
Nicoli (Lucian & Lia Book 9) de Sydney Landon

de Sydney Landon - Género: English
libro gratis Nicoli (Lucian & Lia Book 9)


Sydney Landon Publisher: Sydney Landon, Year: 2020

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Middle of the road

This book had so many possibilities. It had the means to cause so much angst and drama and it fell flat for me. I have loved this series from the beginning but the last two books, seemed so much surface with no real feeling. Plot twists came out of nowhere and could have been so good but caused little to no drama. Loved nic and Minka but felt the love story was glossed over and rushed. It was still nice to visit this world of characters 1 Missey L.1,404 3

Disappointed with the way this book ended... I don't want to give anything away so I'll leave it at that...1 Melania398 10

I am a big fan of Sydney, read all her books, but this is one of my least favorite.
Mink was a cheating bi* !
In the beginning she loves Malone but is in a relationship with Nicoli for 6 months. She cheats him and them almost in the end she realize that she love Nicoli, not Malone. How? Because Malone doesn't wants to retire and have a relationship with her. Then she loses her memory, only 1 month - exactly when she cheated. And guess what? She is pregnant....
Hated it!This entire review has been hidden because of spoilers.Show full reviewcrime1 Candace624 2

Nicoli and Minka. The last book in the series and I wasn't mad at it. Nicoli knows he's in love with her but finds out he's the outsider (We find out in Book 8 that Minka is ATF, Marco is FBI and Anthony and Lee all know about their jobs). When he finds out that she's keeping secrets, he doesn't tell her he knows but their sex life (they were rabbits) becomes non-existent overnight. Its he's ghosting her but they live together. He flirts with some neighbor in front of Minka. I almost died when she tells Nina about him farting on the couch. That'll kill any mood. When Nicoli was pushing her away, she went to Malone (head of the taskforce that Marco and Minka are working in; she's had a 10 year plus relationship, mostly sexual, with him) and ended up having sex with him. He had always been Minka's rock. He was the only person that truly knew her and she didn't have to hide anything with him. But it was purely sexual. Yeah they loved each other but they both knew there would be no future for them.

Malone shows up and shit starts hitting the fan. They believe the enemy is some new kingpin that no one has ever seen but is well known as becoming a player in the crime of the city. Not being able to figure out the kingpin's identity, they go to Tony and Lee. They are shot at, Tony's club is blown up, etc.

Well come to find out, Tony's dad (former head of the Moretti family) wasn't actually killed all those years ago. His death was staged and he lives in California and is helping the government by infiltrating different crime syndicates and playing the role of this new crime boss. Very few people know that he's alive. Some politician is planning on running for president and he doesn't want there to be any loose ends that could possibly expose this politican's role in the crime stuff (it wasn't he killed someone; he just aided in the faux death of Tony's dad).

The politician send his men to Tony's compound. The Gavino family (Minka's family) show up and help the Moretti's kill the assassins sent to kill everyone. Minka is shot in the chest and nicked in the head. She spends a while in the hospital in a medically induced coma (to give her body time to heal). Nicoli is devastated because he loves her and wants to forgive everything and let go of the grudges he had been holding (he already let go of the fart) including the cheating thing.

While in the hospital we find out that Minka is pregnant. They all pretty much know that it is Malone's baby (Nicoli and Minka weren't intimate but she was with Malone). Knowing this, Nicoli is still in love with her and will raise her baby as his. Malone is loaded and plans to provide for the baby financially but knows fatherhood isn't in his future. He gives the baby $10 million. She loves Malone but isn't "in love" with him. She's in love with Nicoli and wants the marriage and family with him.This entire review has been hidden because of spoilers.Show full review1 Patricia BriouxAuthor 1 book48

Ahhh, noooo…I am so conflicted with this one guys. I loved this series, it’s been one of my favourites this year, but if I’m being honest, this one was a bit of a let down; and I hate saying that because I have mad respect for Sydney and this world she has created, but I am pissed. Minka royally f*cked up, and I get it, she was knocking on deaths door, but f*ck that. I hate that she wasn’t made accountable for her actions, and I say that out of respect for Minka; that wasn’t who she was as a character. She f*cked up, she fixed it. She takes the slap, and deals with the consequences, so I hate that option wasn’t available for her within this read because it feels it’s incomplete in a way. *And I don’t know how to explain it, it just feels blah.

As for Nic, I would lay down my life for a man that one. My heart broke for him throughout this entire read. First, he was too good for Min and if I’m being completely honest, secondly, and I love this man I do, but he was to good for Marco too. They took, took, and took, and I get it, they did it for his protection…yada, yada, yada…but f*ck that. Nic deserved the truth and he only got it because he forced it upon them. I think he was way to forgiving, and I wish his story would have been tied up with a prettier bow then the one he was given, because that man was more than a hero in this read; he was a best friend, a loyal confidant, an honest lover, and the best of the best. He never took, he always gave, and I think more than not, he was taken advantage of by the people that should have loved him most.

Then there is Malone; I don’t not having answers, and I need some soon because this man is one convoluted mess that we are just now scratching the service of. I also think it’s important to note I actually don’t hate him for what happened between him and Min because ultimately, that was her betrayal to own, not his. I have mixed feelings about him sure, but I think I’d his character if he were given his own book simply because he intrigued me. There’s more to his story I can feel it, so crossing my fingers we get to see where that leads.

Anyways I said earlier, I love this series. NO, I wasn’t thrilled with the ending, but hey, make your own judgement and crack that spine baby because you never know, maybe you’ll just love it. Badass Lioness375 14

For me, this book continues this series that has only gotten funnier, full of twists, and sexy romance. Minka is 37, not looking for love and marriage, and doesn't realize he cover was unexpectedly blown. This causes Nicoli to doubt her and Marco, which increased the interest and suspense.

The mixing of two mafia families for a second time could have been repetitive, but the author found a way to keep it fresh. Just when I thought I knew what was coming, something else would go wrong. It kept me up at night to finish it.

I enjoy when previous characters are included, kn this case that was Nina and Marco. And then there are side characters that change everything.

Betrayal, discovering who Castillo is, and having to defend from a common enemy made the suspense stronger than the romance, and it worked.

My faves in this series are books 6-9, surprising to me. I found the women in those books to be feisty, funny, and badass. The alpha heroes are good too.romance-in-her-prime Sara B258 1 follower

Minka and Nicoli

This is book 9 of the series. It starts off shortly after Marcos story ended . Minka and Nicoli have a very steamy relationship. That is passionate and they fight a lot. But its mostly because they are two people from the the mafia but different familys. Although the families get a long they kind have some dont cross the line. Minka has other secrets she is also a ATF and working with thw FBI. There is a lot of twist in this story and some misunderstanding. But as they find out the truth and some surprise people come back from the dead . I love that Lee and Tony are in here as well as Marco. Lician and his aunt make an apperiance as well. This is a great story. I would recommend reading the whole series. Great writing and pulls you in you wont want to out it down. Laetitia1,264 32

I d the story overall and for the last book it was good. Nicoli and Minka are from rival mafia families but they love each other and are dating since the events of the last book. Minka was living a double life that she had to protect no matter what. The only person who truly understood her predicament was Marco. Nicoli and Minka were great together but she also had feelings for Malone. This bokk was full of twists and turns but in the end things worked out for the best. Minka and Nicoli were always going to end up together because they were truly in love, even after all the secrets were revealed, they still stayed by each other's sides. I enjoyed the series overall with all the stories being connected and all the wild twists. An338 1 follower

This is book nine in the series and I have been there for each one. The last book, Marco, fell short for me and I was hoping for a reprieve with Nicoli.
Unfortunately, that didn’t happen. It started off ok, but soon went back to a bunch of inner dialogue about secrets, etc and not focusing on the story of the two main characters.

I don’t want to say too much, but I felt these last two books were not up to the caliber this series is known to have.

I recommend this to fans of the series to gain some closure, but this should not be your first read from the series. Start at the beginning with ‘Pierced’.

Elizabeth Swain1,026 26

The Best in the Series! Elizabeth @ Carolina Chic’s Read

Nicoli & Minka is a story of how two people stay together in an impossible situation. These two are very much in love but have not said the words to each other. A series of events unfold and have them both wondering if love is enough and have they been wrong all along. Throw in the Mafia families and double lives you have a recipe for a truly emotional and intense story! Hang on and enjoy every minute!

PS: Nicoli is mine! I’m claiming him right now! ????

?????????? Five Stars! ?????????? Susan Cornwall313 3

Absolutely loved it

Absolutely loved this book,wonderful characters and a great story line. I have read all of them and they just got better with each one. Very well written with lots of surprises and twists you will not be expecting. Would recommended this see if you strong men and women. Sadlovesongslover116 10

I loved this series. But then Marco was not so great. And I knew Nicoli was going to be good so I wasn't too upset. Then it comes out and it freaking sucked! really??? She cheats on him, gets pregnant and we don't even know who the father is.. WTH?? There were so many ways this could have been great. This little hooker cheats and then forgets and he forgives.This entire review has been hidden because of spoilers.Show full review Debbie Harrison363

There's nothing catching up with old friends

Visiting our old favourites is always a great thing
Nic and Minka are the stars of this book
Great banter between characters makes you think you are there with them
Another amazing book
Well worth reading Rose Marie Gutierrez13

This one had me on a rollercoaster ride from the beginning. Lots of twists and turns and who you least expect it a big surprise is in store. I love the way Ms Landon gets the reader involved with the storyline. Lee Anne Lane1,303 4

Loved Nicoli and Minka’s story. Wonderful blending of characters from throughout the series. This was one filled with surprises and unexpected visitors. Add in some explosions, gunshots and lies. Be prepared for the plot twists! SweetReads138

OMG. Binge read this entire series. The twists and turns keep you guessing Minka is a bad ass hiding a lonely woman with not 1 but 2 hard ass men in her life that challenge her and love her. Life isn't easy but when your life is threatened love may be all there is. Im sad to see this series end. Donna116


Nicoli and Minka have know each other for a while, but it takes a threat and a betrayal to bring them together. It’s not a smooth or easy road but a truly satisfying one. Joanne Edwards13

Great book

Great read I really hope this isn’t the last we hear of the group, I want to know more about Luc Dawn A, Eason12 Read

I love this complete series. It had a twist that I never saw coming. Sandra R749 1 follower


I would not have expected it to end the it did. It was a very interesting story. Can not wait to see happens next. Book lover39 1 follower

I don't why cheating is normalized and easily forgiven. There is no coming back from that. Not my idea of a romance novelThis entire review has been hidden because of spoilers.Show full review Tammy DeLong Baker90

not as good as the rest of the series. Gerry1,302

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