
La alegría de perderse cosas de Svend Brinkmann

de Svend Brinkmann - Género: Ficcion
libro gratis La alegría de perderse cosas


Un inteligente y provocativo manifiesto en favor del decrecimiento personal y contra la presión moderna por hacer, tener y ser más. Un libro que verdaderamente ayuda. ¿Hay algo peor que quedarnos al margen de la última novedad o experiencia? En un mundo obsesionado con hacer más, tener más, consumir más, experimentar más, el «miedo a perdernos algo» o FOMO —nombre del síndrome por sus siglas en inglés—, se ha vuelto una epidemia. Pero esta búsqueda incesante de la gratificación y la realización personal no parece hacernos más felices, o más libres. ¿Cómo mantener el foco en un mundo lleno de opciones y estímulos? El filósofo y psicólogo danés Svend Brinkmann nos propone recuperar la moderación y el autocontrol para aprender a discernir qué es lo importante, decir que no y perdernos esa multitud de cosas que, en el fondo, nos impiden valorar lo que tenemos, sentirnos bien con quiénes somos y con cómo es nuestra vida. Cultivar la moderación y tener la valentía de comprometernos con algo, dejando de lado las constantes opciones y tentaciones que dominan nuestra sociedad de consumo, nos permitirá desarrollar un modo de vida más satisfactorio y una mejor conexión con nosotros mismos, con los demás y con el planeta que todos compartimos. Un libro necesario que nos recuerda que perderse cosas puede ser una auténtica fuente de alegría.

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????????31 s ???? ????????Author 3 books139

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“It has become difficult ever to say that someone or something is good enough. We are all supposed to be engaged in lifelong learning processes, i.e. processes with no end. They never stop.”

Perhaps I am getting crotchety in my old(er) age, bur there are some words that have been popularized over the last 10 years or so that I can’t stand and refuse to say. Among them: “Selfie”, “Influencer” (in the sense of prostituting yourself to advertisers in the hope they will give you free stuff and in return you promote their products on Youtube), “Woke” and “FOMO” or “The Fear of Missing Out”. In the case of the author Svend Brinkmann, it seems I have a kindred spirit.
Brinkmann finding the term FOMO troubling, if not an accurate depiction of modern society, has instead coined his own term, “JOMO” or the Joy of Missing Out, which coincidentally is the title of this book.
He argues that society is always moving on to the next big thing and lives in a kind of existential dread of being out of the loop. Therefore we discard perfectly useful cars, phones, televisions etc., in order to keep up with where society (advertisers) say we should be. We are promised happiness if we do so but as it turns out, few of us really are. Rather we are on an endless treadmill where real satisfaction and happiness is no closer than before we bought that new iphone (as an aside, my iPhone 5 broke last summer and I promptly replaced it with…another iPhone 5). Rather than opt in to this endless cycle of gratification followed by what he refers to as “aesthetic despair”. He argues that we should instead opt out, and live a life of moderation where we are satisfied with what we have. Doing so enables us to use the time we would otherwise use pursuing the buzz of obtaining more, to grow as human beings and better citizens.
Brinkmann however is not only critical of consumer culture but our willingness to discard long standing societal norms in the name of being the best self we can be. In particular, he spends a significant amount of time discussing ritual (marriage, funerals, moving into adulthood) that not only provide community but links to the past with those who practiced such rituals before us. That many are now choosing to do things according to their “brand” or “narrative” (two more words when used to describe human life that I abhor) rather than following traditions is in his opinion a contributing factor to unhappiness and an unease that is not always easy to pinpoint.
While I agreed with many of his points, some of his arguments lacked any observable data or examples.
One that stood out in particular was what was probably just a throw away sentence about education and reading:

“The point about books though is that it can be free to read them and a decent education is needed in order to appreciate them properly.”

Is that the point? Someone ask Abraham Lincoln who never had a “decent education” if he appreciated Shakespeare (he did). My high school resembled a war zone more than a series of classrooms but you can’t tell me I didn’t or couldn’t appreciate reading even back then. It’s ironic because Brinkmann spends a lot of time talking about how he doesn’t want to come off as elitist, especially in the context of telling people in the 3rd world that they should learn to make do with less.
My only other criticism would be that while Mr. BrinkmannÂ’s book is heavily sourced and footnoted for such a slim volume, he spends a great deal of time quoting others rather than developing his own ideas. In addition, he is quite fond of referencing his own books. A lot. Even his footnotes contain citations linking back to critiques he wrote of the work heÂ’s citing. Yikes. If you didnÂ’t know BrinkmannÂ’s previous work before picking up this volume, he ensures you will once youÂ’re done.
While there is not a lot of new ground broken here (essentially we should all slow down, stop multi-tasking, and live less selfishly), this book is still a quick but interesting reminder to put away your phone every once in a while spend some time with other human beings.
10 s Emmkay1,273 122

Slim but packed little manifesto by a Danish psychologist with an interest in philosophy. He argues for the value of self-restraint and ‘making do’ on a societal and individual level, and against the ‘formlessness’ of constantly pursuing our desires and individualized self-improvement. I haven’t read his work before, so the frequent references to his other books were a small annoyance. However, overall it tied together a number of interesting threads and the lens it provided made good sense. I expect I will continue to think over these ideas for some time. 2020-reads non-fiction translated10 s Julie Rasmine Larsen253 214

"Vi må lære at gå glip, ikke som en tom øvelse i askese, men for at sikre, at der er nok til alle."

Svend Brinkmann har begået en lille bog med et stort budskab. En af de bøger du IKKE vil GÅ GLIP af i år! Læs den. Nu! 9 s Tirdad97 46

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A compact read incorporating existential, ethical, psychological and aesthetic standpoints about why we should avoid the ‘fear of missing out’. This was made more enjoyable due to the inclusion of a philosophical argument: we need to find balance through moderation, as part of a sustainable world. This principle is as old as Socrates and here Aristotle’s ethics is covered. The reader is introduced to the concept of Sophrosyne, or the notion that excellence of character and soundness of mind can only be achieved when one practises self-restraint, prudence and moderation. It’s a bit the opposite of hubris, indeed if my Classical education serves me these concepts are often presented in opposition. Think The Illiad, when arrogant and debased Agamemnon whisks away the hero Achilles’s booty prize,Briseis, just because he can. But l digress.

There are other books out there on JOMO now, that are almost self-help in nature. This neat offering was more tentative and suggested that there is great pleasure to be found in simplicity.

Recommended. 7 s Mariamosh152 1 follower

Första boken "Stå fast" var genial - en antisjälvhjälpsbok skriven som en självhjälpsbok där författaren vill få läsarna att ta på sig nejhatten och sparka ens inre coach. Uppföljaren "Tag ställning" var också rätt bra, en slags crash course i filosofi, moral och etik med fokus på dygden Godhet. Denna tredje bok däremot, var inte alls lika fyndig och träffande som de två tidigare. Brinkmann namedroppar filosofer och andra tänkare i sån fart att det blir svårt att hänga med. Och de få handfasta tips på hur vi går från FoMo till JoMo känns förutsägbara och trista.
Sorry Svend, gillade det tidigare, men nu har du sjunkit för djupt ner en virrig filosofiröra för att hålla mig intresserad.5 s sophia douglas61

i agree with the authors perception of our overly competitive world, however some of his politics seemed to counter the ethical concerns in the bookÂ… ngl it started reading a moderate manifesto. i also wished he spoke more of the art of being alone. he made great arguments regarding silence, but nothing was said on introversion. i fear that if the author were american, he would fall into a state of meionexia with his grey stoic takes. perhaps i am irrational, but i value the vastness of human emotion. too much moderation can cause a life devoid of passion. 4 s Yasoon43 9

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Det fremstår tydeligt at den udelukkende er skrevet for at profilere på julesalget. 130 sider, uden det store indhold.

Stå stedet af samme forfatter var en fornøjelse at læse. Gå glip er dog en halv fesen efterfølger. Den indeholder et par gode pointer, det er dog det eneste der er at komme efter.4 s Narges Joneidi39 5

???? ????? ?????? ???? ???? ?? ?? ???? ??? ? ????? ???. ?? ???? ??? ??????? ??????? ? ?????????? ?? ????? ????????? ?????????? ?????? ???????. 4 s Oskar Mortensen12 1 follower

Bogen har en fin titel, Resten mangler ligesom bare.3 s Hadi121 110

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Well structured and well argued book, in a way quite "old fashioned" in that it eschews the modern urge of "having it all". Brinkmann is a psychologist, but his book is more philosophical, as it quotes Aristotle, Plato, Kierkegaard, the stoics and Foucault, for instance. But I believe he wants to create a basis for his ideas of how to psychologically feel and function better in the modern era.

So those looking for a "fix yourself in 10 lessons" kind of book will be disappointed, as Brinkmann is more interested in laying an ideological foundation for learning "JOMO", the "Joy of Missing Out", a term based on today's prevalent "FOMO - Fear of Missing Out" (exacerbated by the ever present social media, for sure!):

"We are constantly invited to do something, think something, experience something, buy something, consume something. ... we rarely practice the art of self-restraint, of saying no and opting out - those are skills we lack both as individuals and as a society." (p. 2-3)

Brinkmann argues there are five dimensions to moderation: political, existential, ethical, psychological, and an aesthetic, and the book describes these aspects, in what I think are excellent arguments. It is worth noting, that he also points out a basic flaw in Walter Mischel's famous "Marshmallow-tests" (on children's self-restraint). He also shows why Donald Trump's "positive thinking"-philosophy (based on Norman Vincent Peale's famous book "The Power of Positive Thinking") is flawed, and why it brings havoc.

The book is excellent, and admirably succint. The trick now is, of course, to put this wisdom into practice. I think - I hope! - this book will continue to engage my thoughts and actions for quite some time - maybe for a lifetime?

3 s SusanAuthor 6 books24

A bit dry but also complete common sense3 s Rahil33

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I give 5 stars because it makes me think outside the square. People in Western or affluent Westernised society typically think that life is short, you must have a bucket list to tick off countries you must visit, experiences you must not miss out on and things you must have such as building your own dream home one day.

Svend Brinkmann, a Danish university professor of Philosophy, turns this conventional thinking upside down. He is persuasive in arguing that firstly, planet earth is not sustainable if too many people are you. Secondly, from the perspective of character, there is a lot to be said for someone who is prepared to miss out on their fair due so that others could have more. There is even a name for this virtue, meionexia, given by ancient philosophers.

It is inspiring to read the passages on the Beauty of Simplicity in the Art of Self Restraint in Life. Here he lays down 7 very important points in a guideline on how to live such a life, each of which makes a great deal of sense and are really nuggets of wisdom from the ancient Stoics.

There are a few other instances where he introduces new ideas which challenges conventional thinking. For example he writes about the Elitist Trap where people of privilege preach about virtues that are less attainable for those not so fortunate. In the famous Marshmallow Test, it is not as simple as it looks because children of disadvantaged backgrounds are more ly to be exposed to unreliable adults, as a result are less ly to delay gratification in anticipation of rewards from adults of questionable reliability.2 s Grant425 4

This is...not an entirely fair rating, as I'm not sure quite what to make of the book. While it's well-organized and broken up into discrete arguments and concepts, I just found it on the dense side as someone who doesn't regularly dabble in philosophy. What the author is trying to convey certainly rings true, but it's at its most readable and enjoyable around the margins, when he's speaking in a more everyday way. The bulk of the arguments are more academic in nature, and consequently not necessarily for everyone.2 s Jonathan14

Jeg vil ikke antaste bogens budskab; den har sin berettigelse, ja både bog og budskab. Men formen er en tand for tilpasset den kultur, den forsøger at gøre op med. Bogen ægger ikke til fordybelse (med sit eget værk som oplagt mulighed), hvilket synes at være et af hovedpunkterne i bogen; lav en aktiv handling i at fordybe dig i det foreliggende, dine forpligtelser og 'offer' energien ved ikke at lade dig distrahere af alskens fristelser. Hvor selvmodsigende dette end må forekomme.2 s Ehsan59 13

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I started this book because I love the idea of missing out. I live for that. I enjoy the hell out of missing out. You see, I am an introvert and if I had the money, no one would see me ever again. I laugh at that because it wouldn't be completely true. I couldn't stay away from libraries or bookstores. And I have to be the one to purchase certain foods bananas. No one will pick out my bananas. (I also laugh at that because I don't eat bananas, but you get what I'm saying) I wouldn't have to work at missing out, that is my point. So I don't need to read a book that tells me to work at stepping back. The author has a great idea for this book but it is written a report for school. This book would be so good for extroverts. Yep, extroverts really need to read this. non-fiction1 Gjermund Stensrud45 3

r utgangspunktet for boken, men klarte ikke helt å henge med på hva Brinkmann prøver å si.

Klarer ikke helt å slippe det paradoksale med en selvhjelpsbok som slår et slag for JOMO (joy of missing out) samtidig som den kritiserer individualiseringen i selvhjelpsbøker.

Tror egentlig jeg er enig i det meste han sier, det ble bare for selvsagt og intetsigende.1 Mathias Holk Stoltenberg93 2

Stor anbefaling. Svend Brinkmann taler ind i et virkelig vigtigt emne, som han argumenterer dygtigt for med 5 forskellige vinkler.

Dog en smule skørt at opleve hans grundlæggende argumentation bygger på endeligheden, hvor jeg synes, at argumentationen kun ville være stærkere, hvis han argumenterede ud fra det kristne evighedsperspektiv. 1 Frederik602 10

Super self-help book du self-help guru danois, Svend Brinkmann, qui lui-même (paradoxalement) déteste le concept de self-help. Neanmoins, son concept JOMO (joy of missing out) est une bonne anti-dote confronté au malaise de FOMO (fear of missing out) de notre époque de Social Media. 1 Svante Steffensen7

En god reflektion om valg og fravalg1 Pontus Ridderstedt200 5

Kanske inte lika vild och upplyftande som författarens briljanta förstabok. Där finns några goda idéer och inte minst (som verkligen behövs i självhjälpböcker) resonemang om dess begränsningar. Och det är absolut godt nok...1 jenkamichiko Jenny468 31

Jag har läst ”Våga missa” av Svend Brinkmann, utgiven av Norstedts Förlag. Brinkmann är en filosofiintresserad psykolog som i den här boken belyser FOMO i fem olika perspektiv. Det politiska perspektivet var lite tungläst för mig men de andra är högst intressanta. Forskaren sammanfattar essensen hos olika filosofer och linjer. Jag har fått mersmak att läsa filosofernas originalverk efter denna.

Jag har som läsare även fått flera värdefulla boktips om stress, konsumtion, filosofi, beslutsfattande och välmående.

Den här boken behövde jag läsa nu då jag har kämpat mycket med FOMO sedan jag var ung. Det är tack och lov bättre nu. JOMO är något att öva upp och sträva efter.

Vilka insikter och kunskaper har jag förvärvat under och efter läsningen?
-sophrosyne är grekiska för måttfullhet och en kardinaldygd
-vi lever i en GRÄNSLÖS utvecklingskultur som pushar utveckling och förbättring där mållinjen ständigt flyttas längre och längre fram; detta skapar stress
-vad vi INTE gör spelar roll: välja bort saker och förmåga att motstå frestelser, detta övar man upp
-att gå miste om saker är också att förstå att det finns tillräckligt för alla
-istället enligt Kierkegaard vilja ETT med hjärtats renhet
-självkonstans är att stå fast, att i tid och rum vara densamma, att INTE prova olika identiteter
-för självbehärskning behövs ett välutvecklat känsloliv
-”Begäran är som ett läckande fat”
-begränsa val och känna good enough, vara tillfreds med beslut
-streaming är binge-konsumtion utan slut, det bara matar på
-vanor och rutiner är viktiga
-öva upp tacksamhet
-sluta jämföra hela tiden
-öva sig i att vilja mindre, mindre är mer
-hålla frestelser på avstånd

Jag rekommenderar denna varmt. Jag ska även läsa Brinkmanns "Stå fast" om självkonstans och reservera den på biblioteket.
1 ?????? ?????76 2

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