
Road Signs That Say West de Sylvia Gunnery

de Sylvia Gunnery - Género: English
libro gratis Road Signs That Say West


Left to house sit one summer while their parents are in Europe, three sisters set out on a cross-Canada road trip instead. Through near disasters, new acquaintances, and the revelation of close-kept secrets, the sisters' ties are by turns tested and strengthened.

It's Hanna's wild idea, of course: take their mom's car, pack up the tent, and drive across the country. Just three sisters, one guitar, and the Trans Canada Highway. They can be back in Nova Scotia before their parents are home from Europe. She doesn't say she wants to forget about what happened in Italy, and at university. Claire doesn't say she keeps having nightmares about her friend's recent suicide. Megan doesn't say much, unless it's a complaint. But maybe they all feel, somehow, that this is their one chance to do something together, something big, before time begins to scatter them.

With empathy and insight, Sylvia Gunnery writes an engaging summer read about three sisters navigating the difficult roads of adolescence, trauma, secrets, shame, and fear for the future.

Peopled with chance encounters and warmed with fireside heart-to-hearts, Road Signs that Say West is a compelling ride through real life.

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I really love road trip books but Road Signs That Say West just wasn't for me.
I thought it was poorly written and I hated how it jumped from perspective to perspective. I felt Megan was a pointless character and she was even less developed than the other two girls.
I was pretty bored through out the whole book and nothing interesting really happened.
I d the idea of this book but the overall execution wasn't great.arcs11 s LauraAuthor 1 book126

As soon as I read the book description, I was pulled to the storyline about three sisters who take a road trip. In my family we are three sisters and I stories that center on sisterhood. I d that the trip was across Canada from Nova Scotia to Vancouver, including a stopover in my city of Montreal.

For the most part I did enjoy this book, but the writing had me confused at times. I found myself rereading certain sections to make sure I did not miss anything. I think the author used the omniscience point of view and jumping from one perspective to another was jarring and confusing at times. I d all three sisters, even surly Megan. All three sisters were different and had their own issues. I'm not sure that these issues were resolved though, and the ending left me unsatisfied.

The best part of the novel was how the sisters experienced life together and grew closer by the end of the trip, although it was in subtle ways. I also found the parents to be too relaxed when they found out the girls just up and left to drive across the whole country, especially after the traumatic emotional situations they experienced. Suicide of a close friend and sexual harassment and stalking are big issues to deal with, and I think parents would tend to stay close to help their kids deal with their grief, loss and fears.ya-fiction1 Sue560 28

*Review copy received from publisher*

Although I really d the sisterly relationship and road-trip setting, I felt that this story rambled about disjointedly and the characters flakey (without substance).
The ending was... non-existent. Don't expect any closure!arc grief young-adult1 Laura2,903 83

Life doesn't have a conclusion. Perhaps that is what this book is about. A basic road trip, from the east coast of Canada to the west coast, with stops along the way.

And that doesn't make a story in itself, does it? So, put three sisters, first, Hannah who has a problem that has to do with sexual harassment, but we don't know what happened. Second sister, Claire, has problems because a friend committed suicide, and she feels she should have figured it out, and stopped it. And the third sister is just a third sister, Megan, who just seems to. be there to have another voice.

I had trouble getting into this novel because the third person omniscient voice keeps jumping around from person to person. We get into the inner voices of just about everyone we meet on the road. I suppose that is a good way to find out what they are thinking, but it is jarring, as we jump around. Plus, we didn't need that information.

I'm not sure who to recommend this book to, other for those who might want to read about a trip from the east to west coast, as there is a good description of the places they visit.

Thanks to Netgalley for making this book available for an honest review.1 Anna514 8

I received this ARC from Netgalley in exchange for an honest review.

Road trip books are always a good read when done well. This book had a lot of potential with 3 sisters driving from Nova Scotia to Vancouver. The problem is that it read an outline.

Each of the girls has a background, but we're given the briefest of details. I don't think Megan had anything aside from being a killjoy. The roadtrip itself feels rushed from place to place. Canada from East to West is quite a distance, but it didn't seem they were driving far. I feel I was reading someone hitting the points of a novel as opposed to reading the novel. That may be because the writing style didn't work.

This book has great potential, but needs serious fleshing out.arc young-adult-kids1 Dove398

Another fantastic read. I love any book about a good road trip or vacation because they are absolutely magnificent to read in the summer. They are easy to get lost in and you feel you are travelling with them. I can picture myself on this adventure, meeting the same people and going through the same events, which makes this book all the more amazing. This was a quick read, I read it in one sitting and I loved it. I couldn't tear my eyes away from this book. It was just magical. In fact, I'm going on a road trip myself, and I read this in the car, which made me love the book more because it helped me get excited over the little things on the road trip. The aspect I d the most was that it was a Canadian road trip. I hardly ever read books that take place in Canada but in this book, the girls were travelling from Nova Scotia to British Columbia. They took some detours in places Manitoba as they picked up hitchhikers and talked to random guys and fell in love. I really d how they were so open to summer flings and how she fell in love with bear in Manitoba. Their family was so cute. I loved how the sisters bonded and how they all had their own individual problems that they shared with each other and solved. The whole thing with Caleb and depression and dioxide was an amazing addition because I love learning about mental health as it's a super relevant issue. Overall, a perfect read and I highly recommend it. It made me look forward to where I'm heading -- Nova Scotia!!
Victoria Perkins39

I was sent this book with some low expectations. The I had read didn't sit well with me and I was a little worried but I decided to keep my hopes and keep an open mind. To be honest, the were right; the book was really just ok. It wasn't terrible and I didn't have any really strong feelings about it, but I didn't really connect with the characters, the plot wasn't as interesting as it had the potential to be, and Megan was severely underdeveloped. The only one of the three sisters that I really connected with was Clare, but even she could have used more development. Hanna's backstory was probably the most well written and most interesting part of the entire book, but Hanna really had no personality. The part that really bugged me was the change of perspective. It was difficult to tell when perspectives changed and whose perspective they changed to. In some parts I was so confused about who was speaking, I read entire paragraphs thinking I was in the head of one character when really I was in the head of another. Overall, I gave the book two stars because the idea was good, it just wasn't executed properly.own Julia165

It wasn't a BAD book, per se, but I do think that it lacked the development it needed. Sylvia Gunnery covered some pretty heavy topics here, and I think it was done pretty well, but it really needed more development to make me care about the characters and understand what was going on inside of their heads. Somehow, this book seemed both too rushed and to drag.
Still, it wasn't bad. I finished it in two sittings (which isn't really saying much - it's 200 pages - but that's beside the point) and I generally enjoyed it. I thought that the characters were able and that they had a lot of potential, but it just keeps coming back to how this book needed more development for both the characters and their plotlines. It almost seemed this book was just going through the motions. Again, this wasn't a terrible book. I enjoyed the relationships between the sisters and I found Claire's plotline to elicit sympathy and understanding, but I still needed more!
Okay, this is getting really repetitive so

Tl;dr: It's an okay book that needed more development to reach its full potential Courtney700 7

I only gave this a one star because I just couldn't get into it. I gave up after reading only the first quarter of the book. The idea of three sisters on a road trip across Canada was wildly appealing to me. The problem was, I didn't find any of the characters the least bit interesting and the writing was just too choppy to follow. The perspective is constantly changing and it just did not flow, at all. It felt stream of consciousness at its worst. I just couldn't find any enjoyment in the way it was written. Perhaps it turns out to be a fun story, but I just couldn't get past the way it was written.netgalley teens Cat3,294 34

No the best written story I've ever read, but I d the premise: three sisters and a road trip across the country. What could not be good about this?! So the characters aren't really well developed, the plot meanders a bit, people come and go.... it's a road trip and a light summer read! So what! It's still a fun story! Have a lazy summer day? Pull up to a shady spot, park and read this story. Nothing deep, nothing complicated, but maybe you'll be inspired to take a road trip of your own. Oh, and the ending? Non-existing! It just meanders off and you can think of your own! And that is ok!
I received a Kindle ARC from Netgalley in exchange for a fair review. Nada Loughead613 11

A young adult journey - was looking forward to the cross-Canada road trip but the writing style had me give up. Too bad. Won this book on Goodreads.
http://www.bookcrossing.com/journal/1... Darrell Knippshild97

Not really my thing but I am sure teenage girls will love it. At least it didn't have too adult themes which I hate in a teen novel. It was well written. Low rating is prob not fair is it is only based on my interest. Keep that in mind!goodreads Michelle24 4

I am often on the look out for new books for my classroom. Many of my students are often nervous taking on YA novels that are now very commonly over 300 pages. I look forward to sharing it with them this fall, especially since the author is also from Nova Scotia.summer-2018-reads Sara260 5

ARC provided by NetGalley and Pajama Press

Right from the get-go I was annoyed by the jumpy writing style and it didn't get any better as the book went on. Scenes would cut away very abruptly, and sometimes in the middle of a chapter, with no explanation as to what happened at the conclusion of the proceeding action.

The only reason I really pushed through this one is because I enjoy travelogues and wanted to give this one a fair go, but the characters and the story just fell really flat for me. None of the characters had a unique voice and despite the fact that they all had their own personal dramas happening, outside of the road trip, I just couldn't care about what had happened to them or what would happen as the story went on.2017-releases arc netgalley Shonna Froebel3,905 70

http://cdnbookworm.blogspot.ca/2017/0...canadian teen-fiction Sonia Knippshild266

Goodreads. Will be a good read for teenage girls. Not really my thing but it was well written.goodreads Paige251 73

I was provided a copy of this novel for review consideration. This in no way affects my thoughts expressed in this review
Seeing as I am a huge fan of road trip novels, I couldn't wait to dive into this one. This book had the ability to be all the things, unfortunately, it turned out to be, well, none of them.

The beginning was strong, I will give this book that. The little sibling arguments and rivalry was realistic enough, but the book's overall execution left something to be desired. I felt this book could have been much longer than it was, perhaps even somehow broken into several novels. It seemed more of an overview than a full-length novel. This left me not only unable to feel I was truly experiencing a road trip(something I've felt in the past when reading some of my favorite road trip novels), but it also left me completely unable to connect with the characters. Sadly, that made them mostly unlikable to me. This is not to say the novel didn't have its bright points, it did. Some of my favorite scenes involved following a character that had a small, supporting role. That said, having extra viewpoints outside of the sisters sometimes left me a bit confused about what was going on. So many side stories were never resolved, and the ending was honestly very abrupt. I so, so wanted to love this book and I do not take negative feedback lightly. However, unless there is plans for future novels in a series this book left way too many loose ends for me to feel comfortable recommending it. If you want an okay read and are cool with not having all your questions answered then, by all means, give it a try! There was a lot to love within the pages, it just didn't do it for me overall. Brandi125

2.5- This book was a fun quick read, there were some problems. But if anyone's looking for a quick read about a road trip across Canada that also touches some darker topics depression, suicide and sexual assault. This is the book for you. Ms. Nguyen320 21

I was able to read this book through Net Galley! This book was just about three sisters taking a cross country road trip. It could have been an interesting story, but it was just terribly written. It bounced from perspective to perspective (not in a good way), and it really provided nothing interesting in completely flat characters. young-adult Morgan32 9

DNF - writing style was too disjointed and the characters had no substance. MarieAuthor 25 books878 Read

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