the series. However it is not necessary to read that book first, each book in this series can easily serve as a stand-alone book.

I was a bit disappointed by the addition of the mysterious Scottish maid into the household. The same maid that was caught conversing with Marcus and ran away when Henrietta and her cousin were seen. I figured this was to be the maid that fled his Scottish estate and that there was going to be a fair amount of drama from this. But then nothing was done with her character and it just felt pointless and anti-climatic that she was even brought up in the first place.

What I enjoyed the moments when Marcus would shock Henrietta and her more refined sensibilities with his freer speech. Although they have an instant attraction, they di not act on it at first and so the romance between them progressed at a good pace.

There is a bit of misunderstanding here, as in many historical romances. But I agreed with both characters' decisions to withhold their secrets. Hers was deeply personal and it made sense that she would not share it unless the relationship became serious enough. And Marcus kept his secret in order to protect someone he loves from scorn. They both decide to disclose their secrets at the same time which does not go ideally, but I sympathized with both of them and agreed with how they went about it.

This was a great series, I recommend the entire Lords of London series to those who enjoy historical romances.
I read this book with my Kindle Unlimited membership.kindle-unlimited4 s Rozzie379 14

Lady Henrietta Nicholson, Marchioness of Zetland, is distraught. HenriettaÂ’s husband the Marquess has just passed away and she canÂ’t imagine her life without him. Luckily the Marquisate has passed to her husbandÂ’s Scottish cousin, Marcus. When Henrietta meets Marcus there is almost an immediate kinship. Even though Marcus has plans to kick Henrietta out of the house since it is now his. As Marcus spends more time with Henrietta his plan starts to change and pretty soon he wants Henrietta to be his. Henrietta secretly does Marcus so the two enter into an affair despite how wrong it is. Still there are family and deep dark secrets that could tear them apart. Are Marcus and Henrietta willing to risk everything for love?
This wonderful short story is filled with so many things from strong characters, good descriptive places, a few good plot twists and a lovely little romance all in one! The story does start off sad due to a death but is able to move past that giving both the hero and heroine time for their relationship to develop. The cover is beautifully done as well. Henrietta is a good strong heroine who isnÂ’t scared to speak her mind but changes when she and Marcus finally get together. Then it is one misunderstanding after another and a few times it is a little frustrating that they both donÂ’t talk to each other to resolve things. Marcus the Scottish hero is definitely a noble guy giving Henrietta time but again if they would have corresponded about the estate via mail making one wonder why they didnÂ’t do that in the first place. Also if Marcus told the truth about his family situation instead believing all the doubts just by talking then things would have to drag out as it did. So of course the miscommunication is the root of the problem but if one can look past that then the story is enjoyable. Still the book is a nice quick read that manages to engage the reader while reading it.
1 Niki (mustreadalltheromance)1,174 90

Lady Henrietta Nicholson, Marchioness of Zetland, has just buried her beloved husband, Walter. Now she is faced with the daunting task of running his unentailed Surrey estate, Kewell Hall, on her own, but she finds this very much preferable to putting on a happy face for London's elite. Henrietta feels she needs time alone to grieve and come to terms with spending the rest of her life alone; she can't remarry in good conscience knowing that she can never have children.

For Scottish Laird Marcus Duncan inheriting the marquesate of Zetland from his distant cousin couldn't have come at a better time, though he does feel awful for the late marquess' family. Now he must leave his home in Scotland and his beloved son Arthur to deal with the legalities of his inheritance. Marcus is thankful he'll at least be able to provide his son with a more stable future and hopefully counteract the stigma of his son's illegitimacy.

When he finally gets around to touring the last estate, Kewell Hall, a year later Marcus is surprised to find his cousin's widow still in residence since he owns the property now. He feels a cad telling her the estate is his but he needs the funds to better his son's future and repair his own estates in Scotland. Yet he finds himself making excuses to extend his stay at Kewell Hall with the marchioness. Both are surprised by their reaction to each other, but since Marcus has a finite time left in England and Henrietta has strong reasons not to marry, it seems impossible for them to have any sort of future together.

This was a quick story with plot points that are new to me in regards to the hero and I found that interesting. The book held my interest and I thoroughly enjoyed it.

I voluntarily read and reviewed an advanced copy of this book. All thoughts and opinions are my own.
arc hero-is-titled mehh ...more1 Space Cowgirl3,957 128

Two Great Loves
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